path: root/tools/node_modules/nodemailer/node_modules/simplesmtp/lib/server.js
diff options
authorCliff Brake <cbrake@bec-systems.com>2012-08-17 13:43:14 -0400
committerCliff Brake <cbrake@bec-systems.com>2012-08-17 13:43:14 -0400
commita94e78479793722bc97b8771158d1acee3f55413 (patch)
treebf8f79959febb472513b299df99774de524f5fd1 /tools/node_modules/nodemailer/node_modules/simplesmtp/lib/server.js
parentc11f922b0bfa023a4cf49f26e55aec6a1413344b (diff)
add node modules to git
This is now the best practice for deployed apps
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/node_modules/nodemailer/node_modules/simplesmtp/lib/server.js')
1 files changed, 664 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/node_modules/nodemailer/node_modules/simplesmtp/lib/server.js b/tools/node_modules/nodemailer/node_modules/simplesmtp/lib/server.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62aa650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/node_modules/nodemailer/node_modules/simplesmtp/lib/server.js
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+ * @fileOverview This is the main file for the simplesmtp library to create custom SMTP servers
+ * @author <a href="mailto:andris@node.ee">Andris Reinman</a>
+ */
+var RAIServer = require("rai").RAIServer,
+ EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
+ oslib = require('os'),
+ utillib = require("util"),
+ dnslib = require("dns");
+// expose to the world
+module.exports = function(options){
+ return new SMTPServer(options);
+ * <p>Constructs a SMTP server</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Possible options are:</p>
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><b>name</b> - the hostname of the server, will be used for
+ * informational messages</li>
+ * <li><b>debug</b> - if set to true, print out messages about the connection</li>
+ * <li><b>timeout</b> - client timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 60 000</li>
+ * <li><b>secureConnection</b> - start a server on secure connection</li>
+ * <li><b>SMTPBanner</b> - greeting banner that is sent to the client on connection</li>
+ * <li><b>requireAuthentication</b> - if set to true, require that the client
+ * must authenticate itself</li>
+ * <li><b>enableAuthentication</b> - if set to true, client may authenticate itself but don't have to</li>
+ * <li><b>validateSender</b> - if set to true, emit <code>'validateSender'</code>
+ * with <code>envelope</code>, <code>email</code> and <code>callback</code> when the client
+ * enters <code>MAIL FROM:&lt;address&gt;</code></li>
+ * <li><b>validateRecipients</b> - if set to true, emit <code>'validateRecipient'</code>
+ * with <code>envelope</code>, <code>email</code> and <code>callback</code> when the client
+ * enters <code>RCPT TO:&lt;address&gt;</code></li>
+ * <li><b>maxSize</b> - maximum size of an e-mail in bytes</li>
+ * <li><b>credentials</b> - TLS credentials</li>
+ * <li><b>authMethods</b> - allowed authentication methods, defaults to <code>["PLAIN", "LOGIN"]</code></li>
+ * <li><b>disableEHLO</b> - if set, support HELO only</li>
+ * <li><b>ignoreTLS</b> - if set, allow client do not use STARTTLS</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @namespace SMTP Server module
+ * @param {Object} [options] Options object
+ */
+function SMTPServer(options){
+ EventEmitter.call(this);
+ this.options = options || {};
+ this.options.name = this.options.name || (oslib.hostname && oslib.hostname()) ||
+ (oslib.getHostname && oslib.getHostname()) ||
+ "";
+ this.options.authMethods = (this.options.authMethods || ["PLAIN", "LOGIN"]).map(
+ function(auth){
+ return auth.toUpperCase().trim();
+ });
+ this.options.disableEHLO = !!this.options.disableEHLO;
+ this.options.ignoreTLS = !!this.options.ignoreTLS;
+ this.SMTPServer = new RAIServer({
+ secureConnection: !!this.options.secureConnection,
+ timeout: this.options.timeout || 60*1000,
+ disconnectOnTimeout: false,
+ debug: !!this.options.debug
+ });
+ this.SMTPServer.on("connect", this._createSMTPServerConnection.bind(this));
+utillib.inherits(SMTPServer, EventEmitter);
+ * Server starts listening on defined port and hostname
+ *
+ * @param {Number} port The port number to listen
+ * @param {String} [host] The hostname to listen
+ * @param {Function} callback The callback function to run when the server is listening
+ */
+SMTPServer.prototype.listen = function(port, host, callback){
+ this.SMTPServer.listen(port, host, callback);
+ * <p>Closes the server</p>
+ *
+ * @param {Function} callback The callback function to run when the server is closed
+ */
+SMTPServer.prototype.end = function(callback){
+ this.SMTPServer.end(callback);
+ * <p>Creates a new {@link SMTPServerConnection} object and links the main server with
+ * the client socket</p>
+ *
+ * @param {Object} client RAISocket object to a client
+ */
+SMTPServer.prototype._createSMTPServerConnection = function(client){
+ new SMTPServerConnection(this, client);
+ * <p>Sets up a handler for the connected client</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Restarts the state and sets up event listeners for client actions</p>
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {Object} server {@link SMTPServer} instance
+ * @param {Object} client RAISocket instance for the client
+ */
+function SMTPServerConnection(server, client){
+ this.server = server;
+ this.client = client;
+ this.init();
+ if(this.server.options.debug){
+ console.log("Connection from", this.client.remoteAddress);
+ }
+ this.client.on("timeout", this._onTimeout.bind(this));
+ this.client.on("error", this._onError.bind(this));
+ this.client.on("command", this._onCommand.bind(this));
+ this.client.on("end", this._onEnd.bind(this));
+ this.client.on("data", this._onData.bind(this));
+ this.client.on("ready", this._onDataReady.bind(this));
+ // Send the greeting banner
+ this.client.send("220 "+this.server.options.name+" "+(this.server.options.SMTPBanner || "ESMTP node.js simplesmtp"));
+ * <p>Reset the envelope state</p>
+ *
+ * <p>If <code>keepAuthData</code> is set to true, then doesn't remove
+ * authentication data</p>
+ *
+ * @param {Boolean} [keepAuthData=false] If set to true keep authentication data
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype.init = function(keepAuthData){
+ this.envelope = {from: "", to:[], date: new Date()};
+ if(this.hostNameAppearsAs){
+ this.envelope.host = this.hostNameAppearsAs;
+ }
+ if(this.client.remoteAddress){
+ this.envelope.remoteAddress = this.client.remoteAddress;
+ }
+ if(!keepAuthData){
+ this.authentication = {
+ username: false,
+ authenticated: false,
+ state: "NORMAL"
+ };
+ }
+ this.envelope.authentication = this.authentication;
+ * <p>Sends a message to the client and closes the connection</p>
+ *
+ * @param {String} [message] if set, send it to the client before disconnecting
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype.end = function(message){
+ if(message){
+ this.client.send(message);
+ }
+ this.client.end();
+ * <p>Will be called when the connection to the client is closed</p>
+ *
+ * @event
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onEnd = function(){
+ if(this.server.options.debug){
+ console.log("Connection closed to", this.client.remoteAddress);
+ }
+ this.server.emit("close", this.envelope);
+ * <p>Will be called when timeout occurs</p>
+ *
+ * @event
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onTimeout = function(){
+ this.end("421 4.4.2 "+this.server.options.name+" Error: timeout exceeded");
+ * <p>Will be called when an error occurs</p>
+ *
+ * @event
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onError = function(){
+ this.end("421 4.4.2 "+this.server.options.name+" Error: client error");
+ * <p>Will be called when a command is received from the client</p>
+ *
+ * <p>If there's curently an authentication process going on, route
+ * the data to <code>_handleAuthLogin</code>, otherwise act as
+ * defined</p>
+ *
+ * @event
+ * @param {String} command Command
+ * @param {Buffer} command Payload related to the command
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onCommand = function(command, payload){
+ if(this.authentication.state == "AUTHPLAINUSERDATA"){
+ this._handleAuthPlain(command.toString("utf-8").trim().split(" "));
+ return;
+ }
+ if(this.authentication.state == "AUTHENTICATING"){
+ this._handleAuthLogin(command);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch((command || "").toString().trim().toUpperCase()){
+ // Should not occur too often
+ case "HELO":
+ this._onCommandHELO(payload.toString("utf-8").trim());
+ break;
+ // Lists server capabilities
+ case "EHLO":
+ if(!this.server.options.disableEHLO){
+ this._onCommandEHLO(payload.toString("utf-8").trim());
+ }else{
+ this.client.send("502 5.5.2 Error: command not recognized");
+ }
+ break;
+ // Closes the connection
+ case "QUIT":
+ this.end("221 2.0.0 Goodbye!");
+ break;
+ // Resets the current state
+ case "RSET":
+ this._onCommandRSET();
+ break;
+ // Doesn't work for spam related purposes
+ case "VRFY":
+ this.client.send("252 2.1.5 Send some mail, I'll try my best");
+ break;
+ // Initiate an e-mail by defining a sender
+ case "MAIL":
+ this._onCommandMAIL(payload.toString("utf-8").trim());
+ break;
+ // Add recipients to the e-mail envelope
+ case "RCPT":
+ this._onCommandRCPT(payload.toString("utf-8").trim());
+ break;
+ // Authenticate if needed
+ case "AUTH":
+ this._onCommandAUTH(payload);
+ break;
+ // Start accepting binary data stream
+ case "DATA":
+ this._onCommandDATA();
+ break;
+ // Upgrade connection to secure TLS
+ case "STARTTLS":
+ this._onCommandSTARTTLS();
+ break;
+ // Display an error on anything else
+ default:
+ this.client.send("502 5.5.2 Error: command not recognized");
+ }
+ * <p>Initiate an e-mail by defining a sender.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>This doesn't work if authorization is required but the client is
+ * not logged in yet.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>If <code>validateSender</code> option is set to true, then emits
+ * <code>'validateSender'</code> and wait for the callback before moving
+ * on</p>
+ *
+ * @param {String} mail Address payload in the form of "FROM:&lt;address&gt;"
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onCommandMAIL = function(mail){
+ var match, email, domain;
+ if(!this.hostNameAppearsAs){
+ return this.client.send("503 5.5.1 Error: send HELO/EHLO first");
+ }
+ if(this.server.options.requireAuthentication && !this.authentication.authenticated){
+ return this.client.send("530 5.5.1 Authentication Required");
+ }
+ if(this.envelope.from){
+ return this.client.send("503 5.5.1 Error: nested MAIL command");
+ }
+ if(!(match = mail.match(/^from\:\s*<([^@>]+\@([^@>]+))>$/i))){
+ return this.client.send("501 5.1.7 Bad sender address syntax");
+ }
+ email = match[1] || "";
+ domain = (match[2] || "").toLowerCase();
+ dnslib.resolveMx(domain, (function(err, addresses){
+ if(err || !addresses || !addresses.length){
+ return this.client.send("450 4.1.8 <"+email+">: Sender address rejected: Domain not found");
+ }
+ if(this.server.options.validateSender){
+ this.server.emit("validateSender", this.envelope, email, (function(err){
+ if(err){
+ return this.client.send("550 5.1.1 <"+email+">: Sender address rejected: User unknown in local sender table");
+ }
+ // force domain part to be lowercase
+ email = email.substr(0, email.length - domain.length) + domain;
+ this.envelope.from = email;
+ this.client.send("250 2.1.0 Ok");
+ }).bind(this));
+ }else{
+ // force domain part to be lowercase
+ email = email.substr(0, email.length - domain.length) + domain;
+ this.envelope.from = email;
+ this.client.send("250 2.1.0 Ok");
+ }
+ }).bind(this));
+ * <p>Add recipients to the e-mail envelope</p>
+ *
+ * <p>This doesn't work if <code>MAIL</code> command is not yet executed</p>
+ *
+ * <p>If <code>validateRecipients</code> option is set to true, then emits
+ * <code>'validateRecipient'</code> and wait for the callback before moving
+ * on</p>
+ *
+ * @param {String} mail Address payload in the form of "TO:&lt;address&gt;"
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onCommandRCPT = function(mail){
+ var match, email, domain;
+ if(!this.envelope.from){
+ return this.client.send("503 5.5.1 Error: need MAIL command");
+ }
+ if(!(match = mail.match(/^to\:\s*<([^@>]+\@([^@>]+))>$/i))){
+ return this.client.send("501 5.1.7 Bad recipient address syntax");
+ }
+ email = match[1] || "";
+ domain = (match[2] || "").toLowerCase();
+ dnslib.resolveMx(domain, (function(err, addresses){
+ if(err || !addresses || !addresses.length){
+ return this.client.send("450 4.1.8 <"+email+">: Recipient address rejected: Domain not found");
+ }
+ if(this.server.options.validateRecipients){
+ this.server.emit("validateRecipient", this.envelope, email, (function(err){
+ if(err){
+ return this.client.send("550 5.1.1 <"+email+">: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table");
+ }
+ // force domain part to be lowercase
+ email = email.substr(0, email.length - domain.length) + domain;
+ // add to recipients list
+ if(this.envelope.to.indexOf(email)<0){
+ this.envelope.to.push(email);
+ }
+ this.client.send("250 2.1.0 Ok");
+ }).bind(this));
+ }else{
+ // force domain part to be lowercase
+ email = email.substr(0, email.length - domain.length) + domain;
+ // add to recipients list
+ if(this.envelope.to.indexOf(email)<0){
+ this.envelope.to.push(email);
+ }
+ this.client.send("250 2.1.0 Ok");
+ }
+ }).bind(this));
+ * <p>Switch to data mode and starts waiting for a binary data stream. Emits
+ * <code>'startData'</code>.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>If <code>RCPT</code> is not yet run, stop</p>
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onCommandDATA = function(){
+ if(!this.envelope.to.length){
+ return this.client.send("503 5.5.1 Error: need RCPT command");
+ }
+ this.client.startDataMode();
+ this.client.send("354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>");
+ this.server.emit("startData", this.envelope);
+ * <p>Resets the current state - e-mail data and authentication info</p>
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onCommandRSET = function(){
+ this.init();
+ this.client.send("250 2.0.0 Ok");
+ * <p>If the server is in secure connection mode, start the authentication
+ * process. Param <code>payload</code> defines the authentication mechanism.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Currently supported - PLAIN and LOGIN. There is no need for more
+ * complicated mechanisms (different CRAM versions etc.) since authentication
+ * is only done in secure connection mode</p>
+ *
+ * @param {Buffer} payload Defines the authentication mechanism
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onCommandAUTH = function(payload){
+ var method;
+ if(!this.server.options.requireAuthentication && !this.server.options.enableAuthentication){
+ return this.client.send("503 5.5.1 Error: authentication not enabled");
+ }
+ if(!this.server.options.ignoreTLS && !this.client.secureConnection){
+ return this.client.send("530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first");
+ }
+ if(this.authentication.authenticated){
+ return this.client.send("503 5.7.0 No identity changes permitted");
+ }
+ payload = payload.toString("utf-8").trim().split(" ");
+ method = payload.shift().trim().toUpperCase();
+ if(this.server.options.authMethods.indexOf(method)<0){
+ return this.client.send("535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: no mechanism available");
+ }
+ switch(method){
+ case "PLAIN":
+ this._handleAuthPlain(payload);
+ break;
+ case "LOGIN":
+ this._handleAuthLogin();
+ break;
+ }
+ * <p>Upgrade the connection to a secure TLS connection</p>
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onCommandSTARTTLS = function(){
+ if(this.client.secureConnection){
+ return this.client.send("554 5.5.1 Error: TLS already active");
+ }
+ this.client.send("220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS");
+ this.client.startTLS(this.server.options.credentials, (function(){
+ // Connection secured
+ // nothing to do here, since it is the client that should
+ // make the next move
+ }).bind(this));
+ * <p>Retrieve hostname from the client. Not very important, since client
+ * IP is already known and the client can send fake data</p>
+ *
+ * @param {String} host Hostname of the client
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onCommandHELO = function(host){
+ if(!host){
+ return this.client.send("501 Syntax: EHLO hostname");
+ }else{
+ this.hostNameAppearsAs = host;
+ this.envelope.host = host;
+ }
+ this.client.send("250 "+this.server.options.name+" at your service, ["+
+ this.client.remoteAddress+"]");
+ * <p>Retrieve hostname from the client. Not very important, since client
+ * IP is already known and the client can send fake data</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Additionally displays server capability list to the client</p>
+ *
+ * @param {String} host Hostname of the client
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onCommandEHLO = function(host){
+ var response = [this.server.options.name+" at your service, ["+
+ this.client.remoteAddress+"]", "8BITMIME", "ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES"];
+ if(this.server.options.maxSize){
+ response.push("SIZE "+this.server.options.maxSize);
+ }
+ if((this.client.secureConnection || this.server.options.ignoreTLS) && (this.server.options.requireAuthentication || this.server.options.enableAuthentication)){
+ response.push("AUTH "+this.server.options.authMethods.join(" "));
+ response.push("AUTH="+this.server.options.authMethods.join(" "));
+ }
+ if(!this.client.secureConnection){
+ response.push("STARTTLS");
+ }
+ if(!host){
+ return this.client.send("501 Syntax: EHLO hostname");
+ }else{
+ this.hostNameAppearsAs = host;
+ this.envelope.host = host;
+ }
+ this.client.send(response.map(function(feature, i, arr){
+ return "250"+(i<arr.length-1?"-":" ")+feature;
+ }).join("\r\n"));
+ * <p>Detect login information from the payload and initiate authentication
+ * by emitting <code>'authorizeUser'</code> and waiting for its callback</p>
+ *
+ * @param {Buffer} payload AUTH PLAIN login information
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._handleAuthPlain = function(payload){
+ if (payload.length) {
+ var userdata = new Buffer(payload.join(" "), "base64"), password;
+ userdata = userdata.toString("utf-8").split("\u0000");
+ if (userdata.length != 3) {
+ return this.client.send("500 5.5.2 Error: invalid userdata to decode");
+ }
+ this.authentication.username = userdata[1] || userdata[0] || "";
+ password = userdata[2] || "";
+ this.server.emit("authorizeUser",
+ this.envelope,
+ this.authentication.username,
+ password,
+ (function(err, success){
+ if(err || !success){
+ this.authentication.authenticated = false;
+ this.authentication.username = false;
+ this.authentication.state = "NORMAL";
+ return this.client.send("535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: generic failure");
+ }
+ this.client.send("235 2.7.0 Authentication successful");
+ this.authentication.authenticated = true;
+ this.authentication.state = "AUTHENTICATED";
+ }).bind(this));
+ } else {
+ if(this.authentication.state == "NORMAL"){
+ this.authentication.state = "AUTHPLAINUSERDATA";
+ this.client.send("334");
+ }
+ }
+ * <p>Sets authorization state to "AUTHENTICATING" and reuqests for the
+ * username and password from the client</p>
+ *
+ * <p>If username and password are set initiate authentication
+ * by emitting <code>'authorizeUser'</code> and waiting for its callback</p>
+ *
+ * @param {Buffer} payload AUTH LOGIN login information
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._handleAuthLogin = function(payload){
+ if(this.authentication.state == "NORMAL"){
+ this.authentication.state = "AUTHENTICATING";
+ this.client.send("334 VXNlcm5hbWU6");
+ }else if(this.authentication.state == "AUTHENTICATING"){
+ if(this.authentication.username === false){
+ this.authentication.username = new Buffer(payload, "base64").toString("utf-8");
+ this.client.send("334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6");
+ }else{
+ this.authentication.state = "VERIFYING";
+ this.server.emit("authorizeUser",
+ this.envelope,
+ this.authentication.username,
+ new Buffer(payload, "base64").toString("utf-8"),
+ (function(err, success){
+ if(err || !success){
+ this.authentication.authenticated = false;
+ this.authentication.username = false;
+ this.authentication.state = "NORMAL";
+ return this.client.send("535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: generic failure");
+ }
+ this.client.send("235 2.7.0 Authentication successful");
+ this.authentication.authenticated = true;
+ this.authentication.state = "AUTHENTICATED";
+ }).bind(this));
+ }
+ }
+ * <p>Emits the data received from the client with <code>'data'</code>
+ *
+ * @event
+ * @param {Buffer} chunk Binary data sent by the client on data mode
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onData = function(chunk){
+ this.server.emit("data", this.envelope, chunk);
+ * <p>If the data stream ends, emit <code>'dataReady'</code>and wait for
+ * the callback, only if server listened for it.</p>
+ *
+ * @event
+ */
+SMTPServerConnection.prototype._onDataReady = function(){
+ if (this.server.listeners('dataReady').length) {
+ this.server.emit("dataReady", this.envelope, (function(err, code){
+ this.init(true); //reset state, keep auth data
+ if(err){
+ this.client.send("550 FAILED");
+ }else{
+ this.client.send("250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as "+(code || "FOOBARBAZ"));
+ }
+ }).bind(this));
+ } else {
+ this.init(true); //reset state, keep auth data
+ this.client.send("250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as FOOBARBAZ");
+ }