# Recipe creation tool - create build system handler for python # # Copyright (C) 2015 Mentor Graphics Corporation # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # import ast import codecs import collections import setuptools.command.build_py import email import importlib import glob import itertools import logging import os import re import sys import subprocess import json import urllib.request from recipetool.create import RecipeHandler from urllib.parse import urldefrag from recipetool.create import determine_from_url logger = logging.getLogger('recipetool') tinfoil = None def tinfoil_init(instance): global tinfoil tinfoil = instance class PythonRecipeHandler(RecipeHandler): base_pkgdeps = ['python3-core'] excluded_pkgdeps = ['python3-dbg'] # os.path is provided by python3-core assume_provided = ['builtins', 'os.path'] # Assumes that the host python3 builtin_module_names is sane for target too assume_provided = assume_provided + list(sys.builtin_module_names) excluded_fields = [] classifier_license_map = { 'License :: OSI Approved :: Academic Free License (AFL)': 'AFL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License': 'Apache', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apple Public Source License': 'APSL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Artistic License': 'Artistic', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Attribution Assurance License': 'AAL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License': 'BSD-3-Clause', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Boost Software License 1.0 (BSL-1.0)': 'BSL-1.0', 'License :: OSI Approved :: CEA CNRS Inria Logiciel Libre License, version 2.1 (CeCILL-2.1)': 'CECILL-2.1', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Common Development and Distribution License 1.0 (CDDL-1.0)': 'CDDL-1.0', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Common Public License': 'CPL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0)': 'EPL-1.0', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Eclipse Public License 2.0 (EPL-2.0)': 'EPL-2.0', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Eiffel Forum License': 'EFL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: European Union Public Licence 1.0 (EUPL 1.0)': 'EUPL-1.0', 'License :: OSI Approved :: European Union Public Licence 1.1 (EUPL 1.1)': 'EUPL-1.1', 'License :: OSI Approved :: European Union Public Licence 1.2 (EUPL 1.2)': 'EUPL-1.2', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3': 'AGPL-3.0-only', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+)': 'AGPL-3.0-or-later', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Free Documentation License (FDL)': 'GFDL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)': 'GPL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2)': 'GPL-2.0-only', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+)': 'GPL-2.0-or-later', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)': 'GPL-3.0-only', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)': 'GPL-3.0-or-later', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 (LGPLv2)': 'LGPL-2.0-only', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)': 'LGPL-2.0-or-later', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3)': 'LGPL-3.0-only', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)': 'LGPL-3.0-or-later', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)': 'LGPL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer (HPND)': 'HPND', 'License :: OSI Approved :: IBM Public License': 'IPL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: ISC License (ISCL)': 'ISC', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Intel Open Source License': 'Intel', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Jabber Open Source License': 'Jabber', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License': 'MIT', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT No Attribution License (MIT-0)': 'MIT-0', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MITRE Collaborative Virtual Workspace License (CVW)': 'CVWL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MirOS License (MirOS)': 'MirOS', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Motosoto License': 'Motosoto', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License 1.0 (MPL)': 'MPL-1.0', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)': 'MPL-1.1', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)': 'MPL-2.0', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Nethack General Public License': 'NGPL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Nokia Open Source License': 'Nokia', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Open Group Test Suite License': 'OGTSL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Open Software License 3.0 (OSL-3.0)': 'OSL-3.0', 'License :: OSI Approved :: PostgreSQL License': 'PostgreSQL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Python License (CNRI Python License)': 'CNRI-Python', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Python Software Foundation License': 'PSF-2.0', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Qt Public License (QPL)': 'QPL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Ricoh Source Code Public License': 'RSCPL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: SIL Open Font License 1.1 (OFL-1.1)': 'OFL-1.1', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Sleepycat License': 'Sleepycat', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Sun Industry Standards Source License (SISSL)': 'SISSL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Sun Public License': 'SPL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: The Unlicense (Unlicense)': 'Unlicense', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Universal Permissive License (UPL)': 'UPL-1.0', 'License :: OSI Approved :: University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License': 'NCSA', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Vovida Software License 1.0': 'VSL-1.0', 'License :: OSI Approved :: W3C License': 'W3C', 'License :: OSI Approved :: X.Net License': 'Xnet', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Zope Public License': 'ZPL', 'License :: OSI Approved :: zlib/libpng License': 'Zlib', 'License :: Other/Proprietary License': 'Proprietary', 'License :: Public Domain': 'PD', } def __init__(self): pass def process_url(self, args, classes, handled, extravalues): """ Convert any pypi url https://pypi.org/project// into https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/... which corresponds to the archive location, and add pypi class """ if 'url' in handled: return None fetch_uri = None source = args.source required_version = args.version if args.version else None match = re.match(r'https?://pypi.org/project/([^/]+)(?:/([^/]+))?/?$', urldefrag(source)[0]) if match: package = match.group(1) version = match.group(2) if match.group(2) else required_version json_url = f"https://pypi.org/pypi/%s/json" % package response = urllib.request.urlopen(json_url) if response.status == 200: data = json.loads(response.read()) if not version: # grab latest version version = data["info"]["version"] pypi_package = data["info"]["name"] for release in reversed(data["releases"][version]): if release["packagetype"] == "sdist": fetch_uri = release["url"] break else: logger.warning("Cannot handle pypi url %s: cannot fetch package information using %s", source, json_url) return None else: match = re.match(r'^https?://files.pythonhosted.org/packages.*/(.*)-.*$', source) if match: fetch_uri = source pypi_package = match.group(1) _, version = determine_from_url(fetch_uri) if match and not args.no_pypi: if required_version and version != required_version: raise Exception("Version specified using --version/-V (%s) and version specified in the url (%s) do not match" % (required_version, version)) # This is optionnal if BPN looks like "python-" or "python3-" (see pypi.bbclass) # but at this point we cannot know because because user can specify the output name of the recipe on the command line extravalues["PYPI_PACKAGE"] = pypi_package # If the tarball extension is not 'tar.gz' (default value in pypi.bblcass) whe should set PYPI_PACKAGE_EXT in the recipe pypi_package_ext = re.match(r'.*%s-%s\.(.*)$' % (pypi_package, version), fetch_uri) if pypi_package_ext: pypi_package_ext = pypi_package_ext.group(1) if pypi_package_ext != "tar.gz": extravalues["PYPI_PACKAGE_EXT"] = pypi_package_ext # Pypi class will handle S and SRC_URI variables, so remove them # TODO: allow oe.recipeutils.patch_recipe_lines() to accept regexp so we can simplify the following to: # extravalues['SRC_URI(?:\[.*?\])?'] = None extravalues['S'] = None extravalues['SRC_URI'] = None classes.append('pypi') handled.append('url') return fetch_uri def handle_classifier_license(self, classifiers, existing_licenses=""): licenses = [] for classifier in classifiers: if classifier in self.classifier_license_map: license = self.classifier_license_map[classifier] if license == 'Apache' and 'Apache-2.0' in existing_licenses: license = 'Apache-2.0' elif license == 'GPL': if 'GPL-2.0' in existing_licenses or 'GPLv2' in existing_licenses: license = 'GPL-2.0' elif 'GPL-3.0' in existing_licenses or 'GPLv3' in existing_licenses: license = 'GPL-3.0' elif license == 'LGPL': if 'LGPL-2.1' in existing_licenses or 'LGPLv2.1' in existing_licenses: license = 'LGPL-2.1' elif 'LGPL-2.0' in existing_licenses or 'LGPLv2' in existing_licenses: license = 'LGPL-2.0' elif 'LGPL-3.0' in existing_licenses or 'LGPLv3' in existing_licenses: license = 'LGPL-3.0' licenses.append(license) if licenses: return ' & '.join(licenses) return None def map_info_to_bbvar(self, info, extravalues): # Map PKG-INFO & setup.py fields to bitbake variables for field, values in info.items(): if field in self.excluded_fields: continue if field not in self.bbvar_map: continue if isinstance(values, str): value = values else: value = ' '.join(str(v) for v in values if v) bbvar = self.bbvar_map[field] if bbvar == "PN": # by convention python recipes start with "python3-" if not value.startswith('python'): value = 'python3-' + value if bbvar not in extravalues and value: extravalues[bbvar] = value def apply_info_replacements(self, info): if not self.replacements: return for variable, search, replace in self.replacements: if variable not in info: continue def replace_value(search, replace, value): if replace is None: if re.search(search, value): return None else: new_value = re.sub(search, replace, value) if value != new_value: return new_value return value value = info[variable] if isinstance(value, str): new_value = replace_value(search, replace, value) if new_value is None: del info[variable] elif new_value != value: info[variable] = new_value elif hasattr(value, 'items'): for dkey, dvalue in list(value.items()): new_list = [] for pos, a_value in enumerate(dvalue): new_value = replace_value(search, replace, a_value) if new_value is not None and new_value != value: new_list.append(new_value) if value != new_list: value[dkey] = new_list else: new_list = [] for pos, a_value in enumerate(value): new_value = replace_value(search, replace, a_value) if new_value is not None and new_value != value: new_list.append(new_value) if value != new_list: info[variable] = new_list def scan_python_dependencies(self, paths): deps = set() try: dep_output = self.run_command(['pythondeps', '-d'] + paths) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): pass else: for line in dep_output.splitlines(): line = line.rstrip() dep, filename = line.split('\t', 1) if filename.endswith('/setup.py'): continue deps.add(dep) try: provides_output = self.run_command(['pythondeps', '-p'] + paths) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): pass else: provides_lines = (l.rstrip() for l in provides_output.splitlines()) provides = set(l for l in provides_lines if l and l != 'setup') deps -= provides return deps def parse_pkgdata_for_python_packages(self): pkgdata_dir = tinfoil.config_data.getVar('PKGDATA_DIR') ldata = tinfoil.config_data.createCopy() bb.parse.handle('classes-recipe/python3-dir.bbclass', ldata, True) python_sitedir = ldata.getVar('PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR') dynload_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(python_sitedir), 'lib-dynload') python_dirs = [python_sitedir + os.sep, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(python_sitedir), 'dist-packages') + os.sep, os.path.dirname(python_sitedir) + os.sep] packages = {} for pkgdatafile in glob.glob('{}/runtime/*'.format(pkgdata_dir)): files_info = None with open(pkgdatafile, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): field, value = line.split(': ', 1) if field.startswith('FILES_INFO'): files_info = ast.literal_eval(value) break else: continue for fn in files_info: for suffix in importlib.machinery.all_suffixes(): if fn.endswith(suffix): break else: continue if fn.startswith(dynload_dir + os.sep): if '/.debug/' in fn: continue base = os.path.basename(fn) provided = base.split('.', 1)[0] packages[provided] = os.path.basename(pkgdatafile) continue for python_dir in python_dirs: if fn.startswith(python_dir): relpath = fn[len(python_dir):] relstart, _, relremaining = relpath.partition(os.sep) if relstart.endswith('.egg'): relpath = relremaining base, _ = os.path.splitext(relpath) if '/.debug/' in base: continue if os.path.basename(base) == '__init__': base = os.path.dirname(base) base = base.replace(os.sep + os.sep, os.sep) provided = base.replace(os.sep, '.') packages[provided] = os.path.basename(pkgdatafile) return packages @classmethod def run_command(cls, cmd, **popenargs): if 'stderr' not in popenargs: popenargs['stderr'] = subprocess.STDOUT try: return subprocess.check_output(cmd, **popenargs).decode('utf-8') except OSError as exc: logger.error('Unable to run `{}`: {}', ' '.join(cmd), exc) raise except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: logger.error('Unable to run `{}`: {}', ' '.join(cmd), exc.output) raise class PythonSetupPyRecipeHandler(PythonRecipeHandler): bbvar_map = { 'Name': 'PN', 'Version': 'PV', 'Home-page': 'HOMEPAGE', 'Summary': 'SUMMARY', 'Description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'License': 'LICENSE', 'Requires': 'RDEPENDS:${PN}', 'Provides': 'RPROVIDES:${PN}', 'Obsoletes': 'RREPLACES:${PN}', } # PN/PV are already set by recipetool core & desc can be extremely long excluded_fields = [ 'Description', ] setup_parse_map = { 'Url': 'Home-page', 'Classifiers': 'Classifier', 'Description': 'Summary', } setuparg_map = { 'Home-page': 'url', 'Classifier': 'classifiers', 'Summary': 'description', 'Description': 'long-description', } # Values which are lists, used by the setup.py argument based metadata # extraction method, to determine how to process the setup.py output. setuparg_list_fields = [ 'Classifier', 'Requires', 'Provides', 'Obsoletes', 'Platform', 'Supported-Platform', ] setuparg_multi_line_values = ['Description'] replacements = [ ('License', r' +$', ''), ('License', r'^ +', ''), ('License', r' ', '-'), ('License', r'^GNU-', ''), ('License', r'-[Ll]icen[cs]e(,?-[Vv]ersion)?', ''), ('License', r'^UNKNOWN$', ''), # Remove currently unhandled version numbers from these variables ('Requires', r' *\([^)]*\)', ''), ('Provides', r' *\([^)]*\)', ''), ('Obsoletes', r' *\([^)]*\)', ''), ('Install-requires', r'^([^><= ]+).*', r'\1'), ('Extras-require', r'^([^><= ]+).*', r'\1'), ('Tests-require', r'^([^><= ]+).*', r'\1'), # Remove unhandled dependency on particular features (e.g. foo[PDF]) ('Install-requires', r'\[[^\]]+\]$', ''), ] def __init__(self): pass def parse_setup_py(self, setupscript='./setup.py'): with codecs.open(setupscript) as f: info, imported_modules, non_literals, extensions = gather_setup_info(f) def _map(key): key = key.replace('_', '-') key = key[0].upper() + key[1:] if key in self.setup_parse_map: key = self.setup_parse_map[key] return key # Naive mapping of setup() arguments to PKG-INFO field names for d in [info, non_literals]: for key, value in list(d.items()): if key is None: continue new_key = _map(key) if new_key != key: del d[key] d[new_key] = value return info, 'setuptools' in imported_modules, non_literals, extensions def get_setup_args_info(self, setupscript='./setup.py'): cmd = ['python3', setupscript] info = {} keys = set(self.bbvar_map.keys()) keys |= set(self.setuparg_list_fields) keys |= set(self.setuparg_multi_line_values) grouped_keys = itertools.groupby(keys, lambda k: (k in self.setuparg_list_fields, k in self.setuparg_multi_line_values)) for index, keys in grouped_keys: if index == (True, False): # Splitlines output for each arg as a list value for key in keys: arg = self.setuparg_map.get(key, key.lower()) try: arg_info = self.run_command(cmd + ['--' + arg], cwd=os.path.dirname(setupscript)) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): pass else: info[key] = [l.rstrip() for l in arg_info.splitlines()] elif index == (False, True): # Entire output for each arg for key in keys: arg = self.setuparg_map.get(key, key.lower()) try: arg_info = self.run_command(cmd + ['--' + arg], cwd=os.path.dirname(setupscript)) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): pass else: info[key] = arg_info else: info.update(self.get_setup_byline(list(keys), setupscript)) return info def get_setup_byline(self, fields, setupscript='./setup.py'): info = {} cmd = ['python3', setupscript] cmd.extend('--' + self.setuparg_map.get(f, f.lower()) for f in fields) try: info_lines = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=os.path.dirname(setupscript)).splitlines() except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): pass else: if len(fields) != len(info_lines): logger.error('Mismatch between setup.py output lines and number of fields') sys.exit(1) for lineno, line in enumerate(info_lines): line = line.rstrip() info[fields[lineno]] = line return info def get_pkginfo(self, pkginfo_fn): msg = email.message_from_file(open(pkginfo_fn, 'r')) msginfo = {} for field in msg.keys(): values = msg.get_all(field) if len(values) == 1: msginfo[field] = values[0] else: msginfo[field] = values return msginfo def scan_setup_python_deps(self, srctree, setup_info, setup_non_literals): if 'Package-dir' in setup_info: package_dir = setup_info['Package-dir'] else: package_dir = {} dist = setuptools.Distribution() class PackageDir(setuptools.command.build_py.build_py): def __init__(self, package_dir): self.package_dir = package_dir self.dist = dist super().__init__(self.dist) pd = PackageDir(package_dir) to_scan = [] if not any(v in setup_non_literals for v in ['Py-modules', 'Scripts', 'Packages']): if 'Py-modules' in setup_info: for module in setup_info['Py-modules']: try: package, module = module.rsplit('.', 1) except ValueError: package, module = '.', module module_path = os.path.join(pd.get_package_dir(package), module + '.py') to_scan.append(module_path) if 'Packages' in setup_info: for package in setup_info['Packages']: to_scan.append(pd.get_package_dir(package)) if 'Scripts' in setup_info: to_scan.extend(setup_info['Scripts']) else: logger.info("Scanning the entire source tree, as one or more of the following setup keywords are non-literal: py_modules, scripts, packages.") if not to_scan: to_scan = ['.'] logger.info("Scanning paths for packages & dependencies: %s", ', '.join(to_scan)) provided_packages = self.parse_pkgdata_for_python_packages() scanned_deps = self.scan_python_dependencies([os.path.join(srctree, p) for p in to_scan]) mapped_deps, unmapped_deps = set(self.base_pkgdeps), set() for dep in scanned_deps: mapped = provided_packages.get(dep) if mapped: logger.debug('Mapped %s to %s' % (dep, mapped)) mapped_deps.add(mapped) else: logger.debug('Could not map %s' % dep) unmapped_deps.add(dep) return mapped_deps, unmapped_deps def process(self, srctree, classes, lines_before, lines_after, handled, extravalues): if 'buildsystem' in handled: return False logger.debug("Trying setup.py parser") # Check for non-zero size setup.py files setupfiles = RecipeHandler.checkfiles(srctree, ['setup.py']) for fn in setupfiles: if os.path.getsize(fn): break else: logger.debug("No setup.py found") return False # setup.py is always parsed to get at certain required information, such as # distutils vs setuptools # # If egg info is available, we use it for both its PKG-INFO metadata # and for its requires.txt for install_requires. # If PKG-INFO is available but no egg info is, we use that for metadata in preference to # the parsed setup.py, but use the install_requires info from the # parsed setup.py. setupscript = os.path.join(srctree, 'setup.py') try: setup_info, uses_setuptools, setup_non_literals, extensions = self.parse_setup_py(setupscript) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to parse setup.py") setup_info, uses_setuptools, setup_non_literals, extensions = {}, True, [], [] egginfo = glob.glob(os.path.join(srctree, '*.egg-info')) if egginfo: info = self.get_pkginfo(os.path.join(egginfo[0], 'PKG-INFO')) requires_txt = os.path.join(egginfo[0], 'requires.txt') if os.path.exists(requires_txt): with codecs.open(requires_txt) as f: inst_req = [] extras_req = collections.defaultdict(list) current_feature = None for line in f.readlines(): line = line.rstrip() if not line: continue if line.startswith('['): # PACKAGECONFIG must not contain expressions or whitespace line = line.replace(" ", "") line = line.replace(':', "") line = line.replace('.', "-dot-") line = line.replace('"', "") line = line.replace('<', "-smaller-") line = line.replace('>', "-bigger-") line = line.replace('_', "-") line = line.replace('(', "") line = line.replace(')', "") line = line.replace('!', "-not-") line = line.replace('=', "-equals-") current_feature = line[1:-1] elif current_feature: extras_req[current_feature].append(line) else: inst_req.append(line) info['Install-requires'] = inst_req info['Extras-require'] = extras_req elif RecipeHandler.checkfiles(srctree, ['PKG-INFO']): info = self.get_pkginfo(os.path.join(srctree, 'PKG-INFO')) if setup_info: if 'Install-requires' in setup_info: info['Install-requires'] = setup_info['Install-requires'] if 'Extras-require' in setup_info: info['Extras-require'] = setup_info['Extras-require'] else: if setup_info: info = setup_info else: info = self.get_setup_args_info(setupscript) # Grab the license value before applying replacements license_str = info.get('License', '').strip() self.apply_info_replacements(info) if uses_setuptools: classes.append('setuptools3') else: classes.append('distutils3') if license_str: for i, line in enumerate(lines_before): if line.startswith('##LICENSE_PLACEHOLDER##'): lines_before.insert(i, '# NOTE: License in setup.py/PKGINFO is: %s' % license_str) break if 'Classifier' in info: license = self.handle_classifier_license(info['Classifier'], info.get('License', '')) if license: info['License'] = license self.map_info_to_bbvar(info, extravalues) mapped_deps, unmapped_deps = self.scan_setup_python_deps(srctree, setup_info, setup_non_literals) extras_req = set() if 'Extras-require' in info: extras_req = info['Extras-require'] if extras_req: lines_after.append('# The following configs & dependencies are from setuptools extras_require.') lines_after.append('# These dependencies are optional, hence can be controlled via PACKAGECONFIG.') lines_after.append('# The upstream names may not correspond exactly to bitbake package names.') lines_after.append('# The configs are might not correct, since PACKAGECONFIG does not support expressions as may used in requires.txt - they are just replaced by text.') lines_after.append('#') lines_after.append('# Uncomment this line to enable all the optional features.') lines_after.append('#PACKAGECONFIG ?= "{}"'.format(' '.join(k.lower() for k in extras_req))) for feature, feature_reqs in extras_req.items(): unmapped_deps.difference_update(feature_reqs) feature_req_deps = ('python3-' + r.replace('.', '-').lower() for r in sorted(feature_reqs)) lines_after.append('PACKAGECONFIG[{}] = ",,,{}"'.format(feature.lower(), ' '.join(feature_req_deps))) inst_reqs = set() if 'Install-requires' in info: if extras_req: lines_after.append('') inst_reqs = info['Install-requires'] if inst_reqs: unmapped_deps.difference_update(inst_reqs) inst_req_deps = ('python3-' + r.replace('.', '-').lower() for r in sorted(inst_reqs)) lines_after.append('# WARNING: the following rdepends are from setuptools install_requires. These') lines_after.append('# upstream names may not correspond exactly to bitbake package names.') lines_after.append('RDEPENDS:${{PN}} += "{}"'.format(' '.join(inst_req_deps))) if mapped_deps: name = info.get('Name') if name and name[0] in mapped_deps: # Attempt to avoid self-reference mapped_deps.remove(name[0]) mapped_deps -= set(self.excluded_pkgdeps) if inst_reqs or extras_req: lines_after.append('') lines_after.append('# WARNING: the following rdepends are determined through basic analysis of the') lines_after.append('# python sources, and might not be 100% accurate.') lines_after.append('RDEPENDS:${{PN}} += "{}"'.format(' '.join(sorted(mapped_deps)))) unmapped_deps -= set(extensions) unmapped_deps -= set(self.assume_provided) if unmapped_deps: if mapped_deps: lines_after.append('') lines_after.append('# WARNING: We were unable to map the following python package/module') lines_after.append('# dependencies to the bitbake packages which include them:') lines_after.extend('# {}'.format(d) for d in sorted(unmapped_deps)) handled.append('buildsystem') class PythonPyprojectTomlRecipeHandler(PythonRecipeHandler): """Base class to support PEP517 and PEP518 PEP517 https://peps.python.org/pep-0517/#source-trees PEP518 https://peps.python.org/pep-0518/#build-system-table """ # bitbake currently supports the 4 following backends build_backend_map = { "setuptools.build_meta": "python_setuptools_build_meta", "poetry.core.masonry.api": "python_poetry_core", "flit_core.buildapi": "python_flit_core", "hatchling.build": "python_hatchling", "maturin": "python_maturin", "mesonpy": "python_mesonpy", } # setuptools.build_meta and flit declare project metadata into the "project" section of pyproject.toml # according to PEP-621: https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/declaring-project-metadata/#declaring-project-metadata # while poetry uses the "tool.poetry" section according to its official documentation: https://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject/ # keys from "project" and "tool.poetry" sections are almost the same except for the HOMEPAGE which is "homepage" for tool.poetry # and "Homepage" for "project" section. So keep both bbvar_map = { "name": "PN", "version": "PV", "Homepage": "HOMEPAGE", "homepage": "HOMEPAGE", "description": "SUMMARY", "license": "LICENSE", "dependencies": "RDEPENDS:${PN}", "requires": "DEPENDS", } replacements = [ ("license", r" +$", ""), ("license", r"^ +", ""), ("license", r" ", "-"), ("license", r"^GNU-", ""), ("license", r"-[Ll]icen[cs]e(,?-[Vv]ersion)?", ""), ("license", r"^UNKNOWN$", ""), # Remove currently unhandled version numbers from these variables ("requires", r"\[[^\]]+\]$", ""), ("requires", r"^([^><= ]+).*", r"\1"), ("dependencies", r"\[[^\]]+\]$", ""), ("dependencies", r"^([^><= ]+).*", r"\1"), ] excluded_native_pkgdeps = [ # already provided by python_setuptools_build_meta.bbclass "python3-setuptools-native", "python3-wheel-native", # already provided by python_poetry_core.bbclass "python3-poetry-core-native", # already provided by python_flit_core.bbclass "python3-flit-core-native", # already provided by python_mesonpy "python3-meson-python-native", ] # add here a list of known and often used packages and the corresponding bitbake package known_deps_map = { "setuptools": "python3-setuptools", "wheel": "python3-wheel", "poetry-core": "python3-poetry-core", "flit_core": "python3-flit-core", "setuptools-scm": "python3-setuptools-scm", "hatchling": "python3-hatchling", "hatch-vcs": "python3-hatch-vcs", "meson-python" : "python3-meson-python", } def __init__(self): pass def process(self, srctree, classes, lines_before, lines_after, handled, extravalues): info = {} metadata = {} if 'buildsystem' in handled: return False logger.debug("Trying pyproject.toml parser") # Check for non-zero size setup.py files setupfiles = RecipeHandler.checkfiles(srctree, ["pyproject.toml"]) for fn in setupfiles: if os.path.getsize(fn): break else: logger.debug("No pyproject.toml found") return False setupscript = os.path.join(srctree, "pyproject.toml") try: try: import tomllib except ImportError: try: import tomli as tomllib except ImportError: logger.error("Neither 'tomllib' nor 'tomli' could be imported, cannot scan pyproject.toml.") return False try: with open(setupscript, "rb") as f: config = tomllib.load(f) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to parse pyproject.toml") return False build_backend = config["build-system"]["build-backend"] if build_backend in self.build_backend_map: classes.append(self.build_backend_map[build_backend]) else: logger.error( "Unsupported build-backend: %s, cannot use pyproject.toml. Will try to use legacy setup.py" % build_backend ) return False licfile = "" if build_backend == "poetry.core.masonry.api": if "tool" in config and "poetry" in config["tool"]: metadata = config["tool"]["poetry"] else: if "project" in config: metadata = config["project"] if metadata: for field, values in metadata.items(): if field == "license": # For setuptools.build_meta and flit, licence is a table # but for poetry licence is a string # for hatchling, both table (jsonschema) and string (iniconfig) have been used if build_backend == "poetry.core.masonry.api": value = values else: value = values.get("text", "") if not value: licfile = values.get("file", "") continue elif field == "dependencies" and build_backend == "poetry.core.masonry.api": # For poetry backend, "dependencies" section looks like: # [tool.poetry.dependencies] # requests = "^2.13.0" # requests = { version = "^2.13.0", source = "private" } # See https://python-poetry.org/docs/master/pyproject/#dependencies-and-dependency-groups for more details # This class doesn't handle versions anyway, so we just get the dependencies name here and construct a list value = [] for k in values.keys(): value.append(k) elif isinstance(values, dict): for k, v in values.items(): info[k] = v continue else: value = values info[field] = value # Grab the license value before applying replacements license_str = info.get("license", "").strip() if license_str: for i, line in enumerate(lines_before): if line.startswith("##LICENSE_PLACEHOLDER##"): lines_before.insert( i, "# NOTE: License in pyproject.toml is: %s" % license_str ) break info["requires"] = config["build-system"]["requires"] self.apply_info_replacements(info) if "classifiers" in info: license = self.handle_classifier_license( info["classifiers"], info.get("license", "") ) if license: if licfile: lines = [] md5value = bb.utils.md5_file(os.path.join(srctree, licfile)) lines.append('LICENSE = "%s"' % license) lines.append( 'LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://%s;md5=%s"' % (licfile, md5value) ) lines.append("") # Replace the placeholder so we get the values in the right place in the recipe file try: pos = lines_before.index("##LICENSE_PLACEHOLDER##") except ValueError: pos = -1 if pos == -1: lines_before.extend(lines) else: lines_before[pos : pos + 1] = lines handled.append(("license", [license, licfile, md5value])) else: info["license"] = license provided_packages = self.parse_pkgdata_for_python_packages() provided_packages.update(self.known_deps_map) native_mapped_deps, native_unmapped_deps = set(), set() mapped_deps, unmapped_deps = set(), set() if "requires" in info: for require in info["requires"]: mapped = provided_packages.get(require) if mapped: logger.debug("Mapped %s to %s" % (require, mapped)) native_mapped_deps.add(mapped) else: logger.debug("Could not map %s" % require) native_unmapped_deps.add(require) info.pop("requires") if native_mapped_deps != set(): native_mapped_deps = { item + "-native" for item in native_mapped_deps } native_mapped_deps -= set(self.excluded_native_pkgdeps) if native_mapped_deps != set(): info["requires"] = " ".join(sorted(native_mapped_deps)) if native_unmapped_deps: lines_after.append("") lines_after.append( "# WARNING: We were unable to map the following python package/module" ) lines_after.append( "# dependencies to the bitbake packages which include them:" ) lines_after.extend( "# {}".format(d) for d in sorted(native_unmapped_deps) ) if "dependencies" in info: for dependency in info["dependencies"]: mapped = provided_packages.get(dependency) if mapped: logger.debug("Mapped %s to %s" % (dependency, mapped)) mapped_deps.add(mapped) else: logger.debug("Could not map %s" % dependency) unmapped_deps.add(dependency) info.pop("dependencies") if mapped_deps != set(): if mapped_deps != set(): info["dependencies"] = " ".join(sorted(mapped_deps)) if unmapped_deps: lines_after.append("") lines_after.append( "# WARNING: We were unable to map the following python package/module" ) lines_after.append( "# runtime dependencies to the bitbake packages which include them:" ) lines_after.extend( "# {}".format(d) for d in sorted(unmapped_deps) ) self.map_info_to_bbvar(info, extravalues) handled.append("buildsystem") except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to correctly handle pyproject.toml, falling back to another method") return False def gather_setup_info(fileobj): parsed = ast.parse(fileobj.read(), fileobj.name) visitor = SetupScriptVisitor() visitor.visit(parsed) non_literals, extensions = {}, [] for key, value in list(visitor.keywords.items()): if key == 'ext_modules': if isinstance(value, list): for ext in value: if (isinstance(ext, ast.Call) and isinstance(ext.func, ast.Name) and ext.func.id == 'Extension' and not has_non_literals(ext.args)): extensions.append(ext.args[0]) elif has_non_literals(value): non_literals[key] = value del visitor.keywords[key] return visitor.keywords, visitor.imported_modules, non_literals, extensions class SetupScriptVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): def __init__(self): ast.NodeVisitor.__init__(self) self.keywords = {} self.non_literals = [] self.imported_modules = set() def visit_Expr(self, node): if isinstance(node.value, ast.Call) and \ isinstance(node.value.func, ast.Name) and \ node.value.func.id == 'setup': self.visit_setup(node.value) def visit_setup(self, node): call = LiteralAstTransform().visit(node) self.keywords = call.keywords for k, v in self.keywords.items(): if has_non_literals(v): self.non_literals.append(k) def visit_Import(self, node): for alias in node.names: self.imported_modules.add(alias.name) def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): self.imported_modules.add(node.module) class LiteralAstTransform(ast.NodeTransformer): """Simplify the ast through evaluation of literals.""" excluded_fields = ['ctx'] def visit(self, node): if not isinstance(node, ast.AST): return node else: return ast.NodeTransformer.visit(self, node) def generic_visit(self, node): try: return ast.literal_eval(node) except ValueError: for field, value in ast.iter_fields(node): if field in self.excluded_fields: delattr(node, field) if value is None: continue if isinstance(value, list): if field in ('keywords', 'kwargs'): new_value = dict((kw.arg, self.visit(kw.value)) for kw in value) else: new_value = [self.visit(i) for i in value] else: new_value = self.visit(value) setattr(node, field, new_value) return node def visit_Name(self, node): if hasattr('__builtins__', node.id): return getattr(__builtins__, node.id) else: return self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Tuple(self, node): return tuple(self.visit(v) for v in node.elts) def visit_List(self, node): return [self.visit(v) for v in node.elts] def visit_Set(self, node): return set(self.visit(v) for v in node.elts) def visit_Dict(self, node): keys = (self.visit(k) for k in node.keys) values = (self.visit(v) for v in node.values) return dict(zip(keys, values)) def has_non_literals(value): if isinstance(value, ast.AST): return True elif isinstance(value, str): return False elif hasattr(value, 'values'): return any(has_non_literals(v) for v in value.values()) elif hasattr(value, '__iter__'): return any(has_non_literals(v) for v in value) def register_recipe_handlers(handlers): # We need to make sure these are ahead of the makefile fallback handler # and the pyproject.toml handler ahead of the setup.py handler handlers.append((PythonPyprojectTomlRecipeHandler(), 75)) handlers.append((PythonSetupPyRecipeHandler(), 70))