# # Populate builds using prebuilt packages where possible to speed up builds # and allow staging to be reconstructed. # # To use it add that line to conf/local.conf: # # INHERIT += "packaged-staging" # # # bitbake.conf set PSTAGING_ACTIVE = "0", this class sets to "1" if we're active # PSTAGE_PKGVERSION = "${PV}-${PR}" PSTAGE_PKGARCH = "${PACKAGE_ARCH}-${HOST_OS}" PSTAGE_EXTRAPATH ?= "/${OELAYOUT_ABI}/${DISTRO_PR}/" PSTAGE_PKGPATH = "${DISTRO}${PSTAGE_EXTRAPATH}" PSTAGE_PKGPN = "${@bb.data.expand('staging-${PN}-${MULTIMACH_ARCH}${TARGET_VENDOR}-${TARGET_OS}', d).replace('_', '-')}" PSTAGE_PKGNAME = "${PSTAGE_PKGPN}_${PSTAGE_PKGVERSION}_${PSTAGE_PKGARCH}.ipk" PSTAGE_PKG = "${PSTAGE_DIR}/${PSTAGE_PKGPATH}/${PSTAGE_PKGNAME}" PSTAGE_WORKDIR = "${TMPDIR}/pstage" PSTAGE_SCAN_CMD ?= "find ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE} \( -name "*.la" -o -name "*-config" \) -type f" PSTAGE_NATIVEDEPENDS = "\ shasum-native \ stagemanager-native \ " BB_STAMP_WHITELIST = "${PSTAGE_NATIVEDEPENDS}" python __anonymous() { # We need PSTAGE_PKGARCH to contain information about the target. if bb.data.inherits_class('cross', d): bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE_PKGARCH', "${HOST_SYS}-${PACKAGE_ARCH}-${TARGET_OS}", d) } python () { pstage_allowed = True # These classes encode staging paths into the binary data so can only be # reused if the path doesn't change/ if bb.data.inherits_class('native', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('cross', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('sdk', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('crosssdk', d): path = bb.data.getVar('PSTAGE_PKGPATH', d, 1) path = path + bb.data.getVar('TMPDIR', d, 1).replace('/', '-') bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE_PKGPATH', path, d) scan_cmd = "grep -Irl ${STAGING_DIR} ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}" bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE_SCAN_CMD', scan_cmd, d) # PSTAGE_NATIVEDEPENDS lists the packages we need before we can use packaged # staging. There will always be some packages we depend on. if bb.data.inherits_class('native', d): pn = bb.data.getVar('PN', d, True) nativedeps = bb.data.getVar('PSTAGE_NATIVEDEPENDS', d, True).split() if pn in nativedeps: pstage_allowed = False # Images aren't of interest to us if bb.data.inherits_class('image', d): pstage_allowed = False if bb.data.getVar('PSTAGING_DISABLED', d, True) == "1": pstage_allowed = False # Add task dependencies if we're active, otherwise mark packaged staging # as inactive. if pstage_allowed: deps = bb.data.getVarFlag('do_setscene', 'depends', d) or "" deps += " stagemanager-native:do_populate_sysroot" bb.data.setVarFlag('do_setscene', 'depends', deps, d) policy = bb.data.getVar("BB_STAMP_POLICY", d, True) if policy == "whitelist" or policy == "full": deps = bb.data.getVarFlag('do_setscene', 'recrdeptask', d) or "" deps += " do_setscene" bb.data.setVarFlag('do_setscene', 'recrdeptask', deps, d) bb.data.setVar("PSTAGING_ACTIVE", "1", d) else: bb.data.setVar("PSTAGING_ACTIVE", "0", d) } PSTAGE_MACHCONFIG = "${PSTAGE_WORKDIR}/opkg.conf" PSTAGE_PKGMANAGER = "stage-manager-ipkg" PSTAGE_BUILD_CMD = "stage-manager-ipkg-build -o 0 -g 0" PSTAGE_INSTALL_CMD = "${PSTAGE_PKGMANAGER} -f ${PSTAGE_MACHCONFIG} -force-depends -o ${TMPDIR} install" PSTAGE_UPDATE_CMD = "${PSTAGE_PKGMANAGER} -f ${PSTAGE_MACHCONFIG} -o ${TMPDIR} update" PSTAGE_REMOVE_CMD = "${PSTAGE_PKGMANAGER} -f ${PSTAGE_MACHCONFIG} -force-depends -o ${TMPDIR} remove" PSTAGE_LIST_CMD = "${PSTAGE_PKGMANAGER} -f ${PSTAGE_MACHCONFIG} -o ${TMPDIR} list_installed" PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE = "${WORKDIR}/staging-pkg" def pstage_manualclean(srcname, destvarname, d): src = os.path.join(bb.data.getVar('PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE', d, True), srcname) dest = bb.data.getVar(destvarname, d, True) for walkroot, dirs, files in os.walk(src): bb.debug("rm %s" % walkroot) for file in files: # Avoid breaking the held lock if (file == "staging.lock"): continue filepath = os.path.join(walkroot, file).replace(src, dest) oe.path.remove(filepath) def pstage_set_pkgmanager(d): path = bb.data.getVar("PATH", d, 1) pkgmanager = bb.which(path, 'opkg-cl') if pkgmanager == "": pkgmanager = bb.which(path, 'ipkg-cl') if pkgmanager != "": bb.data.setVar("PSTAGE_PKGMANAGER", pkgmanager, d) def pstage_cleanpackage(pkgname, d): path = bb.data.getVar("PATH", d, 1) pstage_set_pkgmanager(d) list_cmd = bb.data.getVar("PSTAGE_LIST_CMD", d, True) bb.debug(2, "Checking if staging package installed") lf = bb.utils.lockfile(bb.data.expand("${SYSROOT_LOCK}", d)) ret = os.system("PATH=\"%s\" %s | grep %s" % (path, list_cmd, pkgname)) if ret == 0: bb.debug(1, "Uninstalling package from staging...") removecmd = bb.data.getVar("PSTAGE_REMOVE_CMD", d, 1) ret = os.system("PATH=\"%s\" %s %s" % (path, removecmd, pkgname)) if ret != 0: bb.note("Failure removing staging package") else: bb.debug(1, "Manually removing any installed files from staging...") pstage_manualclean("sysroots", "STAGING_DIR", d) pstage_manualclean("deploy", "DEPLOY_DIR", d) bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) do_clean_prepend() { """ Clear the build and temp directories """ removepkg = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE_PKGPN}", d) pstage_cleanpackage(removepkg, d) stagepkg = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE_PKG}", d) if os.path.exists(stagepkg): bb.note("Removing staging package %s" % base_path_out(stagepkg, d)) oe.path.remove(stagepkg) oe.path.remove(stagepkg + ".md5") } staging_helper () { # Assemble appropriate opkg.conf conffile=${PSTAGE_MACHCONFIG} mkdir -p ${PSTAGE_WORKDIR}/pstaging_lists arch="${PSTAGE_PKGARCH}" if [ ! -e $conffile ]; then echo "arch $arch 1" > $conffile echo "dest root /" >> $conffile elif [ `grep -c " $arch " $conffile` -eq 0 ]; then priority=$(expr `grep -cE "^arch" $conffile` + 1) sed -i -e "/dest/iarch $arch $priority" $conffile fi if [ ! -e ${TMPDIR}${libdir_native}/opkg/info/ ]; then mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}${libdir_native}/opkg/info/ fi if [ ! -e ${TMPDIR}${libdir_native}/ipkg/ ]; then ln -sf opkg/ ${TMPDIR}${libdir_native}/ipkg || true fi } def staging_fetch(stagepkg, d): import bb.fetch # only try and fetch if the user has configured a mirror if bb.data.getVar('PSTAGE_MIRROR', d) != "": # Copy the data object and override DL_DIR and SRC_URI pd = d.createCopy() dldir = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE_DIR}/${PSTAGE_PKGPATH}", pd) mirror = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE_MIRROR}/${PSTAGE_PKGPATH}/", pd) srcuri = mirror + os.path.basename(stagepkg) bb.data.setVar('DL_DIR', dldir, pd) bb.data.setVar('SRC_URI', srcuri, pd) # Try a fetch from the pstage mirror, if it fails just return and # we will build the package try: bb.fetch.init([srcuri], pd) bb.fetch.go(pd, [srcuri]) except: return PSTAGE_TASKS_COVERED = "fetch unpack munge patch configure qa_configure rig_locales compile sizecheck install deploy package populate_sysroot package_write_deb package_write_ipk package_write package_stage qa_staging" SCENEFUNCS += "packagestage_scenefunc" python packagestage_scenefunc () { import glob if bb.data.getVar("PSTAGING_ACTIVE", d, 1) == "0": return bb.build.exec_func("staging_helper", d) removepkg = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE_PKGPN}", d) pstage_cleanpackage(removepkg, d) stagepkg = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE_PKG}", d) if not os.path.exists(stagepkg): staging_fetch(stagepkg, d) if os.path.exists(stagepkg): path = bb.data.getVar("PATH", d, 1) pstage_set_pkgmanager(d) file = bb.data.getVar("FILE", d, True) bb.debug(2, "Packaged staging active for %s\n" % file) # # Install the staging package somewhere temporarily so we can extract the stamp files # bb.mkdirhier(bb.data.expand("${WORKDIR}/tstage/${libdir_native}/opkg/info/ ", d)) cmd = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE_PKGMANAGER} -f ${PSTAGE_MACHCONFIG} -force-depends -o ${WORKDIR}/tstage install", d) ret = os.system("PATH=\"%s\" %s %s" % (path, cmd, stagepkg)) if ret != 0: bb.fatal("Couldn't install the staging package to a temp directory") # # Grab the staging lock now so that we don't have other threads try and # validate or install based on these stamps being valid. This is a # potential issue for certain BB_STAMP_POLICY values and enough # concurrent threads. # lf = bb.utils.lockfile(bb.data.expand("${SYSROOT_LOCK}", d)) # # Copy the stamp files into the main stamps directoy # cmd = bb.data.expand("cp -dpR ${WORKDIR}/tstage/stamps/* ${TMPDIR}/stamps/", d) ret = os.system(cmd) if ret != 0: bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) bb.fatal("Couldn't copy the staging package stamp files") # # Iterate over the stamps seeing if they're valid. If we find any that # are invalid or the task wasn't in the taskgraph, assume caution and # do a rebuild. # # FIXME - some tasks are safe to ignore in the task graph. e.g. package_write_* stageok = True taskscovered = bb.data.getVar("PSTAGE_TASKS_COVERED", d, True).split() stamp = bb.data.getVar("STAMP", d, True) for task in taskscovered: task = 'do_' + task stampfn = "%s.%s" % (stamp, task) bb.debug(1, "Checking %s" % (stampfn)) if os.path.exists(stampfn): stageok = bb.runqueue.check_stamp_fn(file, task, d) bb.debug(1, "Result %s" % (stageok)) if not stageok: bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) break # Remove the stamps and files we added above # FIXME - we should really only remove the stamps we added for fname in glob.glob(stamp + '.*'): oe.path.remove(fname) oe.path.remove(bb.data.expand("${WORKDIR}/tstage", d)) if stageok: bb.note("Staging package found, using it for %s." % file) installcmd = bb.data.getVar("PSTAGE_INSTALL_CMD", d, 1) ret = os.system("PATH=\"%s\" %s %s" % (path, installcmd, stagepkg)) bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) if ret != 0: bb.note("Failure installing prestage package") bb.build.exec_func("staging_package_libtoolhack", d) bb.build.make_stamp("do_stage_package_populated", d) else: bb.note("Staging package found but invalid for %s" % file) } packagestage_scenefunc[cleandirs] = "${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}" packagestage_scenefunc[dirs] = "${STAGING_DIR}" addhandler packagedstage_stampfixing_eventhandler python packagedstage_stampfixing_eventhandler() { if bb.event.getName(e) == "StampUpdate": taskscovered = bb.data.getVar("PSTAGE_TASKS_COVERED", e.data, 1).split() for (fn, task) in e.targets: # strip off 'do_' task = task[3:] if task in taskscovered: stamp = "%s.do_stage_package_populated" % e.stampPrefix[fn] if os.path.exists(stamp): # We're targetting a task which was skipped with packaged staging # so we need to remove the autogenerated stamps. for task in taskscovered: covered = "%s.do_%s" % (e.stampPrefix[fn], task) oe.path.remove(covered) oe.path.remove(stamp) } populate_sysroot_preamble () { if [ "$PSTAGING_ACTIVE" = "1" ]; then stage-manager -p ${STAGING_DIR} -c ${PSTAGE_WORKDIR}/stamp-cache-staging -u || true fi } populate_sysroot_postamble () { if [ "$PSTAGING_ACTIVE" = "1" ]; then # list the packages currently installed in staging # ${PSTAGE_LIST_CMD} | awk '{print $1}' > ${PSTAGE_WORKDIR}/installed-list # exitcode == 5 is ok, it means the files change set +e stage-manager -p ${STAGING_DIR} -c ${PSTAGE_WORKDIR}/stamp-cache-staging -u -d ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/sysroots exitcode=$? if [ "$exitcode" != "5" -a "$exitcode" != "0" ]; then exit $exitcode fi if [ "$exitcode" != "5" -a "$exitcode" != "0" ]; then exit $exitcode fi set -e fi } packagedstaging_fastpath () { if [ "$PSTAGING_ACTIVE" = "1" ]; then mkdir -p ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/sysroots/ cp -fpPR ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}/${STAGING_DIR}/* ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/sysroots/ || /bin/true fi } do_populate_sysroot[dirs] =+ "${PSTAGE_DIR}" python populate_sysroot_prehook() { bb.build.exec_func("populate_sysroot_preamble", d) } python populate_sysroot_posthook() { bb.build.exec_func("populate_sysroot_postamble", d) } staging_packager () { mkdir -p ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL mkdir -p ${PSTAGE_DIR}/${PSTAGE_PKGPATH} echo "Package: ${PSTAGE_PKGPN}" > ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control echo "Version: ${PSTAGE_PKGVERSION}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control echo "Description: ${DESCRIPTION}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control echo "Section: ${SECTION}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control echo "Priority: Optional" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control echo "Maintainer: ${MAINTAINER}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control echo "Architecture: ${PSTAGE_PKGARCH}" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control # Protect against empty SRC_URI srcuri="${SRC_URI}" if [ "$srcuri" == "" ]; then srcuri="OpenEmbedded" fi echo "Source: $srcuri" >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/CONTROL/control # Deal with libtool not supporting sysroots # Need to remove hardcoded paths and fix these when we install the # staging packages. # Could someone please add sysroot support to libtool! for i in `${PSTAGE_SCAN_CMD}` ; do \ sed -i -e s:${STAGING_DIR}:FIXMESTAGINGDIR:g $i echo $i | sed -e 's:${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/::' >> ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE}/sysroots/fixmepath done ${PSTAGE_BUILD_CMD} ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE} ${PSTAGE_DIR}/${PSTAGE_PKGPATH} } staging_package_installer () { #${PSTAGE_INSTALL_CMD} ${PSTAGE_PKG} STATUSFILE=${TMPDIR}${libdir_native}/opkg/status echo "Package: ${PSTAGE_PKGPN}" >> $STATUSFILE echo "Version: ${PSTAGE_PKGVERSION}" >> $STATUSFILE echo "Status: install user installed" >> $STATUSFILE echo "Architecture: ${PSTAGE_PKGARCH}" >> $STATUSFILE echo "" >> $STATUSFILE CTRLFILE=${TMPDIR}${libdir_native}/opkg/info/${PSTAGE_PKGPN}.control echo "Package: ${PSTAGE_PKGPN}" > $CTRLFILE echo "Version: ${PSTAGE_PKGVERSION}" >> $CTRLFILE echo "Architecture: ${PSTAGE_PKGARCH}" >> $CTRLFILE cd ${PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE} find -type f | grep -v ./CONTROL | sed -e 's/^\.//' > ${TMPDIR}${libdir_native}/opkg/info/${PSTAGE_PKGPN}.list } python staging_package_libtoolhack () { # Deal with libtool not supporting sysroots and add our new # staging location tmpdir = bb.data.getVar('TMPDIR', d, True) staging = bb.data.getVar('STAGING_DIR', d, True) fixmefn = staging + "/fixmepath" try: fixmefd = open(fixmefn,"r") fixmefiles = fixmefd.readlines() fixmefd.close() oe.path.remove(fixmefn) for file in fixmefiles: os.system("sed -i -e s:FIXMESTAGINGDIR:%s:g %s" % (staging, tmpdir + '/' + file)) except IOError: pass } python do_package_stage () { if bb.data.getVar("PSTAGING_ACTIVE", d, 1) != "1": return # # Handle deploy/ packages # bb.build.exec_func("read_subpackage_metadata", d) stagepath = bb.data.getVar("PSTAGE_TMPDIR_STAGE", d, 1) tmpdir = bb.data.getVar("TMPDIR", d, True) packages = (bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, 1) or "").split() if len(packages) > 0: if bb.data.inherits_class('package_ipk', d): ipkpath = bb.data.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_IPK', d, True).replace(tmpdir, stagepath) if bb.data.inherits_class('package_deb', d): debpath = bb.data.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_DEB', d, True).replace(tmpdir, stagepath) if bb.data.inherits_class('package_rpm', d): rpmpath = bb.data.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_RPM', d, True).replace(tmpdir, stagepath) for pkg in packages: pkgname = bb.data.getVar('PKG_%s' % pkg, d, 1) if not pkgname: pkgname = pkg arch = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGE_ARCH_%s' % pkg, d, 1) if not arch: arch = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGE_ARCH', d, 1) pr = bb.data.getVar('PR_%s' % pkg, d, 1) if not pr: pr = bb.data.getVar('PR', d, 1) if not packaged(pkg, d): continue if bb.data.inherits_class('package_ipk', d): srcname = bb.data.expand(pkgname + "_${PV}-" + pr + "${DISTRO_PR}" + "_" + arch + ".ipk", d) srcfile = bb.data.expand("${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK}/" + arch + "/" + srcname, d) if os.path.exists(srcfile): destpath = ipkpath + "/" + arch + "/" bb.mkdirhier(destpath) print destpath bb.copyfile(srcfile, destpath + srcname) if bb.data.inherits_class('package_deb', d): if arch == 'all': srcname = bb.data.expand(pkgname + "_${PV}-" + pr + "${DISTRO_PR}" + "_all.deb", d) else: srcname = bb.data.expand(pkgname + "_${PV}-" + pr + "${DISTRO_PR}" + "_${DPKG_ARCH}.deb", d) srcfile = bb.data.expand("${DEPLOY_DIR_DEB}/" + arch + "/" + srcname, d) if os.path.exists(srcfile): destpath = debpath + "/" + arch + "/" bb.mkdirhier(destpath) bb.copyfile(srcfile, destpath + srcname) if bb.data.inherits_class('package_rpm', d): version = bb.data.getVar('PV', d, 1) version = version.replace('-', '+') bb.data.setVar('RPMPV', version, d) srcname = bb.data.expand(pkgname + "-${RPMPV}-" + pr + "${DISTRO_PR}" + ".${TARGET_ARCH}.rpm", d) srcfile = bb.data.expand("${DEPLOY_DIR_RPM}/" + arch + "/" + srcname, d) if os.path.exists(srcfile): destpath = rpmpath + "/" + arch + "/" bb.mkdirhier(destpath) bb.copyfile(srcfile, destpath + srcname) # # Handle stamps/ files # stampfn = bb.data.getVar("STAMP", d, True) destdir = os.path.dirname(stampfn.replace(tmpdir, stagepath)) bb.mkdirhier(destdir) # We need to include the package_stage stamp in the staging package so create one bb.build.make_stamp("do_package_stage", d) os.system("cp -dpR %s.do_* %s/" % (stampfn, destdir)) pstage_set_pkgmanager(d) bb.build.exec_func("staging_helper", d) bb.build.exec_func("staging_packager", d) lf = bb.utils.lockfile(bb.data.expand("${SYSROOT_LOCK}", d)) bb.build.exec_func("staging_package_installer", d) bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) } # # Note an assumption here is that do_deploy runs before do_package_write/do_populate_sysroot # addtask package_stage after do_package_write do_populate_sysroot before do_build do_package_stage_all () { : } do_package_stage_all[recrdeptask] = "do_package_stage" addtask package_stage_all after do_package_stage before do_build