path: root/org.openembedded.bc.ui
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2011-07-01OTE: version bump to 0.8.6Ken Gilmer
2011-07-01OTE: add preference page to enable/disable background bitbake sessionKen Gilmer
for variable expansion.
2011-07-01OTE: all actions against bitbake now use package name-version instead ofKen Gilmer
directly referencing the recipe file.
2011-06-25bitbake-commander: version bumpKen Gilmer
Change-Id: Ic83375bd0e04f18e730ffdfccb2d5592e6a7b67d
2011-06-25bitbake commander: update OE installation to use newer bitbake andKen Gilmer
other local.conf defaults. Change-Id: I891029398fc51c94febb12a40e02fcd3db03c660
2011-06-25bitbake commander: remove depreciated bug labs install configuration.Ken Gilmer
Change-Id: Ifc364a57e3247196f85f1cc719904fe92d522dd2
2011-06-25bitbake commander: Build a recipe without specifing "-b" option, asKen Gilmer
that no longer seems to work with bitbake 1.10. Change-Id: Id9db9a4b8b5ef469fcb12eef3e07e87e390ef7ed
2011-06-25bitbake commander: fix invalid thread access exception.Ken Gilmer
Change-Id: Ic0e07f91f88fff1ccd27ce88d986062b783b6ca2
2010-05-18org.openembedded.bc: version bump for new releaseKen Gilmer
2010-05-18org.openembedded.bc.ui: removed unnecessary binary class files that were ↵Ken Gilmer
mistakenly checked in.
2010-05-18gumstix_install: updated script based on Ash Charles advice.Ken Gilmer
2010-05-18org.openembedded.bc.ui: initial commitKen Gilmer