# # Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors # # In order to support a deterministic set of 'dynamic' users/groups, # we need a function to reformat the params based on a static file def update_useradd_static_config(d): import itertools import re import errno import oe.useradd def list_extend(iterable, length, obj = None): """Ensure that iterable is the specified length by extending with obj and return it as a list""" return list(itertools.islice(itertools.chain(iterable, itertools.repeat(obj)), length)) def merge_files(file_list, exp_fields): """Read each passwd/group file in file_list, split each line and create a dictionary with the user/group names as keys and the split lines as values. If the user/group name already exists in the dictionary, then update any fields in the list with the values from the new list (if they are set).""" id_table = dict() for conf in file_list.split(): try: with open(conf, "r") as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('#'): continue # Make sure there always are at least exp_fields # elements in the field list. This allows for leaving # out trailing colons in the files. fields = list_extend(line.rstrip().split(":"), exp_fields) if fields[0] not in id_table: id_table[fields[0]] = fields else: id_table[fields[0]] = list(map(lambda x, y: x or y, fields, id_table[fields[0]])) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: pass return id_table def handle_missing_id(id, type, pkg, files, var, value): # For backwards compatibility we accept "1" in addition to "error" error_dynamic = d.getVar('USERADD_ERROR_DYNAMIC') msg = "%s - %s: %sname %s does not have a static ID defined." % (d.getVar('PN'), pkg, type, id) if files: msg += " Add %s to one of these files: %s" % (id, files) else: msg += " %s file(s) not found in BBPATH: %s" % (var, value) if error_dynamic == 'error' or error_dynamic == '1': raise NotImplementedError(msg) elif error_dynamic == 'warn': bb.warn(msg) elif error_dynamic == 'skip': raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe(msg) # Return a list of configuration files based on either the default # files/group or the contents of USERADD_GID_TABLES, resp. # files/passwd for USERADD_UID_TABLES. # Paths are resolved via BBPATH. def get_table_list(d, var, default): files = [] bbpath = d.getVar('BBPATH') tables = d.getVar(var) if not tables: tables = default for conf_file in tables.split(): files.append(bb.utils.which(bbpath, conf_file)) return (' '.join(files), var, default) # We parse and rewrite the useradd components def rewrite_useradd(params, is_pkg): parser = oe.useradd.build_useradd_parser() newparams = [] users = None for param in oe.useradd.split_commands(params): try: uaargs = parser.parse_args(oe.useradd.split_args(param)) except Exception as e: bb.fatal("%s: Unable to parse arguments for USERADD_PARAM:%s '%s': %s" % (d.getVar('PN'), pkg, param, e)) # Read all passwd files specified in USERADD_UID_TABLES or files/passwd # Use the standard passwd layout: # username:password:user_id:group_id:comment:home_directory:login_shell # # If a field is left blank, the original value will be used. The 'username' # field is required. # # Note: we ignore the password field, as including even the hashed password # in the useradd command may introduce a security hole. It's assumed that # all new users get the default ('*' which prevents login) until the user is # specifically configured by the system admin. if not users: files, table_var, table_value = get_table_list(d, 'USERADD_UID_TABLES', 'files/passwd') users = merge_files(files, 7) type = 'system user' if uaargs.system else 'normal user' if uaargs.LOGIN not in users: handle_missing_id(uaargs.LOGIN, type, pkg, files, table_var, table_value) newparams.append(param) continue field = users[uaargs.LOGIN] if uaargs.uid and field[2] and (uaargs.uid != field[2]): bb.warn("%s: Changing username %s's uid from (%s) to (%s), verify configuration files!" % (d.getVar('PN'), uaargs.LOGIN, uaargs.uid, field[2])) uaargs.uid = field[2] or uaargs.uid # Determine the possible groupname # Unless the group name (or gid) is specified, we assume that the LOGIN is the groupname # # By default the system has creation of the matching groups enabled # So if the implicit username-group creation is on, then the implicit groupname (LOGIN) # is used, and we disable the user_group option. # if uaargs.gid: uaargs.groupname = uaargs.gid elif uaargs.user_group is not False: uaargs.groupname = uaargs.LOGIN else: uaargs.groupname = 'users' uaargs.groupid = field[3] or uaargs.groupname if uaargs.groupid and uaargs.gid != uaargs.groupid: newgroup = None if not uaargs.groupid.isdigit(): # We don't have a group number, so we have to add a name bb.debug(1, "Adding group %s!" % uaargs.groupid) newgroup = "%s %s" % (' --system' if uaargs.system else '', uaargs.groupid) elif uaargs.groupname and not uaargs.groupname.isdigit(): # We have a group name and a group number to assign it to bb.debug(1, "Adding group %s (gid %s)!" % (uaargs.groupname, uaargs.groupid)) newgroup = "-g %s %s" % (uaargs.groupid, uaargs.groupname) else: # We want to add a group, but we don't know it's name... so we can't add the group... # We have to assume the group has previously been added or we'll fail on the adduser... # Note: specifying the actual gid is very rare in OE, usually the group name is specified. bb.warn("%s: Changing gid for login %s to %s, verify configuration files!" % (d.getVar('PN'), uaargs.LOGIN, uaargs.groupid)) uaargs.gid = uaargs.groupid uaargs.user_group = None if newgroup and is_pkg: groupadd = d.getVar("GROUPADD_PARAM:%s" % pkg) if groupadd: # Only add the group if not already specified if not uaargs.groupname in groupadd: d.setVar("GROUPADD_PARAM:%s" % pkg, "%s; %s" % (groupadd, newgroup)) else: d.setVar("GROUPADD_PARAM:%s" % pkg, newgroup) uaargs.comment = "'%s'" % field[4] if field[4] else uaargs.comment uaargs.home_dir = field[5] or uaargs.home_dir uaargs.shell = field[6] or uaargs.shell # Should be an error if a specific option is set... if not uaargs.uid or not uaargs.uid.isdigit() or not uaargs.gid: handle_missing_id(uaargs.LOGIN, type, pkg, files, table_var, table_value) # Reconstruct the args... newparam = ['', ' --defaults'][uaargs.defaults] newparam += ['', ' --base-dir %s' % uaargs.base_dir][uaargs.base_dir != None] newparam += ['', ' --comment %s' % uaargs.comment][uaargs.comment != None] newparam += ['', ' --home-dir %s' % uaargs.home_dir][uaargs.home_dir != None] newparam += ['', ' --expiredate %s' % uaargs.expiredate][uaargs.expiredate != None] newparam += ['', ' --inactive %s' % uaargs.inactive][uaargs.inactive != None] newparam += ['', ' --gid %s' % uaargs.gid][uaargs.gid != None] newparam += ['', ' --groups %s' % uaargs.groups][uaargs.groups != None] newparam += ['', ' --skel %s' % uaargs.skel][uaargs.skel != None] newparam += ['', ' --key %s' % uaargs.key][uaargs.key != None] newparam += ['', ' --no-log-init'][uaargs.no_log_init] newparam += ['', ' --create-home'][uaargs.create_home is True] newparam += ['', ' --no-create-home'][uaargs.create_home is False] newparam += ['', ' --no-user-group'][uaargs.user_group is False] newparam += ['', ' --non-unique'][uaargs.non_unique] if uaargs.password != None: newparam += ['', ' --password %s' % uaargs.password][uaargs.password != None] newparam += ['', ' --root %s' % uaargs.root][uaargs.root != None] newparam += ['', ' --system'][uaargs.system] newparam += ['', ' --shell %s' % uaargs.shell][uaargs.shell != None] newparam += ['', ' --uid %s' % uaargs.uid][uaargs.uid != None] newparam += ['', ' --user-group'][uaargs.user_group is True] newparam += ' %s' % uaargs.LOGIN newparams.append(newparam) return ";".join(newparams).strip() # We parse and rewrite the groupadd components def rewrite_groupadd(params, is_pkg): parser = oe.useradd.build_groupadd_parser() newparams = [] groups = None for param in oe.useradd.split_commands(params): try: # If we're processing multiple lines, we could have left over values here... gaargs = parser.parse_args(oe.useradd.split_args(param)) except Exception as e: bb.fatal("%s: Unable to parse arguments for GROUPADD_PARAM:%s '%s': %s" % (d.getVar('PN'), pkg, param, e)) # Read all group files specified in USERADD_GID_TABLES or files/group # Use the standard group layout: # groupname:password:group_id:group_members # # If a field is left blank, the original value will be used. The 'groupname' field # is required. # # Note: similar to the passwd file, the 'password' filed is ignored # Note: group_members is ignored, group members must be configured with the GROUPMEMS_PARAM if not groups: files, table_var, table_value = get_table_list(d, 'USERADD_GID_TABLES', 'files/group') groups = merge_files(files, 4) type = 'system group' if gaargs.system else 'normal group' if gaargs.GROUP not in groups: handle_missing_id(gaargs.GROUP, type, pkg, files, table_var, table_value) newparams.append(param) continue field = groups[gaargs.GROUP] if field[2]: if gaargs.gid and (gaargs.gid != field[2]): bb.warn("%s: Changing groupname %s's gid from (%s) to (%s), verify configuration files!" % (d.getVar('PN'), gaargs.GROUP, gaargs.gid, field[2])) gaargs.gid = field[2] if not gaargs.gid or not gaargs.gid.isdigit(): handle_missing_id(gaargs.GROUP, type, pkg, files, table_var, table_value) # Reconstruct the args... newparam = ['', ' --force'][gaargs.force] newparam += ['', ' --gid %s' % gaargs.gid][gaargs.gid != None] newparam += ['', ' --key %s' % gaargs.key][gaargs.key != None] newparam += ['', ' --non-unique'][gaargs.non_unique] if gaargs.password != None: newparam += ['', ' --password %s' % gaargs.password][gaargs.password != None] newparam += ['', ' --root %s' % gaargs.root][gaargs.root != None] newparam += ['', ' --system'][gaargs.system] newparam += ' %s' % gaargs.GROUP newparams.append(newparam) return ";".join(newparams).strip() # The parsing of the current recipe depends on the content of # the files listed in USERADD_UID/GID_TABLES. We need to tell bitbake # about that explicitly to trigger re-parsing and thus re-execution of # this code when the files change. bbpath = d.getVar('BBPATH') for varname, default in (('USERADD_UID_TABLES', 'files/passwd'), ('USERADD_GID_TABLES', 'files/group')): tables = d.getVar(varname) if not tables: tables = default for conf_file in tables.split(): bb.parse.mark_dependency(d, bb.utils.which(bbpath, conf_file)) # Load and process the users and groups, rewriting the adduser/addgroup params useradd_packages = d.getVar('USERADD_PACKAGES') or "" for pkg in useradd_packages.split(): # Groupmems doesn't have anything we might want to change, so simply validating # is a bit of a waste -- only process useradd/groupadd useradd_param = d.getVar('USERADD_PARAM:%s' % pkg) if useradd_param: #bb.warn("Before: 'USERADD_PARAM:%s' - '%s'" % (pkg, useradd_param)) d.setVar('USERADD_PARAM:%s' % pkg, rewrite_useradd(useradd_param, True)) #bb.warn("After: 'USERADD_PARAM:%s' - '%s'" % (pkg, d.getVar('USERADD_PARAM:%s' % pkg))) groupadd_param = d.getVar('GROUPADD_PARAM:%s' % pkg) if groupadd_param: #bb.warn("Before: 'GROUPADD_PARAM:%s' - '%s'" % (pkg, groupadd_param)) d.setVar('GROUPADD_PARAM:%s' % pkg, rewrite_groupadd(groupadd_param, True)) #bb.warn("After: 'GROUPADD_PARAM:%s' - '%s'" % (pkg, d.getVar('GROUPADD_PARAM:%s' % pkg))) # Load and process extra users and groups, rewriting only adduser/addgroup params pkg = d.getVar('PN') extrausers = d.getVar('EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS') or "" #bb.warn("Before: 'EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS' - '%s'" % (d.getVar('EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS'))) new_extrausers = [] for cmd in oe.useradd.split_commands(extrausers): if re.match('''useradd (.*)''', cmd): useradd_param = re.match('''useradd (.*)''', cmd).group(1) useradd_param = rewrite_useradd(useradd_param, False) cmd = 'useradd %s' % useradd_param elif re.match('''groupadd (.*)''', cmd): groupadd_param = re.match('''groupadd (.*)''', cmd).group(1) groupadd_param = rewrite_groupadd(groupadd_param, False) cmd = 'groupadd %s' % groupadd_param new_extrausers.append(cmd) new_extrausers.append('') d.setVar('EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS', ';'.join(new_extrausers)) #bb.warn("After: 'EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS' - '%s'" % (d.getVar('EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS'))) python __anonymous() { if not bb.data.inherits_class('nativesdk', d) \ and not bb.data.inherits_class('native', d): try: update_useradd_static_config(d) except NotImplementedError as f: bb.debug(1, "Skipping recipe %s: %s" % (d.getVar('PN'), f)) raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe(f) }