path: root/recipes/pam/libpam_1.1.1.bb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'recipes/pam/libpam_1.1.1.bb')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/recipes/pam/libpam_1.1.1.bb b/recipes/pam/libpam_1.1.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf1dfda478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/pam/libpam_1.1.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+PAM authentication library for Linux. \
+Linux-PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux) is a \
+library that enables the local system administrator to choose \
+how individual applications authenticate users. For an \
+overview of the Linux-PAM library see the Linux-PAM System \
+Administrators' Guide."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam"
+SECTION = "libs"
+PRIORITY = "optional"
+DEPENDS = "flex flex-native"
+# PAM is not a lot of use without configuration files and the plugins
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "libpam-meta libpam-base-files"
+PR = "r1"
+# The project is actually called Linux-PAM but that gives
+# a bad OE package name because of the upper case characters
+pn = "Linux-PAM"
+p = "${pn}-${PV}"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/${p}"
+SRC_URI = "${KERNELORG_MIRROR}/pub/linux/libs/pam/library/${p}.tar.bz2 \
+ file://pam-nodocs.patch \
+ file://define-HAVE_DBM.patch \
+ "
+UCLIBC_PATCHES = " file://Linux-PAM-1.1.0-uclibc.patch \
+ file://disable_modules_uclibc.patch \
+ file://pam-no-innetgr.patch \
+ "
+SRC_URI_append_linux-uclibc = ${UCLIBC_PATCHES}
+SRC_URI_append_linux-uclibceabi = ${UCLIBC_PATCHES}
+inherit autotools gettext
+LEAD_SONAME = "libpam.so.*"
+# maintain the pam default layout
+EXTRA_OECONF += " --includedir=${includedir}/security"
+PACKAGES_DYNAMIC += " libpam-meta pam-plugin-*"
+python populate_packages_prepend () {
+ import os.path
+ pam_libdir = bb.data.expand('${libdir}/security', d)
+ pam_libdirdebug = bb.data.expand('${libdir}/security/.debug', d)
+ pam_filterdir = bb.data.expand('${libdir}/security/pam_filter', d)
+ do_split_packages(d, pam_libdir, '^pam(.*)\.so$', 'pam-plugin%s', 'PAM plugin for %s', extra_depends='')
+ do_split_packages(d, pam_libdir, '^pam(.*)\.la$', 'pam-plugin%s-dev', 'PAM plugin for %s dev', extra_depends='')
+ if os.path.exists(pam_libdirdebug):
+ do_split_packages(d, pam_libdirdebug, '^pam(.*)\.so$', 'pam-plugin%s-dbg', 'PAM plugin for %s debugging symbols', extra_depends='')
+ do_split_packages(d, pam_filterdir, '^(.*)$', 'pam-filter-%s', 'PAM filter for %s', extra_depends='')
+ pn = bb.data.getVar('PN', d, 1)
+ metapkg = pn + '-meta'
+ bb.data.setVar('ALLOW_EMPTY_' + metapkg, "1", d)
+ bb.data.setVar('FILES_' + metapkg, "", d)
+ blacklist = [ pn + '-locale', pn + '-dev', pn + '-dbg', pn + '-doc' ]
+ metapkg_rdepends = []
+ packages = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, 1).split()
+ for pkg in packages[1:]:
+ if not pkg in blacklist and not pkg in metapkg_rdepends and not pkg.endswith('-dev') and not pkg.count('locale') and pkg.count('plugin'):
+ metapkg_rdepends.append(pkg)
+ bb.data.setVar('RDEPENDS_' + metapkg, ' '.join(metapkg_rdepends), d)
+ bb.data.setVar('DESCRIPTION_' + metapkg, pn + ' meta package', d)
+ packages.append(metapkg)
+ bb.data.setVar('PACKAGES', ' '.join(packages), d)
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "9b3d952b173d5b9836cbc7e8de108bee"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "608d3eb9d7a5e1a7505fff62e6a583fdb6e52dc05bf54dc9661c5f395b1fb904"