path: root/recipes/images
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'recipes/images')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/recipes/images/shr-image.inc b/recipes/images/shr-image.inc
index 3bdcdfc100..4668f155e4 100644
--- a/recipes/images/shr-image.inc
+++ b/recipes/images/shr-image.inc
@@ -86,22 +86,6 @@ shr_rootfs_postprocess() {
#font cache optimization, persistent cache
sed -i "s/<cachedir>.*\/var\/cache\/\(.*\)<\/cachedir>/<cachedir>\/var\/local\/\1<\/cachedir>/g" ./etc/fonts/fonts.conf
- #set up a nice gentoo-like PS1
- echo "export PS1=\"\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w \$\[\033[00m\] \"">> ./etc/profile
- #set up some variables to improve default settings
- echo "if [ \"\$DISPLAY\" = \"\" ]" >> ./etc/profile
- echo "then" >> ./etc/profile
- echo " export DISPLAY=localhost:0" >> ./etc/profile
- echo "fi" >> ./etc/profile
- echo "export HISTFILESIZE=1000" >> ./etc/profile
- echo "export HISTSIZE=1000" >> ./etc/profile
- echo "alias rm='rm -i'; alias cp='cp -i'; alias mv='mv -i'" >> ./etc/profile
- echo "alias la='ls $LS_OPTIONS -ltrA'; alias lh='ls $LS_OPTIONS -ltrh'; alias lr='ls $LS_OPTIONS -ltr';" >> ./etc/profile
- echo "alias lR='ls $LS_OPTIONS -ltrR'" >> ./etc/profile
- echo "# set your locale here:" >> ./etc/profile
- echo "export LANG=en_US.UTF-8" >> ./etc/profile
# Add some missing entries to the passwd and group file; but do so carefully
# since this will be fixed upstream at some point.
grep -q '^tss:' ./etc/passwd || echo 'tss:x:93:93:Linux TSS User:/bin:/bin/sh' >>./etc/passwd