#!/usr/bin/env python # Update migration info in OE-Classic recipes in OE layer index database # # Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation # Author: Paul Eggleton # # Licensed under the MIT license, see COPYING.MIT for details import sys import os.path sys.path.insert(0, os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))) import optparse import re import utils import logging logger = utils.logger_create('LayerIndexClassicUpdate') class DryRunRollbackException(Exception): pass def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage = """ %prog [options]""") parser.add_option("-b", "--branch", help = "Specify branch to import into", action="store", dest="branch", default='oe-classic') parser.add_option("-l", "--layer", help = "Specify layer to import into", action="store", dest="layer", default='oe-classic') parser.add_option("-n", "--dry-run", help = "Don't write any data back to the database", action="store_true", dest="dryrun") parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", help = "Enable debug output", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG, dest="loglevel", default=logging.INFO) parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", help = "Hide all output except error messages", action="store_const", const=logging.ERROR, dest="loglevel") options, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv) utils.setup_django() from layerindex.models import LayerItem, LayerBranch, Recipe, ClassicRecipe from django.db import transaction logger.setLevel(options.loglevel) res = list(LayerItem.objects.filter(name=options.layer)[:1]) if res: layer = res[0] else: logger.error('Specified layer %s does not exist in database' % options.layer) sys.exit(1) layerbranch = layer.get_layerbranch(options.branch) if not layerbranch: logger.error("Specified branch %s does not exist in database" % options.branch) sys.exit(1) try: with transaction.atomic(): def recipe_pn_query(pn): return Recipe.objects.filter(layerbranch__branch__name='master').filter(pn=pn).order_by('layerbranch__layer__index_preference') recipequery = ClassicRecipe.objects.filter(layerbranch=layerbranch).filter(cover_status__in=['U', 'N']) for recipe in recipequery: replquery = recipe_pn_query(recipe.pn) found = False for replrecipe in replquery: logger.debug('Matched %s in layer %s' % (recipe.pn, replrecipe.layerbranch.layer.name)) recipe.cover_layerbranch = replrecipe.layerbranch recipe.cover_status = 'D' recipe.cover_verified = False recipe.save() found = True break if not found: if recipe.pn.endswith('-native') or recipe.pn.endswith('-nativesdk'): searchpn, _, suffix = recipe.pn.rpartition('-') replquery = recipe_pn_query(searchpn) for replrecipe in replquery: if suffix in replrecipe.bbclassextend.split(): logger.debug('Found BBCLASSEXTEND of %s to cover %s in layer %s' % (replrecipe.pn, recipe.pn, replrecipe.layerbranch.layer.name)) recipe.cover_layerbranch = replrecipe.layerbranch recipe.cover_pn = replrecipe.pn recipe.cover_status = 'P' recipe.cover_verified = False recipe.save() found = True break if not found and recipe.pn.endswith('-nativesdk'): searchpn, _, _ = recipe.pn.rpartition('-') replquery = recipe_pn_query('nativesdk-%s' % searchpn) for replrecipe in replquery: logger.debug('Found replacement %s to cover %s in layer %s' % (replrecipe.pn, recipe.pn, replrecipe.layerbranch.layer.name)) recipe.cover_layerbranch = replrecipe.layerbranch recipe.cover_pn = replrecipe.pn recipe.cover_status = 'R' recipe.cover_verified = False recipe.save() found = True break if options.dryrun: raise DryRunRollbackException() except DryRunRollbackException: pass sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()