import os import re import datetime from oeqa.selftest.base import oeSelfTest from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, get_bb_var from oeqa.utils.decorators import testcase class BuildhistoryBase(oeSelfTest): def config_buildhistory(self, tmp_bh_location=False): if (not 'buildhistory' in get_bb_var('USER_CLASSES')) and (not 'buildhistory' in get_bb_var('INHERIT')): add_buildhistory_config = 'INHERIT += "buildhistory"\nBUILDHISTORY_COMMIT = "1"' self.append_config(add_buildhistory_config) if tmp_bh_location: # Using a temporary buildhistory location for testing tmp_bh_dir = os.path.join(self.builddir, "tmp_buildhistory_%s" %'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) buildhistory_dir_config = "BUILDHISTORY_DIR = \"%s\"" % tmp_bh_dir self.append_config(buildhistory_dir_config) self.track_for_cleanup(tmp_bh_dir) def run_buildhistory_operation(self, target, global_config='', target_config='', change_bh_location=False, expect_error=False, error_regex=''): if change_bh_location: tmp_bh_location = True else: tmp_bh_location = False self.config_buildhistory(tmp_bh_location) self.append_config(global_config) self.append_recipeinc(target, target_config) bitbake("-cclean %s" % target) result = bitbake(target, ignore_status=True) self.remove_config(global_config) self.remove_recipeinc(target, target_config) if expect_error: self.assertEqual(result.status, 1, msg="Error expected for global config '%s' and target config '%s'" % (global_config, target_config)) search_for_error =, result.output) self.assertTrue(search_for_error, msg="Could not find desired error in output: %s" % error_regex) else: self.assertEqual(result.status, 0, msg="Command 'bitbake %s' has failed unexpectedly: %s" % (target, result.output)) @testcase(1386) def test_buildhistory_does_not_change_signatures(self): """ Summary: Ensure that buildhistory does not change signatures Expected: Only 'do_rootfs' and 'do_build' tasks are rerun Product: oe-core Author: Daniel Istrate AutomatedBy: Daniel Istrate """ tmpdir1_name = 'tmpsig1' tmpdir2_name = 'tmpsig2' builddir = os.environ.get('BUILDDIR') tmpdir1 = os.path.join(builddir, tmpdir1_name) tmpdir2 = os.path.join(builddir, tmpdir2_name) self.track_for_cleanup(tmpdir1) self.track_for_cleanup(tmpdir2) features = 'TMPDIR = "%s"\n' % tmpdir1 self.write_config(features) bitbake('core-image-sato -S none') features = 'TMPDIR = "%s"\n' % tmpdir2 features += 'INHERIT += "buildhistory"\n' self.write_config(features) bitbake('core-image-sato -S none') def get_files(d): f = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(d): for name in files: f.append(os.path.join(root, name)) return f files1 = get_files(tmpdir1 + '/stamps') files2 = get_files(tmpdir2 + '/stamps') files2 = [x.replace(tmpdir2_name, tmpdir1_name) for x in files2] f1 = set(files1) f2 = set(files2) sigdiff = f1 - f2 self.assertEqual(len(sigdiff), 2, 'Expected 2 signature differences. Out: %s' % list(sigdiff)) unexpected_diff = [] # No new signatures should appear apart from do_rootfs and do_build found_do_rootfs_flag = False found_do_build_flag = False for sig in sigdiff: if 'do_rootfs' in sig: found_do_rootfs_flag = True elif 'do_build' in sig: found_do_build_flag = True else: unexpected_diff.append(sig) self.assertTrue(found_do_rootfs_flag, 'Task do_rootfs did not rerun.') self.assertTrue(found_do_build_flag, 'Task do_build did not rerun') self.assertFalse(unexpected_diff, 'Found unexpected signature differences. Out: %s' % unexpected_diff)