path: root/recipes/powervr-drivers/libgles-omap3.inc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'recipes/powervr-drivers/libgles-omap3.inc')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/recipes/powervr-drivers/libgles-omap3.inc b/recipes/powervr-drivers/libgles-omap3.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e47bbc8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/powervr-drivers/libgles-omap3.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "libGLES for the omap3"
+LICENCE = "proprietary-binary"
+PROVIDES += "virtual/egl"
+# some hints to get you going. as this isnt a totally "open" library, you need
+# to do some work. follow the steps below.
+# 1. if you don't already have a ti account get one here. it's free:
+# http://www.ti.com/hdr_my_ti
+# 2. fetch the gl-es bin from here:
+# https://www-a.ti.com/downloads/sds_support/targetcontent/dvsdk/oslinux_dvsdk/v3_00_3530/OMAP35x_Graphics_SDK_setuplinux_3_00_00_06.bin
+# (replace version in .bin file as appropriate)
+# 3. put the OMAP35x_*.bin file in libgles-omap3/
+# mv OMAP35x_Graphics_SDK_setuplinux_3_00_00_06.bin ./libgles-omap3/
+# 4. make it executable:
+# chmod a+x ./libgles-omap3/OMAP35x_Graphics_SDK_setuplinux_3_00_00_06.bin
+# voila!
+SRC_URI = "file://OMAP35x_Graphics_SDK_setuplinux_${SGXPV}.bin \
+ file://rc.pvr \
+ "
+S = "${WORKDIR}/OMAP35x_Graphics_SDK_${SGXPV}"
+BINLOCATION ?= "${S}/gfx_rel"
+PACKAGES += " xserver-kdrive-powervrsgx ${PN}-tests"
+FILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir} ${libdir}/lib*.so.* ${bindir}/pvrsrvinit"
+FILES_xserver-kdrive-powervrsgx = "${bindir}/Xsgx"
+FILES_${PN}-tests = "${bindir}/*"
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "${PN}-tests \
+ omap3-sgx-modules"
+inherit update-rc.d
+INITSCRIPT_NAME = "pvr-init"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 30 5 2 . stop 40 0 1 6 ."
+do_accept_license() {
+ export HOME="${WORKDIR}"
+ echo "Y
+${S}" | ${WORKDIR}/OMAP35x_Graphics_SDK_setuplinux_${SGXPV}.bin
+addtask accept_license after do_unpack before do_configure
+do_compile() {
+ for sofile in $(find ${S} -name "lib*Open*.so") $(find ${S} -name "lib*srv*.so") $(find ${S} -name "lib*gl*.so") $(find ${S} -name "libpvr*.so") $(find ${S} -name "lib*GL*.so"); do
+ if [ "$(readlink -n ${sofile})" = "" ] ; then
+ mv $sofile ${sofile}.${IMGPV}
+ ln -sf $(basename ${sofile}.${IMGPV}) ${sofile}
+ fi
+ done
+do_install () {
+ install -d ${D}${libdir}
+ cp -pP ${BINLOCATION}/*.so* ${D}${libdir}
+ install -d ${D}${bindir}/
+ cp -pP ${BINLOCATION}/*_test ${D}${bindir}/
+ cp -pP ${BINLOCATION}/gl2info ${D}${bindir}/
+ cp -pP ${BINLOCATION}/gles1test1 ${D}${bindir}/
+ cp -pP ${BINLOCATION}/gles1_texture_stream ${D}${bindir}/
+ cp -pP ${BINLOCATION}/gles2test1 ${D}${bindir}/
+ cp -pP ${BINLOCATION}/pvrsrvinit ${D}${bindir}/
+ cp -pP ${BINLOCATION}/xgles1test1 ${D}${bindir}/
+ cp -pP ${BINLOCATION}/freedesktop/kdrive/usr/X11R6_SGX/bin/Xsgx || true
+ cp -pP ${BINLOCATION}/freedesktop/usr/X11R6_SGX/bin/Xsgx ${D}${bindir}/ || true
+ install -d ${D}${includedir}
+ cp -pPR ${S}/GFX_Linux_SDK/OGLES2/SDKPackage/Builds/OGLES2/Include/* ${D}${includedir}/
+ cp -pPR ${S}/GFX_Linux_SDK/OGLES/SDKPackage/Builds/OGLES/Include/* ${D}${includedir}/
+ cp -pPR ${S}/GFX_Linux_SDK/OGLES/SDKPackage/Builds/OGLES/LinuxOMAP3/Include/GLES/* ${D}${includedir}/GLES/
+ cp -pPr ${S}/GFX_Linux_SDK/OGLES2/SDKPackage/Builds/OGLES2/LinuxOMAP3/Include/GLES/* ${D}${includedir}/GLES2/
+ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
+ cp -pP ${WORKDIR}/rc.pvr ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/pvr-init
+ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}
+ echo "[default]" > ${D}${sysconfdir}/powervr.ini
+ echo "WindowSystem=libpvrPVR2D_FRONTWSEGL.so" >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/powervr.ini
+do_stage () {
+ install -d ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/
+ install -d ${STAGING_INCDIR}
+ cp -pPR ${S}/GFX_Linux_SDK/OGLES2/SDKPackage/Builds/OGLES2/Include/* ${STAGING_INCDIR}/
+ cp -pPR ${S}/GFX_Linux_SDK/OGLES/SDKPackage/Builds/OGLES/Include/* ${STAGING_INCDIR}/
+ cp -pPR ${S}/GFX_Linux_SDK/OGLES/SDKPackage/Builds/OGLES/LinuxOMAP3/Include/GLES/* ${STAGING_INCDIR}/GLES/
+ cp -pPr ${S}/GFX_Linux_SDK/OGLES2/SDKPackage/Builds/OGLES2/LinuxOMAP3/Include/GLES/* ${STAGING_INCDIR}/GLES2/
+pkg_postinst() {
+ln -sf /usr/lib/libXdmcp.so.6.0.0 /usr/lib/libXdmcp.so.0
+ln -sf /usr/lib/libXau.so.6.0.0 /usr/lib/libXau.so.0