path: root/recipes/xorg-app/xmessage_1.0.2.bb
blob: 80e30dd81977279562d8d868885a665d790e0c40 (plain)
require xorg-app-common.inc

DESCRIPTION = "xmessage displays a message or query in a window."
DEPENDS += " libxaw libxt"
PE = "1"
#n280'>280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999
# BitBake Cache implementation
# Caching of bitbake variables before task execution

# Copyright (C) 2006        Richard Purdie
# Copyright (C) 2012        Intel Corporation

# but small sections based on code from bin/bitbake:
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004  Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004  Phil Blundell
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
# Copyright (C) 2005        Holger Hans Peter Freyther
# Copyright (C) 2005        ROAD GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only

import os
import logging
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict
from collections.abc import Mapping
import bb.utils
from bb import PrefixLoggerAdapter
import re
import shutil

logger = logging.getLogger("BitBake.Cache")

__cache_version__ = "155"

def getCacheFile(path, filename, mc, data_hash):
    mcspec = ''
    if mc:
        mcspec = ".%s" % mc
    return os.path.join(path, filename + mcspec + "." + data_hash)

# RecipeInfoCommon defines common data retrieving methods
# from meta data for caches. CoreRecipeInfo as well as other
# Extra RecipeInfo needs to inherit this class
class RecipeInfoCommon(object):

    def listvar(cls, var, metadata):
        return cls.getvar(var, metadata).split()

    def intvar(cls, var, metadata):
        return int(cls.getvar(var, metadata) or 0)

    def depvar(cls, var, metadata):
        return bb.utils.explode_deps(cls.getvar(var, metadata))

    def pkgvar(cls, var, packages, metadata):
        return dict((pkg, cls.depvar("%s:%s" % (var, pkg), metadata))
                    for pkg in packages)

    def taskvar(cls, var, tasks, metadata):
        return dict((task, cls.getvar("%s:task-%s" % (var, task), metadata))
                    for task in tasks)

    def flaglist(cls, flag, varlist, metadata, squash=False):
        out_dict = dict((var, metadata.getVarFlag(var, flag))
                    for var in varlist)
        if squash:
            return dict((k,v) for (k,v) in out_dict.items() if v)
            return out_dict

    def getvar(cls, var, metadata, expand = True):
        return metadata.getVar(var, expand) or ''

class CoreRecipeInfo(RecipeInfoCommon):
    __slots__ = ()

    cachefile = "bb_cache.dat"

    def __init__(self, filename, metadata):
        self.file_depends = metadata.getVar('__depends', False)
        self.timestamp = bb.parse.cached_mtime(filename)
        self.variants = self.listvar('__VARIANTS', metadata) + ['']
        self.appends = self.listvar('__BBAPPEND', metadata)
        self.nocache = self.getvar('BB_DONT_CACHE', metadata)

        self.provides  = self.depvar('PROVIDES', metadata)
        self.rprovides = self.depvar('RPROVIDES', metadata)
        self.pn = self.getvar('PN', metadata) or bb.parse.vars_from_file(filename,metadata)[0]
        self.packages = self.listvar('PACKAGES', metadata)
        if not self.packages:
        self.packages_dynamic = self.listvar('PACKAGES_DYNAMIC', metadata)
        self.rprovides_pkg = self.pkgvar('RPROVIDES', self.packages, metadata)

        self.skipreason = self.getvar('__SKIPPED', metadata)
        if self.skipreason:
            self.skipped = True

        self.tasks = metadata.getVar('__BBTASKS', False)

        self.basetaskhashes = metadata.getVar('__siggen_basehashes', False) or {}
        self.hashfilename = self.getvar('BB_HASHFILENAME', metadata)

        self.task_deps = metadata.getVar('_task_deps', False) or {'tasks': [], 'parents': {}}

        self.skipped = False
        self.pe = self.getvar('PE', metadata)
        self.pv = self.getvar('PV', metadata)
        self.pr = self.getvar('PR', metadata)
        self.defaultpref = self.intvar('DEFAULT_PREFERENCE', metadata)
        self.not_world = self.getvar('EXCLUDE_FROM_WORLD', metadata)
        self.stamp = self.getvar('STAMP', metadata)
        self.stampclean = self.getvar('STAMPCLEAN', metadata)
        self.stamp_extrainfo = self.flaglist('stamp-extra-info', self.tasks, metadata)
        self.file_checksums = self.flaglist('file-checksums', self.tasks, metadata, True)
        self.depends          = self.depvar('DEPENDS', metadata)
        self.rdepends         = self.depvar('RDEPENDS', metadata)
        self.rrecommends      = self.depvar('RRECOMMENDS', metadata)
        self.rdepends_pkg     = self.pkgvar('RDEPENDS', self.packages, metadata)
        self.rrecommends_pkg  = self.pkgvar('RRECOMMENDS', self.packages, metadata)
        self.inherits         = self.getvar('__inherit_cache', metadata, expand=False)
        self.fakerootenv      = self.getvar('FAKEROOTENV', metadata)
        self.fakerootdirs     = self.getvar('FAKEROOTDIRS', metadata)
        self.fakerootlogs     = self.getvar('FAKEROOTLOGS', metadata)
        self.fakerootnoenv    = self.getvar('FAKEROOTNOENV', metadata)
        self.extradepsfunc    = self.getvar('calculate_extra_depends', metadata)

    def init_cacheData(cls, cachedata):
        # CacheData in Core RecipeInfo Class
        cachedata.task_deps = {}
        cachedata.pkg_fn = {}
        cachedata.pkg_pn = defaultdict(list)
        cachedata.pkg_pepvpr = {}
        cachedata.pkg_dp = {}

        cachedata.stamp = {}
        cachedata.stampclean = {}
        cachedata.stamp_extrainfo = {}
        cachedata.file_checksums = {}
        cachedata.fn_provides = {}
        cachedata.pn_provides = defaultdict(list)
        cachedata.all_depends = []

        cachedata.deps = defaultdict(list)
        cachedata.packages = defaultdict(list)
        cachedata.providers = defaultdict(list)
        cachedata.rproviders = defaultdict(list)
        cachedata.packages_dynamic = defaultdict(list)

        cachedata.rundeps = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
        cachedata.runrecs = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
        cachedata.possible_world = []
        cachedata.universe_target = []
        cachedata.hashfn = {}

        cachedata.basetaskhash = {}
        cachedata.inherits = {}
        cachedata.fakerootenv = {}
        cachedata.fakerootnoenv = {}
        cachedata.fakerootdirs = {}
        cachedata.fakerootlogs = {}
        cachedata.extradepsfunc = {}

    def add_cacheData(self, cachedata, fn):
        cachedata.task_deps[fn] = self.task_deps
        cachedata.pkg_fn[fn] = self.pn
        cachedata.pkg_pepvpr[fn] = (self.pe, self.pv, self.pr)
        cachedata.pkg_dp[fn] = self.defaultpref
        cachedata.stamp[fn] = self.stamp
        cachedata.stampclean[fn] = self.stampclean
        cachedata.stamp_extrainfo[fn] = self.stamp_extrainfo
        cachedata.file_checksums[fn] = self.file_checksums

        provides = [self.pn]
        for provide in self.provides:
            if provide not in provides:
        cachedata.fn_provides[fn] = provides

        for provide in provides:
            if provide not in cachedata.pn_provides[self.pn]:

        for dep in self.depends:
            if dep not in cachedata.deps[fn]:
            if dep not in cachedata.all_depends:

        rprovides = self.rprovides
        for package in self.packages:
            rprovides += self.rprovides_pkg[package]

        for rprovide in rprovides:
            if fn not in cachedata.rproviders[rprovide]:

        for package in self.packages_dynamic:

        # Build hash of runtime depends and recommends
        for package in self.packages:
            cachedata.rundeps[fn][package] = list(self.rdepends) + self.rdepends_pkg[package]
            cachedata.runrecs[fn][package] = list(self.rrecommends) + self.rrecommends_pkg[package]

        # Collect files we may need for possible world-dep
        # calculations
        if not bb.utils.to_boolean(self.not_world):
        #    logger.debug2("EXCLUDE FROM WORLD: %s", fn)

        # create a collection of all targets for sanity checking
        # tasks, such as upstream versions, license, and tools for
        # task and image creation.

        cachedata.hashfn[fn] = self.hashfilename
        for task, taskhash in self.basetaskhashes.items():
            identifier = '%s:%s' % (fn, task)
            cachedata.basetaskhash[identifier] = taskhash

        cachedata.inherits[fn] = self.inherits
        cachedata.fakerootenv[fn] = self.fakerootenv
        cachedata.fakerootnoenv[fn] = self.fakerootnoenv
        cachedata.fakerootdirs[fn] = self.fakerootdirs
        cachedata.fakerootlogs[fn] = self.fakerootlogs
        cachedata.extradepsfunc[fn] = self.extradepsfunc

class SiggenRecipeInfo(RecipeInfoCommon):
    __slots__ = ()

    classname = "SiggenRecipeInfo"
    cachefile = "bb_cache_" + classname +".dat"
    # we don't want to show this information in graph files so don't set cachefields
    #cachefields = []

    def __init__(self, filename, metadata):
        self.siggen_gendeps = metadata.getVar("__siggen_gendeps", False)
        self.siggen_varvals = metadata.getVar("__siggen_varvals", False)
        self.siggen_taskdeps = metadata.getVar("__siggen_taskdeps", False)

    def init_cacheData(cls, cachedata):
        cachedata.siggen_taskdeps = {}
        cachedata.siggen_gendeps = {}
        cachedata.siggen_varvals = {}

    def add_cacheData(self, cachedata, fn):
        cachedata.siggen_gendeps[fn] = self.siggen_gendeps
        cachedata.siggen_varvals[fn] = self.siggen_varvals
        cachedata.siggen_taskdeps[fn] = self.siggen_taskdeps

    # The siggen variable data is large and impacts:
    #  - bitbake's overall memory usage
    #  - the amount of data sent over IPC between parsing processes and the server
    #  - the size of the cache files on disk
    #  - the size of "sigdata" hash information files on disk
    # The data consists of strings (some large) or frozenset lists of variables
    # As such, we a) deplicate the data here and b) pass references to the object at second
    # access (e.g. over IPC or saving into pickle).

    store = {}
    save_map = {}
    save_count = 1
    restore_map = {}
    restore_count = {}

    def reset(cls):
        # Needs to be called before starting new streamed data in a given process 
        # (e.g. writing out the cache again)
        cls.save_map = {}
        cls.save_count = 1
        cls.restore_map = {}

    def _save(cls, deps):
        ret = []
        if not deps:
            return deps
        for dep in deps:
            fs = deps[dep]
            if fs is None:
                ret.append((dep, None, None))
            elif fs in cls.save_map:
                ret.append((dep, None, cls.save_map[fs]))
                cls.save_map[fs] = cls.save_count
                ret.append((dep, fs, cls.save_count))
                cls.save_count = cls.save_count + 1
        return ret

    def _restore(cls, deps, pid):
        ret = {}
        if not deps:
            return deps
        if pid not in cls.restore_map:
            cls.restore_map[pid] = {}
        map = cls.restore_map[pid]
        for dep, fs, mapnum in deps:
            if fs is None and mapnum is None:
                ret[dep] = None
            elif fs is None:
                ret[dep] = map[mapnum]
                    fs = cls.store[fs]
                except KeyError:
                    cls.store[fs] = fs
                map[mapnum] = fs
                ret[dep] = fs
        return ret

    def __getstate__(self):
        ret = {}
        for key in ["siggen_gendeps", "siggen_taskdeps", "siggen_varvals"]:
            ret[key] = self._save(self.__dict__[key])
        ret['pid'] = os.getpid()
        return ret

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        pid = state['pid']
        for key in ["siggen_gendeps", "siggen_taskdeps", "siggen_varvals"]:
            setattr(self, key, self._restore(state[key], pid))

def virtualfn2realfn(virtualfn):
    Convert a virtual file name to a real one + the associated subclass keyword
    mc = ""
    if virtualfn.startswith('mc:') and virtualfn.count(':') >= 2:
        elems = virtualfn.split(':')
        mc = elems[1]
        virtualfn = ":".join(elems[2:])

    fn = virtualfn
    cls = ""
    if virtualfn.startswith('virtual:'):
        elems = virtualfn.split(':')
        cls = ":".join(elems[1:-1])
        fn = elems[-1]

    return (fn, cls, mc)

def realfn2virtual(realfn, cls, mc):
    Convert a real filename + the associated subclass keyword to a virtual filename
    if cls:
        realfn = "virtual:" + cls + ":" + realfn
    if mc:
        realfn = "mc:" + mc + ":" + realfn
    return realfn

def variant2virtual(realfn, variant):
    Convert a real filename + the associated subclass keyword to a virtual filename
    if variant == "":
        return realfn
    if variant.startswith("mc:") and variant.count(':') >= 2:
        elems = variant.split(":")
        if elems[2]:
            return "mc:" + elems[1] + ":virtual:" + ":".join(elems[2:]) + ":" + realfn
        return "mc:" + elems[1] + ":" + realfn
    return "virtual:" + variant + ":" + realfn

# Cooker calls cacheValid on its recipe list, then either calls loadCached
# from it's main thread or parse from separate processes to generate an up to
# date cache
class Cache(object):
    BitBake Cache implementation
    def __init__(self, databuilder, mc, data_hash, caches_array):
        self.databuilder = databuilder
        self.data = databuilder.data

        # Pass caches_array information into Cache Constructor
        # It will be used later for deciding whether we
        # need extra cache file dump/load support
        self.mc = mc
        self.logger = PrefixLoggerAdapter("Cache: %s: " % (mc if mc else "default"), logger)
        self.caches_array = caches_array
        self.cachedir = self.data.getVar("CACHE")
        self.clean = set()
        self.checked = set()
        self.depends_cache = {}
        self.data_fn = None
        self.cacheclean = True
        self.data_hash = data_hash
        self.filelist_regex = re.compile(r'(?:(?<=:True)|(?<=:False))\s+')

        if self.cachedir in [None, '']:
            bb.fatal("Please ensure CACHE is set to the cache directory for BitBake to use")

    def getCacheFile(self, cachefile):
        return getCacheFile(self.cachedir, cachefile, self.mc, self.data_hash)

    def prepare_cache(self, progress):
        loaded = 0

        self.cachefile = self.getCacheFile("bb_cache.dat")

        self.logger.debug("Cache dir: %s", self.cachedir)

        cache_ok = True
        if self.caches_array:
            for cache_class in self.caches_array:
                cachefile = self.getCacheFile(cache_class.cachefile)
                cache_exists = os.path.exists(cachefile)
                self.logger.debug2("Checking if %s exists: %r", cachefile, cache_exists)
                cache_ok = cache_ok and cache_exists
        if cache_ok:
            loaded = self.load_cachefile(progress)
        elif os.path.isfile(self.cachefile):
            self.logger.info("Out of date cache found, rebuilding...")
            self.logger.debug("Cache file %s not found, building..." % self.cachefile)

        # We don't use the symlink, its just for debugging convinience
        if self.mc:
            symlink = os.path.join(self.cachedir, "bb_cache.dat.%s" % self.mc)
            symlink = os.path.join(self.cachedir, "bb_cache.dat")

        if os.path.exists(symlink):
            os.symlink(os.path.basename(self.cachefile), symlink)
        except OSError:

        return loaded

    def cachesize(self):
        cachesize = 0
        for cache_class in self.caches_array:
            cachefile = self.getCacheFile(cache_class.cachefile)
                with open(cachefile, "rb") as cachefile:
                    cachesize += os.fstat(cachefile.fileno()).st_size
            except FileNotFoundError:

        return cachesize

    def load_cachefile(self, progress):
        previous_progress = 0

        for cache_class in self.caches_array:
            cachefile = self.getCacheFile(cache_class.cachefile)
            self.logger.debug('Loading cache file: %s' % cachefile)
            with open(cachefile, "rb") as cachefile:
                pickled = pickle.Unpickler(cachefile)
                # Check cache version information
                    cache_ver = pickled.load()
                    bitbake_ver = pickled.load()
                except Exception:
                    self.logger.info('Invalid cache, rebuilding...')
                    return 0

                if cache_ver != __cache_version__:
                    self.logger.info('Cache version mismatch, rebuilding...')
                    return 0
                elif bitbake_ver != bb.__version__:
                    self.logger.info('Bitbake version mismatch, rebuilding...')
                    return 0

                # Load the rest of the cache file
                current_progress = 0
                while cachefile:
                        key = pickled.load()
                        value = pickled.load()
                    except Exception:
                    if not isinstance(key, str):
                        bb.warn("%s from extras cache is not a string?" % key)
                    if not isinstance(value, RecipeInfoCommon):
                        bb.warn("%s from extras cache is not a RecipeInfoCommon class?" % value)

                    if key in self.depends_cache:
                        self.depends_cache[key] = [value]
                    # only fire events on even percentage boundaries
                    current_progress = cachefile.tell() + previous_progress
                    progress(cachefile.tell() + previous_progress)

                previous_progress += current_progress

        return len(self.depends_cache)

    def parse(self, filename, appends):
        """Parse the specified filename, returning the recipe information"""
        self.logger.debug("Parsing %s", filename)
        infos = []
        datastores = self.databuilder.parseRecipeVariants(filename, appends, mc=self.mc)
        depends = []
        variants = []
        # Process the "real" fn last so we can store variants list
        for variant, data in sorted(datastores.items(),
                                    key=lambda i: i[0],
            virtualfn = variant2virtual(filename, variant)
            depends = depends + (data.getVar("__depends", False) or [])
            if depends and not variant:
                data.setVar("__depends", depends)
            if virtualfn == filename:
                data.setVar("__VARIANTS", " ".join(variants))
            info_array = []
            for cache_class in self.caches_array:
                info = cache_class(filename, data)
            infos.append((virtualfn, info_array))

        return infos

    def loadCached(self, filename, appends):
        """Obtain the recipe information for the specified filename,
        using cached values.

        infos = []
        # info_array item is a list of [CoreRecipeInfo, XXXRecipeInfo]
        info_array = self.depends_cache[filename]
        for variant in info_array[0].variants:
            virtualfn = variant2virtual(filename, variant)
            infos.append((virtualfn, self.depends_cache[virtualfn]))

        return infos

    def cacheValid(self, fn, appends):
        Is the cache valid for fn?
        Fast version, no timestamps checked.
        if fn not in self.checked:
            self.cacheValidUpdate(fn, appends)
        if fn in self.clean:
            return True
        return False

    def cacheValidUpdate(self, fn, appends):
        Is the cache valid for fn?
        Make thorough (slower) checks including timestamps.

        # File isn't in depends_cache
        if not fn in self.depends_cache:
            self.logger.debug2("%s is not cached", fn)
            return False

        mtime = bb.parse.cached_mtime_noerror(fn)

        # Check file still exists
        if mtime == 0:
            self.logger.debug2("%s no longer exists", fn)
            return False

        info_array = self.depends_cache[fn]
        # Check the file's timestamp
        if mtime != info_array[0].timestamp:
            self.logger.debug2("%s changed", fn)
            return False

        # Check dependencies are still valid
        depends = info_array[0].file_depends
        if depends:
            for f, old_mtime in depends:
                fmtime = bb.parse.cached_mtime_noerror(f)
                # Check if file still exists
                if old_mtime != 0 and fmtime == 0:
                    self.logger.debug2("%s's dependency %s was removed",
                                         fn, f)
                    return False

                if (fmtime != old_mtime):
                    self.logger.debug2("%s's dependency %s changed",
                                         fn, f)
                    return False

        if hasattr(info_array[0], 'file_checksums'):
            for _, fl in info_array[0].file_checksums.items():
                fl = fl.strip()
                if not fl:
                # Have to be careful about spaces and colons in filenames
                flist = self.filelist_regex.split(fl)
                for f in flist:
                    if not f:
                    f, exist = f.rsplit(":", 1)
                    if (exist == "True" and not os.path.exists(f)) or (exist == "False" and os.path.exists(f)):
                        self.logger.debug2("%s's file checksum list file %s changed",
                                             fn, f)
                        return False

        if tuple(appends) != tuple(info_array[0].appends):
            self.logger.debug2("appends for %s changed", fn)
            self.logger.debug2("%s to %s" % (str(appends), str(info_array[0].appends)))
            return False

        invalid = False
        for cls in info_array[0].variants:
            virtualfn = variant2virtual(fn, cls)
            if virtualfn not in self.depends_cache:
                self.logger.debug2("%s is not cached", virtualfn)
                invalid = True
            elif len(self.depends_cache[virtualfn]) != len(self.caches_array):
                self.logger.debug2("Extra caches missing for %s?" % virtualfn)
                invalid = True

        # If any one of the variants is not present, mark as invalid for all
        if invalid:
            for cls in info_array[0].variants:
                virtualfn = variant2virtual(fn, cls)
                if virtualfn in self.clean:
                    self.logger.debug2("Removing %s from cache", virtualfn)
            if fn in self.clean:
                self.logger.debug2("Marking %s as not clean", fn)
            return False

        return True

    def remove(self, fn):
        Remove a fn from the cache
        Called from the parser in error cases
        if fn in self.depends_cache:
            self.logger.debug("Removing %s from cache", fn)
            del self.depends_cache[fn]
        if fn in self.clean:
            self.logger.debug("Marking %s as unclean", fn)

    def sync(self):
        Save the cache
        Called from the parser when complete (or exiting)
        if self.cacheclean:
            self.logger.debug2("Cache is clean, not saving.")

        for cache_class in self.caches_array:
            cache_class_name = cache_class.__name__
            cachefile = self.getCacheFile(cache_class.cachefile)
            self.logger.debug2("Writing %s", cachefile)
            with open(cachefile, "wb") as f:
                p = pickle.Pickler(f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

                for key, info_array in self.depends_cache.items():
                    for info in info_array:
                        if isinstance(info, RecipeInfoCommon) and info.__class__.__name__ == cache_class_name:

        del self.depends_cache

    def mtime(cachefile):
        return bb.parse.cached_mtime_noerror(cachefile)

    def add_info(self, filename, info_array, cacheData, parsed=None, watcher=None):
        if self.mc is not None:
            (fn, cls, mc) = virtualfn2realfn(filename)
            if mc:
                self.logger.error("Unexpected multiconfig %s", filename)

            vfn = realfn2virtual(fn, cls, self.mc)
            vfn = filename

        if isinstance(info_array[0], CoreRecipeInfo) and (not info_array[0].skipped):
            cacheData.add_from_recipeinfo(vfn, info_array)

            if watcher:

        if (info_array[0].skipped or 'SRCREVINACTION' not in info_array[0].pv) and not info_array[0].nocache:
            if parsed:
                self.cacheclean = False
            self.depends_cache[filename] = info_array

class MulticonfigCache(Mapping):
    def __init__(self, databuilder, data_hash, caches_array):
        def progress(p):
            nonlocal current_progress
            nonlocal previous_progress
            nonlocal previous_percent
            nonlocal cachesize

            current_progress = previous_progress + p

            if current_progress > cachesize:
                # we might have calculated incorrect total size because a file
                # might've been written out just after we checked its size
                cachesize = current_progress
            current_percent = 100 * current_progress / cachesize
            if current_percent > previous_percent:
                previous_percent = current_percent
                bb.event.fire(bb.event.CacheLoadProgress(current_progress, cachesize),

        cachesize = 0
        current_progress = 0
        previous_progress = 0
        previous_percent = 0
        self.__caches = {}

        for mc, mcdata in databuilder.mcdata.items():
            self.__caches[mc] = Cache(databuilder, mc, data_hash, caches_array)

            cachesize += self.__caches[mc].cachesize()

        bb.event.fire(bb.event.CacheLoadStarted(cachesize), databuilder.data)
        loaded = 0

        for c in self.__caches.values():
            loaded += c.prepare_cache(progress)
            previous_progress = current_progress

        # Note: depends cache number is corresponding to the parsing file numbers.
        # The same file has several caches, still regarded as one item in the cache
        bb.event.fire(bb.event.CacheLoadCompleted(cachesize, loaded), databuilder.data)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__caches)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.__caches[key]

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self.__caches

    def __iter__(self):
        for k in self.__caches:
            yield k

def init(cooker):
    The Objective: Cache the minimum amount of data possible yet get to the
    stage of building packages (i.e. tryBuild) without reparsing any .bb files.

    To do this, we intercept getVar calls and only cache the variables we see
    being accessed. We rely on the cache getVar calls being made for all
    variables bitbake might need to use to reach this stage. For each cached
    file we need to track:

    * Its mtime
    * The mtimes of all its dependencies
    * Whether it caused a parse.SkipRecipe exception

    Files causing parsing errors are evicted from the cache.

    return Cache(cooker.configuration.data, cooker.configuration.data_hash)

class CacheData(object):
    The data structures we compile from the cached data

    def __init__(self, caches_array):
        self.caches_array = caches_array
        for cache_class in self.caches_array:
            if not issubclass(cache_class, RecipeInfoCommon):
                bb.error("Extra cache data class %s should subclass RecipeInfoCommon class" % cache_class)

        # Direct cache variables
        self.task_queues = {}
        self.preferred = {}
        self.tasks = {}
        # Indirect Cache variables (set elsewhere)
        self.ignored_dependencies = []
        self.world_target = set()
        self.bbfile_priority = {}

    def add_from_recipeinfo(self, fn, info_array):
        for info in info_array:
            info.add_cacheData(self, fn)

class MultiProcessCache(object):
    BitBake multi-process cache implementation

    Used by the codeparser & file checksum caches

    def __init__(self):
        self.cachefile = None
        self.cachedata = self.create_cachedata()
        self.cachedata_extras = self.create_cachedata()

    def init_cache(self, cachedir, cache_file_name=None):
        if not cachedir:

        self.cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir,
                                      cache_file_name or self.__class__.cache_file_name)
        logger.debug("Using cache in '%s'", self.cachefile)

        glf = bb.utils.lockfile(self.cachefile + ".lock")

            with open(self.cachefile, "rb") as f:
                p = pickle.Unpickler(f)
                data, version = p.load()


        if version != self.__class__.CACHE_VERSION:

        self.cachedata = data

    def create_cachedata(self):
        data = [{}]
        return data

    def save_extras(self):
        if not self.cachefile:

        have_data = any(self.cachedata_extras)
        if not have_data:

        glf = bb.utils.lockfile(self.cachefile + ".lock", shared=True)

        i = os.getpid()
        lf = None
        while not lf:
            lf = bb.utils.lockfile(self.cachefile + ".lock." + str(i), retry=False)
            if not lf or os.path.exists(self.cachefile + "-" + str(i)):
                if lf:
                    lf = None
                i = i + 1

            with open(self.cachefile + "-" + str(i), "wb") as f:
                p = pickle.Pickler(f, -1)
                p.dump([self.cachedata_extras, self.__class__.CACHE_VERSION])


    def merge_data(self, source, dest):
        for j in range(0,len(dest)):
            for h in source[j]:
                if h not in dest[j]:
                    dest[j][h] = source[j][h]

    def save_merge(self):
        if not self.cachefile:

        glf = bb.utils.lockfile(self.cachefile + ".lock")

        data = self.cachedata

        have_data = False

        for f in [y for y in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(self.cachefile)) if y.startswith(os.path.basename(self.cachefile) + '-')]:
            f = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.cachefile), f)
                with open(f, "rb") as fd:
                    p = pickle.Unpickler(fd)
                    extradata, version = p.load()
            except (IOError, EOFError):

            if version != self.__class__.CACHE_VERSION:

            have_data = True
            self.merge_data(extradata, data)

        if have_data:
            with open(self.cachefile, "wb") as f:
                p = pickle.Pickler(f, -1)
                p.dump([data, self.__class__.CACHE_VERSION])


class SimpleCache(object):
    BitBake multi-process cache implementation

    Used by the codeparser & file checksum caches

    def __init__(self, version):
        self.cachefile = None
        self.cachedata = None
        self.cacheversion = version

    def init_cache(self, d, cache_file_name=None, defaultdata=None):
        cachedir = (d.getVar("PERSISTENT_DIR") or
        if not cachedir:
            return defaultdata

        self.cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir,
                                      cache_file_name or self.__class__.cache_file_name)
        logger.debug("Using cache in '%s'", self.cachefile)

        glf = bb.utils.lockfile(self.cachefile + ".lock")

            with open(self.cachefile, "rb") as f:
                p = pickle.Unpickler(f)
                data, version = p.load()
            return defaultdata


        if version != self.cacheversion:
            return defaultdata

        return data

    def save(self, data):
        if not self.cachefile:

        glf = bb.utils.lockfile(self.cachefile + ".lock")

        with open(self.cachefile, "wb") as f:
            p = pickle.Pickler(f, -1)
            p.dump([data, self.cacheversion])


    def copyfile(self, target):
        if not self.cachefile:

        glf = bb.utils.lockfile(self.cachefile + ".lock")
        shutil.copy(self.cachefile, target)