path: root/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/
diff options
authorRobert Yang <>2012-06-06 13:52:43 +0800
committerRichard Purdie <>2012-06-15 15:08:54 +0100
commit1f0791109e1aed715f02945834d6d7fdb9a411b4 (patch)
tree027c0b6c76212952b0450174476c69ca511639de /scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/
parent66cc81d2a5f5c74e4a44e79521a791f402deeb26 (diff)
pybootchartgui: add the original code
This is from: Will modify it to make the build profiling in pictures. Remove the examples since they would not work any more, and they cost much disk space. [YOCTO #2403] Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <>
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/ b/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..249cd2ef81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+import cairo
+import math
+import re
+# Process tree background color.
+BACK_COLOR = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+WHITE = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+# Process tree border color.
+BORDER_COLOR = (0.63, 0.63, 0.63, 1.0)
+# Second tick line color.
+TICK_COLOR = (0.92, 0.92, 0.92, 1.0)
+# 5-second tick line color.
+TICK_COLOR_BOLD = (0.86, 0.86, 0.86, 1.0)
+# Text color.
+TEXT_COLOR = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+# Font family
+FONT_NAME = "Bitstream Vera Sans"
+# Title text font.
+# Default text font.
+# Axis label font.
+# Legend font.
+# CPU load chart color.
+CPU_COLOR = (0.40, 0.55, 0.70, 1.0)
+# IO wait chart color.
+IO_COLOR = (0.76, 0.48, 0.48, 0.5)
+# Disk throughput color.
+DISK_TPUT_COLOR = (0.20, 0.71, 0.20, 1.0)
+# CPU load chart color.
+FILE_OPEN_COLOR = (0.20, 0.71, 0.71, 1.0)
+# Process border color.
+PROC_BORDER_COLOR = (0.71, 0.71, 0.71, 1.0)
+# Waiting process color.
+PROC_COLOR_D = (0.76, 0.48, 0.48, 0.125)
+# Running process color.
+# Sleeping process color.
+PROC_COLOR_S = (0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1.0)
+# Stopped process color.
+PROC_COLOR_T = (0.94, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0)
+# Zombie process color.
+PROC_COLOR_Z = (0.71, 0.71, 0.71, 1.0)
+# Dead process color.
+PROC_COLOR_X = (0.71, 0.71, 0.71, 0.125)
+# Paging process color.
+PROC_COLOR_W = (0.71, 0.71, 0.71, 0.125)
+# Process label color.
+PROC_TEXT_COLOR = (0.19, 0.19, 0.19, 1.0)
+# Process label font.
+# Signature color.
+SIG_COLOR = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3125)
+# Signature font.
+# Signature text.
+# Process dependency line color.
+DEP_COLOR = (0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1.0)
+# Process dependency line stroke.
+# Process description date format.
+# Process states
+# Convert ps process state to an int
+def get_proc_state(flag):
+ return "RSDTZXW".index(flag) + 1
+def draw_text(ctx, text, color, x, y):
+ ctx.set_source_rgba(*color)
+ ctx.move_to(x, y)
+ ctx.show_text(text)
+def draw_fill_rect(ctx, color, rect):
+ ctx.set_source_rgba(*color)
+ ctx.rectangle(*rect)
+ ctx.fill()
+def draw_rect(ctx, color, rect):
+ ctx.set_source_rgba(*color)
+ ctx.rectangle(*rect)
+ ctx.stroke()
+def draw_legend_box(ctx, label, fill_color, x, y, s):
+ draw_fill_rect(ctx, fill_color, (x, y - s, s, s))
+ draw_rect(ctx, PROC_BORDER_COLOR, (x, y - s, s, s))
+ draw_text(ctx, label, TEXT_COLOR, x + s + 5, y)
+def draw_legend_line(ctx, label, fill_color, x, y, s):
+ draw_fill_rect(ctx, fill_color, (x, y - s/2, s + 1, 3))
+ ctx.arc(x + (s + 1)/2.0, y - (s - 3)/2.0, 2.5, 0, 2.0 * math.pi)
+ ctx.fill()
+ draw_text(ctx, label, TEXT_COLOR, x + s + 5, y)
+def draw_label_in_box(ctx, color, label, x, y, w, maxx):
+ label_w = ctx.text_extents(label)[2]
+ label_x = x + w / 2 - label_w / 2
+ if label_w + 10 > w:
+ label_x = x + w + 5
+ if label_x + label_w > maxx:
+ label_x = x - label_w - 5
+ draw_text(ctx, label, color, label_x, y)
+def draw_5sec_labels(ctx, rect, sec_w):
+ ctx.set_font_size(AXIS_FONT_SIZE)
+ for i in range(0, rect[2] + 1, sec_w):
+ if ((i / sec_w) % 5 == 0) :
+ label = "%ds" % (i / sec_w)
+ label_w = ctx.text_extents(label)[2]
+ draw_text(ctx, label, TEXT_COLOR, rect[0] + i - label_w/2, rect[1] - 2)
+def draw_box_ticks(ctx, rect, sec_w):
+ draw_rect(ctx, BORDER_COLOR, tuple(rect))
+ ctx.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_CAP_SQUARE)
+ for i in range(sec_w, rect[2] + 1, sec_w):
+ if ((i / sec_w) % 5 == 0) :
+ ctx.set_source_rgba(*TICK_COLOR_BOLD)
+ else :
+ ctx.set_source_rgba(*TICK_COLOR)
+ ctx.move_to(rect[0] + i, rect[1] + 1)
+ ctx.line_to(rect[0] + i, rect[1] + rect[3] - 1)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_CAP_BUTT)
+def draw_chart(ctx, color, fill, chart_bounds, data, proc_tree):
+ ctx.set_line_width(0.5)
+ x_shift = proc_tree.start_time
+ x_scale = proc_tree.duration
+ def transform_point_coords(point, x_base, y_base, xscale, yscale, x_trans, y_trans):
+ x = (point[0] - x_base) * xscale + x_trans
+ y = (point[1] - y_base) * -yscale + y_trans + bar_h
+ return x, y
+ xscale = float(chart_bounds[2]) / max(x for (x,y) in data)
+ yscale = float(chart_bounds[3]) / max(y for (x,y) in data)
+ first = transform_point_coords(data[0], x_shift, 0, xscale, yscale, chart_bounds[0], chart_bounds[1])
+ last = transform_point_coords(data[-1], x_shift, 0, xscale, yscale, chart_bounds[0], chart_bounds[1])
+ ctx.set_source_rgba(*color)
+ ctx.move_to(*first)
+ for point in data:
+ x, y = transform_point_coords(point, x_shift, 0, xscale, yscale, chart_bounds[0], chart_bounds[1])
+ ctx.line_to(x, y)
+ if fill:
+ ctx.stroke_preserve()
+ ctx.line_to(last[0], chart_bounds[1]+bar_h)
+ ctx.line_to(first[0], chart_bounds[1]+bar_h)
+ ctx.line_to(first[0], first[1])
+ ctx.fill()
+ else:
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.set_line_width(1.0)
+header_h = 280
+bar_h = 55
+# offsets
+off_x, off_y = 10, 10
+sec_w = 25 # the width of a second
+proc_h = 16 # the height of a process
+leg_s = 10
+MIN_IMG_W = 800
+def extents(headers, cpu_stats, disk_stats, proc_tree):
+ w = (proc_tree.duration * sec_w / 100) + 2*off_x
+ h = proc_h * proc_tree.num_proc + header_h + 2*off_y
+ return (w,h)
+# Render the chart.
+def render(ctx, headers, cpu_stats, disk_stats, proc_tree):
+ (w, h) = extents(headers, cpu_stats, disk_stats, proc_tree)
+ ctx.set_line_width(1.0)
+ ctx.select_font_face(FONT_NAME)
+ draw_fill_rect(ctx, WHITE, (0, 0, max(w, MIN_IMG_W), h))
+ w -= 2*off_x
+ # draw the title and headers
+ curr_y = draw_header(ctx, headers, off_x, proc_tree.duration)
+ # render bar legend
+ ctx.set_font_size(LEGEND_FONT_SIZE)
+ draw_legend_box(ctx, "CPU (user+sys)", CPU_COLOR, off_x, curr_y+20, leg_s)
+ draw_legend_box(ctx, "I/O (wait)", IO_COLOR, off_x + 120, curr_y+20, leg_s)
+ # render I/O wait
+ chart_rect = (off_x, curr_y+30, w, bar_h)
+ draw_box_ticks(ctx, chart_rect, sec_w)
+ draw_chart(ctx, IO_COLOR, True, chart_rect, [(sample.time, sample.user + sample.sys + for sample in cpu_stats], proc_tree)
+ # render CPU load
+ draw_chart(ctx, CPU_COLOR, True, chart_rect, [(sample.time, sample.user + sample.sys) for sample in cpu_stats], proc_tree)
+ curr_y = curr_y + 30 + bar_h
+ # render second chart
+ draw_legend_line(ctx, "Disk throughput", DISK_TPUT_COLOR, off_x, curr_y+20, leg_s)
+ draw_legend_box(ctx, "Disk utilization", IO_COLOR, off_x + 120, curr_y+20, leg_s)
+ # render I/O utilization
+ chart_rect = (off_x, curr_y+30, w, bar_h)
+ draw_box_ticks(ctx, chart_rect, sec_w)
+ draw_chart(ctx, IO_COLOR, True, chart_rect, [(sample.time, sample.util) for sample in disk_stats], proc_tree)
+ # render disk throughput
+ max_sample = max(disk_stats, key=lambda s: s.tput)
+ draw_chart(ctx, DISK_TPUT_COLOR, False, chart_rect, [(sample.time, sample.tput) for sample in disk_stats], proc_tree)
+ pos_x = off_x + ((max_sample.time - proc_tree.start_time) * w / proc_tree.duration)
+ shift_x, shift_y = -20, 20
+ if (pos_x < off_x + 245):
+ shift_x, shift_y = 5, 40
+ label = "%dMB/s" % round((max_sample.tput) / 1024.0)
+ draw_text(ctx, label, DISK_TPUT_COLOR, pos_x + shift_x, curr_y + shift_y)
+ # draw process boxes
+ draw_process_bar_chart(ctx, proc_tree, curr_y + bar_h, w, h)
+ ctx.set_font_size(SIG_FONT_SIZE)
+ draw_text(ctx, SIGNATURE, SIG_COLOR, off_x + 5, h - off_y - 5)
+def draw_process_bar_chart(ctx, proc_tree, curr_y, w, h):
+ draw_legend_box(ctx, "Running (%cpu)", PROC_COLOR_R, off_x , curr_y + 45, leg_s)
+ draw_legend_box(ctx, "Unint.sleep (I/O)", PROC_COLOR_D, off_x+120, curr_y + 45, leg_s)
+ draw_legend_box(ctx, "Sleeping", PROC_COLOR_S, off_x+240, curr_y + 45, leg_s)
+ draw_legend_box(ctx, "Zombie", PROC_COLOR_Z, off_x+360, curr_y + 45, leg_s)
+ chart_rect = [off_x, curr_y+60, w, h - 2 * off_y - (curr_y+60) + proc_h]
+ ctx.set_font_size(PROC_TEXT_FONT_SIZE)
+ draw_box_ticks(ctx, chart_rect, sec_w)
+ draw_5sec_labels(ctx, chart_rect, sec_w)
+ y = curr_y+60
+ for root in proc_tree.process_tree:
+ draw_processes_recursively(ctx, root, proc_tree, y, proc_h, chart_rect)
+ y = y + proc_h * proc_tree.num_nodes([root])
+def draw_header(ctx, headers, off_x, duration):
+ dur = duration / 100.0
+ toshow = [
+ ('system.uname', 'uname', lambda s: s),
+ ('system.release', 'release', lambda s: s),
+ ('system.cpu', 'CPU', lambda s: re.sub('model name\s*:\s*', '', s, 1)),
+ ('system.kernel.options', 'kernel options', lambda s: s),
+ ('pseudo.header', 'time', lambda s: '%02d:%05.2f' % (math.floor(dur/60), dur - 60 * math.floor(dur/60)))
+ ]
+ header_y = ctx.font_extents()[2] + 10
+ ctx.set_font_size(TITLE_FONT_SIZE)
+ draw_text(ctx, headers['title'], TEXT_COLOR, off_x, header_y)
+ ctx.set_font_size(TEXT_FONT_SIZE)
+ for (headerkey, headertitle, mangle) in toshow:
+ header_y += ctx.font_extents()[2]
+ txt = headertitle + ': ' + mangle(headers.get(headerkey))
+ draw_text(ctx, txt, TEXT_COLOR, off_x, header_y)
+ return header_y
+def draw_processes_recursively(ctx, proc, proc_tree, y, proc_h, rect) :
+ x = rect[0] + ((proc.start_time - proc_tree.start_time) * rect[2] / proc_tree.duration)
+ w = ((proc.duration) * rect[2] / proc_tree.duration)
+ draw_process_activity_colors(ctx, proc, proc_tree, x, y, w, proc_h, rect)
+ draw_rect(ctx, PROC_BORDER_COLOR, (x, y, w, proc_h))
+ draw_label_in_box(ctx, PROC_TEXT_COLOR, proc.cmd, x, y + proc_h - 4, w, rect[0] + rect[2])
+ next_y = y + proc_h
+ for child in proc.child_list:
+ child_x, child_y = draw_processes_recursively(ctx, child, proc_tree, next_y, proc_h, rect)
+ draw_process_connecting_lines(ctx, x, y, child_x, child_y, proc_h)
+ next_y = next_y + proc_h * proc_tree.num_nodes([child])
+ return x, y
+def draw_process_activity_colors(ctx, proc, proc_tree, x, y, w, proc_h, rect):
+ draw_fill_rect(ctx, PROC_COLOR_S, (x, y, w, proc_h))
+ last_tx = -1
+ for sample in proc.samples :
+ tx = rect[0] + round(((sample.time - proc_tree.start_time) * rect[2] / proc_tree.duration))
+ tw = round(proc_tree.sample_period * rect[2] / float(proc_tree.duration))
+ if last_tx != -1 and abs(last_tx - tx) <= tw:
+ tw -= last_tx - tx
+ tx = last_tx
+ last_tx = tx + tw
+ state = get_proc_state( sample.state )
+ color = STATE_COLORS[state]
+ if state == STATE_RUNNING:
+ alpha = sample.cpu_sample.user + sample.cpu_sample.sys
+ color = tuple(list(PROC_COLOR_R[0:3]) + [alpha])
+ elif state == STATE_SLEEPING:
+ continue
+ draw_fill_rect(ctx, color, (tx, y, tw, proc_h))
+def draw_process_connecting_lines(ctx, px, py, x, y, proc_h):
+ ctx.set_source_rgba(*DEP_COLOR)
+ ctx.set_dash([2,2])
+ if abs(px - x) < 3:
+ dep_off_x = 3
+ dep_off_y = proc_h / 4
+ ctx.move_to(x, y + proc_h / 2)
+ ctx.line_to(px - dep_off_x, y + proc_h / 2)
+ ctx.line_to(px - dep_off_x, py - dep_off_y)
+ ctx.line_to(px, py - dep_off_y)
+ else:
+ ctx.move_to(x, y + proc_h / 2)
+ ctx.line_to(px, y + proc_h / 2)
+ ctx.line_to(px, py)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.set_dash([])