# # Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # def pypi_package(d): bpn = d.getVar('BPN') if bpn.startswith('python-'): return bpn[7:] elif bpn.startswith('python3-'): return bpn[8:] return bpn # The PyPi package name (defaults to PN without the python3- prefix) PYPI_PACKAGE ?= "${@pypi_package(d)}" # The file extension of the source archive PYPI_PACKAGE_EXT ?= "tar.gz" # An optional prefix for the download file in the case of name collisions PYPI_ARCHIVE_NAME_PREFIX ?= "" def pypi_src_uri(d): """ Construct a source URL as per https://warehouse.pypa.io/api-reference/integration-guide.html#predictable-urls. """ package = d.getVar('PYPI_PACKAGE') archive_name = d.expand('${PYPI_PACKAGE}-${PV}.${PYPI_PACKAGE_EXT}') archive_downloadname = d.getVar('PYPI_ARCHIVE_NAME_PREFIX') + archive_name return 'https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/%s/%s/%s;downloadfilename=%s' % (package[0], package, archive_name, archive_downloadname) PYPI_SRC_URI ?= "${@pypi_src_uri(d)}" HOMEPAGE ?= "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/${PYPI_PACKAGE}/" SECTION = "devel/python" SRC_URI:prepend = "${PYPI_SRC_URI} " S = "${WORKDIR}/${PYPI_PACKAGE}-${PV}" # Replace any '_' characters in the pypi URI with '-'s to follow the PyPi website naming conventions UPSTREAM_CHECK_PYPI_PACKAGE ?= "${@d.getVar('PYPI_PACKAGE').replace('_', '-')}" UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI ?= "https://pypi.org/project/${UPSTREAM_CHECK_PYPI_PACKAGE}/" UPSTREAM_CHECK_REGEX ?= "/${UPSTREAM_CHECK_PYPI_PACKAGE}/(?P(\d+[\.\-_]*)+)/" CVE_PRODUCT ?= "python:${PYPI_PACKAGE}"