path: root/scripts/tune/env.fake-neoversen1.armv5tehf-vfp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-10-28tune/ results (oe-core/dunfell: 197b405dd0 siteinfo: Recognize bigend...Martin Jansa
2020-10-28tune/ results (oe-core: 1f26495884 siteinfo: Recognize bigendian sh3b...Martin Jansa
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354
SUMMARY = "Performance analysis tools for Linux"
DESCRIPTION = "Performance counters for Linux are a new kernel-based \
subsystem that provide a framework for all things \
performance analysis. It covers hardware level \
(CPU/PMU, Performance Monitoring Unit) features \
and software features (software counters, tracepoints) \
as well."

LICENSE = "GPL-2.0-only"

PR = "r9"

PACKAGECONFIG ??= "scripting tui libunwind"
PACKAGECONFIG[scripting] = ",NO_LIBPERL=1 NO_LIBPYTHON=1,perl python3"
# gui support was added with kernel 3.6.35
# since 3.10 libnewt was replaced by slang
# to cover a wide range of kernel we add both dependencies
PACKAGECONFIG[tui] = ",NO_NEWT=1,libnewt slang"
PACKAGECONFIG[systemtap] = ",NO_SDT=1,systemtap"
# libaudit support would need scripting to be enabled
PACKAGECONFIG[manpages] = ",,xmlto-native asciidoc-native"
PACKAGECONFIG[cap] = ",,libcap"
# Arm CoreSight
PACKAGECONFIG[coresight] = "CORESIGHT=1,,opencsd"

# libunwind is not yet ported for some architectures
PACKAGECONFIG:remove:arc = "libunwind"
PACKAGECONFIG:remove:riscv32 = "libunwind"

    virtual/${MLPREFIX}libc \
    ${MLPREFIX}elfutils \
    ${MLPREFIX}binutils \
    bison-native flex-native xz \

do_configure[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_shared_workdir"

PROVIDES = "virtual/perf"

inherit linux-kernel-base kernel-arch manpages

# needed for building the tools/perf Python bindings
inherit ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'scripting', 'python3targetconfig', '', d)}
inherit python3-dir

#kernel 3.1+ supports WERROR to disable warnings as errors
export WERROR = "0"

do_populate_lic[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_shared_workdir"

# needed for building the tools/perf Perl binding
include ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'scripting', '', '', d)}

inherit kernelsrc

S = "${WORKDIR}/${BP}"
SPDX_S = "${S}/tools/perf"

# The LDFLAGS is required or some old kernels fails due missing
# symbols and this is preferred than requiring patches to every old
# supported kernel.
LDFLAGS="-ldl -lutil"

    V=1 \
    -C ${S}/tools/perf \
    O=${B} \
    ARCH=${ARCH} \
    CC="${CC}" \
    CCLD="${CC}" \
    LDSHARED="${CC} -shared" \
    AR="${AR}" \
    LD="${LD}" \
    EXTRA_CFLAGS="-ldw" \
    YFLAGS='-y --file-prefix-map=${WORKDIR}=/usr/src/debug/${PN}/${EXTENDPE}${PV}-${PR}' \
    perfexecdir=${libexecdir} \
    NO_GTK2=1 \
    TMPDIR="${B}" \

    'DESTDIR=${D}' \
    'prefix=${prefix}' \
    'bindir=${bindir}' \
    'sharedir=${datadir}' \
    'sysconfdir=${sysconfdir}' \
    'perfexecdir=${libexecdir}/perf-core' \
    'ETC_PERFCONFIG=${@os.path.relpath(sysconfdir, prefix)}' \
    'sharedir=${@os.path.relpath(datadir, prefix)}' \
    'mandir=${@os.path.relpath(mandir, prefix)}' \
    'infodir=${@os.path.relpath(infodir, prefix)}' \
    ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'scripting', 'PYTHON=python3 PYTHON_CONFIG=python3-config', '', d)} \

# During do_configure, we might run a 'make clean'. That often breaks
# when done in parallel, so disable parallelism for do_configure. Note
# that it has to be done this way rather than by passing -j1, since
# perf's build system by default ignores any -j argument, but does
# honour a JOBS variable.
EXTRA_OEMAKE:append:task-configure = " JOBS=1"

PERF_SRC ?= "Makefile \
             tools/arch \
             tools/build \
             tools/include \
             tools/lib \
             tools/Makefile \
             tools/perf \
             tools/scripts \
             scripts/ \
             arch/${ARCH}/Makefile \


# MIPS N32/N64
PERF_EXTRA_LDFLAGS:mipsarchn32eb = "-m elf32btsmipn32"
PERF_EXTRA_LDFLAGS:mipsarchn32el = "-m elf32ltsmipn32"
PERF_EXTRA_LDFLAGS:mipsarchn64eb = "-m elf64btsmip"
PERF_EXTRA_LDFLAGS:mipsarchn64el = "-m elf64ltsmip"

do_compile() {
	# Linux kernel build system is expected to do the right thing
	unset CFLAGS
	oe_runmake all

do_install() {
	# Linux kernel build system is expected to do the right thing
	unset CFLAGS
	oe_runmake install
	# we are checking for this make target to be compatible with older perf versions
	if ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'scripting', 'true', 'false', d)} && grep -q install-python_ext ${S}/tools/perf/Makefile*; then
	    oe_runmake DESTDIR=${D} install-python_ext

do_configure[prefuncs] += "copy_perf_source_from_kernel"
python copy_perf_source_from_kernel() {
    sources = (d.getVar("PERF_SRC") or "").split()
    src_dir = d.getVar("STAGING_KERNEL_DIR")
    dest_dir = d.getVar("S")
    for s in sources:
        src = oe.path.join(src_dir, s)
        dest = oe.path.join(dest_dir, s)
        if not os.path.exists(src):
            bb.fatal("Path does not exist: %s. Maybe PERF_SRC does not match the kernel version." % src)
        if os.path.isdir(src):
            oe.path.copyhardlinktree(src, dest)
            src_path = os.path.dirname(s)
            bb.utils.copyfile(src, dest)

do_configure:prepend () {
    # If building a multlib based perf, the incorrect library path will be
    # detected by perf, since it triggers via: ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64). In a 32 bit
    # build, with a 64 bit multilib, the arch won't match and the detection of a 
    # 64 bit build (and library) are not exected. To ensure that libraries are
    # installed to the correct location, we can use the weak assignment in the
    # config/Makefile.
    # Also need to relocate .config-detected to $(OUTPUT)/config-detected
    # for kernel sources that do not already do this
    # as two builds (e.g. perf and lib32-perf from mutlilib can conflict
    # with each other if its in the shared source directory
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/perf/config/Makefile" ]; then
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/perf/Makefile.config" ]; then
    if [ -n "${perfconfig}" ]; then
        # Match $(prefix)/$(lib) and $(prefix)/lib
        sed -i -e 's,^libdir = \($(prefix)/.*lib\),libdir ?= \1,' \
               -e 's,^perfexecdir = \(.*\),perfexecdir ?= \1,' \
               -e 's,\ .config-detected, $(OUTPUT)/config-detected,g' \
    # The man pages installation is "$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)"
    # in ${S}/tools/perf/Documentation/Makefile, if the mandir set to '?=', it
    # will use the relative path 'share/man', in the way it will resulting in
    # incorrect installation for man pages.
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/perf/Documentation/Makefile" ]; then
	sed -i 's,^mandir?=,mandir:=,' ${S}/tools/perf/Documentation/Makefile
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/perf/Makefile.perf" ]; then
        sed -i -e 's,\ .config-detected, $(OUTPUT)/config-detected,g' \
        sed -i -e "s,prefix='\$(DESTDIR_SQ)/usr'$,prefix='\$(DESTDIR_SQ)/usr' --install-lib='\$(PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR)' --root='\$(DESTDIR)',g" \
        # backport
        sed -i -e 's,\($(Q)$(SHELL) .$(arch_errno_tbl).\) $(CC) $(arch_errno_hdr_dir),\1 $(firstword $(CC)) $(arch_errno_hdr_dir),g' \
    sed -i -e "s,--root='/\$(DESTDIR_SQ)',--prefix='\$(DESTDIR_SQ)/usr' --install-lib='\$(DESTDIR)\$(PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR)',g" \

    if [ -e "${S}/tools/build/" ]; then
        sed -i -e 's,\ .config-detected, $(OUTPUT)/config-detected,g' \

    # start reproducibility substitutions
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/perf/Makefile.config" ]; then
        # The following line in the Makefle:
        #     override PYTHON := $(call get-executable-or-default,PYTHON,$(PYTHON_AUTO))
        # "PYTHON" / "PYTHON_AUTO" have the full path as part of the variable. We've
        # ensure that the environment is setup and we do not need the full path to be
        # captured, since the symbol gets built into the executable, making it not
        # reproducible.
        sed -i -e 's,$(call get-executable-or-default\,PYTHON\,$(PYTHON_AUTO)),$(notdir $(call get-executable-or-default\,PYTHON\,$(PYTHON_AUTO))),g' \
        # The same line is in older releases, but looking explicitly for Python 2
        sed -i -e 's,$(call get-executable-or-default\,PYTHON\,$(PYTHON2)),$(notdir $(call get-executable-or-default\,PYTHON\,$(PYTHON2))),g' \

	# likewise with this substitution. Kernels with commit 18f2967418d031a39
	# [perf tools: Use Python devtools for version autodetection rather than runtime]
	# need this substitution for reproducibility.
	sed -i -e 's,$(call get-executable-or-default\,PYTHON\,$(subst -config\,\,$(PYTHON_AUTO))),$(notdir $(call get-executable-or-default\,PYTHON\,$(subst -config\,\,$(PYTHON_AUTO)))),g' \

        # The following line:
        #     srcdir_SQ = $(patsubst %tools/perf,tools/perf,$(subst ','\'',$(srcdir))),
        # Captures the full src path of perf, which of course makes it not
        # reproducible. We really only need the relative location 'tools/perf', so we
        # change the Makefile line to remove everything before 'tools/perf'
        sed -i -e "s%srcdir_SQ = \$(subst ','\\\'',\$(srcdir))%srcdir_SQ = \$(patsubst \%tools/perf,tools/perf,\$(subst ','\\\'',\$(srcdir)))%g" \
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/perf/tests/Build" ]; then
        # OUTPUT is the full path, we have python on the path so we remove it from the
        # definition. This is captured in the perf binary, so breaks reproducibility
        sed -i -e 's,PYTHONPATH="BUILD_STR($(OUTPUT)python)",PYTHONPATH="BUILD_STR(python)",g' \
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/perf/util/Build" ]; then
        # To avoid bison generating #ifdefs that have captured paths, we make sure
        # all the calls have YFLAGS, which contains prefix mapping information.
        sed -i -e 's,$(BISON),$(BISON) $(YFLAGS),g' ${S}/tools/perf/util/Build
    if [ -e "${S}/scripts/" ]; then
        # To avoid yacc (bison) generating #ifdefs that have captured paths, we make sure
        # all the calls have YFLAGS, which contains prefix mapping information.
        sed -i -e 's,$(YACC),$(YACC) $(YFLAGS),g' ${S}/scripts/
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/perf/pmu-events/Build" ]; then
        target='$(OUTPUT)pmu-events/pmu-events.c $(V)'
        replacement1='$(OUTPUT)pmu-events/pmu-events.c $(V)\n'
        replacement2='\t$(srctree)/ $(OUTPUT)pmu-events/pmu-events.c $(OUTPUT)pmu-events/\n'
        replacement3='\tcp $(OUTPUT)pmu-events/ $(OUTPUT)pmu-events/pmu-events.c'
        sed -i -e "s,$target,$replacement1$replacement2$replacement3,g" \
    # end reproducibility substitutions

    # We need to ensure the --sysroot option in CC is preserved
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/perf/Makefile.perf" ]; then
        sed -i 's,CC = $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc,#CC,' ${S}/tools/perf/Makefile.perf
        sed -i 's,AR = $(CROSS_COMPILE)ar,#AR,' ${S}/tools/perf/Makefile.perf
        sed -i 's,LD = $(CROSS_COMPILE)ld,#LD,' ${S}/tools/perf/Makefile.perf
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/lib/api/Makefile" ]; then
        sed -i 's,CC = $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc,#CC,' ${S}/tools/lib/api/Makefile
        sed -i 's,AR = $(CROSS_COMPILE)ar,#AR,' ${S}/tools/lib/api/Makefile
        sed -i 's,LD = $(CROSS_COMPILE)ld,#LD,' ${S}/tools/lib/api/Makefile
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/lib/subcmd/Makefile" ]; then
        sed -i 's,CC = $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc,#CC,' ${S}/tools/lib/subcmd/Makefile
        sed -i 's,AR = $(CROSS_COMPILE)ar,#AR,' ${S}/tools/lib/subcmd/Makefile
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/perf/config/feature-checks/Makefile" ]; then
        sed -i 's,CC := $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc -MD,CC += -MD,' ${S}/tools/perf/config/feature-checks/Makefile
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/build/Makefile.feature" ]; then
        sed -i 's,CFLAGS=,CC="\$(CC)" CFLAGS=,' ${S}/tools/build/Makefile.feature

    # 3.17-rc1+ has a include issue for arm/powerpc. Temporarily sed in the appropriate include
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/perf/arch/$ARCH/util/skip-callchain-idx.c" ]; then
        sed -i 's,#include "util/callchain.h",#include "util/callchain.h"\n#include "util/debug.h",' ${S}/tools/perf/arch/$ARCH/util/skip-callchain-idx.c
    if [ -e "${S}/tools/perf/arch/arm/util/unwind-libunwind.c" ] && [ -e "${S}/tools/perf/arch/arm/tests/dwarf-unwind.c" ]; then
        sed -i 's,#include "tests/tests.h",#include "tests/tests.h"\n#include "util/debug.h",' ${S}/tools/perf/arch/arm/tests/dwarf-unwind.c
        sed -i 's,#include "perf_regs.h",#include "perf_regs.h"\n#include "util/debug.h",' ${S}/tools/perf/arch/arm/util/unwind-libunwind.c

    # use /usr/bin/env instead of version specific python
    for s in `find ${S}/tools/perf/ -name '*.py'` `find ${S}/scripts/ -name ''`; do
        sed -i -e "s,#!.*python.*,#!${USRBINPATH}/env python3," ${s}

    # unistd.h can be out of sync between libc-headers and the captured version in the perf source
    # so we copy it from the sysroot unistd.h to the perf unistd.h
    install -D -m0644 ${STAGING_INCDIR}/asm-generic/unistd.h ${S}/tools/include/uapi/asm-generic/unistd.h
    install -D -m0644 ${STAGING_INCDIR}/asm-generic/unistd.h ${S}/include/uapi/asm-generic/unistd.h

    # the fetcher is inhibited by the 'inherit kernelsrc', so we do a quick check and
    # copy for a helper script we need
    for p in $(echo ${FILESPATH} | tr ':' '\n'); do
	if [ -e $p/ ]; then
	    cp $p/ ${S}

python do_package:prepend() {
    d.setVar('PKGV', d.getVar("KERNEL_VERSION").split("-")[0])


PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-archive ${PN}-tests ${PN}-perl ${PN}-python"

RDEPENDS:${PN} += "elfutils bash"
RDEPENDS:${PN}-archive =+ "bash"
RDEPENDS:${PN}-python =+ "bash python3 python3-modules ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'audit', 'audit-python', '', d)}"
RDEPENDS:${PN}-perl =+ "bash perl perl-modules"
RDEPENDS:${PN}-tests =+ "python3 bash"

RSUGGESTS_SCRIPTING = "${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'scripting', '${PN}-perl ${PN}-python', '',d)}"
RSUGGESTS:${PN} += "${PN}-archive ${PN}-tests ${RSUGGESTS_SCRIPTING}"

FILES:${PN} += "${libexecdir}/perf-core ${exec_prefix}/libexec/perf-core ${libdir}/traceevent ${libdir}/"
FILES:${PN}-archive = "${libdir}/perf/perf-core/perf-archive"
FILES:${PN}-tests = "${libdir}/perf/perf-core/tests ${libexecdir}/perf-core/tests"
FILES:${PN}-python = " \
                       ${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR} \
                       ${libexecdir}/perf-core/scripts/python \
FILES:${PN}-perl = "${libexecdir}/perf-core/scripts/perl"

DEBUG_OPTIMIZATION:append = " -Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized"