path: root/meta-skeleton/recipes-kernel/linux/
blob: d53f9c7a4023c60d6c4a75d409689fda57430783 (plain)

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.highlight .o { color: #f92672 } /* Operator */
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.highlight .nd { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Decora
SUMMARY = "An example kernel recipe that uses the linux-yocto and oe-core"
#   kernel classes to apply a subset of yocto kernel management to git
#   managed kernel repositories.
#   To use linux-yocto-custom in your layer, copy this recipe (optionally
#   rename it as well) and modify it appropriately for your machine. i.e.:
#     COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_yourmachine = "yourmachine"
#   You must also provide a Linux kernel configuration. The most direct
#   method is to copy your .config to files/defconfig in your layer,
#   in the same directory as the copy (and rename) of this recipe and
#   add file://defconfig to your SRC_URI.
#   To use the yocto kernel tooling to generate a BSP configuration
#   using modular configuration fragments, see the yocto-bsp and
#   yocto-kernel tools documentation.
# Warning:
#   Building this example without providing a defconfig or BSP
#   configuration will result in build or boot errors. This is not a
#   bug.
# Notes:
#   patches: patches can be merged into to the source git tree itself,
#            added via the SRC_URI, or controlled via a BSP
#            configuration.
#   defconfig: When a defconfig is provided, the linux-yocto configuration
#              uses the filename as a trigger to use a 'allnoconfig' baseline
#              before merging the defconfig into the build. 
#              If the defconfig file was created with make_savedefconfig, 
#              not all options are specified, and should be restored with their
#              defaults, not set to 'n'. To properly expand a defconfig like
#              this, specify: KCONFIG_MODE="--alldefconfig" in the kernel
#              recipe.
#   example configuration addition:
#            SRC_URI += "file://smp.cfg"
#   example patch addition (for kernel v4.x only):
#            SRC_URI += "file://0001-linux-version-tweak.patch"
#   example feature addition (for kernel v4.x only):
#            SRC_URI += "file://feature.scc"

inherit kernel
require recipes-kernel/linux/

# Override SRC_URI in a copy of this recipe to point at a different source
# tree if you do not want to build from Linus' tree.
SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=git;nocheckout=1;name=machine"

LINUX_VERSION_EXTENSION_append = "-custom"

# Modify SRCREV to a different commit hash in a copy of this recipe to
# build a different release of the Linux kernel.
# tag: v4.2 64291f7db5bd8150a74ad2036f1037e6a0428df2


# Override COMPATIBLE_MACHINE to include your machine in a copy of this recipe
# file. Leaving it empty here ensures an early explicit build failure.