path: root/scripts/lib/resulttool/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/lib/resulttool/')
1 files changed, 447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/lib/resulttool/ b/scripts/lib/resulttool/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10e7d13841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/resulttool/
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+# resulttool - regression analysis
+# Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation.
+# Copyright (c) 2019, Linux Foundation
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+import resulttool.resultutils as resultutils
+from oeqa.utils.git import GitRepo
+import oeqa.utils.gitarchive as gitarchive
+ "oeselftest": "OESELFTEST_METADATA"
+ "trigger-build-posttrigger": {
+ "run_all_tests": False,
+ "run_tests":["buildoptions.SourceMirroring.test_yocto_source_mirror"],
+ "skips": None,
+ "machine": None,
+ "select_tags":None,
+ "exclude_tags": None
+ },
+ "reproducible": {
+ "run_all_tests": False,
+ "run_tests":["reproducible"],
+ "skips": None,
+ "machine": None,
+ "select_tags":None,
+ "exclude_tags": None
+ },
+ "arch-qemu-quick": {
+ "run_all_tests": True,
+ "run_tests":None,
+ "skips": None,
+ "machine": None,
+ "select_tags":["machine"],
+ "exclude_tags": None
+ },
+ "arch-qemu-full-x86-or-x86_64": {
+ "run_all_tests": True,
+ "run_tests":None,
+ "skips": None,
+ "machine": None,
+ "select_tags":["machine", "toolchain-system"],
+ "exclude_tags": None
+ },
+ "arch-qemu-full-others": {
+ "run_all_tests": True,
+ "run_tests":None,
+ "skips": None,
+ "machine": None,
+ "select_tags":["machine", "toolchain-user"],
+ "exclude_tags": None
+ },
+ "selftest": {
+ "run_all_tests": True,
+ "run_tests":None,
+ "skips": ["distrodata.Distrodata.test_checkpkg", "buildoptions.SourceMirroring.test_yocto_source_mirror", "reproducible"],
+ "machine": None,
+ "select_tags":None,
+ "exclude_tags": ["machine", "toolchain-system", "toolchain-user"]
+ },
+ "bringup": {
+ "run_all_tests": True,
+ "run_tests":None,
+ "skips": ["distrodata.Distrodata.test_checkpkg", "buildoptions.SourceMirroring.test_yocto_source_mirror"],
+ "machine": None,
+ "select_tags":None,
+ "exclude_tags": ["machine", "toolchain-system", "toolchain-user"]
+ }
+ "None": "No matching test result"
+MISSING_TESTS_BANNER = "-------------------------- Missing tests --------------------------"
+ADDITIONAL_DATA_BANNER = "--------------------- Matches and improvements --------------------"
+def test_has_at_least_one_matching_tag(test, tag_list):
+ return "oetags" in test and any(oetag in tag_list for oetag in test["oetags"])
+def all_tests_have_at_least_one_matching_tag(results, tag_list):
+ return all(test_has_at_least_one_matching_tag(test_result, tag_list) or test_name.startswith("ptestresult") for (test_name, test_result) in results.items())
+def any_test_have_any_matching_tag(results, tag_list):
+ return any(test_has_at_least_one_matching_tag(test, tag_list) for test in results.values())
+def have_skipped_test(result, test_prefix):
+ return all( result[test]['status'] == "SKIPPED" for test in result if test.startswith(test_prefix))
+def have_all_tests_skipped(result, test_prefixes_list):
+ return all(have_skipped_test(result, test_prefix) for test_prefix in test_prefixes_list)
+def guess_oeselftest_metadata(results):
+ """
+ When an oeselftest test result is lacking OESELFTEST_METADATA, we can try to guess it based on results content.
+ Check results for specific values (absence/presence of oetags, number and name of executed tests...),
+ and if it matches one of known configuration from autobuilder configuration, apply guessed OSELFTEST_METADATA
+ to it to allow proper test filtering.
+ This guessing process is tightly coupled to config.json in autobuilder. It should trigger less and less,
+ as new tests will have OESELFTEST_METADATA properly appended at test reporting time
+ """
+ if len(results) == 1 and "buildoptions.SourceMirroring.test_yocto_source_mirror" in results:
+ return OESELFTEST_METADATA_GUESS_TABLE['trigger-build-posttrigger']
+ elif all(result.startswith("reproducible") for result in results):
+ return OESELFTEST_METADATA_GUESS_TABLE['reproducible']
+ elif all_tests_have_at_least_one_matching_tag(results, ["machine"]):
+ return OESELFTEST_METADATA_GUESS_TABLE['arch-qemu-quick']
+ elif all_tests_have_at_least_one_matching_tag(results, ["machine", "toolchain-system"]):
+ return OESELFTEST_METADATA_GUESS_TABLE['arch-qemu-full-x86-or-x86_64']
+ elif all_tests_have_at_least_one_matching_tag(results, ["machine", "toolchain-user"]):
+ return OESELFTEST_METADATA_GUESS_TABLE['arch-qemu-full-others']
+ elif not any_test_have_any_matching_tag(results, ["machine", "toolchain-user", "toolchain-system"]):
+ if have_all_tests_skipped(results, ["distrodata.Distrodata.test_checkpkg", "buildoptions.SourceMirroring.test_yocto_source_mirror", "reproducible"]):
+ elif have_all_tests_skipped(results, ["distrodata.Distrodata.test_checkpkg", "buildoptions.SourceMirroring.test_yocto_source_mirror"]):
+ return None
+def metadata_matches(base_configuration, target_configuration):
+ """
+ For passed base and target, check test type. If test type matches one of
+ properties described in METADATA_MATCH_TABLE, compare metadata if it is
+ present in base. Return true if metadata matches, or if base lacks some
+ data (either TEST_TYPE or the corresponding metadata)
+ """
+ test_type = base_configuration.get('TEST_TYPE')
+ if test_type not in METADATA_MATCH_TABLE:
+ return True
+ metadata_key = METADATA_MATCH_TABLE.get(test_type)
+ if target_configuration.get(metadata_key) != base_configuration.get(metadata_key):
+ return False
+ return True
+def machine_matches(base_configuration, target_configuration):
+ return base_configuration.get('MACHINE') == target_configuration.get('MACHINE')
+def can_be_compared(logger, base, target):
+ """
+ Some tests are not relevant to be compared, for example some oeselftest
+ run with different tests sets or parameters. Return true if tests can be
+ compared
+ """
+ ret = True
+ base_configuration = base['configuration']
+ target_configuration = target['configuration']
+ # Older test results lack proper OESELFTEST_METADATA: if not present, try to guess it based on tests results.
+ if base_configuration.get('TEST_TYPE') == 'oeselftest' and 'OESELFTEST_METADATA' not in base_configuration:
+ guess = guess_oeselftest_metadata(base['result'])
+ if guess is None:
+ logger.error(f"ERROR: did not manage to guess oeselftest metadata for {base_configuration['STARTTIME']}")
+ else:
+ logger.debug(f"Enriching {base_configuration['STARTTIME']} with {guess}")
+ base_configuration['OESELFTEST_METADATA'] = guess
+ if target_configuration.get('TEST_TYPE') == 'oeselftest' and 'OESELFTEST_METADATA' not in target_configuration:
+ guess = guess_oeselftest_metadata(target['result'])
+ if guess is None:
+ logger.error(f"ERROR: did not manage to guess oeselftest metadata for {target_configuration['STARTTIME']}")
+ else:
+ logger.debug(f"Enriching {target_configuration['STARTTIME']} with {guess}")
+ target_configuration['OESELFTEST_METADATA'] = guess
+ # Test runs with LTP results in should only be compared with other runs with LTP tests in them
+ if base_configuration.get('TEST_TYPE') == 'runtime' and any(result.startswith("ltpresult") for result in base['result']):
+ ret = target_configuration.get('TEST_TYPE') == 'runtime' and any(result.startswith("ltpresult") for result in target['result'])
+ return ret and metadata_matches(base_configuration, target_configuration) \
+ and machine_matches(base_configuration, target_configuration)
+def get_status_str(raw_status):
+ raw_status_lower = raw_status.lower() if raw_status else "None"
+ return STATUS_STRINGS.get(raw_status_lower, raw_status)
+def get_additional_info_line(new_pass_count, new_tests):
+ result=[]
+ if new_tests:
+ result.append(f'+{new_tests} test(s) present')
+ if new_pass_count:
+ result.append(f'+{new_pass_count} test(s) now passing')
+ if not result:
+ return ""
+ return ' -> ' + ', '.join(result) + '\n'
+def compare_result(logger, base_name, target_name, base_result, target_result, display_limit=None):
+ base_result = base_result.get('result')
+ target_result = target_result.get('result')
+ result = {}
+ new_tests = 0
+ regressions = {}
+ resultstring = ""
+ new_tests = 0
+ new_pass_count = 0
+ display_limit = int(display_limit) if display_limit else REGRESSIONS_DISPLAY_LIMIT
+ if base_result and target_result:
+ for k in base_result:
+ base_testcase = base_result[k]
+ base_status = base_testcase.get('status')
+ if base_status:
+ target_testcase = target_result.get(k, {})
+ target_status = target_testcase.get('status')
+ if base_status != target_status:
+ result[k] = {'base': base_status, 'target': target_status}
+ else:
+ logger.error('Failed to retrieved base test case status: %s' % k)
+ # Also count new tests that were not present in base results: it
+ # could be newly added tests, but it could also highlights some tests
+ # renames or fixed faulty ptests
+ for k in target_result:
+ if k not in base_result:
+ new_tests += 1
+ if result:
+ new_pass_count = sum(test['target'] is not None and test['target'].startswith("PASS") for test in result.values())
+ # Print a regression report only if at least one test has a regression status (FAIL, SKIPPED, absent...)
+ if new_pass_count < len(result):
+ resultstring = "Regression: %s\n %s\n" % (base_name, target_name)
+ for k in sorted(result):
+ if not result[k]['target'] or not result[k]['target'].startswith("PASS"):
+ # Differentiate each ptest kind when listing regressions
+ key_parts = k.split('.')
+ key = '.'.join(key_parts[:2]) if k.startswith('ptest') else key_parts[0]
+ # Append new regression to corresponding test family
+ regressions[key] = regressions.setdefault(key, []) + [' %s: %s -> %s\n' % (k, get_status_str(result[k]['base']), get_status_str(result[k]['target']))]
+ resultstring += f" Total: {sum([len(regressions[r]) for r in regressions])} new regression(s):\n"
+ for k in regressions:
+ resultstring += f" {len(regressions[k])} regression(s) for {k}\n"
+ count_to_print=min([display_limit, len(regressions[k])]) if display_limit > 0 else len(regressions[k])
+ resultstring += ''.join(regressions[k][:count_to_print])
+ if count_to_print < len(regressions[k]):
+ resultstring+=' [...]\n'
+ if new_pass_count > 0:
+ resultstring += f' Additionally, {new_pass_count} previously failing test(s) is/are now passing\n'
+ if new_tests > 0:
+ resultstring += f' Additionally, {new_tests} new test(s) is/are present\n'
+ else:
+ resultstring = "%s\n%s\n" % (base_name, target_name)
+ result = None
+ else:
+ resultstring = "%s\n%s\n" % (base_name, target_name)
+ if not result:
+ additional_info = get_additional_info_line(new_pass_count, new_tests)
+ if additional_info:
+ resultstring += additional_info
+ return result, resultstring
+def get_results(logger, source):
+ return resultutils.load_resultsdata(source, configmap=resultutils.regression_map)
+def regression(args, logger):
+ base_results = get_results(logger, args.base_result)
+ target_results = get_results(logger, args.target_result)
+ regression_common(args, logger, base_results, target_results)
+# Some test case naming is poor and contains random strings, particularly lttng/babeltrace.
+# Truncating the test names works since they contain file and line number identifiers
+# which allows us to match them without the random components.
+def fixup_ptest_names(results, logger):
+ for r in results:
+ for i in results[r]:
+ tests = list(results[r][i]['result'].keys())
+ for test in tests:
+ new = None
+ if test.startswith(("ptestresult.lttng-tools.", "ptestresult.babeltrace.", "ptestresult.babeltrace2")) and "_-_" in test:
+ new = test.split("_-_")[0]
+ elif test.startswith(("ptestresult.curl.")) and "__" in test:
+ new = test.split("__")[0]
+ elif test.startswith(("ptestresult.dbus.")) and "__" in test:
+ new = test.split("__")[0]
+ elif test.startswith("ptestresult.binutils") and "build-st-" in test:
+ new = test.split(" ")[0]
+ elif test.startswith("ptestresult.gcc") and "/tmp/runtest." in test:
+ new = ".".join(test.split(".")[:2])
+ if new:
+ results[r][i]['result'][new] = results[r][i]['result'][test]
+ del results[r][i]['result'][test]
+def regression_common(args, logger, base_results, target_results):
+ if args.base_result_id:
+ base_results = resultutils.filter_resultsdata(base_results, args.base_result_id)
+ if args.target_result_id:
+ target_results = resultutils.filter_resultsdata(target_results, args.target_result_id)
+ fixup_ptest_names(base_results, logger)
+ fixup_ptest_names(target_results, logger)
+ matches = []
+ regressions = []
+ notfound = []
+ for a in base_results:
+ if a in target_results:
+ base = list(base_results[a].keys())
+ target = list(target_results[a].keys())
+ # We may have multiple base/targets which are for different configurations. Start by
+ # removing any pairs which match
+ for c in base.copy():
+ for b in target.copy():
+ if not can_be_compared(logger, base_results[a][c], target_results[a][b]):
+ continue
+ res, resstr = compare_result(logger, c, b, base_results[a][c], target_results[a][b], args.limit)
+ if not res:
+ matches.append(resstr)
+ base.remove(c)
+ target.remove(b)
+ break
+ # Should only now see regressions, we may not be able to match multiple pairs directly
+ for c in base:
+ for b in target:
+ if not can_be_compared(logger, base_results[a][c], target_results[a][b]):
+ continue
+ res, resstr = compare_result(logger, c, b, base_results[a][c], target_results[a][b], args.limit)
+ if res:
+ regressions.append(resstr)
+ else:
+ notfound.append("%s not found in target" % a)
+ print("\n".join(sorted(regressions)))
+ print("\n" + MISSING_TESTS_BANNER + "\n")
+ print("\n".join(sorted(notfound)))
+ print("\n" + ADDITIONAL_DATA_BANNER + "\n")
+ print("\n".join(sorted(matches)))
+ return 0
+def regression_git(args, logger):
+ base_results = {}
+ target_results = {}
+ tag_name = "{branch}/{commit_number}-g{commit}/{tag_number}"
+ repo = GitRepo(args.repo)
+ revs = gitarchive.get_test_revs(logger, repo, tag_name, branch=args.branch)
+ if args.branch2:
+ revs2 = gitarchive.get_test_revs(logger, repo, tag_name, branch=args.branch2)
+ if not len(revs2):
+ logger.error("No revisions found to compare against")
+ return 1
+ if not len(revs):
+ logger.error("No revision to report on found")
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if len(revs) < 2:
+ logger.error("Only %d tester revisions found, unable to generate report" % len(revs))
+ return 1
+ # Pick revisions
+ if args.commit:
+ if args.commit_number:
+ logger.warning("Ignoring --commit-number as --commit was specified")
+ index1 = gitarchive.rev_find(revs, 'commit', args.commit)
+ elif args.commit_number:
+ index1 = gitarchive.rev_find(revs, 'commit_number', args.commit_number)
+ else:
+ index1 = len(revs) - 1
+ if args.branch2:
+ revs2.append(revs[index1])
+ index1 = len(revs2) - 1
+ revs = revs2
+ if args.commit2:
+ if args.commit_number2:
+ logger.warning("Ignoring --commit-number2 as --commit2 was specified")
+ index2 = gitarchive.rev_find(revs, 'commit', args.commit2)
+ elif args.commit_number2:
+ index2 = gitarchive.rev_find(revs, 'commit_number', args.commit_number2)
+ else:
+ if index1 > 0:
+ index2 = index1 - 1
+ # Find the closest matching commit number for comparision
+ # In future we could check the commit is a common ancestor and
+ # continue back if not but this good enough for now
+ while index2 > 0 and revs[index2].commit_number > revs[index1].commit_number:
+ index2 = index2 - 1
+ else:
+ logger.error("Unable to determine the other commit, use "
+ "--commit2 or --commit-number2 to specify it")
+ return 1
+"Comparing:\n%s\nto\n%s\n" % (revs[index1], revs[index2]))
+ base_results = resultutils.git_get_result(repo, revs[index1][2])
+ target_results = resultutils.git_get_result(repo, revs[index2][2])
+ regression_common(args, logger, base_results, target_results)
+ return 0
+def register_commands(subparsers):
+ """Register subcommands from this plugin"""
+ parser_build = subparsers.add_parser('regression', help='regression file/directory analysis',
+ description='regression analysis comparing the base set of results to the target results',
+ group='analysis')
+ parser_build.set_defaults(func=regression)
+ parser_build.add_argument('base_result',
+ help='base result file/directory/URL for the comparison')
+ parser_build.add_argument('target_result',
+ help='target result file/directory/URL to compare with')
+ parser_build.add_argument('-b', '--base-result-id', default='',
+ help='(optional) filter the base results to this result ID')
+ parser_build.add_argument('-t', '--target-result-id', default='',
+ help='(optional) filter the target results to this result ID')
+ parser_build = subparsers.add_parser('regression-git', help='regression git analysis',
+ description='regression analysis comparing base result set to target '
+ 'result set',
+ group='analysis')
+ parser_build.set_defaults(func=regression_git)
+ parser_build.add_argument('repo',
+ help='the git repository containing the data')
+ parser_build.add_argument('-b', '--base-result-id', default='',
+ help='(optional) default select regression based on configurations unless base result '
+ 'id was provided')
+ parser_build.add_argument('-t', '--target-result-id', default='',
+ help='(optional) default select regression based on configurations unless target result '
+ 'id was provided')
+ parser_build.add_argument('--branch', '-B', default='master', help="Branch to find commit in")
+ parser_build.add_argument('--branch2', help="Branch to find comparision revisions in")
+ parser_build.add_argument('--commit', help="Revision to search for")
+ parser_build.add_argument('--commit-number', help="Revision number to search for, redundant if --commit is specified")
+ parser_build.add_argument('--commit2', help="Revision to compare with")
+ parser_build.add_argument('--commit-number2', help="Revision number to compare with, redundant if --commit2 is specified")
+ parser_build.add_argument('-l', '--limit', default=REGRESSIONS_DISPLAY_LIMIT, help="Maximum number of changes to display per test. Can be set to 0 to print all changes")