path: root/generated by cgit 1.2.3-korg (git 2.39.0) at 2024-05-08 14:24:05 +0000
f='#n269'>269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437
BB_DEFAULT_TASK ?= "build"

inherit patch
inherit staging

inherit mirrors
inherit utils
inherit utility-tasks
inherit metadata_scm
inherit buildstats
inherit logging

OE_IMPORTS += "os sys time oe.path oe.utils oe.data oe.packagegroup"
OE_IMPORTS[type] = "list"

def oe_import(d):
    import os, sys

    bbpath = d.getVar("BBPATH", True).split(":")
    sys.path[0:0] = [os.path.join(dir, "lib") for dir in bbpath]

    def inject(name, value):
        """Make a python object accessible from the metadata"""
        if hasattr(bb.utils, "_context"):
            bb.utils._context[name] = value
            __builtins__[name] = value

    import oe.data
    for toimport in oe.data.typed_value("OE_IMPORTS", d):
        imported = __import__(toimport)
        inject(toimport.split(".", 1)[0], imported)

python oe_import_eh () {
    if isinstance(e, bb.event.ConfigParsed):

addhandler oe_import_eh

die() {
	bbfatal "$*"

oe_runmake() {
	if [ x"$MAKE" = x ]; then MAKE=make; fi
	bbnote ${MAKE} ${EXTRA_OEMAKE} "$@"
	${MAKE} ${EXTRA_OEMAKE} "$@" || die "oe_runmake failed"

def base_dep_prepend(d):
	# Ideally this will check a flag so we will operate properly in
	# the case where host == build == target, for now we don't work in
	# that case though.

	deps = ""
	# INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS doesn't apply to the patch command.  Whether or  not
	# we need that built is the responsibility of the patch function / class, not
	# the application.
	if not bb.data.getVar('INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS', d):
		if (bb.data.getVar('HOST_SYS', d, 1) !=
	     	    bb.data.getVar('BUILD_SYS', d, 1)):
			deps += " virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}compilerlibs virtual/libc "
	return deps

BASEDEPENDS = "${@base_dep_prepend(d)}"


FILESPATH = "${@base_set_filespath([ "${FILE_DIRNAME}/${PF}", "${FILE_DIRNAME}/${P}", "${FILE_DIRNAME}/${PN}", "${FILE_DIRNAME}/${BP}", "${FILE_DIRNAME}/${BPN}", "${FILE_DIRNAME}/files", "${FILE_DIRNAME}" ], d)}"
# THISDIR only works properly with imediate expansion as it has to run
# in the context of the location its used (:=)
THISDIR = "${@os.path.dirname(bb.data.getVar('FILE', d, True))}"

addtask fetch
do_fetch[dirs] = "${DL_DIR}"
python base_do_fetch() {

	src_uri = (bb.data.getVar('SRC_URI', d, True) or "").split()
	if len(src_uri) == 0:

	localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)

            fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch(src_uri, localdata)
        except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException, e:
            raise bb.build.FuncFailed(e)

addtask unpack after do_fetch
do_unpack[dirs] = "${WORKDIR}"
python base_do_unpack() {
	src_uri = (bb.data.getVar('SRC_URI', d, True) or "").split()
	if len(src_uri) == 0:

	localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)

	rootdir = bb.data.getVar('WORKDIR', localdata, True)

            fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch(src_uri, localdata)
        except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException, e:
            raise bb.build.FuncFailed(e)

GIT_CONFIG = "${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/usr/etc/gitconfig"

def generate_git_config(e):
        from bb import data

        if data.getVar('GIT_CORE_CONFIG', e.data, True):
                gitconfig_path = bb.data.getVar('GIT_CONFIG', e.data, True)
                proxy_command = "    gitproxy = %s\n" % data.getVar('GIT_PROXY_COMMAND', e.data, True)

                bb.mkdirhier(bb.data.expand("${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/usr/etc/", e.data))
                if (os.path.exists(gitconfig_path)):

                f = open(gitconfig_path, 'w')
                ignore_hosts = data.getVar('GIT_PROXY_IGNORE', e.data, True).split()
                for ignore_host in ignore_hosts:
                        f.write("    gitproxy = none for %s\n" % ignore_host)

def pkgarch_mapping(d):
    # Compatibility mappings of TUNE_PKGARCH (opt in)
    if d.getVar("PKGARCHCOMPAT_ARMV7A", True):
        if d.getVar("TUNE_PKGARCH", True) == "armv7a-vfp-neon":
            d.setVar("TUNE_PKGARCH", "armv7a")

addhandler base_eventhandler
python base_eventhandler() {
	from bb import note, error, data
	from bb.event import getName

	messages = {}
	messages["Completed"] = "completed"
	messages["Succeeded"] = "completed"
	messages["Started"] = "started"
	messages["Failed"] = "failed"

	name = getName(e)
	msg = ""
	if name.startswith("Pkg"):
		msg += "package %s: " % data.getVar("P", e.data, 1)
		msg += messages.get(name[3:]) or name[3:]
	elif name.startswith("Task"):
		msg += "package %s: task %s: " % (data.getVar("PF", e.data, 1), e.task)
		msg += messages.get(name[4:]) or name[4:]
	elif name.startswith("Build"):
		msg += "build %s: " % e.name
		msg += messages.get(name[5:]) or name[5:]
	elif name == "UnsatisfiedDep":
		msg += "package %s: dependency %s %s" % (e.pkg, e.dep, name[:-3].lower())

	# Only need to output when using 1.8 or lower, the UI code handles it
	# otherwise
	if (int(bb.__version__.split(".")[0]) <= 1 and int(bb.__version__.split(".")[1]) <= 8):
		if msg:

	if name.startswith("BuildStarted"):
		bb.data.setVar( 'BB_VERSION', bb.__version__, e.data )
		statuslines = ["%-17s = \"%s\"" % (i, bb.data.getVar(i, e.data, 1) or '') for i in statusvars]

		layers = (data.getVar("BBLAYERS", e.data, 1) or "").split()
		layers_branch_rev = ["%-17s = \"%s:%s\"" % (os.path.basename(i), \
			base_get_metadata_git_branch(i, None).strip(), \
			base_get_metadata_git_revision(i, None)) \
				for i in layers]
		i = len(layers_branch_rev)-1
		p1 = layers_branch_rev[i].find("=")
		s1= layers_branch_rev[i][p1:]
		while i > 0:
			p2 = layers_branch_rev[i-1].find("=")
			s2= layers_branch_rev[i-1][p2:]
			if s1 == s2:
				layers_branch_rev[i-1] = layers_branch_rev[i-1][0:p2]
				i -= 1
				i -= 1
				p1 = layers_branch_rev[i].find("=")
				s1= layers_branch_rev[i][p1:]

		statuslines += layers_branch_rev
		statusmsg = "\nOE Build Configuration:\n%s\n" % '\n'.join(statuslines)
		print statusmsg

		needed_vars = [ "TARGET_ARCH", "TARGET_OS" ]
		pesteruser = []
		for v in needed_vars:
			val = bb.data.getVar(v, e.data, 1)
			if not val or val == 'INVALID':
		if pesteruser:
			bb.fatal('The following variable(s) were not set: %s\nPlease set them directly, or choose a MACHINE or DISTRO that sets them.' % ', '.join(pesteruser))

        if name == "ConfigParsed":

	if not data in e.__dict__:

	log = data.getVar("EVENTLOG", e.data, 1)
	if log:
		logfile = file(log, "a")
		logfile.write("%s\n" % msg)

addtask configure after do_unpack do_patch
do_configure[dirs] = "${CCACHE_DIR} ${S} ${B}"
do_configure[deptask] = "do_populate_sysroot"
base_do_configure() {

addtask compile after do_configure
do_compile[dirs] = "${S} ${B}"
base_do_compile() {
	if [ -e Makefile -o -e makefile ]; then
		oe_runmake || die "make failed"
		bbnote "nothing to compile"

addtask install after do_compile
do_install[dirs] = "${D} ${S} ${B}"
# Remove and re-create ${D} so that is it guaranteed to be empty
do_install[cleandirs] = "${D}"

base_do_install() {

base_do_package() {

addtask build after do_populate_sysroot
do_build = ""
do_build[func] = "1"
do_build[noexec] = "1"
do_build[recrdeptask] += "do_deploy"
do_build () {

python () {
    import exceptions, string, re

    # If PRINC is set, try and increase the PR value by the amount specified
    princ = bb.data.getVar('PRINC', d, True)
    if princ:
        pr = bb.data.getVar('PR', d, True)
        pr_prefix = re.search("\D+",pr)
        prval = re.search("\d+",pr)
        if pr_prefix is None or prval is None:
            bb.error("Unable to analyse format of PR variable: %s" % pr)
        nval = int(prval.group(0)) + int(princ)
        pr = pr_prefix.group(0) + str(nval) + pr[prval.end():]
        bb.data.setVar('PR', pr, d)

    pn = bb.data.getVar('PN', d, 1)
    license = bb.data.getVar('LICENSE', d, True)
    if license == "INVALID":
        bb.fatal('This recipe does not have the LICENSE field set (%s)' % pn)

    commercial_license = bb.data.getVar('COMMERCIAL_LICENSE', d, 1)
    import re
    pnr = pn.replace('+', "\+")
    if commercial_license and re.search(pnr, commercial_license):
        bb.debug(1, "Skipping %s because it's commercially licensed" % pn)
        raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("because it requires commercial license to ship product")

    # If we're building a target package we need to use fakeroot (pseudo)
    # in order to capture permissions, owners, groups and special files
    if not bb.data.inherits_class('native', d) and not bb.data.inherits_class('cross', d):
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_configure', 'umask', 022, d)
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_compile', 'umask', 022, d)
        deps = (bb.data.getVarFlag('do_install', 'depends', d) or "").split()
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_install', 'depends', " ".join(deps),d)
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_install', 'fakeroot', 1, d)
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_install', 'umask', 022, d)
        deps = (bb.data.getVarFlag('do_package', 'depends', d) or "").split()
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_package', 'depends', " ".join(deps),d)
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_package', 'fakeroot', 1, d)
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_package', 'umask', 022, d)
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_package_setscene', 'fakeroot', 1, d)
    source_mirror_fetch = bb.data.getVar('SOURCE_MIRROR_FETCH', d, 0)
    if not source_mirror_fetch:
        need_host = bb.data.getVar('COMPATIBLE_HOST', d, 1)
        if need_host:
            import re
            this_host = bb.data.getVar('HOST_SYS', d, 1)
            if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
                raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("incompatible with host %s" % this_host)

        need_machine = bb.data.getVar('COMPATIBLE_MACHINE', d, 1)
        if need_machine:
            import re
            this_machine = bb.data.getVar('MACHINE', d, 1)
            if this_machine and not re.match(need_machine, this_machine):
                this_soc_family = bb.data.getVar('SOC_FAMILY', d, 1)
                if (this_soc_family and not re.match(need_machine, this_soc_family)) or not this_soc_family:
                    raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("incompatible with machine %s" % this_machine)

        dont_want_license = bb.data.getVar('INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE', d, 1)
        if dont_want_license and not pn.endswith("-native") and not pn.endswith("-cross") and not pn.endswith("-cross-initial") and not pn.endswith("-cross-intermediate"):
            hosttools_whitelist = (bb.data.getVar('HOSTTOOLS_WHITELIST_%s' % dont_want_license, d, 1) or "").split()
            lgplv2_whitelist = (bb.data.getVar('LGPLv2_WHITELIST_%s' % dont_want_license, d, 1) or "").split()
            dont_want_whitelist = (bb.data.getVar('WHITELIST_%s' % dont_want_license, d, 1) or "").split()
            if pn not in hosttools_whitelist and pn not in lgplv2_whitelist and pn not in dont_want_whitelist:

                import re
                this_license = bb.data.getVar('LICENSE', d, 1)
                if this_license and re.search(dont_want_license, this_license):
                    bb.note("SKIPPING %s because it's %s" % (pn, this_license))
                    raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("incompatible with license %s" % this_license)

    # Git packages should DEPEND on git-native
    srcuri = bb.data.getVar('SRC_URI', d, 1)
    if "git://" in srcuri:
        depends = bb.data.getVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', d) or ""
        depends = depends + " git-native:do_populate_sysroot"
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', depends, d)

    # Mercurial packages should DEPEND on mercurial-native
    elif "hg://" in srcuri:
        depends = bb.data.getVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', d) or ""
        depends = depends + " mercurial-native:do_populate_sysroot"
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', depends, d)

    # OSC packages should DEPEND on osc-native
    elif "osc://" in srcuri:
        depends = bb.data.getVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', d) or ""
        depends = depends + " osc-native:do_populate_sysroot"
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', depends, d)

    # *.xz should depends on xz-native for unpacking
    # Not endswith because of "*.patch.xz;patch=1". Need bb.decodeurl in future
    if '.xz' in srcuri:
        depends = bb.data.getVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends', d) or ""
        depends = depends + " xz-native:do_populate_sysroot"
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends', depends, d)

    # unzip-native should already be staged before unpacking ZIP recipes
    if ".zip" in srcuri:
        depends = bb.data.getVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends', d) or ""
        depends = depends + " unzip-native:do_populate_sysroot"
        bb.data.setVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends', depends, d)

    # 'multimachine' handling
    mach_arch = bb.data.getVar('MACHINE_ARCH', d, 1)
    pkg_arch = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGE_ARCH', d, 1)

    if (pkg_arch == mach_arch):
        # Already machine specific - nothing further to do

    # We always try to scan SRC_URI for urls with machine overrides
    # unless the package sets SRC_URI_OVERRIDES_PACKAGE_ARCH=0
    override = bb.data.getVar('SRC_URI_OVERRIDES_PACKAGE_ARCH', d, 1)
    if override != '0':
        paths = []
        for p in [ "${PF}", "${P}", "${PN}", "files", "" ]:
            path = bb.data.expand(os.path.join("${FILE_DIRNAME}", p, "${MACHINE}"), d)
            if os.path.isdir(path):
        if len(paths) != 0:
            for s in srcuri.split():
                if not s.startswith("file://"):
                fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([s], d)
                local = fetcher.localpath(s)
                for mp in paths:
                    if local.startswith(mp):
                        #bb.note("overriding PACKAGE_ARCH from %s to %s" % (pkg_arch, mach_arch))
                        bb.data.setVar('PACKAGE_ARCH', "${MACHINE_ARCH}", d)

    packages = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, 1).split()
    for pkg in packages:
        pkgarch = bb.data.getVar("PACKAGE_ARCH_%s" % pkg, d, 1)

        # We could look for != PACKAGE_ARCH here but how to choose
        # if multiple differences are present?
        # Look through PACKAGE_ARCHS for the priority order?
        if pkgarch and pkgarch == mach_arch:
            bb.data.setVar('PACAKGE_ARCH', "${MACHINE_ARCH}", d)
            bb.warn("Recipe %s is marked as only being architecture specific but seems to have machine specific packages?! The recipe may as well mark itself as machine specific directly." % d.getVar("PN", True))

addtask cleansstate after do_clean
python do_cleansstate() {

addtask cleanall after do_cleansstate
python do_cleanall() {
        src_uri = (bb.data.getVar('SRC_URI', d, True) or "").split()
        if len(src_uri) == 0:

	localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)

            fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch(src_uri, localdata)
        except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException, e:
            raise bb.build.FuncFailed(e)
do_cleanall[nostamp] = "1"

EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_fetch do_unpack do_configure do_compile do_install do_package