#!/bin/sh # # Quick handler for chkhinge26 and X. # killproc() { # kill the named process(es) pid=`/bin/ps -e x | /bin/grep $1 | /bin/grep -v grep | /bin/sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ .*//'` [ "$pid" != "" ] && kill $pid } export DISPLAY=:0 if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: hinge-handler ( 3 = closed, 0 = landscape, 2 = portrait )" exit 1 fi STATE=$1 if [ $STATE = "3" ]; then echo "sleeping" apm -s exit 0 fi if [ $STATE = "0" ]; then echo "lanscape" killproc /usr/bin/mbinputmgr # urg mbinputmgr should kill below killproc /usr/bin/matchbox-keyboard killproc /usr/bin/matchbox-stroke xrandr -o normal exit 0 fi if [ $STATE = "2" ]; then echo "portrait" xrandr -o left # just to be extra safe sleep 1 /usr/bin/mbinputmgr & exit 0 fi