# Recipe creation tool - create command plugin # # Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Intel Corporation # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import sys import os import argparse import glob import fnmatch import re import json import logging import scriptutils from urllib.parse import urlparse, urldefrag, urlsplit import hashlib import bb.fetch2 logger = logging.getLogger('recipetool') tinfoil = None plugins = None def log_error_cond(message, debugonly): if debugonly: logger.debug(message) else: logger.error(message) def log_info_cond(message, debugonly): if debugonly: logger.debug(message) else: logger.info(message) def plugin_init(pluginlist): # Take a reference to the list so we can use it later global plugins plugins = pluginlist def tinfoil_init(instance): global tinfoil tinfoil = instance class RecipeHandler(object): recipelibmap = {} recipeheadermap = {} recipecmakefilemap = {} recipebinmap = {} def __init__(self): self._devtool = False @staticmethod def load_libmap(d): '''Load library->recipe mapping''' import oe.package if RecipeHandler.recipelibmap: return # First build up library->package mapping shlib_providers = oe.package.read_shlib_providers(d) libdir = d.getVar('libdir') base_libdir = d.getVar('base_libdir') libpaths = list(set([base_libdir, libdir])) libname_re = re.compile('^lib(.+)\.so.*$') pkglibmap = {} for lib, item in shlib_providers.items(): for path, pkg in item.items(): if path in libpaths: res = libname_re.match(lib) if res: libname = res.group(1) if not libname in pkglibmap: pkglibmap[libname] = pkg[0] else: logger.debug('unable to extract library name from %s' % lib) # Now turn it into a library->recipe mapping pkgdata_dir = d.getVar('PKGDATA_DIR') for libname, pkg in pkglibmap.items(): try: with open(os.path.join(pkgdata_dir, 'runtime', pkg)) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('PN:'): RecipeHandler.recipelibmap[libname] = line.split(':', 1)[-1].strip() break except IOError as ioe: if ioe.errno == 2: logger.warn('unable to find a pkgdata file for package %s' % pkg) else: raise # Some overrides - these should be mapped to the virtual RecipeHandler.recipelibmap['GL'] = 'virtual/libgl' RecipeHandler.recipelibmap['EGL'] = 'virtual/egl' RecipeHandler.recipelibmap['GLESv2'] = 'virtual/libgles2' @staticmethod def load_devel_filemap(d): '''Build up development file->recipe mapping''' if RecipeHandler.recipeheadermap: return pkgdata_dir = d.getVar('PKGDATA_DIR') includedir = d.getVar('includedir') cmakedir = os.path.join(d.getVar('libdir'), 'cmake') for pkg in glob.glob(os.path.join(pkgdata_dir, 'runtime', '*-dev')): with open(os.path.join(pkgdata_dir, 'runtime', pkg)) as f: pn = None headers = [] cmakefiles = [] for line in f: if line.startswith('PN:'): pn = line.split(':', 1)[-1].strip() elif line.startswith('FILES_INFO:'): val = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip() dictval = json.loads(val) for fullpth in sorted(dictval): if fullpth.startswith(includedir) and fullpth.endswith('.h'): headers.append(os.path.relpath(fullpth, includedir)) elif fullpth.startswith(cmakedir) and fullpth.endswith('.cmake'): cmakefiles.append(os.path.relpath(fullpth, cmakedir)) if pn and headers: for header in headers: RecipeHandler.recipeheadermap[header] = pn if pn and cmakefiles: for fn in cmakefiles: RecipeHandler.recipecmakefilemap[fn] = pn @staticmethod def load_binmap(d): '''Build up native binary->recipe mapping''' if RecipeHandler.recipebinmap: return sstate_manifests = d.getVar('SSTATE_MANIFESTS') staging_bindir_native = d.getVar('STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE') build_arch = d.getVar('BUILD_ARCH') fileprefix = 'manifest-%s-' % build_arch for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(sstate_manifests, '%s*-native.populate_sysroot' % fileprefix)): with open(fn, 'r') as f: pn = os.path.basename(fn).rsplit('.', 1)[0][len(fileprefix):] for line in f: if line.startswith(staging_bindir_native): prog = os.path.basename(line.rstrip()) RecipeHandler.recipebinmap[prog] = pn @staticmethod def checkfiles(path, speclist, recursive=False): results = [] if recursive: for root, _, files in os.walk(path): for fn in files: for spec in speclist: if fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, spec): results.append(os.path.join(root, fn)) else: for spec in speclist: results.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, spec))) return results @staticmethod def handle_depends(libdeps, pcdeps, deps, outlines, values, d): if pcdeps: recipemap = read_pkgconfig_provides(d) if libdeps: RecipeHandler.load_libmap(d) ignorelibs = ['socket'] ignoredeps = ['gcc-runtime', 'glibc', 'uclibc', 'musl', 'tar-native', 'binutils-native', 'coreutils-native'] unmappedpc = [] pcdeps = list(set(pcdeps)) for pcdep in pcdeps: if isinstance(pcdep, str): recipe = recipemap.get(pcdep, None) if recipe: deps.append(recipe) else: if not pcdep.startswith('$'): unmappedpc.append(pcdep) else: for item in pcdep: recipe = recipemap.get(pcdep, None) if recipe: deps.append(recipe) break else: unmappedpc.append('(%s)' % ' or '.join(pcdep)) unmappedlibs = [] for libdep in libdeps: if isinstance(libdep, tuple): lib, header = libdep else: lib = libdep header = None if lib in ignorelibs: logger.debug('Ignoring library dependency %s' % lib) continue recipe = RecipeHandler.recipelibmap.get(lib, None) if recipe: deps.append(recipe) elif recipe is None: if header: RecipeHandler.load_devel_filemap(d) recipe = RecipeHandler.recipeheadermap.get(header, None) if recipe: deps.append(recipe) elif recipe is None: unmappedlibs.append(lib) else: unmappedlibs.append(lib) deps = set(deps).difference(set(ignoredeps)) if unmappedpc: outlines.append('# NOTE: unable to map the following pkg-config dependencies: %s' % ' '.join(unmappedpc)) outlines.append('# (this is based on recipes that have previously been built and packaged)') if unmappedlibs: outlines.append('# NOTE: the following library dependencies are unknown, ignoring: %s' % ' '.join(list(set(unmappedlibs)))) outlines.append('# (this is based on recipes that have previously been built and packaged)') if deps: values['DEPENDS'] = ' '.join(deps) @staticmethod def genfunction(outlines, funcname, content, python=False, forcespace=False): if python: prefix = 'python ' else: prefix = '' outlines.append('%s%s () {' % (prefix, funcname)) if python or forcespace: indent = ' ' else: indent = '\t' addnoop = not python for line in content: outlines.append('%s%s' % (indent, line)) if addnoop: strippedline = line.lstrip() if strippedline and not strippedline.startswith('#'): addnoop = False if addnoop: # Without this there'll be a syntax error outlines.append('%s:' % indent) outlines.append('}') outlines.append('') def process(self, srctree, classes, lines_before, lines_after, handled, extravalues): return False def validate_pv(pv): if not pv or '_version' in pv.lower() or pv[0] not in '0123456789': return False return True def determine_from_filename(srcfile): """Determine name and version from a filename""" if is_package(srcfile): # Force getting the value from the package metadata return None, None if '.tar.' in srcfile: namepart = srcfile.split('.tar.')[0] else: namepart = os.path.splitext(srcfile)[0] namepart = namepart.lower().replace('_', '-') if namepart.endswith('.src'): namepart = namepart[:-4] if namepart.endswith('.orig'): namepart = namepart[:-5] splitval = namepart.split('-') logger.debug('determine_from_filename: split name %s into: %s' % (srcfile, splitval)) ver_re = re.compile('^v?[0-9]') pv = None pn = None if len(splitval) == 1: # Try to split the version out if there is no separator (or a .) res = re.match('^([^0-9]+)([0-9.]+.*)$', namepart) if res: if len(res.group(1)) > 1 and len(res.group(2)) > 1: pn = res.group(1).rstrip('.') pv = res.group(2) else: pn = namepart else: if splitval[-1] in ['source', 'src']: splitval.pop() if len(splitval) > 2 and re.match('^(alpha|beta|stable|release|rc[0-9]|pre[0-9]|p[0-9]|[0-9]{8})', splitval[-1]) and ver_re.match(splitval[-2]): pv = '-'.join(splitval[-2:]) if pv.endswith('-release'): pv = pv[:-8] splitval = splitval[:-2] elif ver_re.match(splitval[-1]): pv = splitval.pop() pn = '-'.join(splitval) if pv and pv.startswith('v'): pv = pv[1:] logger.debug('determine_from_filename: name = "%s" version = "%s"' % (pn, pv)) return (pn, pv) def determine_from_url(srcuri): """Determine name and version from a URL""" pn = None pv = None parseres = urlparse(srcuri.lower().split(';', 1)[0]) if parseres.path: if 'github.com' in parseres.netloc: res = re.search(r'.*/(.*?)/archive/(.*)-final\.(tar|zip)', parseres.path) if res: pn = res.group(1).strip().replace('_', '-') pv = res.group(2).strip().replace('_', '.') else: res = re.search(r'.*/(.*?)/archive/v?(.*)\.(tar|zip)', parseres.path) if res: pn = res.group(1).strip().replace('_', '-') pv = res.group(2).strip().replace('_', '.') elif 'bitbucket.org' in parseres.netloc: res = re.search(r'.*/(.*?)/get/[a-zA-Z_-]*([0-9][0-9a-zA-Z_.]*)\.(tar|zip)', parseres.path) if res: pn = res.group(1).strip().replace('_', '-') pv = res.group(2).strip().replace('_', '.') if not pn and not pv: if parseres.scheme not in ['git', 'gitsm', 'svn', 'hg']: srcfile = os.path.basename(parseres.path.rstrip('/')) pn, pv = determine_from_filename(srcfile) elif parseres.scheme in ['git', 'gitsm']: pn = os.path.basename(parseres.path.rstrip('/')).lower().replace('_', '-') if pn.endswith('.git'): pn = pn[:-4] logger.debug('Determined from source URL: name = "%s", version = "%s"' % (pn, pv)) return (pn, pv) def supports_srcrev(uri): localdata = bb.data.createCopy(tinfoil.config_data) # This is a bit sad, but if you don't have this set there can be some # odd interactions with the urldata cache which lead to errors localdata.setVar('SRCREV', '${AUTOREV}') try: fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([uri], localdata) urldata = fetcher.ud for u in urldata: if urldata[u].method.supports_srcrev(): return True except bb.fetch2.FetchError as e: logger.debug('FetchError in supports_srcrev: %s' % str(e)) # Fall back to basic check if uri.startswith(('git://', 'gitsm://')): return True return False def reformat_git_uri(uri): '''Convert any http[s]://....git URI into git://...;protocol=http[s]''' checkuri = uri.split(';', 1)[0] if checkuri.endswith('.git') or '/git/' in checkuri or re.match('https?://github.com/[^/]+/[^/]+/?$', checkuri): # Appends scheme if the scheme is missing if not '://' in uri: uri = 'git://' + uri scheme, host, path, user, pswd, parms = bb.fetch2.decodeurl(uri) # Detection mechanism, this is required due to certain URL are formatter with ":" rather than "/" # which causes decodeurl to fail getting the right host and path if len(host.split(':')) > 1: splitslash = host.split(':') host = splitslash[0] path = '/' + splitslash[1] + path #Algorithm: # if user is defined, append protocol=ssh or if a protocol is defined, then honor the user-defined protocol # if no user & password is defined, check for scheme type and append the protocol with the scheme type # finally if protocols or if the url is well-formed, do nothing and rejoin everything back to normal # Need to repackage the arguments for encodeurl, the format is: (scheme, host, path, user, password, OrderedDict([('key', 'value')])) if user: if not 'protocol' in parms: parms.update({('protocol', 'ssh')}) elif (scheme == "http" or scheme == 'https' or scheme == 'ssh') and not ('protocol' in parms): parms.update({('protocol', scheme)}) # Always append 'git://' fUrl = bb.fetch2.encodeurl(('git', host, path, user, pswd, parms)) return fUrl else: return uri def is_package(url): '''Check if a URL points to a package''' checkurl = url.split(';', 1)[0] if checkurl.endswith(('.deb', '.ipk', '.rpm', '.srpm')): return True return False def create_recipe(args): import bb.process import tempfile import shutil import oe.recipeutils pkgarch = "" if args.machine: pkgarch = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" extravalues = {} checksums = {} tempsrc = '' source = args.source srcsubdir = '' srcrev = '${AUTOREV}' srcbranch = '' scheme = '' storeTagName = '' pv_srcpv = False if os.path.isfile(source): source = 'file://%s' % os.path.abspath(source) if scriptutils.is_src_url(source): # Fetch a URL fetchuri = reformat_git_uri(urldefrag(source)[0]) if args.binary: # Assume the archive contains the directory structure verbatim # so we need to extract to a subdirectory fetchuri += ';subdir=${BP}' srcuri = fetchuri rev_re = re.compile(';rev=([^;]+)') res = rev_re.search(srcuri) if res: if args.srcrev: logger.error('rev= parameter and -S/--srcrev option cannot both be specified - use one or the other') sys.exit(1) if args.autorev: logger.error('rev= parameter and -a/--autorev option cannot both be specified - use one or the other') sys.exit(1) srcrev = res.group(1) srcuri = rev_re.sub('', srcuri) elif args.srcrev: srcrev = args.srcrev # Check whether users provides any branch info in fetchuri. # If true, we will skip all branch checking process to honor all user's input. scheme, network, path, user, passwd, params = bb.fetch2.decodeurl(fetchuri) srcbranch = params.get('branch') if args.srcbranch: if srcbranch: logger.error('branch= parameter and -B/--srcbranch option cannot both be specified - use one or the other') sys.exit(1) srcbranch = args.srcbranch nobranch = params.get('nobranch') if nobranch and srcbranch: logger.error('nobranch= cannot be used if you specify a branch') sys.exit(1) tag = params.get('tag') if not srcbranch and not nobranch and srcrev != '${AUTOREV}': # Append nobranch=1 in the following conditions: # 1. User did not set 'branch=' in srcuri, and # 2. User did not set 'nobranch=1' in srcuri, and # 3. Source revision is not '${AUTOREV}' params['nobranch'] = '1' if tag: # Keep a copy of tag and append nobranch=1 then remove tag from URL. # Bitbake fetcher unable to fetch when {AUTOREV} and tag is set at the same time. # We will re-introduce tag argument after bitbake fetcher process is complete. storeTagName = params['tag'] params['nobranch'] = '1' del params['tag'] if scheme == 'npm': params['noverify'] = '1' fetchuri = bb.fetch2.encodeurl((scheme, network, path, user, passwd, params)) tmpparent = tinfoil.config_data.getVar('BASE_WORKDIR') bb.utils.mkdirhier(tmpparent) tempsrc = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='recipetool-', dir=tmpparent) srctree = os.path.join(tempsrc, 'source') try: checksums, ftmpdir = scriptutils.fetch_url(tinfoil, fetchuri, srcrev, srctree, logger, preserve_tmp=args.keep_temp) except scriptutils.FetchUrlFailure as e: logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) if ftmpdir and args.keep_temp: logger.info('Fetch temp directory is %s' % ftmpdir) dirlist = os.listdir(srctree) filterout = ['git.indirectionsymlink'] dirlist = [x for x in dirlist if x not in filterout] logger.debug('Directory listing (excluding filtered out):\n %s' % '\n '.join(dirlist)) if len(dirlist) == 1: singleitem = os.path.join(srctree, dirlist[0]) if os.path.isdir(singleitem): # We unpacked a single directory, so we should use that srcsubdir = dirlist[0] srctree = os.path.join(srctree, srcsubdir) else: check_single_file(dirlist[0], fetchuri) elif len(dirlist) == 0: if '/' in fetchuri: fn = os.path.join(tinfoil.config_data.getVar('DL_DIR'), fetchuri.split('/')[-1]) if os.path.isfile(fn): check_single_file(fn, fetchuri) # If we've got to here then there's no source so we might as well give up logger.error('URL %s resulted in an empty source tree' % fetchuri) sys.exit(1) # We need this checking mechanism to improve the recipe created by recipetool and devtool # is able to parse and build by bitbake. # If there is no input for branch name, then check for branch name with SRCREV provided. if not srcbranch and not nobranch and srcrev and (srcrev != '${AUTOREV}') and scheme in ['git', 'gitsm']: try: cmd = 'git branch -r --contains' check_branch, check_branch_err = bb.process.run('%s %s' % (cmd, srcrev), cwd=srctree) except bb.process.ExecutionError as err: logger.error(str(err)) sys.exit(1) get_branch = [x.strip() for x in check_branch.splitlines()] # Remove HEAD reference point and drop remote prefix get_branch = [x.split('/', 1)[1] for x in get_branch if not x.startswith('origin/HEAD')] if 'master' in get_branch: # If it is master, we do not need to append 'branch=master' as this is default. # Even with the case where get_branch has multiple objects, if 'master' is one # of them, we should default take from 'master' srcbranch = '' elif len(get_branch) == 1: # If 'master' isn't in get_branch and get_branch contains only ONE object, then store result into 'srcbranch' srcbranch = get_branch[0] else: # If get_branch contains more than one objects, then display error and exit. mbrch = '\n ' + '\n '.join(get_branch) logger.error('Revision %s was found on multiple branches: %s\nPlease provide the correct branch with -B/--srcbranch' % (srcrev, mbrch)) sys.exit(1) # Since we might have a value in srcbranch, we need to # recontruct the srcuri to include 'branch' in params. if srcbranch: scheme, network, path, user, passwd, params = bb.fetch2.decodeurl(srcuri) params['branch'] = srcbranch srcuri = bb.fetch2.encodeurl((scheme, network, path, user, passwd, params)) if storeTagName and scheme in ['git', 'gitsm']: # Re-introduced tag variable from storeTagName # Check srcrev using tag and check validity of the tag cmd = ('git rev-parse --verify %s' % (storeTagName)) try: check_tag, check_tag_err = bb.process.run('%s' % cmd, cwd=srctree) srcrev = check_tag.split()[0] except bb.process.ExecutionError as err: logger.error(str(err)) logger.error("Possibly wrong tag name is provided") sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(srctree, '.gitmodules')) and srcuri.startswith('git://'): srcuri = 'gitsm://' + srcuri[6:] logger.info('Fetching submodules...') bb.process.run('git submodule update --init --recursive', cwd=srctree) if is_package(fetchuri): localdata = bb.data.createCopy(tinfoil.config_data) pkgfile = bb.fetch2.localpath(fetchuri, localdata) if pkgfile: tmpfdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='recipetool-') try: if pkgfile.endswith(('.deb', '.ipk')): stdout, _ = bb.process.run('ar x %s' % pkgfile, cwd=tmpfdir) stdout, _ = bb.process.run('tar xf control.tar.gz', cwd=tmpfdir) values = convert_debian(tmpfdir) extravalues.update(values) elif pkgfile.endswith(('.rpm', '.srpm')): stdout, _ = bb.process.run('rpm -qp --xml %s > pkginfo.xml' % pkgfile, cwd=tmpfdir) values = convert_rpm_xml(os.path.join(tmpfdir, 'pkginfo.xml')) extravalues.update(values) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpfdir) else: # Assume we're pointing to an existing source tree if args.extract_to: logger.error('--extract-to cannot be specified if source is a directory') sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isdir(source): logger.error('Invalid source directory %s' % source) sys.exit(1) srctree = source srcuri = '' if os.path.exists(os.path.join(srctree, '.git')): # Try to get upstream repo location from origin remote try: stdout, _ = bb.process.run('git remote -v', cwd=srctree, shell=True) except bb.process.ExecutionError as e: stdout = None if stdout: for line in stdout.splitlines(): splitline = line.split() if len(splitline) > 1: if splitline[0] == 'origin' and scriptutils.is_src_url(splitline[1]): srcuri = reformat_git_uri(splitline[1]) srcsubdir = 'git' break if args.src_subdir: srcsubdir = os.path.join(srcsubdir, args.src_subdir) srctree_use = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(srctree, args.src_subdir)) else: srctree_use = os.path.abspath(srctree) if args.outfile and os.path.isdir(args.outfile): outfile = None outdir = args.outfile else: outfile = args.outfile outdir = None if outfile and outfile != '-': if os.path.exists(outfile): logger.error('Output file %s already exists' % outfile) sys.exit(1) lines_before = [] lines_after = [] lines_before.append('# Recipe created by %s' % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) lines_before.append('# This is the basis of a recipe and may need further editing in order to be fully functional.') lines_before.append('# (Feel free to remove these comments when editing.)') # We need a blank line here so that patch_recipe_lines can rewind before the LICENSE comments lines_before.append('') # We'll come back and replace this later in handle_license_vars() lines_before.append('##LICENSE_PLACEHOLDER##') handled = [] classes = [] # FIXME This is kind of a hack, we probably ought to be using bitbake to do this pn = None pv = None if outfile: recipefn = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(outfile))[0] fnsplit = recipefn.split('_') if len(fnsplit) > 1: pn = fnsplit[0] pv = fnsplit[1] else: pn = recipefn if args.version: pv = args.version if args.name: pn = args.name if args.name.endswith('-native'): if args.also_native: logger.error('--also-native cannot be specified for a recipe named *-native (*-native denotes a recipe that is already only for native) - either remove the -native suffix from the name or drop --also-native') sys.exit(1) classes.append('native') elif args.name.startswith('nativesdk-'): if args.also_native: logger.error('--also-native cannot be specified for a recipe named nativesdk-* (nativesdk-* denotes a recipe that is already only for nativesdk)') sys.exit(1) classes.append('nativesdk') if pv and pv not in 'git svn hg'.split(): realpv = pv else: realpv = None if not srcuri: lines_before.append('# No information for SRC_URI yet (only an external source tree was specified)') lines_before.append('SRC_URI = "%s"' % srcuri) for key, value in sorted(checksums.items()): lines_before.append('SRC_URI[%s] = "%s"' % (key, value)) if srcuri and supports_srcrev(srcuri): lines_before.append('') lines_before.append('# Modify these as desired') # Note: we have code to replace realpv further down if it gets set to some other value scheme, _, _, _, _, _ = bb.fetch2.decodeurl(srcuri) if scheme in ['git', 'gitsm']: srcpvprefix = 'git' elif scheme == 'svn': srcpvprefix = 'svnr' else: srcpvprefix = scheme lines_before.append('PV = "%s+%s${SRCPV}"' % (realpv or '1.0', srcpvprefix)) pv_srcpv = True if not args.autorev and srcrev == '${AUTOREV}': if os.path.exists(os.path.join(srctree, '.git')): (stdout, _) = bb.process.run('git rev-parse HEAD', cwd=srctree) srcrev = stdout.rstrip() lines_before.append('SRCREV = "%s"' % srcrev) if args.provides: lines_before.append('PROVIDES = "%s"' % args.provides) lines_before.append('') if srcsubdir and not args.binary: # (for binary packages we explicitly specify subdir= when fetching to # match the default value of S, so we don't need to set it in that case) lines_before.append('S = "${WORKDIR}/%s"' % srcsubdir) lines_before.append('') if pkgarch: lines_after.append('PACKAGE_ARCH = "%s"' % pkgarch) lines_after.append('') if args.binary: lines_after.append('INSANE_SKIP_${PN} += "already-stripped"') lines_after.append('') if args.fetch_dev: extravalues['fetchdev'] = True else: extravalues['fetchdev'] = None # Find all plugins that want to register handlers logger.debug('Loading recipe handlers') raw_handlers = [] for plugin in plugins: if hasattr(plugin, 'register_recipe_handlers'): plugin.register_recipe_handlers(raw_handlers) # Sort handlers by priority handlers = [] for i, handler in enumerate(raw_handlers): if isinstance(handler, tuple): handlers.append((handler[0], handler[1], i)) else: handlers.append((handler, 0, i)) handlers.sort(key=lambda item: (item[1], -item[2]), reverse=True) for handler, priority, _ in handlers: logger.debug('Handler: %s (priority %d)' % (handler.__class__.__name__, priority)) setattr(handler, '_devtool', args.devtool) handlers = [item[0] for item in handlers] # Apply the handlers if args.binary: classes.append('bin_package') handled.append('buildsystem') for handler in handlers: handler.process(srctree_use, classes, lines_before, lines_after, handled, extravalues) extrafiles = extravalues.pop('extrafiles', {}) extra_pn = extravalues.pop('PN', None) extra_pv = extravalues.pop('PV', None) if extra_pv and not realpv: realpv = extra_pv if not validate_pv(realpv): realpv = None else: realpv = realpv.lower().split()[0] if '_' in realpv: realpv = realpv.replace('_', '-') if extra_pn and not pn: pn = extra_pn if pn.startswith('GNU '): pn = pn[4:] if ' ' in pn: # Probably a descriptive identifier rather than a proper name pn = None else: pn = pn.lower() if '_' in pn: pn = pn.replace('_', '-') if srcuri and not realpv or not pn: name_pn, name_pv = determine_from_url(srcuri) if name_pn and not pn: pn = name_pn if name_pv and not realpv: realpv = name_pv licvalues = handle_license_vars(srctree_use, lines_before, handled, extravalues, tinfoil.config_data) if not outfile: if not pn: log_error_cond('Unable to determine short program name from source tree - please specify name with -N/--name or output file name with -o/--outfile', args.devtool) # devtool looks for this specific exit code, so don't change it sys.exit(15) else: if srcuri and srcuri.startswith(('gitsm://', 'git://', 'hg://', 'svn://')): suffix = srcuri.split(':', 1)[0] if suffix == 'gitsm': suffix = 'git' outfile = '%s_%s.bb' % (pn, suffix) elif realpv: outfile = '%s_%s.bb' % (pn, realpv) else: outfile = '%s.bb' % pn if outdir: outfile = os.path.join(outdir, outfile) # We need to check this again if os.path.exists(outfile): logger.error('Output file %s already exists' % outfile) sys.exit(1) # Move any extra files the plugins created to a directory next to the recipe if extrafiles: if outfile == '-': extraoutdir = pn else: extraoutdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outfile), pn) bb.utils.mkdirhier(extraoutdir) for destfn, extrafile in extrafiles.items(): shutil.move(extrafile, os.path.join(extraoutdir, destfn)) lines = lines_before lines_before = [] skipblank = True for line in lines: if skipblank: skipblank = False if not line: continue if line.startswith('S = '): if realpv and pv not in 'git svn hg'.split(): line = line.replace(realpv, '${PV}') if pn: line = line.replace(pn, '${BPN}') if line == 'S = "${WORKDIR}/${BPN}-${PV}"': skipblank = True continue elif line.startswith('SRC_URI = '): if realpv and not pv_srcpv: line = line.replace(realpv, '${PV}') elif line.startswith('PV = '): if realpv: # Replace the first part of the PV value line = re.sub('"[^+]*\+', '"%s+' % realpv, line) lines_before.append(line) if args.also_native: lines = lines_after lines_after = [] bbclassextend = None for line in lines: if line.startswith('BBCLASSEXTEND ='): splitval = line.split('"') if len(splitval) > 1: bbclassextend = splitval[1].split() if not 'native' in bbclassextend: bbclassextend.insert(0, 'native') line = 'BBCLASSEXTEND = "%s"' % ' '.join(bbclassextend) lines_after.append(line) if not bbclassextend: lines_after.append('BBCLASSEXTEND = "native"') postinst = ("postinst", extravalues.pop('postinst', None)) postrm = ("postrm", extravalues.pop('postrm', None)) preinst = ("preinst", extravalues.pop('preinst', None)) prerm = ("prerm", extravalues.pop('prerm', None)) funcs = [postinst, postrm, preinst, prerm] for func in funcs: if func[1]: RecipeHandler.genfunction(lines_after, 'pkg_%s_${PN}' % func[0], func[1]) outlines = [] outlines.extend(lines_before) if classes: if outlines[-1] and not outlines[-1].startswith('#'): outlines.append('') outlines.append('inherit %s' % ' '.join(classes)) outlines.append('') outlines.extend(lines_after) if extravalues: _, outlines = oe.recipeutils.patch_recipe_lines(outlines, extravalues, trailing_newline=False) if args.extract_to: scriptutils.git_convert_standalone_clone(srctree) if os.path.isdir(args.extract_to): # If the directory exists we'll move the temp dir into it instead of # its contents - of course, we could try to always move its contents # but that is a pain if there are symlinks; the simplest solution is # to just remove it first os.rmdir(args.extract_to) shutil.move(srctree, args.extract_to) if tempsrc == srctree: tempsrc = None log_info_cond('Source extracted to %s' % args.extract_to, args.devtool) if outfile == '-': sys.stdout.write('\n'.join(outlines) + '\n') else: with open(outfile, 'w') as f: lastline = None for line in outlines: if not lastline and not line: # Skip extra blank lines continue f.write('%s\n' % line) lastline = line log_info_cond('Recipe %s has been created; further editing may be required to make it fully functional' % outfile, args.devtool) if tempsrc: if args.keep_temp: logger.info('Preserving temporary directory %s' % tempsrc) else: shutil.rmtree(tempsrc) return 0 def check_single_file(fn, fetchuri): """Determine if a single downloaded file is something we can't handle""" with open(fn, 'r', errors='surrogateescape') as f: if ' 1: lines.append('#') lines.append('# NOTE: multiple licenses have been detected; they have been separated with &') lines.append('# in the LICENSE value for now since it is a reasonable assumption that all') lines.append('# of the licenses apply. If instead there is a choice between the multiple') lines.append('# licenses then you should change the value to separate the licenses with |') lines.append('# instead of &. If there is any doubt, check the accompanying documentation') lines.append('# to determine which situation is applicable.') lines.append('LICENSE = "%s"' % ' & '.join(licenses)) lines.append('LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "%s"' % ' \\\n '.join(lic_files_chksum)) lines.append('') # Replace the placeholder so we get the values in the right place in the recipe file try: pos = lines_before.index('##LICENSE_PLACEHOLDER##') except ValueError: pos = -1 if pos == -1: lines_before.extend(lines) else: lines_before[pos:pos+1] = lines handled.append(('license', licvalues)) return licvalues def get_license_md5sums(d, static_only=False): import bb.utils md5sums = {} if not static_only: # Gather md5sums of license files in common license dir commonlicdir = d.getVar('COMMON_LICENSE_DIR') for fn in os.listdir(commonlicdir): md5value = bb.utils.md5_file(os.path.join(commonlicdir, fn)) md5sums[md5value] = fn # The following were extracted from common values in various recipes # (double checking the license against the license file itself, not just # the LICENSE value in the recipe) md5sums['94d55d512a9ba36caa9b7df079bae19f'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['59530bdf33659b29e73d4adb9f9f6552'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['0636e73ff0215e8d672dc4c32c317bb3'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['eb723b61539feef013de476e68b5c50a'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['751419260aa954499f7abaabaa882bbe'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['393a5ca445f6965873eca0259a17f833'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['12f884d2ae1ff87c09e5b7ccc2c4ca7e'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['8ca43cbc842c2336e835926c2166c28b'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['ebb5c50ab7cab4baeffba14977030c07'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['c93c0550bd3173f4504b2cbd8991e50b'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['9ac2e7cff1ddaf48b6eab6028f23ef88'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['4325afd396febcb659c36b49533135d4'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['18810669f13b87348459e611d31ab760'] = 'GPLv2' md5sums['d7810fab7487fb0aad327b76f1be7cd7'] = 'GPLv2' # the Linux kernel's COPYING file md5sums['bbb461211a33b134d42ed5ee802b37ff'] = 'LGPLv2.1' md5sums['7fbc338309ac38fefcd64b04bb903e34'] = 'LGPLv2.1' md5sums['4fbd65380cdd255951079008b364516c'] = 'LGPLv2.1' md5sums['2d5025d4aa3495befef8f17206a5b0a1'] = 'LGPLv2.1' md5sums['fbc093901857fcd118f065f900982c24'] = 'LGPLv2.1' md5sums['a6f89e2100d9b6cdffcea4f398e37343'] = 'LGPLv2.1' md5sums['d8045f3b8f929c1cb29a1e3fd737b499'] = 'LGPLv2.1' md5sums['fad9b3332be894bab9bc501572864b29'] = 'LGPLv2.1' md5sums['3bf50002aefd002f49e7bb854063f7e7'] = 'LGPLv2' md5sums['9f604d8a4f8e74f4f5140845a21b6674'] = 'LGPLv2' md5sums['5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2'] = 'LGPLv2' md5sums['55ca817ccb7d5b5b66355690e9abc605'] = 'LGPLv2' md5sums['252890d9eee26aab7b432e8b8a616475'] = 'LGPLv2' md5sums['3214f080875748938ba060314b4f727d'] = 'LGPLv2' md5sums['db979804f025cf55aabec7129cb671ed'] = 'LGPLv2' md5sums['d32239bcb673463ab874e80d47fae504'] = 'GPLv3' md5sums['f27defe1e96c2e1ecd4e0c9be8967949'] = 'GPLv3' md5sums['6a6a8e020838b23406c81b19c1d46df6'] = 'LGPLv3' md5sums['3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57'] = 'Apache-2.0' md5sums['385c55653886acac3821999a3ccd17b3'] = 'Artistic-1.0 | GPL-2.0' # some perl modules md5sums['54c7042be62e169199200bc6477f04d1'] = 'BSD-3-Clause' return md5sums def crunch_license(licfile): ''' Remove non-material text from a license file and then check its md5sum against a known list. This works well for licenses which contain a copyright statement, but is also a useful way to handle people's insistence upon reformatting the license text slightly (with no material difference to the text of the license). ''' import oe.utils # Note: these are carefully constructed! license_title_re = re.compile('^\(?(#+ *)?(The )?.{1,10} [Ll]icen[sc]e( \(.{1,10}\))?\)?:?$') license_statement_re = re.compile('^(This (project|software) is( free software)? (released|licen[sc]ed)|(Released|Licen[cs]ed)) under the .{1,10} [Ll]icen[sc]e:?$') copyright_re = re.compile('^(#+)? *Copyright .*$') crunched_md5sums = {} # The following two were gleaned from the "forever" npm package crunched_md5sums['0a97f8e4cbaf889d6fa51f84b89a79f6'] = 'ISC' crunched_md5sums['eecf6429523cbc9693547cf2db790b5c'] = 'MIT' # https://github.com/vasi/pixz/blob/master/LICENSE crunched_md5sums['2f03392b40bbe663597b5bd3cc5ebdb9'] = 'BSD-2-Clause' # https://github.com/waffle-gl/waffle/blob/master/LICENSE.txt crunched_md5sums['e72e5dfef0b1a4ca8a3d26a60587db66'] = 'BSD-2-Clause' # https://github.com/spigwitmer/fakeds1963s/blob/master/LICENSE crunched_md5sums['8be76ac6d191671f347ee4916baa637e'] = 'GPLv2' # https://github.com/datto/dattobd/blob/master/COPYING # http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/freetype/freetype2.git/tree/docs/GPLv2.TXT crunched_md5sums['1d65c5ad4bf6489f85f4812bf08ae73d'] = 'GPLv2' # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt # http://git.neil.brown.name/?p=mdadm.git;a=blob;f=COPYING;h=d159169d1050894d3ea3b98e1c965c4058208fe1;hb=HEAD crunched_md5sums['fb530f66a7a89ce920f0e912b5b66d4b'] = 'GPLv2' # https://github.com/gkos/nrf24/blob/master/COPYING crunched_md5sums['7b6aaa4daeafdfa6ed5443fd2684581b'] = 'GPLv2' # https://github.com/josch09/resetusb/blob/master/COPYING crunched_md5sums['8b8ac1d631a4d220342e83bcf1a1fbc3'] = 'GPLv3' # https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/COPYING.LGPLv2.1 crunched_md5sums['2ea316ed973ae176e502e2297b574bb3'] = 'LGPLv2.1' # unixODBC-2.3.4 COPYING crunched_md5sums['1daebd9491d1e8426900b4fa5a422814'] = 'LGPLv2.1' # https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/COPYING.LGPLv3 crunched_md5sums['2ebfb3bb49b9a48a075cc1425e7f4129'] = 'LGPLv3' # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eclipse/mosquitto/v1.4.14/epl-v10 crunched_md5sums['efe2cb9a35826992b9df68224e3c2628'] = 'EPL-1.0' # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eclipse/mosquitto/v1.4.14/edl-v10 crunched_md5sums['0a9c78c0a398d1bbce4a166757d60387'] = 'EDL-1.0' lictext = [] with open(licfile, 'r', errors='surrogateescape') as f: for line in f: # Drop opening statements if copyright_re.match(line): continue elif license_title_re.match(line): continue elif license_statement_re.match(line): continue # Squash spaces, and replace smart quotes, double quotes # and backticks with single quotes line = oe.utils.squashspaces(line.strip()) line = line.replace(u"\u2018", "'").replace(u"\u2019", "'").replace(u"\u201c","'").replace(u"\u201d", "'").replace('"', '\'').replace('`', '\'') if line: lictext.append(line) m = hashlib.md5() try: m.update(' '.join(lictext).encode('utf-8')) md5val = m.hexdigest() except UnicodeEncodeError: md5val = None lictext = '' license = crunched_md5sums.get(md5val, None) return license, md5val, lictext def guess_license(srctree, d): import bb md5sums = get_license_md5sums(d) licenses = [] licspecs = ['*LICEN[CS]E*', 'COPYING*', '*[Ll]icense*', 'LEGAL*', '[Ll]egal*', '*GPL*', 'README.lic*', 'COPYRIGHT*', '[Cc]opyright*', 'e[dp]l-v10'] licfiles = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(srctree): for fn in files: for spec in licspecs: if fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, spec): fullpath = os.path.join(root, fn) if not fullpath in licfiles: licfiles.append(fullpath) for licfile in licfiles: md5value = bb.utils.md5_file(licfile) license = md5sums.get(md5value, None) if not license: license, crunched_md5, lictext = crunch_license(licfile) if not license: license = 'Unknown' licenses.append((license, os.path.relpath(licfile, srctree), md5value)) # FIXME should we grab at least one source file with a license header and add that too? return licenses def split_pkg_licenses(licvalues, packages, outlines, fallback_licenses=None, pn='${PN}'): """ Given a list of (license, path, md5sum) as returned by guess_license(), a dict of package name to path mappings, write out a set of package-specific LICENSE values. """ pkglicenses = {pn: []} for license, licpath, _ in licvalues: for pkgname, pkgpath in packages.items(): if licpath.startswith(pkgpath + '/'): if pkgname in pkglicenses: pkglicenses[pkgname].append(license) else: pkglicenses[pkgname] = [license] break else: # Accumulate on the main package pkglicenses[pn].append(license) outlicenses = {} for pkgname in packages: license = ' '.join(list(set(pkglicenses.get(pkgname, ['Unknown'])))) or 'Unknown' if license == 'Unknown' and pkgname in fallback_licenses: license = fallback_licenses[pkgname] outlines.append('LICENSE_%s = "%s"' % (pkgname, license)) outlicenses[pkgname] = license.split() return outlicenses def read_pkgconfig_provides(d): pkgdatadir = d.getVar('PKGDATA_DIR') pkgmap = {} for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(pkgdatadir, 'shlibs2', '*.pclist')): with open(fn, 'r') as f: for line in f: pkgmap[os.path.basename(line.rstrip())] = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0] recipemap = {} for pc, pkg in pkgmap.items(): pkgdatafile = os.path.join(pkgdatadir, 'runtime', pkg) if os.path.exists(pkgdatafile): with open(pkgdatafile, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('PN: '): recipemap[pc] = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip() return recipemap def convert_debian(debpath): value_map = {'Package': 'PN', 'Version': 'PV', 'Section': 'SECTION', 'License': 'LICENSE', 'Homepage': 'HOMEPAGE'} # FIXME extend this mapping - perhaps use distro_alias.inc? depmap = {'libz-dev': 'zlib'} values = {} depends = [] with open(os.path.join(debpath, 'control'), 'r', errors='surrogateescape') as f: indesc = False for line in f: if indesc: if line.startswith(' '): if line.startswith(' This package contains'): indesc = False else: if 'DESCRIPTION' in values: values['DESCRIPTION'] += ' ' + line.strip() else: values['DESCRIPTION'] = line.strip() else: indesc = False if not indesc: splitline = line.split(':', 1) if len(splitline) < 2: continue key = splitline[0] value = splitline[1].strip() if key == 'Build-Depends': for dep in value.split(','): dep = dep.split()[0] mapped = depmap.get(dep, '') if mapped: depends.append(mapped) elif key == 'Description': values['SUMMARY'] = value indesc = True else: varname = value_map.get(key, None) if varname: values[varname] = value postinst = os.path.join(debpath, 'postinst') postrm = os.path.join(debpath, 'postrm') preinst = os.path.join(debpath, 'preinst') prerm = os.path.join(debpath, 'prerm') sfiles = [postinst, postrm, preinst, prerm] for sfile in sfiles: if os.path.isfile(sfile): logger.info("Converting %s file to recipe function..." % os.path.basename(sfile).upper()) content = [] with open(sfile) as f: for line in f: if "#!/" in line: continue line = line.rstrip("\n") if line.strip(): content.append(line) if content: values[os.path.basename(f.name)] = content #if depends: # values['DEPENDS'] = ' '.join(depends) return values def convert_rpm_xml(xmlfile): '''Converts the output from rpm -qp --xml to a set of variable values''' import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree rpmtag_map = {'Name': 'PN', 'Version': 'PV', 'Summary': 'SUMMARY', 'Description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'License': 'LICENSE', 'Url': 'HOMEPAGE'} values = {} tree = ElementTree.parse(xmlfile) root = tree.getroot() for child in root: if child.tag == 'rpmTag': name = child.attrib.get('name', None) if name: varname = rpmtag_map.get(name, None) if varname: values[varname] = child[0].text return values def register_commands(subparsers): parser_create = subparsers.add_parser('create', help='Create a new recipe', description='Creates a new recipe from a source tree') parser_create.add_argument('source', help='Path or URL to source') parser_create.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', help='Specify filename for recipe to create') parser_create.add_argument('-p', '--provides', help='Specify an alias for the item provided by the recipe') parser_create.add_argument('-m', '--machine', help='Make recipe machine-specific as opposed to architecture-specific', action='store_true') parser_create.add_argument('-x', '--extract-to', metavar='EXTRACTPATH', help='Assuming source is a URL, fetch it and extract it to the directory specified as %(metavar)s') parser_create.add_argument('-N', '--name', help='Name to use within recipe (PN)') parser_create.add_argument('-V', '--version', help='Version to use within recipe (PV)') parser_create.add_argument('-b', '--binary', help='Treat the source tree as something that should be installed verbatim (no compilation, same directory structure)', action='store_true') parser_create.add_argument('--also-native', help='Also add native variant (i.e. support building recipe for the build host as well as the target machine)', action='store_true') parser_create.add_argument('--src-subdir', help='Specify subdirectory within source tree to use', metavar='SUBDIR') group = parser_create.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('-a', '--autorev', help='When fetching from a git repository, set SRCREV in the recipe to a floating revision instead of fixed', action="store_true") group.add_argument('-S', '--srcrev', help='Source revision to fetch if fetching from an SCM such as git (default latest)') parser_create.add_argument('-B', '--srcbranch', help='Branch in source repository if fetching from an SCM such as git (default master)') parser_create.add_argument('--keep-temp', action="store_true", help='Keep temporary directory (for debugging)') parser_create.add_argument('--fetch-dev', action="store_true", help='For npm, also fetch devDependencies') parser_create.add_argument('--devtool', action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser_create.add_argument('--mirrors', action="store_true", help='Enable PREMIRRORS and MIRRORS for source tree fetching (disabled by default).') parser_create.set_defaults(func=create_recipe)