# Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation # Released under the MIT license (see COPYING.MIT) import os import time import unittest import logging import re xmlEnabled = False try: import xmlrunner from xmlrunner.result import _XMLTestResult as _TestResult from xmlrunner.runner import XMLTestRunner as _TestRunner xmlEnabled = True except ImportError: # use the base runner instead from unittest import TextTestResult as _TestResult from unittest import TextTestRunner as _TestRunner class OEStreamLogger(object): def __init__(self, logger): self.logger = logger self.buffer = "" def write(self, msg): if len(msg) > 1 and msg[0] != '\n': self.buffer += msg else: self.logger.log(logging.INFO, self.buffer.rstrip("\n")) self.buffer = "" def flush(self): for handler in self.logger.handlers: handler.flush() class OETestResult(_TestResult): def __init__(self, tc, *args, **kwargs): super(OETestResult, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.tc = tc self._tc_map_results() def _tc_map_results(self): self.tc._results['failures'] = self.failures self.tc._results['errors'] = self.errors self.tc._results['skipped'] = self.skipped self.tc._results['expectedFailures'] = self.expectedFailures def logSummary(self, component, context_msg=''): elapsed_time = self.tc._run_end_time - self.tc._run_start_time self.tc.logger.info("SUMMARY:") self.tc.logger.info("%s (%s) - Ran %d test%s in %.3fs" % (component, context_msg, self.testsRun, self.testsRun != 1 and "s" or "", elapsed_time)) if self.wasSuccessful(): msg = "%s - OK - All required tests passed" % component else: msg = "%s - FAIL - Required tests failed" % component skipped = len(self.tc._results['skipped']) if skipped: msg += " (skipped=%d)" % skipped self.tc.logger.info(msg) def _getDetailsNotPassed(self, case, type, desc): found = False for (scase, msg) in self.tc._results[type]: # XXX: When XML reporting is enabled scase is # xmlrunner.result._TestInfo instance instead of # string. if xmlEnabled: if case.id() == scase.test_id: found = True break scase_str = scase.test_id else: if case == scase: found = True break scase_str = str(scase) # When fails at module or class level the class name is passed as string # so figure out to see if match m = re.search("^setUpModule \((?P.*)\)$", scase_str) if m: if case.__class__.__module__ == m.group('module_name'): found = True break m = re.search("^setUpClass \((?P.*)\)$", scase_str) if m: class_name = "%s.%s" % (case.__class__.__module__, case.__class__.__name__) if class_name == m.group('class_name'): found = True break if found: return (found, msg) return (found, None) def logDetails(self): self.tc.logger.info("RESULTS:") for case_name in self.tc._registry['cases']: case = self.tc._registry['cases'][case_name] result_types = ['failures', 'errors', 'skipped', 'expectedFailures'] result_desc = ['FAILED', 'ERROR', 'SKIPPED', 'EXPECTEDFAIL'] fail = False desc = None for idx, name in enumerate(result_types): (fail, msg) = self._getDetailsNotPassed(case, result_types[idx], result_desc[idx]) if fail: desc = result_desc[idx] break oeid = -1 for d in case.decorators: if hasattr(d, 'oeid'): oeid = d.oeid if fail: self.tc.logger.info("RESULTS - %s - Testcase %s: %s" % (case.id(), oeid, desc)) if msg: self.tc.logger.info(msg) else: self.tc.logger.info("RESULTS - %s - Testcase %s: %s" % (case.id(), oeid, 'PASSED')) class OEListTestsResult(object): def wasSuccessful(self): return True class OETestRunner(_TestRunner): streamLoggerClass = OEStreamLogger def __init__(self, tc, *args, **kwargs): if xmlEnabled: if not kwargs.get('output'): kwargs['output'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'TestResults_%s_%s' % (time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid())) kwargs['stream'] = self.streamLoggerClass(tc.logger) super(OETestRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.tc = tc self.resultclass = OETestResult # XXX: The unittest-xml-reporting package defines _make_result method instead # of _makeResult standard on unittest. if xmlEnabled: def _make_result(self): """ Creates a TestResult object which will be used to store information about the executed tests. """ # override in subclasses if necessary. return self.resultclass(self.tc, self.stream, self.descriptions, self.verbosity, self.elapsed_times ) else: def _makeResult(self): return self.resultclass(self.tc, self.stream, self.descriptions, self.verbosity) def _walk_suite(self, suite, func): for obj in suite: if isinstance(obj, unittest.suite.TestSuite): if len(obj._tests): self._walk_suite(obj, func) elif isinstance(obj, unittest.case.TestCase): func(self.tc.logger, obj) self._walked_cases = self._walked_cases + 1 def _list_tests_name(self, suite): from oeqa.core.decorator.oeid import OETestID from oeqa.core.decorator.oetag import OETestTag self._walked_cases = 0 def _list_cases_without_id(logger, case): found_id = False for d in case.decorators: if isinstance(d, OETestID): found_id = True if not found_id: logger.info('oeid missing for %s' % case.id()) def _list_cases(logger, case): oeid = None oetag = None for d in case.decorators: if isinstance(d, OETestID): oeid = d.oeid elif isinstance(d, OETestTag): oetag = d.oetag logger.info("%s\t%s\t\t%s" % (oeid, oetag, case.id())) self.tc.logger.info("Listing test cases that don't have oeid ...") self._walk_suite(suite, _list_cases_without_id) self.tc.logger.info("-" * 80) self.tc.logger.info("Listing all available tests:") self._walked_cases = 0 self.tc.logger.info("id\ttag\t\ttest") self.tc.logger.info("-" * 80) self._walk_suite(suite, _list_cases) self.tc.logger.info("-" * 80) self.tc.logger.info("Total found:\t%s" % self._walked_cases) def _list_tests_class(self, suite): self._walked_cases = 0 curr = {} def _list_classes(logger, case): if not 'module' in curr or curr['module'] != case.__module__: curr['module'] = case.__module__ logger.info(curr['module']) if not 'class' in curr or curr['class'] != \ case.__class__.__name__: curr['class'] = case.__class__.__name__ logger.info(" -- %s" % curr['class']) logger.info(" -- -- %s" % case._testMethodName) self.tc.logger.info("Listing all available test classes:") self._walk_suite(suite, _list_classes) def _list_tests_module(self, suite): self._walked_cases = 0 listed = [] def _list_modules(logger, case): if not case.__module__ in listed: if case.__module__.startswith('_'): logger.info("%s (hidden)" % case.__module__) else: logger.info(case.__module__) listed.append(case.__module__) self.tc.logger.info("Listing all available test modules:") self._walk_suite(suite, _list_modules) def list_tests(self, suite, display_type): if display_type == 'name': self._list_tests_name(suite) elif display_type == 'class': self._list_tests_class(suite) elif display_type == 'module': self._list_tests_module(suite) return OEListTestsResult()