path: root/scripts/qemuimage-testlib
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/qemuimage-testlib')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 760 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/qemuimage-testlib b/scripts/qemuimage-testlib
deleted file mode 100755
index adcdf6bfef..0000000000
--- a/scripts/qemuimage-testlib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,760 +0,0 @@
-# Common function for test
-# Expect should be installed for SSH Testing
-# To execute `runqemu`, NOPASSWD needs to be set in /etc/sudoers for user
-# For example, for user "builder", /etc/sudoers can be like following:
-# #########
-# #Members of the admin group may gain root privileges
-# #########
-# Author: Jiajun Xu <>
-# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License,
-# Version 2.
-# The folder to hold all scripts running on targets
-# The folder to hold all projects for toolchain testing
-# Test Directory on target for testing
-# Global variables for process id
-# Global variable for target ip address
-# Global variable for test project version during toolchain test
-# Version of cvs is 1.12.13
-# Version of iptables is 1.4.11
-# Version of sudoku-savant is 1.3
-# Global variable for test project download URL during toolchain test
-# URL of cvs is
-# URL of iptables is
-# URL of sudoku-savant is
-# SDK folder to hold toolchain tarball
-# Toolchain test folder to hold extracted toolchain tarball
-# common function for information print
- echo -e "\tTest_Error: $*"
- echo -e "\tTest_Info: $*"
-# function to update target ip address
-# $1 is the process id of the process, which starts the qemu target
-# $2 is the ip address of the target
- local pid=$1
- local ip_addr=$2
- if [ "$TEST_SERIALIZE" -eq 1 -a "$pid" != "0" -a "$pid" != "" -a "$ip_addr" != "" -a "$ip_addr" != "" ]; then
- echo "Saving $pid $ip_addr to $TARGET_IPSAVE"
- echo "$pid $ip_addr" > $TARGET_IPSAVE
- fi
-# function to copy files from host into target
-# $1 is the ip address of target
-# $2 is the files, which need to be copied into target
-# $3 is the path on target, where files are copied into
- local ip_addr=$1
- local src=$2
- local des=$3
- local time_out=60
- local ret=0
- # We use expect to interactive with target by ssh
- local exp_cmd=`cat << EOF
-eval spawn scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "$src" root@$ip_addr:"$des"
-set timeout $time_out
-expect {
- "*assword:" { send "\r"; exp_continue}
- "*(yes/no)?" { send "yes\r"; exp_continue }
- eof { exit [ lindex [wait] 3 ] }
- expect=`which expect`
- if [ ! -x "$expect" ]; then
- Test_Error "ERROR: Please install expect"
- return 1
- fi
- expect -c "$exp_cmd"
- ret=$?
- return $ret
-# function to copy files from target to host
-# $1 is the ip address of target
-# $2 is the files, which need to be copied into target
-# $3 is the path on target, where files are copied into
- local ip_addr=$1
- local src=$2
- local des=$3
- local time_out=60
- local ret=0
- # We use expect to interactive with target by ssh
- local exp_cmd=`cat << EOF
-eval spawn scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@$ip_addr:"$src" "$des"
-set timeout $time_out
-expect {
- "*assword:" { send "\r"; exp_continue}
- "*(yes/no)?" { send "yes\r"; exp_continue }
- eof { exit [ lindex [wait] 3 ] }
- expect=`which expect`
- if [ ! -x "$expect" ]; then
- Test_Error "ERROR: Please install expect"
- return 1
- fi
- expect -c "$exp_cmd"
- ret=$?
- return $ret
-# function to run command in $ip_addr via ssh
- local ip_addr="$1"
- local command="$2"
- if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
- local time_out=$3
- else
- local time_out=60
- fi
- local ret=0
- local exp_cmd=`cat << EOF
-eval spawn ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@$ip_addr "$command"
-set timeout $time_out
-expect {
- "*assword:" { send "\r"; exp_continue}
- "*(yes/no)?" { send "yes\r"; exp_continue }
- eof { exit [ lindex [wait] 3 ] }
- expect=`which expect`
- if [ ! -x "$expect" ]; then
- Test_Error "ERROR: Please install expect"
- return 1
- fi
- expect -c "$exp_cmd"
- ret=$?
- return $ret
-# function to check if ssh is up in $ip_addr
- local ip_addr=$1
- local timeout=$2
- local interval=0
- # If TEST_SERIALIZE is set, use existing running qemu for testing
- if [ ${TEST_SERIALIZE} -eq 1 -a -e ${TARGET_IPSAVE} ]; then
- timeout=50
- fi
- while [ ${interval} -lt ${timeout} ]
- do
- Test_SSH ${ip_addr} "hostname"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- interval=`expr $interval + 10`
- sleep 10
- else
- Test_Info "We can ssh on ${ip_addr} within ${interval} seconds"
- return 0
- fi
- done
- Test_Info "We can not ssh on ${ip_addr} in ${timeout} seconds"
- return 1
-# function to prepare target test environment
-# $1 is the ip address of target system
-# $2 is the files, which needs to be copied into target
- local ip_addr=$1
- local testscript=$2
- # Create a pre-defined folder for test scripts
- Test_SSH $ip_addr "mkdir -p $TARGET_TEST_DIR"
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- # Copy test scripts into target
- Test_SCP $ip_addr $testscript $TARGET_TEST_DIR && return 0
- else
- Test_Error "Fail to create $TARGET_TEST_DIR on target"
- return 1
- fi
- return 1
-# function to record test result in $TEST_RESULT/testresult.log
- local PASS=0
- local FAIL=0
- local NORESULT=0
- if [ $2 -eq 0 ]; then
- PASS=1
- elif [ $2 -eq 1 ]; then
- FAIL=1
- else
- fi
- # Format the output of the test result
- echo -e "$1 $PASS $FAIL $NORESULT" | awk '{printf("\t"); for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) printf("%-15s",$i); printf("\n");}' >> $TEST_RESULT/testresult.log
-# Test_Kill_Qemu to kill child pid with parent pid given
-# $1 is qemu process id, which needs to be killed
- local index=0
- local total=0
- local k=0
- # When TEST_SERIALIZE is set, qemu process will not be
- # killed until all the cases are finished
- if [ ${TEST_SERIALIZE} -eq 1 -a -e ${TEST_STATUS} ]; then
- index=`sed -n 2p ${TEST_STATUS} | awk '{print $3}'`
- total=`sed -n 2p ${TEST_STATUS} | awk '{print $4}'`
- if [ ${index} != ${total} ]; then
- Test_Info "Do not kill the qemu process and use it for later testing (step $index of $total)"
- else
- k=1
- fi
- else
- k=1
- fi
- if [ $k -eq 1 ]; then
- if [ "$QEMUPID" != "0" -a "$QEMUPID" != "" ]; then
- running=`ps -wwfp $QEMUPID`
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "killing $QEMUPID"
- kill $QEMUPID
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$XTERMPID" != "0" -a "$XTERMPID" != "" ]; then
- running=`ps -wwfp $XTERMPID`
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "killing $XTERMPID"
- kill $XTERMPID
- fi
- fi
- fi
- return
-# function to check if network is up
- ping -c1 $1 1> /dev/null
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- Test_Info "IP $1 is not up"
- return 1
- else
- Test_Info "IP $1 is up"
- return 0
- fi
-# function to find kernel/rootfs image
- where=""
- kernel=""
- arch=""
- target=""
- extension=""
- rootfs=""
- while getopts "l:k:a:t:e:" Option
- do
- case $Option in
- l) where="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- k) kernel="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- a) arch="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- t) target="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- e) extension="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- *) echo "invalid option: -$Option" && return 1
- ;;
- esac
- done
- if [ ! -z $kernel ]; then
- if [ -L ${where}/${kernel}-${arch}.${extension} ]; then
- echo ${where}/${kernel}-${arch}.${extension}
- return 0
- else
- for i in `dir ${where}`
- do
- # Exclude qemux86-64 when target is qemux86
- echo $i | grep "${kernel}.*${arch}.*\.${extension}" | grep -qv "${kernel}.*${arch}-64.*\.${extension}"
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- echo ${where}/${i}
- return 0
- fi
- done
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -z $target ]; then
- if [ -L ${where}/${target}-${arch}.${extension} ]; then
- rootfs=`readlink -f ${where}/${target}-${arch}.${extension}`
- echo ${rootfs}
- return 0
- else
- for i in `dir ${where}`
- do
- # Exclude qemux86-64 when target is qemux86
- echo $i | grep "${target}-${arch}.*\.${extension}" | grep -qv "${target}-${arch}-64.*\.${extension}"
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- echo ${where}/${i}
- return 0
- fi
- done
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- return 1
-# function to parse IP address of target
-# $1 is the pid of qemu startup process
- local opid=$1
- local ip_addr=0
- if [ "$opid" = "0" -o "$opid" = "" ]; then
- echo ""
- return
- fi
- # Check if $1 pid exists and contains ipaddr of target
- ip_addr=`ps -wwfp $opid | grep -o "192\.168\.7\.[0-9]*::" | awk -F":" '{print $1}'`
- echo $ip_addr
- return
-# function to check if qemu and its network
- local timeout=$1
- shift
- local extraargs="$@"
- local up_time=0
- RUNQEMU=`which runqemu`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- Test_Error "Can not find runqemu in \$PATH, return fail"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ "$QEMUARCH" = "qemux86" -o "$QEMUARCH" = "qemux86-64" ]; then
- KERNEL=$(Test_Find_Image -l ${DEPLOY_DIR}/images -k bzImage -a ${QEMUARCH} -e "bin")
- elif [ "$QEMUARCH" = "qemuarm" -o "$QEMUARCH" = "spitz" -o "$QEMUARCH" = "borzoi" -o "$QEMUARCH" = "akita" -o "$QEMUARCH" = "nokia800" ]; then
- KERNEL=$(Test_Find_Image -l ${DEPLOY_DIR}/images -k zImage -a ${QEMUARCH})
- elif [ "$QEMUARCH" = "qemumips" -o "$QEMUARCH" = "qemuppc" ]; then
- KERNEL=$(Test_Find_Image -l ${DEPLOY_DIR}/images -k vmlinux -a ${QEMUARCH} -e "bin")
- fi
- # If there is no kernel image found, return failed directly
- if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
- Test_Info "No kernel image file found under ${DEPLOY_DIR}/images for ${QEMUARCH}, pls. have a check"
- return 1
- fi
- Test_Info "rootfs image extension selected: $ROOTFS_EXT"
- ROOTFS_IMAGE=$(Test_Find_Image -l ${DEPLOY_DIR}/images -t ${QEMUTARGET} -a ${QEMUARCH} -e "$ROOTFS_EXT")
- # If there is no rootfs image found, return failed directly
- if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
- Test_Info "No ${QEMUTARGET} rootfs image file found under ${DEPLOY_DIR}/images for ${QEMUARCH}, pls. have a check"
- return 1
- fi
- CP=`which cp`
- # When TEST_SERIALIZE is set, we use the existing image under tmp folder
- if [ ${TEST_SERIALIZE} -eq 1 -a -e "$TARGET_IPSAVE" ]; then
- # If TARGET_IPSAVE exists, check PID of the qemu process from it
- XTERMPID=`awk '{print $1}' $TARGET_IPSAVE`
- timeout=50
- else
- echo "Copying rootfs $ROOTFS_IMAGE to $TEST_ROOTFS_IMAGE"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- Test_Info "Image ${ROOTFS_IMAGE} copy to ${TEST_ROOTFS_IMAGE} failed, return fail"
- return 1
- fi
- # Create Qemu in localhost VNC Port 1
- echo "Running xterm -display ${DISPLAY} -e 'OE_TMPDIR=${OE_TMPDIR} ${RUNQEMU} ${KERNEL} ${TEST_ROOTFS_IMAGE} ${extraargs} 2>&1 | tee ${RUNQEMU_LOGFILE} || /bin/sleep 60' &"
- xterm -display ${DISPLAY} -e "OE_TMPDIR=${OE_TMPDIR} ${RUNQEMU} ${KERNEL} ${TEST_ROOTFS_IMAGE} ${extraargs} 2>&1 | tee ${RUNQEMU_LOGFILE} || /bin/sleep 60" &
- # Get the pid of the xterm processor, which will be used in Test_Kill_Qemu
- # When starting, qemu can reexecute itself and change PID so wait a short while for things to settle
- sleep 5
- fi
- while [ ${up_time} -lt 30 ]
- do
- QEMUPID=`qemuimage-testlib-pythonhelper --findqemu $XTERMPID 2>/dev/null`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- Test_Info "Wait for qemu up..."
- up_time=`expr $up_time + 5`
- sleep 5
- else
- Test_Info "Begin to check if qemu network is up"
- echo "QEMUPID is $QEMUPID"
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ ${up_time} == 30 ]; then
- Test_Info "No qemu process appeared to start, exiting"
- ps axww -O ppid
- Test_Info "Process list dumped for debugging purposes"
- Test_Info "runqemu output log:"
- echo
- return 1
- fi
- up_time=0
- # Parse IP address of target from the qemu command line
- echo "Target IP is ${TARGET_IPADDR}"
- if [ "${TARGET_IPADDR}" = "" -o "${TARGET_IPADDR}" = "0" ]; then
- Test_Info "There is no qemu process or qemu ip address found, return failed"
- ps -wwf
- ps axww -O ppid
- Test_Info "runqemu output log:"
- echo
- return 1
- fi
- while [ ${up_time} -lt ${timeout} ]
- do
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- Test_Info "Qemu Network is up, ping with ${TARGET_IPADDR} is OK within ${up_time} seconds"
- return 0
- else
- Test_Info "Wait for Qemu Network up"
- up_time=`expr $up_time + 5`
- sleep 5
- fi
- done
- Test_Info "Process list dumped for debugging purposes:"
- ps axww -O ppid
- Test_Info "runqemu output log:"
- Test_Info "Qemu or its network is not up in ${timeout} seconds"
- return 1
-# Function to prepare test project for toolchain test
-# $1 is the folder holding test project file
-# $2 is the test project name
- local toolchain_dir=$1
- if [ ! -d ${toolchain_dir} ]; then
- mkdir -p ${toolchain_dir}
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- ret=$?
- Test_Info "Create ${toolchain_dir} fail, return"
- return $ret
- fi
- fi
- # Download test project tarball if it does not exist
- if [ ! -f ${toolchain_dir}/${2}-${PROJECT_PV}.${suffix} ]; then
- wget -c -t 5 $PROJECT_DOWNLOAD_URL -O ${toolchain_dir}/${2}-${PROJECT_PV}.${suffix}
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- ret=$?
- Test_Info "Fail to download ${2}-${PROJECT_PV}.${suffix} from $PROJECT_DOWNLOAD_URL"
- rm -rf ${toolchain_dir}/${2}-${PROJECT_PV}.${suffix}
- return $ret
- fi
- fi
- # Extract the test project into ${TEST_TMP}
- tar jxf ${toolchain_dir}/${2}-${PROJECT_PV}.${suffix} -C ${TEST_TMP}
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- ret=$?
- Test_Info "Fail to extract ${2}-${PROJECT_PV}.${suffix} into ${TEST_TMP}"
- return $ret
- fi
- Test_Info "Extract ${2}-${PROJECT_PV}.${suffix} into ${TEST_TMP} successfully"
- return 0
-# Function to prepare toolchain environment
-# $1 is toolchain directory to hold toolchain tarball
-# $2 is prefix name for toolchain tarball
- local toolchain_dir=$1
- local sdk_name=$2
- local ret=1
- if [ ! -d ${toolchain_dir} ]; then
- Test_Info "No directory ${toolchain_dir}, which holds toolchain tarballs"
- return 1
- fi
- # Check if there is any toolchain tarball under $toolchain_dir with prefix $sdk_name
- for i in `dir ${toolchain_dir}`
- do
- echo $i | grep "${sdk_name}-toolchain-gmae"
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- rm -rf ${TEST_TMP}/opt
- tar jxf ${toolchain_dir}/${i} -C ${TEST_TMP}
- ret=$?
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
- Test_Info "Check if /opt is accessible for non-root user"
- # Check if the non-root test user has write access of $TOOLCHAIN_TEST
- if [ -d ${TOOLCHAIN_TEST} ]; then
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- Test_Info "Has no right to modify folder $TOOLCHAIN_TEST, pls. chown it to test user"
- return 2
- fi
- else
- mkdir -p ${TOOLCHAIN_TEST}
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- Test_Info "Has no right to create folder $TOOLCHAIN_TEST, pls. create it and chown it to test user"
- return 2
- fi
- fi
- # If there is a toolchain folder under $TOOLCHAIN_TEST, let's remove it
- if [ -d ${TOOLCHAIN_TEST}/poky ]; then
- rm -rf ${TOOLCHAIN_TEST}/poky
- fi
- # Copy toolchain into $TOOLCHAIN_TEST
- cp -r ${TEST_TMP}/opt/poky ${TOOLCHAIN_TEST}
- ret=$?
- if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
- Test_Info "Successfully copy toolchain into $TOOLCHAIN_TEST"
- return $ret
- else
- Test_Info "Meet error when copy toolchain into $TOOLCHAIN_TEST"
- return $ret
- fi
- else
- Test_Info "No tarball named ${sdk_name}-toolchain-gmae under ${toolchain_dir}"
- return $ret
- fi
-# Function to execute command and exit if run out of time
-# $1 is timeout value
-# $2 is the command to be executed
- local timeout=$1
- shift
- local command=$*
- local date=0
- local tmp=`mktemp`
- local ret=1
- local pid=0
- local ppid=0
- local i=0
- declare local pid_l
- # Run command in background
- ($command; echo $? > $tmp) &
- pid=$!
- while ps -e -o pid | grep -qw $pid; do
- if [ $date -ge $timeout ]; then
- Test_Info "$timeout Timeout when running command $command"
- rm -rf $tmp
- # Find all child processes of pid and kill them
- ppid=$pid
- ps -f --ppid $ppid
- ret=$?
- while [ $ret -eq 0 ]
- do
- # If yes, get the child pid and check if the child pid has other child pid
- # Continue the while loop until there is no child pid found
- pid_l[$i]=`ps -f --ppid $ppid | awk '{if ($2 != "PID") print $2}'`
- ppid=${pid_l[$i]}
- i=$((i+1))
- ps -f --ppid $ppid
- ret=$?
- done
- # Kill these children pids from the last one
- while [ $i -ne 0 ]
- do
- i=$((i-1))
- kill ${pid_l[$i]}
- sleep 2
- done
- # Kill the parent id
- kill $pid
- return 1
- fi
- sleep 5
- date=`expr $date + 5`
- done
- ret=`cat $tmp`
- rm -rf $tmp
- return $ret
-# Function to test toolchain
-# $1 is test project name
-# $2 is the timeout value
- local test_project=$1
- local timeout=$2
- local ret=1
- local suffix="tar.bz2"
- local env_setup=""
- local pro_install="${TEST_TMP}/pro_install"
- # Set value for PROJECT_PV and PROJECT_DOWNLOAD_URL accordingly
- if [ $test_project == "cvs" ]; then
- PROJECT_PV=1.12.13
- elif [ $test_project == "iptables" ]; then
- PROJECT_PV=1.4.11
- elif [ $test_project == "sudoku-savant" ]; then
- else
- Test_Info "Unknown test project name $test_project"
- return 1
- fi
- # Download test project and extract it
- Test_Project_Prepare $TOOLCHAIN_PROJECTS $test_project
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- Test_Info "Prepare test project file failed"
- return 1
- fi
- # Extract toolchain tarball into ${TEST_TMP}
- Test_Toolchain_Prepare $TOOLCHAIN_DIR $SDK_NAME
- ret=$?
- if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
- Test_Info "Prepare toolchain test environment failed"
- return $ret
- fi
- if [ ! -d ${pro_install} ]; then
- mkdir -p ${pro_install}
- fi
- # Begin to build test project in toolchain environment
- env_setup=`find ${TOOLCHAIN_TEST}/poky -name "environment-setup*"`
- source $env_setup
- if [ $test_project == "cvs" -o $test_project == "iptables" ]; then
- cd ${TEST_TMP}/${test_project}-${PROJECT_PV}
- Test_Time_Out $timeout ./configure ${CONFIGURE_FLAGS} || { Test_Info "configure failed with $test_project"; return 1; }
- Test_Time_Out $timeout make -j4 || { Test_Info "make failed with $test_project"; return 1; }
- Test_Time_Out $timeout make install DESTDIR=${pro_install} || { Test_Info "make failed with $test_project"; return 1; }
- cd -
- ret=0
- elif [ $test_project == "sudoku-savant" ]; then
- cd ${TEST_TMP}/${test_project}-${PROJECT_PV}
- Test_Time_Out $timeout ./configure ${CONFIGURE_FLAGS} || { Test_Info "configure failed with $test_project"; return 1; }
- Test_Time_Out $timeout make -j4 || { Test_Info "make failed with $test_project"; return 1; }
- cd -
- ret=0
- else
- Test_Info "Unknown test project $test_project"
- ret=1
- fi
- return $ret
- local tmplog=`mktemp`
- Test_SCP_From ${TARGET_IPADDR} /var/log/messages $tmplog
- echo "System logs:"
- cat $tmplog
- rm -f $tmplog