diff options
authorRichard Purdie <>2019-02-20 17:07:56 +0000
committerRichard Purdie <>2019-02-25 22:25:08 +0000
commit4b1bd35030c5502873106782a35c4f5a9446e20c (patch)
parente47c48768a01191ec36b9732288e05c9f5e80d52 (diff)
oe-build-perf-report/gitarchive: Move common useful functions to library
These functions can be reused by the resulttool code so move to the common function library for this purpose. (From OE-Core rev: c66f848938c04e133259c5b6903dc592866ab385) Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2 files changed, 81 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/utils/ b/meta/lib/oeqa/utils/
index fddd608593..ff614d06bb 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oeqa/utils/
+++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/utils/
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
import os
import re
import sys
+from operator import attrgetter
+from collections import namedtuple
from oeqa.utils.git import GitRepo, GitError
class ArchiveError(Exception):
@@ -171,3 +173,72 @@ def gitarchive(data_dir, git_dir, no_create, bare, commit_msg_subject, commit_ms"Pushing data to remote")
+# Container class for tester revisions
+TestedRev = namedtuple('TestedRev', 'commit commit_number tags')
+def get_test_runs(log, repo, tag_name, **kwargs):
+ """Get a sorted list of test runs, matching given pattern"""
+ # First, get field names from the tag name pattern
+ field_names = [ for m in re.finditer(r'{(\w+)}', tag_name)]
+ undef_fields = [f for f in field_names if f not in kwargs.keys()]
+ # Fields for formatting tag name pattern
+ str_fields = dict([(f, '*') for f in field_names])
+ str_fields.update(kwargs)
+ # Get a list of all matching tags
+ tag_pattern = tag_name.format(**str_fields)
+ tags = repo.run_cmd(['tag', '-l', tag_pattern]).splitlines()
+ log.debug("Found %d tags matching pattern '%s'", len(tags), tag_pattern)
+ # Parse undefined fields from tag names
+ str_fields = dict([(f, r'(?P<{}>[\w\-.()]+)'.format(f)) for f in field_names])
+ str_fields['branch'] = r'(?P<branch>[\w\-.()/]+)'
+ str_fields['commit'] = '(?P<commit>[0-9a-f]{7,40})'
+ str_fields['commit_number'] = '(?P<commit_number>[0-9]{1,7})'
+ str_fields['tag_number'] = '(?P<tag_number>[0-9]{1,5})'
+ # escape parenthesis in fields in order to not messa up the regexp
+ fixed_fields = dict([(k, v.replace('(', r'\(').replace(')', r'\)')) for k, v in kwargs.items()])
+ str_fields.update(fixed_fields)
+ tag_re = re.compile(tag_name.format(**str_fields))
+ # Parse fields from tags
+ revs = []
+ for tag in tags:
+ m = tag_re.match(tag)
+ groups = m.groupdict()
+ revs.append([groups[f] for f in undef_fields] + [tag])
+ # Return field names and a sorted list of revs
+ return undef_fields, sorted(revs)
+def get_test_revs(log, repo, tag_name, **kwargs):
+ """Get list of all tested revisions"""
+ fields, runs = get_test_runs(log, repo, tag_name, **kwargs)
+ revs = {}
+ commit_i = fields.index('commit')
+ commit_num_i = fields.index('commit_number')
+ for run in runs:
+ commit = run[commit_i]
+ commit_num = run[commit_num_i]
+ tag = run[-1]
+ if not commit in revs:
+ revs[commit] = TestedRev(commit, commit_num, [tag])
+ else:
+ assert commit_num == revs[commit].commit_number, "Commit numbers do not match"
+ revs[commit].tags.append(tag)
+ # Return in sorted table
+ revs = sorted(revs.values(), key=attrgetter('commit_number'))
+ log.debug("Found %d tested revisions:\n %s", len(revs),
+ "\n ".join(['{} ({})'.format(rev.commit_number, rev.commit) for rev in revs]))
+ return revs
+def rev_find(revs, attr, val):
+ """Search from a list of TestedRev"""
+ for i, rev in enumerate(revs):
+ if getattr(rev, attr) == val:
+ return i
+ raise ValueError("Unable to find '{}' value '{}'".format(attr, val))
diff --git a/scripts/oe-build-perf-report b/scripts/oe-build-perf-report
index af4f0469f6..f6fb458c2e 100755
--- a/scripts/oe-build-perf-report
+++ b/scripts/oe-build-perf-report
@@ -37,58 +37,18 @@ from buildstats import BuildStats, diff_buildstats, BSVerDiff
from oeqa.utils.git import GitRepo, GitError
+import oeqa.utils.gitarchive as gitarchive
# Setup logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
log = logging.getLogger('oe-build-perf-report')
-# Container class for tester revisions
-TestedRev = namedtuple('TestedRev', 'commit commit_number tags')
-def get_test_runs(repo, tag_name, **kwargs):
- """Get a sorted list of test runs, matching given pattern"""
- # First, get field names from the tag name pattern
- field_names = [ for m in re.finditer(r'{(\w+)}', tag_name)]
- undef_fields = [f for f in field_names if f not in kwargs.keys()]
- # Fields for formatting tag name pattern
- str_fields = dict([(f, '*') for f in field_names])
- str_fields.update(kwargs)
- # Get a list of all matching tags
- tag_pattern = tag_name.format(**str_fields)
- tags = repo.run_cmd(['tag', '-l', tag_pattern]).splitlines()
- log.debug("Found %d tags matching pattern '%s'", len(tags), tag_pattern)
- # Parse undefined fields from tag names
- str_fields = dict([(f, r'(?P<{}>[\w\-.()]+)'.format(f)) for f in field_names])
- str_fields['branch'] = r'(?P<branch>[\w\-.()/]+)'
- str_fields['commit'] = '(?P<commit>[0-9a-f]{7,40})'
- str_fields['commit_number'] = '(?P<commit_number>[0-9]{1,7})'
- str_fields['tag_number'] = '(?P<tag_number>[0-9]{1,5})'
- # escape parenthesis in fields in order to not messa up the regexp
- fixed_fields = dict([(k, v.replace('(', r'\(').replace(')', r'\)')) for k, v in kwargs.items()])
- str_fields.update(fixed_fields)
- tag_re = re.compile(tag_name.format(**str_fields))
- # Parse fields from tags
- revs = []
- for tag in tags:
- m = tag_re.match(tag)
- groups = m.groupdict()
- revs.append([groups[f] for f in undef_fields] + [tag])
- # Return field names and a sorted list of revs
- return undef_fields, sorted(revs)
def list_test_revs(repo, tag_name, verbosity, **kwargs):
"""Get list of all tested revisions"""
valid_kwargs = dict([(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None])
- fields, revs = get_test_runs(repo, tag_name, **valid_kwargs)
+ fields, revs = gitarchive.get_test_runs(log, repo, tag_name, **valid_kwargs)
ignore_fields = ['tag_number']
if verbosity < 2:
extra_fields = ['COMMITS', 'TEST RUNS']
@@ -133,36 +93,6 @@ def list_test_revs(repo, tag_name, verbosity, **kwargs):
-def get_test_revs(repo, tag_name, **kwargs):
- """Get list of all tested revisions"""
- fields, runs = get_test_runs(repo, tag_name, **kwargs)
- revs = {}
- commit_i = fields.index('commit')
- commit_num_i = fields.index('commit_number')
- for run in runs:
- commit = run[commit_i]
- commit_num = run[commit_num_i]
- tag = run[-1]
- if not commit in revs:
- revs[commit] = TestedRev(commit, commit_num, [tag])
- else:
- assert commit_num == revs[commit].commit_number, "Commit numbers do not match"
- revs[commit].tags.append(tag)
- # Return in sorted table
- revs = sorted(revs.values(), key=attrgetter('commit_number'))
- log.debug("Found %d tested revisions:\n %s", len(revs),
- "\n ".join(['{} ({})'.format(rev.commit_number, rev.commit) for rev in revs]))
- return revs
-def rev_find(revs, attr, val):
- """Search from a list of TestedRev"""
- for i, rev in enumerate(revs):
- if getattr(rev, attr) == val:
- return i
- raise ValueError("Unable to find '{}' value '{}'".format(attr, val))
def is_xml_format(repo, commit):
"""Check if the commit contains xml (or json) data"""
if repo.rev_parse(commit + ':results.xml'):
@@ -578,11 +508,11 @@ def main(argv=None):
if not args.hostname:
auto_args(repo, args)
- revs = get_test_revs(repo, args.tag_name, hostname=args.hostname,
- branch=args.branch, machine=args.machine)
+ revs = gitarchive.get_test_revs(log, repo, args.tag_name, hostname=args.hostname,
+ branch=args.branch, machine=args.machine)
if args.branch2:
- revs2 = get_test_revs(repo, args.tag_name, hostname=args.hostname,
- branch=args.branch2, machine=args.machine)
+ revs2 = gitarchive.get_test_revs(log, repo, args.tag_name, hostname=args.hostname,
+ branch=args.branch2, machine=args.machine)
if not len(revs2):
log.error("No revisions found to compare against")
return 1
@@ -598,9 +528,9 @@ def main(argv=None):
if args.commit:
if args.commit_number:
log.warning("Ignoring --commit-number as --commit was specified")
- index1 = rev_find(revs, 'commit', args.commit)
+ index1 = gitarchive.rev_find(revs, 'commit', args.commit)
elif args.commit_number:
- index1 = rev_find(revs, 'commit_number', args.commit_number)
+ index1 = gitarchive.rev_find(revs, 'commit_number', args.commit_number)
index1 = len(revs) - 1
@@ -612,9 +542,9 @@ def main(argv=None):
if args.commit2:
if args.commit_number2:
log.warning("Ignoring --commit-number2 as --commit2 was specified")
- index2 = rev_find(revs, 'commit', args.commit2)
+ index2 = gitarchive.rev_find(revs, 'commit', args.commit2)
elif args.commit_number2:
- index2 = rev_find(revs, 'commit_number', args.commit_number2)
+ index2 = gitarchive.rev_find(revs, 'commit_number', args.commit_number2)
if index1 > 0:
index2 = index1 - 1