SUMMARY = "The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities." DESCRIPTION = "The GNU Core Utilities provide the basic file, shell and text \ manipulation utilities. These are the core utilities which are expected to exist on \ every system." HOMEPAGE = "" BUGTRACKER = "" LICENSE = "GPLv2+" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=751419260aa954499f7abaabaa882bbe \ file://src/ls.c;startline=4;endline=16;md5=482a96d4f25010a4e13f8743e0c3685e" PR = "r2" DEPENDS = "coreutils-native-${PV}" DEPENDS_virtclass-native = "gettext-native" inherit autotools gettext SRC_URI_BASE = "${GNU_MIRROR}/coreutils/${BP}.tar.bz2 \ file://gnulib_m4.patch \ file://futimens.patch \ file://coreutils-ls-x.patch \ file://coreutils-6.9-cp-i-u.patch \ file://coreutils-i18n.patch \ file://coreutils-overflow.patch \ file://coreutils-fix-install.patch \ file://man-touch.patch" SRC_URI = "${SRC_URI_BASE} file://fix_for_manpage_building.patch" SRC_URI_virtclass-native = "${SRC_URI_BASE}" # [ gets a special treatment and is not included in this bindir_progs = "base64 basename cksum comm csplit cut dir dircolors dirname du \ env expand expr factor fmt fold groups head hostid id install \ join link logname md5sum mkfifo nice nl nohup od paste pathchk \ pinky pr printenv printf ptx readlink seq sha1sum sha224sum sha256sum \ sha384sum sha512sum shred shuf sort split stat sum tac tail tee test \ tr tsort tty unexpand uniq unlink users vdir wc who whoami yes" # hostname gets a special treatment and is not included in this base_bindir_progs = "cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd echo false kill ln ls mkdir \ mknod mv pwd rm rmdir sleep stty sync touch true uname" sbindir_progs= "chroot" do_install() { autotools_do_install for i in ${bindir_progs}; do mv ${D}${bindir}/$i ${D}${bindir}/$i.${PN}; done install -d ${D}${base_bindir} for i in ${base_bindir_progs}; do mv ${D}${bindir}/$i ${D}${base_bindir}/$i.${PN}; done install -d ${D}${sbindir} for i in ${sbindir_progs}; do mv ${D}${bindir}/$i ${D}${sbindir}/$i.${PN}; done # [ requires special handling because [.coreutils will cause the sed stuff # in update-alternatives to fail, therefore use lbracket - the name used # for the actual source file. mv ${D}${bindir}/[ ${D}${bindir}/lbracket.${PN} # hostname and uptime separated. busybox's versions are preferred mv ${D}${bindir}/hostname ${D}${base_bindir}/hostname.${PN} mv ${D}${bindir}/uptime ${D}${bindir}/uptime.${PN} } pkg_postinst_${PN} () { for i in ${bindir_progs}; do update-alternatives --install ${bindir}/$i $i $i.${PN} 100; done for i in ${base_bindir_progs}; do update-alternatives --install ${base_bindir}/$i $i $i.${PN} 100; done for i in ${sbindir_progs}; do update-alternatives --install ${sbindir}/$i $i $i.${PN} 100; done # Special cases. uptime and hostname is broken, prefer busybox's version. [ needs to be treated separately. update-alternatives --install ${bindir}/uptime uptime uptime.${PN} 10 update-alternatives --install ${base_bindir}/hostname hostname hostname.${PN} 10 update-alternatives --install '${bindir}/[' '[' 'lbracket.${PN}' 100 } pkg_prerm_${PN} () { for i in ${bindir_progs}; do update-alternatives --remove $i $i.${PN}; done for i in ${base_bindir_progs}; do update-alternatives --remove $i $i.${PN}; done for i in ${sbindir_progs}; do update-alternatives --remove $i $i.${PN}; done # The special cases update-alternatives --remove hostname hostname.${PN} update-alternatives --remove uptime uptime.${PN} update-alternatives --remove '[' 'lbracket.${PN}' } BBCLASSEXTEND = "native"