path: root/scripts/lib/build_perf/html/measurement_chart.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/lib/build_perf/html/measurement_chart.html')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/lib/build_perf/html/measurement_chart.html b/scripts/lib/build_perf/html/measurement_chart.html
index 65f1a227ad..05bd84e6ce 100644
--- a/scripts/lib/build_perf/html/measurement_chart.html
+++ b/scripts/lib/build_perf/html/measurement_chart.html
@@ -1,50 +1,100 @@
-<script type="text/javascript">
- chartsDrawing += 1;
- google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart_{{ chart_elem_id }});
- function drawChart_{{ chart_elem_id }}() {
- var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
+<script type="module">
+ // Get raw data
+ const rawData = [
+ {% for sample in measurement.samples %}
+ [{{ sample.commit_num }}, {{ sample.mean.gv_value() }}, {{ sample.start_time }}, '{{sample.commit}}'],
+ {% endfor %}
+ ];
- // Chart options
- var options = {
- theme : 'material',
- legend: 'none',
- hAxis: { format: '', title: 'Commit number',
- minValue: {{ chart_opts.haxis.min }},
- maxValue: {{ chart_opts.haxis.max }} },
- {% if measurement.type == 'time' %}
- vAxis: { format: 'h:mm:ss' },
- {% else %}
- vAxis: { format: '' },
- {% endif %}
- pointSize: 5,
- chartArea: { left: 80, right: 15 },
- };
+ const convertToMinute = (time) => {
+ return time[0]*60 + time[1] + time[2]/60 + time[3]/3600;
+ }
- // Define data columns
- data.addColumn('number', 'Commit');
- data.addColumn('{{ measurement.value_type.gv_data_type }}',
- '{{ measurement.value_type.quantity }}');
- // Add data rows
- data.addRows([
- {% for sample in measurement.samples %}
- [{{ sample.commit_num }}, {{ sample.mean.gv_value() }}],
- {% endfor %}
- ]);
+ // Update value format to either minutes or leave as size value
+ const updateValue = (value) => {
+ // Assuming the array values are duration in the format [hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds]
+ return Array.isArray(value) ? convertToMinute(value) : value
+ }
- // Finally, draw the chart
- chart_div = document.getElementById('{{ chart_elem_id }}');
- var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(chart_div);
-, 'ready', function () {
- //chart_div = document.getElementById('{{ chart_elem_id }}');
- //chart_div.innerHTML = '<img src="' + chart.getImageURI() + '">';
- png_div = document.getElementById('{{ chart_elem_id }}_png');
- png_div.outerHTML = '<a id="{{ chart_elem_id }}_png" href="' + chart.getImageURI() + '">PNG</a>';
- console.log("CHART READY: {{ chart_elem_id }}");
- chartsDrawing -= 1;
- if (chartsDrawing == 0)
- console.log("ALL CHARTS READY");
+ // Convert raw data to the format: [time, value]
+ const data =[commit, value, time]) => {
+ return [
+ // The Date object takes values in milliseconds rather than seconds. So to use a Unix timestamp we have to multiply it by 1000.
+ new Date(time * 1000).getTime(),
+ // Assuming the array values are duration in the format [hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds]
+ updateValue(value)
+ ]
+ });
+ // Set chart options
+ const option = {
+ tooltip: {
+ trigger: 'axis',
+ enterable: true,
+ position: function (point, params, dom, rect, size) {
+ return [point[0]-150, '10%'];
+ },
+ formatter: function (param) {
+ const value = param[0].value[1]
+ const sample = rawData.filter(([commit, dataValue]) => updateValue(dataValue) === value)
+ // Add commit hash to the tooltip as a link
+ const commitLink = `${sample[0][3]}`
+ if ('{{ measurement.value_type.quantity }}' == 'time') {
+ const hours = Math.floor(value/60)
+ const minutes = Math.floor(value % 60)
+ const seconds = Math.floor((value * 60) % 60)
+ return `<strong>Duration:</strong> ${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}, <br/> <strong>Commit number:</strong> <a href="${commitLink}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">${sample[0][0]}</a>`
+ }
+ return `<strong>Size:</strong> ${value.toFixed(2)} MB, <br/> <strong>Commit number:</strong> <a href="${commitLink}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">${sample[0][0]}</a>`
+ ;}
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ type: 'time',
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ name: '{{ measurement.value_type.quantity }}' == 'time' ? 'Duration in minutes' : 'Disk size in MB',
+ type: 'value',
+ min: function(value) {
+ return Math.round(value.min - 0.5);
+ },
+ max: function(value) {
+ return Math.round(value.max + 0.5);
+ }
+ },
+ dataZoom: [
+ {
+ type: 'slider',
+ xAxisIndex: 0,
+ filterMode: 'none'
+ },
+ ],
+ series: [
+ {
+ name: '{{ measurement.value_type.quantity }}',
+ type: 'line',
+ step: 'start',
+ symbol: 'none',
+ data: data
+ }
+ ]
+ };
+ // Draw chart
+ const chart_div = document.getElementById('{{ chart_elem_id }}');
+ // Set dark mode
+ let measurement_chart
+ if (window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) {
+ measurement_chart= echarts.init(chart_div, 'dark', {
+ height: 320
- chart.draw(data, options);
+ } else {
+ measurement_chart= echarts.init(chart_div, null, {
+ height: 320
+ });
+ }
+ // Change chart size with browser resize
+ window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
+ measurement_chart.resize();
+ });
+ measurement_chart.setOption(option);