[ { "test": { "@alias": "bsps-qemu.bsps-tools.Post-installation_logging", "author": [ { "email": "yi.zhao@windriver.com", "name": "yi.zhao@windriver.com" } ], "execution": { "1": { "action": "Download the poky source and set environment \n", "expected_results": "The /var/log/postinstall.log should exist in the first boot. The content of this log is like below: \n\nRunning postinst /etc/rpm-postinsts/man... \nList directory to check the output log \nbin \nboot \ndev \netc \nhome \nlib \nlost+found \nmedia \nmnt \nproc \nrun \nsbin \nsys \ntmp \nusr \nvar \nList nonexist directory to check the stderr redirection log \nls: /nonexist: No such file or directory " }, "2": { "action": "Add the following lines to a .bb file. For expample, meta/recipes-connectivity/openssh/openssh_6.2p2.bb: \n\npkg_postinst_ontarget_${PN} () { \n #!/bin/sh -e \n if [ x\"$D\" = \"x\" ]; then \n echo \"List directory to check the output log\" \n ls / \n echo \"List nonexist directory to check the stderr redirection log\" \n ls /nonexist \n else \n exit 1 \n fi \n} \n\nMake sure the feature \"debug-tweaks\" is added in conf/local.conf \n", "expected_results": "" }, "3": { "action": "Add ssh-server-openssh to EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES in local.conf \n", "expected_results": "" }, "4": { "action": "Build core-image-minimal \n", "expected_results": "" }, "5": { "action": "Boot up the image and check the /var/log/postinstall.log ", "expected_results": "" } }, "summary": "Post-installation_logging" } }, { "test": { "@alias": "bsps-qemu.bsps-tools.Add_user_with_cleartext_type_password_during_filesystem_construction", "author": [ { "email": "ke.zou@windriver.com", "name": "ke.zou@windriver.com" } ], "execution": { "1": { "action": "Download the poky source and set the environment \n\n", "expected_results": "No error during image building procedure. \n" }, "2": { "action": "Add the following lines in conf/local.conf \n\nINHERIT += \"extrausers\" \n\nEXTRA_USERS_PARAMS = \"\\ \nuseradd -s /bin/sh -P 'tester3' tester3;\\ \n\" \n\nThe above settings do the following things: \na. Add a user tester3 with cleartext password 'tester3' ", "expected_results": "Image can boot up \n" }, "3": { "action": "Build the image\n ", "expected_results": "Login with user name \"tester3\" and password \"tester3\" " } }, "summary": "Add_user_with_cleartext_type_password_during_filesystem_construction" } }, { "test": { "@alias": "bsps-qemu.bsps-runtime.only_one_connmand_in_background(auto)", "author": [ { "email": "alexandru.c.georgescu@intel.com", "name": "alexandru.c.georgescu@intel.com" } ], "execution": { "1": { "action": "Boot system", "expected_results": "" }, "2": { "action": "Run \"ps aux |grep connmand\" or \"ps -ef | grep connmand\" or \"ps | grep connmand\"", "expected_results": "Connmand (connection manager, used to manage internet connections) should be shown as an active process \n\n" }, "3": { "action": "Run command \"connmand\" to try to launch to a second connmand process", "expected_results": "" }, "4": { "action": "Check, with \"ps\" connmand if a second connmand can be generated ", "expected_results": "There should be only one connmand process instance in background ." } }, "summary": "only_one_connmand_in_background" } }, { "test": { "@alias": "bsps-qemu.bsps-runtime.check_bash_in_image", "author": [ { "email": "alexandru.c.georgescu@intel.com", "name": "alexandru.c.georgescu@intel.com" } ], "execution": { "1": { "action": "After system is up, check if bash command exists with command \"which bash\"", "expected_results": "bash command should exist in image giving something as below \"/bin/bash\"" } }, "summary": "check_bash_in_image" } } ]