# This class should provide easy access to the different aspects of the # buildsystem such as layers, bitbake location, etc. import stat import shutil def _smart_copy(src, dest): # smart_copy will choose the correct function depending on whether the # source is a file or a directory. mode = os.stat(src).st_mode if stat.S_ISDIR(mode): shutil.copytree(src, dest, symlinks=True, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('.git')) else: shutil.copyfile(src, dest) shutil.copymode(src, dest) class BuildSystem(object): def __init__(self, context, d): self.d = d self.context = context self.layerdirs = d.getVar('BBLAYERS', True).split() self.layers_exclude = (d.getVar('SDK_LAYERS_EXCLUDE', True) or "").split() def copy_bitbake_and_layers(self, destdir, workspace_name=None): # Copy in all metadata layers + bitbake (as repositories) layers_copied = [] bb.utils.mkdirhier(destdir) layers = list(self.layerdirs) corebase = self.d.getVar('COREBASE', True) layers.append(corebase) # Exclude layers for layer_exclude in self.layers_exclude: if layer_exclude in layers: layers.remove(layer_exclude) workspace_newname = workspace_name if workspace_newname: layernames = [os.path.basename(layer) for layer in layers] extranum = 0 while workspace_newname in layernames: extranum += 1 workspace_newname = '%s-%d' % (workspace_name, extranum) corebase_files = self.d.getVar('COREBASE_FILES', True).split() corebase_files = [corebase + '/' +x for x in corebase_files] # Make sure bitbake goes in bitbake_dir = bb.__file__.rsplit('/', 3)[0] corebase_files.append(bitbake_dir) for layer in layers: layerconf = os.path.join(layer, 'conf', 'layer.conf') layernewname = os.path.basename(layer) workspace = False if os.path.exists(layerconf): with open(layerconf, 'r') as f: if f.readline().startswith("# ### workspace layer auto-generated by devtool ###"): if workspace_newname: layernewname = workspace_newname workspace = True else: bb.plain("NOTE: Excluding local workspace layer %s from %s" % (layer, self.context)) continue # If the layer was already under corebase, leave it there # since layers such as meta have issues when moved. layerdestpath = destdir if corebase == os.path.dirname(layer): layerdestpath += '/' + os.path.basename(corebase) layerdestpath += '/' + layernewname layer_relative = os.path.relpath(layerdestpath, destdir) layers_copied.append(layer_relative) # Treat corebase as special since it typically will contain # build directories or other custom items. if corebase == layer: bb.utils.mkdirhier(layerdestpath) for f in corebase_files: f_basename = os.path.basename(f) destname = os.path.join(layerdestpath, f_basename) _smart_copy(f, destname) else: if os.path.exists(layerdestpath): bb.note("Skipping layer %s, already handled" % layer) else: _smart_copy(layer, layerdestpath) if workspace: # Make some adjustments original workspace layer # Drop sources (recipe tasks will be locked, so we don't need them) srcdir = os.path.join(layerdestpath, 'sources') if os.path.isdir(srcdir): shutil.rmtree(srcdir) # Drop all bbappends except the one for the image the SDK is being built for # (because of externalsrc, the workspace bbappends will interfere with the # locked signatures if present, and we don't need them anyway) image_bbappend = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.d.getVar('FILE', True)))[0] + '.bbappend' appenddir = os.path.join(layerdestpath, 'appends') if os.path.isdir(appenddir): for fn in os.listdir(appenddir): if fn == image_bbappend: continue else: os.remove(os.path.join(appenddir, fn)) # Drop README readme = os.path.join(layerdestpath, 'README') if os.path.exists(readme): os.remove(readme) # Filter out comments in layer.conf and change layer name layerconf = os.path.join(layerdestpath, 'conf', 'layer.conf') with open(layerconf, 'r') as f: origlines = f.readlines() with open(layerconf, 'w') as f: for line in origlines: if line.startswith('#'): continue line = line.replace('workspacelayer', workspace_newname) f.write(line) return layers_copied def generate_locked_sigs(sigfile, d): bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(sigfile)) depd = d.getVar('BB_TASKDEPDATA', False) tasks = ['%s.%s' % (v[2], v[1]) for v in depd.values()] bb.parse.siggen.dump_lockedsigs(sigfile, tasks) def prune_lockedsigs(excluded_tasks, excluded_targets, lockedsigs, pruned_output): with open(lockedsigs, 'r') as infile: bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(pruned_output)) with open(pruned_output, 'w') as f: invalue = False for line in infile: if invalue: if line.endswith('\\\n'): splitval = line.strip().split(':') if not splitval[1] in excluded_tasks and not splitval[0] in excluded_targets: f.write(line) else: f.write(line) invalue = False elif line.startswith('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS'): invalue = True f.write(line) def merge_lockedsigs(copy_tasks, lockedsigs_main, lockedsigs_extra, merged_output, copy_output): merged = {} arch_order = [] with open(lockedsigs_main, 'r') as f: invalue = None for line in f: if invalue: if line.endswith('\\\n'): merged[invalue].append(line) else: invalue = None elif line.startswith('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_t-'): invalue = line[18:].split('=', 1)[0].rstrip() merged[invalue] = [] arch_order.append(invalue) with open(lockedsigs_extra, 'r') as f: invalue = None tocopy = {} for line in f: if invalue: if line.endswith('\\\n'): if not line in merged[invalue]: target, task = line.strip().split(':')[:2] if not copy_tasks or task in copy_tasks: tocopy[invalue].append(line) merged[invalue].append(line) else: invalue = None elif line.startswith('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_t-'): invalue = line[18:].split('=', 1)[0].rstrip() if not invalue in merged: merged[invalue] = [] arch_order.append(invalue) tocopy[invalue] = [] def write_sigs_file(fn, types, sigs): fulltypes = [] bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(fn)) with open(fn, 'w') as f: for typename in types: lines = sigs[typename] if lines: f.write('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_%s = "\\\n' % typename) for line in lines: f.write(line) f.write(' "\n') fulltypes.append(typename) f.write('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_TYPES = "%s"\n' % ' '.join(fulltypes)) write_sigs_file(copy_output, tocopy.keys(), tocopy) if merged_output: write_sigs_file(merged_output, arch_order, merged) def create_locked_sstate_cache(lockedsigs, input_sstate_cache, output_sstate_cache, d, fixedlsbstring=""): bb.note('Generating sstate-cache...') nativelsbstring = d.getVar('NATIVELSBSTRING', True) bb.process.run("gen-lockedsig-cache %s %s %s %s" % (lockedsigs, input_sstate_cache, output_sstate_cache, nativelsbstring)) if fixedlsbstring: nativedir = output_sstate_cache + '/' + nativelsbstring if os.path.isdir(nativedir): destdir = os.path.join(output_sstate_cache, fixedlsbstring) bb.utils.mkdirhier(destdir) dirlist = os.listdir(nativedir) for i in dirlist: src = os.path.join(nativedir, i) dest = os.path.join(destdir, i) os.rename(src, dest)