path: root/recipes/sharp-binary-only/sharp-sdmmc-support/sdcontrol
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Diffstat (limited to 'recipes/sharp-binary-only/sharp-sdmmc-support/sdcontrol')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/recipes/sharp-binary-only/sharp-sdmmc-support/sdcontrol b/recipes/sharp-binary-only/sharp-sdmmc-support/sdcontrol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..068d964726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/sharp-binary-only/sharp-sdmmc-support/sdcontrol
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+# sdcontrol 1.0 2001/8/8 21:33:19 (Hideki Hayami)
+# Initialize or shutdown a SD card device
+# The first argument should be either 'insert' of 'eject'.
+vecho() {
+ stamp="`date +"%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S"`"
+ echo -e "$1"
+ test "$ENABLE_LOG" = "yes" -a -n "$LOGFILE" && echo -e "$1" | sed "s/\(.*\)/[$stamp]\ \1/">> "$LOGFILE"
+# import FS mount options from fstab or use defaults
+# if detection fails
+SD_OPTS="`grep "$MOUNT_POINT" /etc/fstab | head -1 | awk '{print $4}'`"
+if test -z "$SD_OPTS"
+ SD_OPTS="noatime,sync"
+ vecho "\nWARNING: Couldn't determine SD mount options from /etc/fstab, using defaults\n"
+# The "quiet" option fails on non-VFAT cards. Nice trick ;)
+###### for QPE ######
+ echo $1
+decho() {
+ test "$DEBUG" = 1 && echo "<DEBUG> $*"
+ count=1
+ while true
+ do
+ umount $MOUNT_POINT
+ if [ $? = 0 ]; then
+ #echo umount >> /tmp/sd
+ return
+ fi
+ if ! (mount | grep -q "$MOUNT_POINT")
+ then
+ return
+ fi
+ echo count=$count >> /tmp/sd
+ if [ `expr $count \>= 500` = 1 ]; then
+ #echo time out >> /tmp/sd
+ return
+ fi
+ count=`expr $count + 1`
+ usleep 200000 || sleep 2
+ done
+ if ! test -z "`which fuser`"
+ then
+ echo "Using 'fuser' to kill \"busy\" tasks"
+ ps_line=`ps ax | grep 'qpe$' | grep -v grep` # no -w on busybox
+ decho "* 1 *"
+ decho "ps_line [$ps_line]"
+ qpe_pid=`get_pid $ps_line`
+ decho "qpe_pid [$qpe_pid]"
+ decho "* 1.1 *"
+ target_pids=`fuser -m $1 | cut -d : -f2 | sed "s/[a-z]//g"` >/dev/null 2>&1
+ decho "* 1.2 *"
+ #echo $target_pids >> /tmp/sd
+ if ! (echo "$target_pids" | grep -q "[0-9]"); then
+ decho "* 2 *"
+ return
+ fi
+ decho "Killing PIDs: [$target_pids]"
+ decho "* 3 *"
+ ! test -z "$qpe_pid" && is_exist_qpe=`echo $target_pids | grep "$qpe_pid"` # no -w on busybox
+ decho "is_exist_qpe [$is_exist_qpe]"
+ if [ "$is_exist_qpe" = "" ]; then
+ kill -9 $target_pids
+ decho "* 4 *"
+ #echo kill -9 $target_pids >> /tmp/sd
+ else
+ decho "* 5 *"
+ #echo "found qpe!!!" >> /tmp/sd
+ target_pids=`echo $target_pids | sed -e "s/$qpe_pid//"`
+ if (echo "$target_pids" | grep -q "[0-9]"); then
+ echo "* 6 *"
+ kill -9 $target_pids
+ #echo kill -9 $target_pids >> /tmp/sd
+ fi
+ wait_release
+# exit 0
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "No 'fuser' found. Running tasks may keep partitions busy."
+ fi
+###### for QPE ######
+case "$ACTION" in
+ vecho "Beginning SD auto-mount..:"
+ test "$ENABLE_LOG" = yes && ps ax > "$LOGFILE-ps"
+ # Read available partitions from /proc/partitions.
+ OK_PARTS=` head -20 /proc/partitions |grep mmcda | sort| uniq | awk '{print $4}'`
+ decho "OK_PARTS [$OK_PARTS]"
+ test "$ENABLE_LOG" = yes && echo $OK_PARTS > "$LOGFILE-part"
+ if test "`echo "$OK_PARTS" | wc -l | awk '{print $1}`" -gt 1
+ then
+ OK_PARTS="`echo "$OK_PARTS" | grep -v "^mmcda$"`"
+ fi
+ if test -z "$OK_PARTS"
+ then
+ vecho "\n\nWARNING: Trying failsafe partition mode\n\n"
+ OK_PARTS="mmcda1 mmcda2 mmcda3 mmcda4"
+ fi
+ vecho "-> Valid SD partitions are: [$OK_PARTS]"
+ # Allow for "#" in fstab.
+ fstab_txt="`cat /etc/fstab | grep -v ^#`"
+ cnt=1
+ for part in $OK_PARTS
+ do
+ vecho "\n* * * * * Working on [/dev/$part] * * * * *\n"
+ # Read the mount-point for this partition from fstab
+ FS_MOUNT_POINT="`echo "$fstab_txt" | grep "/dev/$part" | awk '{print $2}`"
+ # Mount the first valid partition as /mnt/card if there was no entry in fstab
+ if test -z "$FS_MOUNT_POINT"
+ then
+ # See if /mnt/card is already mounted
+ if ! mount|awk '{print $3}'|grep "^$MOUNT_POINT$" 2>&1 >/dev/null
+ then
+ # Check if another *existing* partition is configured as /mnt/card
+ if ! echo "$fstab_txt" | grep "$MOUNT_POINT" | awk '{print $2}'| grep "^$MOUNT_POINT$" 2>&1 >/dev/null
+ then
+ # As /mnt/card wasn't configured in fstab, we simply mount the
+ # first unconfigured partition we find
+ else
+ # Go through all partitions, and check if one of them is configured
+ # as /mnt/card
+ for xpart in $OK_PARTS
+ do
+ if echo "$fstab_txt" | grep "$xpart" | awk '{print $2}'| grep "^$MOUNT_POINT$" 2>&1 >/dev/null
+ then
+ vecho "-> $MOUNT_POINT is reserved by fstab"
+ found=1
+ fi
+ done
+ if test "$found" = 1
+ then
+ # Another existing partition is configured for /mnt/card, leave it alone.
+ let cnt=$cnt+1
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ let cnt=$cnt+1
+ fi
+ vecho "-> Using mountpoint [$FS_MOUNT_POINT]"
+ else
+ vecho "-> Using mountpoint [$FS_MOUNT_POINT] from fstab"
+ fi
+ ! test -d $FS_MOUNT_POINT && mkdir -p $FS_MOUNT_POINT
+ DEVICE="/dev/$part"
+ if ! test -e "$DEVICE"
+ then
+ DEV_NUM="`echo "$DEVICE" | sed -n "s/.*\([0-9]\)/\1/p"`"
+ cd /dev
+ mknod mmcda$DEV_NUM b 60 $DEV_NUM
+ fi
+ vecho "-> Trying VFAT mount [$SD_OPTS_VFAT]..."
+ mount $FSTYPE -o $SD_OPTS_VFAT $DEVICE $FS_MOUNT_POINT >/dev/null 2>&1
+ MOUNT_RES=`mount | grep $DEVICE`
+ if [ "$MOUNT_RES" = "" ]; then
+ vecho "-> Trying ext2 mount [$SD_OPTS]..."
+ else
+ vecho "-> VFAT mount was successfull"
+ fi
+ MOUNT_RES=`mount | grep $DEVICE`
+ if [ "$MOUNT_RES" = "" ]; then
+ vecho "-> Trying failsafe mount..."
+ else
+ vecho "-> EXT2 mount was successfull"
+ fi
+ # Um what was the function of that?
+# chkmntsh ${MOUNT_POINT}
+ done
+ # I have no idea what this is good for....
+ if [ -d $SMB_MOUNT ] ; then
+ rm -rf $SMB_MOUNT
+ ln -s /mnt/card $SMB_MOUNT
+ fi
+ ;;
+ # Doesn't work as "fuser" isn't in a base OZ 3.5.[1|2] ROM
+ for part in `mount | grep mmcda|awk '{print $1}'`
+ do
+ DEVICE="$part"
+ fuser -s -m $DEVICE
+ if [ $? = 1 ]; then
+ umount $DEVICE
+ else
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ ;;
+ for part in `mount | grep mmcda|awk '{print $3}'`
+ do
+ found_something=1
+ kill_task "$part" # for QPE
+ umount $part >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "Umounted [$part]" || echo -e "\n* * * WARNING: umount $part failed! * * *"
+ test -e "$SMB_MOUNT" && rm $SMB_MOUNT
+ done
+ test -z "$found_something" && echo "Nothing to do."
+ ;;
+ $0 compeject
+ $0 insert
+ ;;
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+exit 0