# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- """ BitBake 'Data' implementations Functions for interacting with the data structure used by the BitBake build tools. The expandKeys and update_data are the most expensive operations. At night the cookie monster came by and suggested 'give me cookies on setting the variables and things will work out'. Taking this suggestion into account applying the skills from the not yet passed 'Entwurf und Analyse von Algorithmen' lecture and the cookie monster seems to be right. We will track setVar more carefully to have faster update_data and expandKeys operations. This is a trade-off between speed and memory again but the speed is more critical here. """ # Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson # Copyright (C) 2005 Holger Hans Peter Freyther # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig import sys, os, re if sys.argv[0][-5:] == "pydoc": path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[1])) else: path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) sys.path.insert(0, path) from itertools import groupby from bb import data_smart from bb import codeparser import bb logger = data_smart.logger _dict_type = data_smart.DataSmart def init(): """Return a new object representing the Bitbake data""" return _dict_type() def init_db(parent = None): """Return a new object representing the Bitbake data, optionally based on an existing object""" if parent is not None: return parent.createCopy() else: return _dict_type() def createCopy(source): """Link the source set to the destination If one does not find the value in the destination set, search will go on to the source set to get the value. Value from source are copy-on-write. i.e. any try to modify one of them will end up putting the modified value in the destination set. """ return source.createCopy() def initVar(var, d): """Non-destructive var init for data structure""" d.initVar(var) def setVar(var, value, d): """Set a variable to a given value""" d.setVar(var, value) def getVar(var, d, exp = 0): """Gets the value of a variable""" return d.getVar(var, exp) def renameVar(key, newkey, d): """Renames a variable from key to newkey""" d.renameVar(key, newkey) def delVar(var, d): """Removes a variable from the data set""" d.delVar(var) def appendVar(var, value, d): """Append additional value to a variable""" d.appendVar(var, value) def setVarFlag(var, flag, flagvalue, d): """Set a flag for a given variable to a given value""" d.setVarFlag(var, flag, flagvalue) def getVarFlag(var, flag, d): """Gets given flag from given var""" return d.getVarFlag(var, flag) def delVarFlag(var, flag, d): """Removes a given flag from the variable's flags""" d.delVarFlag(var, flag) def setVarFlags(var, flags, d): """Set the flags for a given variable Note: setVarFlags will not clear previous flags. Think of this method as addVarFlags """ d.setVarFlags(var, flags) def getVarFlags(var, d): """Gets a variable's flags""" return d.getVarFlags(var) def delVarFlags(var, d): """Removes a variable's flags""" d.delVarFlags(var) def keys(d): """Return a list of keys in d""" return d.keys() __expand_var_regexp__ = re.compile(r"\${[^{}]+}") __expand_python_regexp__ = re.compile(r"\${@.+?}") def expand(s, d, varname = None): """Variable expansion using the data store""" return d.expand(s, varname) def expandKeys(alterdata, readdata = None): if readdata == None: readdata = alterdata todolist = {} for key in alterdata: if not '${' in key: continue ekey = expand(key, readdata) if key == ekey: continue todolist[key] = ekey # These two for loops are split for performance to maximise the # usefulness of the expand cache for key in todolist: ekey = todolist[key] newval = alterdata.getVar(ekey, 0) if newval is not None: val = alterdata.getVar(key, 0) if val is not None: bb.warn("Variable key %s (%s) replaces original key %s (%s)." % (key, val, ekey, newval)) alterdata.renameVar(key, ekey) def inheritFromOS(d, savedenv, permitted): """Inherit variables from the initial environment.""" exportlist = bb.utils.preserved_envvars_exported() for s in savedenv.keys(): if s in permitted: try: d.setVar(s, getVar(s, savedenv, True), op = 'from env') if s in exportlist: d.setVarFlag(s, "export", True, op = 'auto env export') except TypeError: pass def emit_var(var, o=sys.__stdout__, d = init(), all=False): """Emit a variable to be sourced by a shell.""" if getVarFlag(var, "python", d): return 0 export = getVarFlag(var, "export", d) unexport = getVarFlag(var, "unexport", d) func = getVarFlag(var, "func", d) if not all and not export and not unexport and not func: return 0 try: if all: oval = getVar(var, d, 0) val = getVar(var, d, 1) except (KeyboardInterrupt, bb.build.FuncFailed): raise except Exception as exc: o.write('# expansion of %s threw %s: %s\n' % (var, exc.__class__.__name__, str(exc))) return 0 if all: d.varhistory.emit(var, oval, val, o) if (var.find("-") != -1 or var.find(".") != -1 or var.find('{') != -1 or var.find('}') != -1 or var.find('+') != -1) and not all: return 0 varExpanded = expand(var, d) if unexport: o.write('unset %s\n' % varExpanded) return 0 if val is None: return 0 val = str(val) if varExpanded.startswith("BASH_FUNC_"): varExpanded = varExpanded[10:-2] val = val[3:] # Strip off "() " o.write("%s() %s\n" % (varExpanded, val)) o.write("export -f %s\n" % (varExpanded)) return 1 if func: # NOTE: should probably check for unbalanced {} within the var o.write("%s() {\n%s\n}\n" % (varExpanded, val)) return 1 if export: o.write('export ') # if we're going to output this within doublequotes, # to a shell, we need to escape the quotes in the var alter = re.sub('"', '\\"', val) alter = re.sub('\n', ' \\\n', alter) alter = re.sub('\\$', '\\\\$', alter) o.write('%s="%s"\n' % (varExpanded, alter)) return 0 def emit_env(o=sys.__stdout__, d = init(), all=False): """Emits all items in the data store in a format such that it can be sourced by a shell.""" isfunc = lambda key: bool(d.getVarFlag(key, "func")) keys = sorted((key for key in d.keys() if not key.startswith("__")), key=isfunc) grouped = groupby(keys, isfunc) for isfunc, keys in grouped: for key in keys: emit_var(key, o, d, all and not isfunc) and o.write('\n') def exported_keys(d): return (key for key in d.keys() if not key.startswith('__') and d.getVarFlag(key, 'export') and not d.getVarFlag(key, 'unexport')) def exported_vars(d): for key in exported_keys(d): try: value = d.getVar(key, True) except Exception: pass if value is not None: yield key, str(value) def emit_func(func, o=sys.__stdout__, d = init()): """Emits all items in the data store in a format such that it can be sourced by a shell.""" keys = (key for key in d.keys() if not key.startswith("__") and not d.getVarFlag(key, "func")) for key in keys: emit_var(key, o, d, False) and o.write('\n') emit_var(func, o, d, False) and o.write('\n') newdeps = bb.codeparser.ShellParser(func, logger).parse_shell(d.getVar(func, True)) newdeps |= set((d.getVarFlag(func, "vardeps", True) or "").split()) seen = set() while newdeps: deps = newdeps seen |= deps newdeps = set() for dep in deps: if d.getVarFlag(dep, "func") and not d.getVarFlag(dep, "python"): emit_var(dep, o, d, False) and o.write('\n') newdeps |= bb.codeparser.ShellParser(dep, logger).parse_shell(d.getVar(dep, True)) newdeps |= set((d.getVarFlag(dep, "vardeps", True) or "").split()) newdeps -= seen _functionfmt = """ def {function}(d): {body}""" def emit_func_python(func, o=sys.__stdout__, d = init()): """Emits all items in the data store in a format such that it can be sourced by a shell.""" def write_func(func, o, call = False): body = d.getVar(func, True) if not body.startswith("def"): body = _functionfmt.format(function=func, body=body) o.write(body.strip() + "\n\n") if call: o.write(func + "(d)" + "\n\n") write_func(func, o, True) pp = bb.codeparser.PythonParser(func, logger) pp.parse_python(d.getVar(func, True)) newdeps = pp.execs newdeps |= set((d.getVarFlag(func, "vardeps", True) or "").split()) seen = set() while newdeps: deps = newdeps seen |= deps newdeps = set() for dep in deps: if d.getVarFlag(dep, "func") and d.getVarFlag(dep, "python"): write_func(dep, o) pp = bb.codeparser.PythonParser(dep, logger) pp.parse_python(d.getVar(dep, True)) newdeps |= pp.execs newdeps |= set((d.getVarFlag(dep, "vardeps", True) or "").split()) newdeps -= seen def update_data(d): """Performs final steps upon the datastore, including application of overrides""" d.finalize(parent = True) def build_dependencies(key, keys, shelldeps, varflagsexcl, d): deps = set() try: if key[-1] == ']': vf = key[:-1].split('[') value = d.getVarFlag(vf[0], vf[1], False) parser = d.expandWithRefs(value, key) deps |= parser.references deps = deps | (keys & parser.execs) return deps, value varflags = d.getVarFlags(key, ["vardeps", "vardepvalue", "vardepsexclude", "vardepvalueexclude", "postfuncs", "prefuncs"]) or {} vardeps = varflags.get("vardeps") value = d.getVar(key, False) def handle_contains(value, contains, d): newvalue = "" for k in sorted(contains): l = (d.getVar(k, True) or "").split() for word in sorted(contains[k]): if word in l: newvalue += "\n%s{%s} = Set" % (k, word) else: newvalue += "\n%s{%s} = Unset" % (k, word) if not newvalue: return value if not value: return newvalue return value + newvalue if "vardepvalue" in varflags: value = varflags.get("vardepvalue") elif varflags.get("func"): if varflags.get("python"): parsedvar = d.expandWithRefs(value, key) parser = bb.codeparser.PythonParser(key, logger) if parsedvar.value and "\t" in parsedvar.value: logger.warn("Variable %s contains tabs, please remove these (%s)" % (key, d.getVar("FILE", True))) parser.parse_python(parsedvar.value) deps = deps | parser.references value = handle_contains(value, parser.contains, d) else: parsedvar = d.expandWithRefs(value, key) parser = bb.codeparser.ShellParser(key, logger) parser.parse_shell(parsedvar.value) deps = deps | shelldeps if vardeps is None: parser.log.flush() if "prefuncs" in varflags: deps = deps | set(varflags["prefuncs"].split()) if "postfuncs" in varflags: deps = deps | set(varflags["postfuncs"].split()) deps = deps | parsedvar.references deps = deps | (keys & parser.execs) | (keys & parsedvar.execs) value = handle_contains(value, parsedvar.contains, d) else: parser = d.expandWithRefs(value, key) deps |= parser.references deps = deps | (keys & parser.execs) value = handle_contains(value, parser.contains, d) if "vardepvalueexclude" in varflags: exclude = varflags.get("vardepvalueexclude") for excl in exclude.split('|'): if excl: value = value.replace(excl, '') # Add varflags, assuming an exclusion list is set if varflagsexcl: varfdeps = [] for f in varflags: if f not in varflagsexcl: varfdeps.append('%s[%s]' % (key, f)) if varfdeps: deps |= set(varfdeps) deps |= set((vardeps or "").split()) deps -= set(varflags.get("vardepsexclude", "").split()) except Exception as e: raise bb.data_smart.ExpansionError(key, None, e) return deps, value #bb.note("Variable %s references %s and calls %s" % (key, str(deps), str(execs))) #d.setVarFlag(key, "vardeps", deps) def generate_dependencies(d): keys = set(key for key in d if not key.startswith("__")) shelldeps = set(key for key in d.getVar("__exportlist", False) if d.getVarFlag(key, "export") and not d.getVarFlag(key, "unexport")) varflagsexcl = d.getVar('BB_SIGNATURE_EXCLUDE_FLAGS', True) deps = {} values = {} tasklist = d.getVar('__BBTASKS') or [] for task in tasklist: deps[task], values[task] = build_dependencies(task, keys, shelldeps, varflagsexcl, d) newdeps = deps[task] seen = set() while newdeps: nextdeps = newdeps seen |= nextdeps newdeps = set() for dep in nextdeps: if dep not in deps: deps[dep], values[dep] = build_dependencies(dep, keys, shelldeps, varflagsexcl, d) newdeps |= deps[dep] newdeps -= seen #print "For %s: %s" % (task, str(deps[task])) return tasklist, deps, values def inherits_class(klass, d): val = getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or [] needle = os.path.join('classes', '%s.bbclass' % klass) for v in val: if v.endswith(needle): return True return False