path: root/meta/classes-recipe/rust-bin.bbclass
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/classes-recipe/rust-bin.bbclass')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes-recipe/rust-bin.bbclass b/meta/classes-recipe/rust-bin.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8e7ef8191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes-recipe/rust-bin.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+inherit rust
+RDEPENDS:${PN}:append:class-target = " ${RUSTLIB_DEP}"
+RUSTC_ARCHFLAGS += "-C opt-level=3 -g -L ${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/${rustlibdir} -C linker=${RUST_TARGET_CCLD}"
+# Some libraries alias with the standard library but libstd is configured to
+# make it difficult or imposisble to use its version. Unfortunately libstd
+# must be explicitly overridden using extern.
+ libc \
+ log \
+ getopts \
+ rand \
+def get_overlap_deps(d):
+ deps = d.getVar("DEPENDS").split()
+ overlap_deps = []
+ for o in d.getVar("OVERLAP_LIBS").split():
+ l = len([o for dep in deps if (o + '-rs' in dep)])
+ if l > 0:
+ overlap_deps.append(o)
+ return " ".join(overlap_deps)
+OVERLAP_DEPS = "${@get_overlap_deps(d)}"
+# Prevents multiple static copies of standard library modules
+# See
+RUSTC_PREFER_DYNAMIC = "-C prefer-dynamic"
+CRATE_NAME ?= "${@d.getVar('BPN').replace('-rs', '').replace('-', '_')}"
+BINNAME ?= "${BPN}"
+LIBNAME ?= "lib${CRATE_NAME}-rs"
+CRATE_TYPE ?= "dylib"
+BIN_SRC ?= "${S}/src/"
+LIB_SRC ?= "${S}/src/"
+rustbindest ?= "${bindir}"
+rustlibdest ?= "${rustlibdir}"
+RUST_RPATH_ABS ?= "${rustlibdir}:${rustlib}"
+def relative_rpaths(paths, base):
+ relpaths = set()
+ for p in paths.split(':'):
+ if p == base:
+ relpaths.add('$ORIGIN')
+ continue
+ relpaths.add(os.path.join('$ORIGIN', os.path.relpath(p, base)))
+ return '-rpath=' + ':'.join(relpaths) if len(relpaths) else ''
+RUST_LIB_RPATH_FLAGS ?= "${@relative_rpaths(d.getVar('RUST_RPATH_ABS', True), d.getVar('rustlibdest', True))}"
+RUST_BIN_RPATH_FLAGS ?= "${@relative_rpaths(d.getVar('RUST_RPATH_ABS', True), d.getVar('rustbindest', True))}"
+def libfilename(d):
+ if d.getVar('CRATE_TYPE', True) == 'dylib':
+ return d.getVar('LIBNAME', True) + '.so'
+ else:
+ return d.getVar('LIBNAME', True) + '.rlib'
+def link_args(d, bin):
+ linkargs = []
+ if bin:
+ rpaths = d.getVar('RUST_BIN_RPATH_FLAGS', False)
+ else:
+ rpaths = d.getVar('RUST_LIB_RPATH_FLAGS', False)
+ if d.getVar('CRATE_TYPE', True) == 'dylib':
+ linkargs.append('-soname')
+ linkargs.append(libfilename(d))
+ if len(rpaths):
+ linkargs.append(rpaths)
+ if len(linkargs):
+ return ' '.join(['-Wl,' + arg for arg in linkargs])
+ else:
+ return ''
+get_overlap_externs () {
+ externs=
+ for dep in ${OVERLAP_DEPS}; do
+ extern=$(ls ${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/${rustlibdir}/lib$dep-rs.{so,rlib} 2>/dev/null \
+ | awk '{print $1}');
+ if [ -n "$extern" ]; then
+ externs="$externs --extern $dep=$extern"
+ else
+ echo "$dep in depends but no such library found in ${rustlibdir}!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "$externs"
+do_configure () {
+oe_runrustc () {
+oe_compile_rust_lib () {
+ rm -rf ${LIBNAME}.{rlib,so}
+ local -a link_args
+ if [ -n '${@link_args(d, False)}' ]; then
+ link_args[0]='-C'
+ link_args[1]='link-args=${@link_args(d, False)}'
+ fi
+ oe_runrustc $(get_overlap_externs) \
+ "${link_args[@]}" \
+ ${LIB_SRC} \
+ -o ${@libfilename(d)} \
+ --crate-name=${CRATE_NAME} --crate-type=${CRATE_TYPE} \
+ "$@"
+oe_compile_rust_lib[vardeps] += "get_overlap_externs"
+oe_compile_rust_bin () {
+ rm -rf ${BINNAME}
+ local -a link_args
+ if [ -n '${@link_args(d, True)}' ]; then
+ link_args[0]='-C'
+ link_args[1]='link-args=${@link_args(d, True)}'
+ fi
+ oe_runrustc $(get_overlap_externs) \
+ "${link_args[@]}" \
+ ${BIN_SRC} -o ${BINNAME} "$@"
+oe_compile_rust_bin[vardeps] += "get_overlap_externs"
+oe_install_rust_lib () {
+ for lib in $(ls ${LIBNAME}.{so,rlib} 2>/dev/null); do
+ echo Installing $lib
+ install -D -m 755 $lib ${D}/${rustlibdest}/$lib
+ done
+oe_install_rust_bin () {
+ echo Installing ${BINNAME}
+ install -D -m 755 ${BINNAME} ${D}/${rustbindest}/${BINNAME}
+do_rust_bin_fixups() {
+ for f in `find ${PKGD} -name '*.so*'`; do
+ echo "Strip rust note: $f"
+ ${OBJCOPY} -R .note.rustc $f $f
+ done
+PACKAGE_PREPROCESS_FUNCS += "do_rust_bin_fixups"