SLOWTASKS ??= "" SSTATEVALID ??= "" def stamptask(d): import time thistask = d.expand("${PN}:${BB_CURRENTTASK}") stampname = d.expand("${TOPDIR}/" % thistask) with open(stampname, "a+") as f: f.write("\n") if d.getVar("BB_CURRENT_MC") != "default": thistask = d.expand("${BB_CURRENT_MC}:${PN}:${BB_CURRENTTASK}") if thistask in d.getVar("SLOWTASKS").split(): bb.note("Slowing task %s" % thistask) time.sleep(0.5) if d.getVar("BB_HASHSERVE"): task = d.getVar("BB_CURRENTTASK") if task in ['package', 'package_qa', 'packagedata', 'package_write_ipk', 'package_write_rpm', 'populate_lic', 'populate_sysroot']: bb.parse.siggen.report_unihash(os.getcwd(), d.getVar("BB_CURRENTTASK"), d) with open(d.expand("${TOPDIR}/task.log"), "a+") as f: f.write(thistask + "\n") def sstate_output_hash(path, sigfile, task, d): import hashlib h = hashlib.sha256() h.update(d.expand("${PN}:${BB_CURRENTTASK}").encode('utf-8')) return h.hexdigest() python do_fetch() { # fetch stamptask(d) } python do_unpack() { # unpack stamptask(d) } python do_patch() { # patch stamptask(d) } python do_populate_lic() { # populate_lic stamptask(d) } python do_prepare_recipe_sysroot() { # prepare_recipe_sysroot stamptask(d) } python do_configure() { # configure stamptask(d) } python do_compile() { # compile stamptask(d) } python do_install() { # install stamptask(d) } python do_populate_sysroot() { # populate_sysroot stamptask(d) } python do_package() { # package stamptask(d) } python do_package_write_ipk() { # package_write_ipk stamptask(d) } python do_package_write_rpm() { # package_write_rpm stamptask(d) } python do_packagedata() { # packagedata stamptask(d) } python do_package_qa() { # package_qa stamptask(d) } python do_build() { # build stamptask(d) } do_prepare_recipe_sysroot[deptask] = "do_populate_sysroot" do_package[deptask] += "do_packagedata" do_build[recrdeptask] += "do_deploy" do_build[recrdeptask] += "do_package_write_ipk" do_build[recrdeptask] += "do_package_write_rpm" do_package_qa[rdeptask] = "do_packagedata" do_populate_lic_deploy[recrdeptask] += "do_populate_lic do_deploy" DEBIANRDEP = "do_packagedata" oo_package_write_ipk[rdeptask] = "${DEBIANRDEP}" do_package_write_rpm[rdeptask] = "${DEBIANRDEP}" addtask fetch addtask unpack after do_fetch addtask patch after do_unpack addtask prepare_recipe_sysroot after do_patch addtask configure after do_prepare_recipe_sysroot addtask compile after do_configure addtask install after do_compile addtask populate_sysroot after do_install addtask package after do_install addtask package_write_ipk after do_packagedata do_package addtask package_write_rpm after do_packagedata do_package addtask packagedata after do_package addtask package_qa after do_package addtask build after do_package_qa do_package_write_rpm do_package_write_ipk do_populate_sysroot python do_package_setscene() { stamptask(d) } python do_package_qa_setscene() { stamptask(d) } python do_package_write_ipk_setscene() { stamptask(d) } python do_package_write_rpm_setscene() { stamptask(d) } python do_packagedata_setscene() { stamptask(d) } python do_populate_lic_setscene() { stamptask(d) } python do_populate_sysroot_setscene() { stamptask(d) } addtask package_setscene addtask package_qa_setscene addtask package_write_ipk_setscene addtask package_write_rpm_setscene addtask packagedata_setscene addtask populate_lic_setscene addtask populate_sysroot_setscene BB_SETSCENE_DEPVALID = "setscene_depvalid" def setscene_depvalid(task, taskdependees, notneeded, d, log=None): # taskdependees is a dict of tasks which depend on task, each being a 3 item list of [PN, TASKNAME, FILENAME] # task is included in taskdependees too # Return - False - We need this dependency # - True - We can skip this dependency import re def logit(msg, log): if log is not None: log.append(msg) else: bb.debug(2, msg) logit("Considering setscene task: %s" % (str(taskdependees[task])), log) def isNativeCross(x): return x.endswith("-native") or "-cross-" in x or "-crosssdk" in x or x.endswith("-cross") # We only need to trigger populate_lic through direct dependencies if taskdependees[task][1] == "do_populate_lic": return True # We only need to trigger packagedata through direct dependencies # but need to preserve packagedata on packagedata links if taskdependees[task][1] == "do_packagedata": for dep in taskdependees: if taskdependees[dep][1] == "do_packagedata": return False return True for dep in taskdependees: logit(" considering dependency: %s" % (str(taskdependees[dep])), log) if task == dep: continue if dep in notneeded: continue # do_package_write_* and do_package doesn't need do_package if taskdependees[task][1] == "do_package" and taskdependees[dep][1] in ['do_package', 'do_package_write_ipk', 'do_package_write_rpm', 'do_packagedata', 'do_package_qa']: continue # do_package_write_* need do_populate_sysroot as they're mainly postinstall dependencies if taskdependees[task][1] == "do_populate_sysroot" and taskdependees[dep][1] in ['do_package_write_ipk', 'do_package_write_rpm']: return False # do_package/packagedata/package_qa don't need do_populate_sysroot if taskdependees[task][1] == "do_populate_sysroot" and taskdependees[dep][1] in ['do_package', 'do_packagedata', 'do_package_qa']: continue # Native/Cross packages don't exist and are noexec anyway if isNativeCross(taskdependees[dep][0]) and taskdependees[dep][1] in ['do_package_write_ipk', 'do_package_write_rpm', 'do_packagedata', 'do_package', 'do_package_qa']: continue # This is due to the [depends] in useradd.bbclass complicating matters # The logic *is* reversed here due to the way hard setscene dependencies are injected if (taskdependees[task][1] == 'do_package' or taskdependees[task][1] == 'do_populate_sysroot') and taskdependees[dep][0].endswith(('shadow-native', 'shadow-sysroot', 'base-passwd', 'pseudo-native')) and taskdependees[dep][1] == 'do_populate_sysroot': continue # Consider sysroot depending on sysroot tasks if taskdependees[task][1] == 'do_populate_sysroot' and taskdependees[dep][1] == 'do_populate_sysroot': # Native/Cross populate_sysroot need their dependencies if isNativeCross(taskdependees[task][0]) and isNativeCross(taskdependees[dep][0]): return False # Target populate_sysroot depended on by cross tools need to be installed if isNativeCross(taskdependees[dep][0]): return False # Native/cross tools depended upon by target sysroot are not needed # Add an exception for shadow-native as required by useradd.bbclass if isNativeCross(taskdependees[task][0]) and taskdependees[task][0] != 'shadow-native': continue # Target populate_sysroot need their dependencies return False if taskdependees[dep][1] == "do_populate_lic": continue # Safe fallthrough default logit(" Default setscene dependency fall through due to dependency: %s" % (str(taskdependees[dep])), log) return False return True BB_HASHCHECK_FUNCTION = "sstate_checkhashes" def sstate_checkhashes(sq_data, d, siginfo=False, currentcount=0, **kwargs): found = set() missed = set() valid = d.getVar("SSTATEVALID").split() for tid in sq_data['hash']: n = os.path.basename(bb.runqueue.fn_from_tid(tid)).split(".")[0] + ":do_" + bb.runqueue.taskname_from_tid(tid)[3:] print(n) if n in valid: bb.note("SState: Found valid sstate for %s" % n) found.add(tid) elif os.path.exists(d.expand("${TOPDIR}/" % n.replace("do_", ""))): bb.note("SState: Found valid sstate for %s (already run)" % n) found.add(tid) else: missed.add(tid) bb.note("SState: Found no valid sstate for %s" % n) return found