path: root/tools/node_modules/expresso/deps/jscoverage/js/jsscan.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/node_modules/expresso/deps/jscoverage/js/jsscan.h')
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/node_modules/expresso/deps/jscoverage/js/jsscan.h b/tools/node_modules/expresso/deps/jscoverage/js/jsscan.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..259aa8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/node_modules/expresso/deps/jscoverage/js/jsscan.h
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ *
+ * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
+ * March 31, 1998.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Netscape Communications Corporation.
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ *
+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
+ * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+#ifndef jsscan_h___
+#define jsscan_h___
+ * JS lexical scanner interface.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "jsversion.h"
+#include "jsopcode.h"
+#include "jsprvtd.h"
+#include "jspubtd.h"
+#define JS_KEYWORD(keyword, type, op, version) \
+ extern const char js_##keyword##_str[];
+#include "jskeyword.tbl"
+#undef JS_KEYWORD
+typedef enum JSTokenType {
+ TOK_ERROR = -1, /* well-known as the only code < EOF */
+ TOK_EOF = 0, /* end of file */
+ TOK_EOL = 1, /* end of line */
+ TOK_SEMI = 2, /* semicolon */
+ TOK_COMMA = 3, /* comma operator */
+ TOK_ASSIGN = 4, /* assignment ops (= += -= etc.) */
+ TOK_HOOK = 5, TOK_COLON = 6, /* conditional (?:) */
+ TOK_OR = 7, /* logical or (||) */
+ TOK_AND = 8, /* logical and (&&) */
+ TOK_BITOR = 9, /* bitwise-or (|) */
+ TOK_BITXOR = 10, /* bitwise-xor (^) */
+ TOK_BITAND = 11, /* bitwise-and (&) */
+ TOK_EQOP = 12, /* equality ops (== !=) */
+ TOK_RELOP = 13, /* relational ops (< <= > >=) */
+ TOK_SHOP = 14, /* shift ops (<< >> >>>) */
+ TOK_PLUS = 15, /* plus */
+ TOK_MINUS = 16, /* minus */
+ TOK_STAR = 17, TOK_DIVOP = 18, /* multiply/divide ops (* / %) */
+ TOK_UNARYOP = 19, /* unary prefix operator */
+ TOK_INC = 20, TOK_DEC = 21, /* increment/decrement (++ --) */
+ TOK_DOT = 22, /* member operator (.) */
+ TOK_LB = 23, TOK_RB = 24, /* left and right brackets */
+ TOK_LC = 25, TOK_RC = 26, /* left and right curlies (braces) */
+ TOK_LP = 27, TOK_RP = 28, /* left and right parentheses */
+ TOK_NAME = 29, /* identifier */
+ TOK_NUMBER = 30, /* numeric constant */
+ TOK_STRING = 31, /* string constant */
+ TOK_REGEXP = 32, /* RegExp constant */
+ TOK_PRIMARY = 33, /* true, false, null, this, super */
+ TOK_FUNCTION = 34, /* function keyword */
+ TOK_IF = 35, /* if keyword */
+ TOK_ELSE = 36, /* else keyword */
+ TOK_SWITCH = 37, /* switch keyword */
+ TOK_CASE = 38, /* case keyword */
+ TOK_DEFAULT = 39, /* default keyword */
+ TOK_WHILE = 40, /* while keyword */
+ TOK_DO = 41, /* do keyword */
+ TOK_FOR = 42, /* for keyword */
+ TOK_BREAK = 43, /* break keyword */
+ TOK_CONTINUE = 44, /* continue keyword */
+ TOK_IN = 45, /* in keyword */
+ TOK_VAR = 46, /* var keyword */
+ TOK_WITH = 47, /* with keyword */
+ TOK_RETURN = 48, /* return keyword */
+ TOK_NEW = 49, /* new keyword */
+ TOK_DELETE = 50, /* delete keyword */
+ TOK_DEFSHARP = 51, /* #n= for object/array initializers */
+ TOK_USESHARP = 52, /* #n# for object/array initializers */
+ TOK_TRY = 53, /* try keyword */
+ TOK_CATCH = 54, /* catch keyword */
+ TOK_FINALLY = 55, /* finally keyword */
+ TOK_THROW = 56, /* throw keyword */
+ TOK_INSTANCEOF = 57, /* instanceof keyword */
+ TOK_DEBUGGER = 58, /* debugger keyword */
+ TOK_XMLSTAGO = 59, /* XML start tag open (<) */
+ TOK_XMLETAGO = 60, /* XML end tag open (</) */
+ TOK_XMLPTAGC = 61, /* XML point tag close (/>) */
+ TOK_XMLTAGC = 62, /* XML start or end tag close (>) */
+ TOK_XMLNAME = 63, /* XML start-tag non-final fragment */
+ TOK_XMLATTR = 64, /* XML quoted attribute value */
+ TOK_XMLSPACE = 65, /* XML whitespace */
+ TOK_XMLTEXT = 66, /* XML text */
+ TOK_XMLCOMMENT = 67, /* XML comment */
+ TOK_XMLCDATA = 68, /* XML CDATA section */
+ TOK_XMLPI = 69, /* XML processing instruction */
+ TOK_AT = 70, /* XML attribute op (@) */
+ TOK_DBLCOLON = 71, /* namespace qualified name op (::) */
+ TOK_ANYNAME = 72, /* XML AnyName singleton (*) */
+ TOK_DBLDOT = 73, /* XML descendant op (..) */
+ TOK_FILTER = 74, /* XML filtering predicate op (.()) */
+ TOK_XMLELEM = 75, /* XML element node type (no token) */
+ TOK_XMLLIST = 76, /* XML list node type (no token) */
+ TOK_YIELD = 77, /* yield from generator function */
+ TOK_ARRAYCOMP = 78, /* array comprehension initialiser */
+ TOK_ARRAYPUSH = 79, /* array push within comprehension */
+ TOK_LEXICALSCOPE = 80, /* block scope AST node label */
+ TOK_LET = 81, /* let keyword */
+ TOK_SEQ = 82, /* synthetic sequence of statements,
+ not a block */
+ TOK_FORHEAD = 83, /* head of for(;;)-style loop */
+ TOK_RESERVED, /* reserved keywords */
+ TOK_LIMIT /* domain size */
+} JSTokenType;
+#define IS_PRIMARY_TOKEN(tt) \
+ ((uintN)((tt) - TOK_NAME) <= (uintN)(TOK_PRIMARY - TOK_NAME))
+#define TOKEN_TYPE_IS_XML(tt) \
+ (tt == TOK_AT || tt == TOK_DBLCOLON || tt == TOK_ANYNAME)
+# define TOKEN_TYPE_IS_DECL(tt) ((tt) == TOK_VAR || (tt) == TOK_LET)
+# define TOKEN_TYPE_IS_DECL(tt) ((tt) == TOK_VAR)
+struct JSStringBuffer {
+ jschar *base;
+ jschar *limit; /* length limit for quick bounds check */
+ jschar *ptr; /* slot for next non-NUL char to store */
+ void *data;
+ JSBool (*grow)(JSStringBuffer *sb, size_t newlength);
+ void (*free)(JSStringBuffer *sb);
+#define STRING_BUFFER_ERROR_BASE ((jschar *) 1)
+#define STRING_BUFFER_OK(sb) ((sb)->base != STRING_BUFFER_ERROR_BASE)
+#define STRING_BUFFER_OFFSET(sb) ((sb)->ptr -(sb)->base)
+extern void
+js_InitStringBuffer(JSStringBuffer *sb);
+extern void
+js_FinishStringBuffer(JSStringBuffer *sb);
+extern void
+js_AppendChar(JSStringBuffer *sb, jschar c);
+extern void
+js_RepeatChar(JSStringBuffer *sb, jschar c, uintN count);
+extern void
+js_AppendCString(JSStringBuffer *sb, const char *asciiz);
+extern void
+js_AppendUCString(JSStringBuffer *sb, const jschar *buf, uintN len);
+extern void
+js_AppendJSString(JSStringBuffer *sb, JSString *str);
+struct JSTokenPtr {
+ uint16 index; /* index of char in physical line */
+ uint16 lineno; /* physical line number */
+struct JSTokenPos {
+ JSTokenPtr begin; /* first character and line of token */
+ JSTokenPtr end; /* index 1 past last char, last line */
+struct JSToken {
+ JSTokenType type; /* char value or above enumerator */
+ JSTokenPos pos; /* token position in file */
+ jschar *ptr; /* beginning of token in line buffer */
+ union {
+ struct { /* name or string literal */
+ JSOp op; /* operator, for minimal parser */
+ JSAtom *atom; /* atom table entry */
+ } s;
+ uintN reflags; /* regexp flags, use tokenbuf to access
+ regexp chars */
+ struct { /* atom pair, for XML PIs */
+ JSAtom *atom2; /* auxiliary atom table entry */
+ JSAtom *atom; /* main atom table entry */
+ } p;
+ jsdouble dval; /* floating point number */
+ } u;
+#define t_op u.s.op
+#define t_reflags u.reflags
+#define t_atom u.s.atom
+#define t_atom2 u.p.atom2
+#define t_dval u.dval
+typedef struct JSTokenBuf {
+ jschar *base; /* base of line or stream buffer */
+ jschar *limit; /* limit for quick bounds check */
+ jschar *ptr; /* next char to get, or slot to use */
+} JSTokenBuf;
+#define JS_LINE_LIMIT 256 /* logical line buffer size limit --
+ physical line length is unlimited */
+#define NTOKENS 4 /* 1 current + 2 lookahead, rounded */
+#define NTOKENS_MASK (NTOKENS-1) /* to power of 2 to avoid divmod by 3 */
+struct JSTokenStream {
+ JSToken tokens[NTOKENS];/* circular token buffer */
+ uintN cursor; /* index of last parsed token */
+ uintN lookahead; /* count of lookahead tokens */
+ uintN lineno; /* current line number */
+ uintN ungetpos; /* next free char slot in ungetbuf */
+ jschar ungetbuf[6]; /* at most 6, for \uXXXX lookahead */
+ uintN flags; /* flags -- see below */
+ ptrdiff_t linelen; /* physical linebuf segment length */
+ ptrdiff_t linepos; /* linebuf offset in physical line */
+ JSTokenBuf linebuf; /* line buffer for diagnostics */
+ JSTokenBuf userbuf; /* user input buffer if !file */
+ JSStringBuffer tokenbuf; /* current token string buffer */
+ const char *filename; /* input filename or null */
+ FILE *file; /* stdio stream if reading from file */
+ JSSourceHandler listener; /* callback for source; eg debugger */
+ void *listenerData; /* listener 'this' data */
+ void *listenerTSData;/* listener data for this TokenStream */
+ jschar *saveEOL; /* save next end of line in userbuf, to
+ optimize for very long lines */
+#define CURRENT_TOKEN(ts) ((ts)->tokens[(ts)->cursor])
+#define ON_CURRENT_LINE(ts,pos) ((uint16)(ts)->lineno == (pos).end.lineno)
+/* JSTokenStream flags */
+#define TSF_ERROR 0x01 /* fatal error while compiling */
+#define TSF_EOF 0x02 /* hit end of file */
+#define TSF_NEWLINES 0x04 /* tokenize newlines */
+#define TSF_OPERAND 0x08 /* looking for operand, not operator */
+#define TSF_NLFLAG 0x20 /* last linebuf ended with \n */
+#define TSF_CRFLAG 0x40 /* linebuf would have ended with \r */
+#define TSF_DIRTYLINE 0x80 /* non-whitespace since start of line */
+#define TSF_OWNFILENAME 0x100 /* ts->filename is malloc'd */
+#define TSF_XMLTAGMODE 0x200 /* scanning within an XML tag in E4X */
+#define TSF_XMLTEXTMODE 0x400 /* scanning XMLText terminal from E4X */
+#define TSF_XMLONLYMODE 0x800 /* don't scan {expr} within text/tag */
+/* Flag indicating unexpected end of input, i.e. TOK_EOF not at top-level. */
+#define TSF_UNEXPECTED_EOF 0x1000
+ * To handle the hard case of contiguous HTML comments, we want to clear the
+ * TSF_DIRTYINPUT flag at the end of each such comment. But we'd rather not
+ * scan for --> within every //-style comment unless we have to. So we set
+ * TSF_IN_HTML_COMMENT when a <!-- is scanned as an HTML begin-comment, and
+ * clear it (and TSF_DIRTYINPUT) when we scan --> either on a clean line, or
+ * only if (ts->flags & TSF_IN_HTML_COMMENT), in a //-style comment.
+ *
+ * This still works as before given a malformed comment hiding hack such as:
+ *
+ * <script>
+ * <!-- comment hiding hack #1
+ * code goes here
+ * // --> oops, markup for script-unaware browsers goes here!
+ * </script>
+ *
+ * It does not cope with malformed comment hiding hacks where --> is hidden
+ * by C-style comments, or on a dirty line. Such cases are already broken.
+ */
+#define TSF_IN_HTML_COMMENT 0x2000
+/* Ignore keywords and return TOK_NAME instead to the parser. */
+#define TSF_KEYWORD_IS_NAME 0x4000
+/* Unicode separators that are treated as line terminators, in addition to \n, \r */
+#define LINE_SEPARATOR 0x2028
+#define PARA_SEPARATOR 0x2029
+ * Create a new token stream, either from an input buffer or from a file.
+ * Return null on file-open or memory-allocation failure.
+ *
+ * The function uses JSContext.tempPool to allocate internal buffers. The
+ * caller should release them using JS_ARENA_RELEASE after it has finished
+ * with the token stream and has called js_CloseTokenStream.
+ */
+extern JSBool
+js_InitTokenStream(JSContext *cx, JSTokenStream *ts,
+ const jschar *base, size_t length,
+ FILE *fp, const char *filename, uintN lineno);
+extern void
+js_CloseTokenStream(JSContext *cx, JSTokenStream *ts);
+extern JS_FRIEND_API(int)
+js_fgets(char *buf, int size, FILE *file);
+ * If the given char array forms JavaScript keyword, return corresponding
+ * token. Otherwise return TOK_EOF.
+ */
+extern JSTokenType
+js_CheckKeyword(const jschar *chars, size_t length);
+ * Friend-exported API entry point to call a mapping function on each reserved
+ * identifier in the scanner's keyword table.
+ */
+extern JS_FRIEND_API(void)
+js_MapKeywords(void (*mapfun)(const char *));
+ * Check that str forms a valid JS identifier name. The function does not
+ * check if str is a JS keyword.
+ */
+extern JSBool
+js_IsIdentifier(JSString *str);
+ * Report a compile-time error by its number. Return true for a warning, false
+ * for an error. When pn is not null, use it to report error's location.
+ * Otherwise use ts, which must not be null.
+ */
+js_ReportCompileErrorNumber(JSContext *cx, JSTokenStream *ts, JSParseNode *pn,
+ uintN flags, uintN errorNumber, ...);
+ * Steal one JSREPORT_* bit (see jsapi.h) to tell that arguments to the error
+ * message have const jschar* type, not const char*.
+ */
+#define JSREPORT_UC 0x100
+ * Look ahead one token and return its type.
+ */
+extern JSTokenType
+js_PeekToken(JSContext *cx, JSTokenStream *ts);
+extern JSTokenType
+js_PeekTokenSameLine(JSContext *cx, JSTokenStream *ts);
+ * Get the next token from ts.
+ */
+extern JSTokenType
+js_GetToken(JSContext *cx, JSTokenStream *ts);
+ * Push back the last scanned token onto ts.
+ */
+extern void
+js_UngetToken(JSTokenStream *ts);
+ * Get the next token from ts if its type is tt.
+ */
+extern JSBool
+js_MatchToken(JSContext *cx, JSTokenStream *ts, JSTokenType tt);
+#endif /* jsscan_h___ */