path: root/meta-oe/classes/testlab.bbclass
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-oe/classes/testlab.bbclass')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/meta-oe/classes/testlab.bbclass b/meta-oe/classes/testlab.bbclass
index cd59782a63..fd37242b92 100644
--- a/meta-oe/classes/testlab.bbclass
+++ b/meta-oe/classes/testlab.bbclass
@@ -36,7 +36,10 @@ if [ -e ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/opkg ] && [ "${ONLINE_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT}" = "full"
echo -e "digraph depends {\n node [shape=plaintext]" > ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends.dot
for pkg in $(opkg-cl ${IPKG_ARGS} list_installed | awk '{print $1}') ; do
- opkg-cl ${IPKG_ARGS} info $pkg | grep -B 7 -A 7 "^Status.* \(\(installed\)\|\(unpacked\)\)" | awk '/^Package/ {printf $2"_"} /^Version/ {printf $2"_"} /^Archi/ {print $2".ipk"}' >> ${TESTLAB_DIR}/installed-packages.txt
+ name=`opkg-cl ${IPKG_ARGS} info $pkg | grep -B 7 -A 7 "^Status.* \(\(installed\)\|\(unpacked\)\)" | awk '/^Package/ {printf $2"_"}'`
+ name=$name`opkg-cl ${IPKG_ARGS} info $pkg | grep -B 7 -A 7 "^Status.* \(\(installed\)\|\(unpacked\)\)" | awk -F: '/^Version/ {printf $NF"_"}' | sed 's/^\s*//g'`
+ name=$name`opkg-cl ${IPKG_ARGS} info $pkg | grep -B 7 -A 7 "^Status.* \(\(installed\)\|\(unpacked\)\)" | awk '/^Archi/ {print $2".ipk"}'`
+ echo $name >>${TESTLAB_DIR}/installed-packages.txt
for depends in $(opkg-cl ${IPKG_ARGS} info $pkg | grep ^Depends) ; do
echo "$pkg OPP $depends;" | grep -v "(" | grep -v ")" | grep -v "$pkg OPP Depends" | sed -e 's:,::g' -e 's:-:_:g' -e 's:\.:_:g' -e 's:+::g' |sed 's:OPP:->:g' >> ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends.dot
@@ -65,6 +68,9 @@ if [ -e ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/opkg ] && [ "${ONLINE_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT}" = "full"
du -k $(find ${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK} -name "$file") | head -n1
done | grep "\.ipk" | sed -e s:${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK}::g | sort -n -r | awk '{print $1 "\tKiB " $2}' > ${TESTLAB_DIR}/installed-package-sizes.txt
+ for file in $(cat ${TESTLAB_DIR}/installed-packages.txt) ; do
+ echo "`find ${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK} -name "$file" | xargs opkg-list-fields | grep ^License | sed -e 's/^.*:[ \t]*//g'`" '=' $file
+ done | awk -F= '{printf("%50s:%s\n", $1, $2)}' > ${TESTLAB_DIR}/installed-package-licenses.txt
# Log results to a git controlled directory structure than can be pushed to a remote location
if [ "${TESTLABLOG}" = "remote" ] && [ -n "${TESTLABREMOTEDIR}" ] ; then