path: root/scripts/lib/mic/kickstart/__init__.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/lib/mic/kickstart/__init__.py')
1 files changed, 892 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/lib/mic/kickstart/__init__.py b/scripts/lib/mic/kickstart/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9a53343d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/mic/kickstart/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,892 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -tt
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Intel, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
+# Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+import os, sys, re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import string
+import pykickstart.sections as kssections
+import pykickstart.commands as kscommands
+import pykickstart.constants as ksconstants
+import pykickstart.errors as kserrors
+import pykickstart.parser as ksparser
+import pykickstart.version as ksversion
+from pykickstart.handlers.control import commandMap
+from pykickstart.handlers.control import dataMap
+from mic import msger
+from mic.utils import errors, misc, runner, fs_related as fs
+from custom_commands import desktop, micrepo, micboot, partition, installerfw
+AUTH_URL_PTN = r"(?P<scheme>.*)://(?P<username>.*)(:?P<password>.*)?@(?P<url>.*)"
+class PrepackageSection(kssections.Section):
+ sectionOpen = "%prepackages"
+ def handleLine(self, line):
+ if not self.handler:
+ return
+ (h, s, t) = line.partition('#')
+ line = h.rstrip()
+ self.handler.prepackages.add([line])
+ def handleHeader(self, lineno, args):
+ kssections.Section.handleHeader(self, lineno, args)
+class AttachmentSection(kssections.Section):
+ sectionOpen = "%attachment"
+ def handleLine(self, line):
+ if not self.handler:
+ return
+ (h, s, t) = line.partition('#')
+ line = h.rstrip()
+ self.handler.attachment.add([line])
+ def handleHeader(self, lineno, args):
+ kssections.Section.handleHeader(self, lineno, args)
+def apply_wrapper(func):
+ def wrapper(*kargs, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ func(*kargs, **kwargs)
+ except (OSError, IOError, errors.KsError), err:
+ cfgcls = kargs[0].__class__.__name__
+ if msger.ask("Failed to apply %s, skip and continue?" % cfgcls):
+ msger.warning("%s" % err)
+ pass
+ else:
+ # just throw out the exception
+ raise
+ return wrapper
+def read_kickstart(path):
+ """Parse a kickstart file and return a KickstartParser instance.
+ This is a simple utility function which takes a path to a kickstart file,
+ parses it and returns a pykickstart KickstartParser instance which can
+ be then passed to an ImageCreator constructor.
+ If an error occurs, a CreatorError exception is thrown.
+ """
+ #version = ksversion.makeVersion()
+ #ks = ksparser.KickstartParser(version)
+ using_version = ksversion.DEVEL
+ commandMap[using_version]["desktop"] = desktop.Mic_Desktop
+ commandMap[using_version]["repo"] = micrepo.Mic_Repo
+ commandMap[using_version]["bootloader"] = micboot.Mic_Bootloader
+ commandMap[using_version]["part"] = partition.Mic_Partition
+ commandMap[using_version]["partition"] = partition.Mic_Partition
+ commandMap[using_version]["installerfw"] = installerfw.Mic_installerfw
+ dataMap[using_version]["RepoData"] = micrepo.Mic_RepoData
+ dataMap[using_version]["PartData"] = partition.Mic_PartData
+ superclass = ksversion.returnClassForVersion(version=using_version)
+ class KSHandlers(superclass):
+ def __init__(self):
+ superclass.__init__(self, mapping=commandMap[using_version])
+ self.prepackages = ksparser.Packages()
+ self.attachment = ksparser.Packages()
+ ks = ksparser.KickstartParser(KSHandlers(), errorsAreFatal=False)
+ ks.registerSection(PrepackageSection(ks.handler))
+ ks.registerSection(AttachmentSection(ks.handler))
+ try:
+ ks.readKickstart(path)
+ except (kserrors.KickstartParseError, kserrors.KickstartError), err:
+ if msger.ask("Errors occured on kickstart file, skip and continue?"):
+ msger.warning("%s" % err)
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise errors.KsError("%s" % err)
+ return ks
+class KickstartConfig(object):
+ """A base class for applying kickstart configurations to a system."""
+ def __init__(self, instroot):
+ self.instroot = instroot
+ def path(self, subpath):
+ return self.instroot + subpath
+ def _check_sysconfig(self):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.path("/etc/sysconfig")):
+ fs.makedirs(self.path("/etc/sysconfig"))
+ def chroot(self):
+ os.chroot(self.instroot)
+ os.chdir("/")
+ def call(self, args):
+ if not os.path.exists("%s/%s" %(self.instroot, args[0])):
+ raise errors.KsError("Can't find %s in chroot" % args[0])
+ subprocess.call(args, preexec_fn = self.chroot)
+ def apply(self):
+ pass
+class LanguageConfig(KickstartConfig):
+ """A class to apply a kickstart language configuration to a system."""
+ @apply_wrapper
+ def apply(self, kslang):
+ self._check_sysconfig()
+ if kslang.lang:
+ f = open(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/i18n"), "w+")
+ f.write("LANG=\"" + kslang.lang + "\"\n")
+ f.close()
+class KeyboardConfig(KickstartConfig):
+ """A class to apply a kickstart keyboard configuration to a system."""
+ @apply_wrapper
+ def apply(self, kskeyboard):
+ #
+ # FIXME:
+ # should this impact the X keyboard config too?
+ # or do we want to make X be able to do this mapping?
+ #
+ #k = rhpl.keyboard.Keyboard()
+ #if kskeyboard.keyboard:
+ # k.set(kskeyboard.keyboard)
+ #k.write(self.instroot)
+ pass
+class TimezoneConfig(KickstartConfig):
+ """A class to apply a kickstart timezone configuration to a system."""
+ @apply_wrapper
+ def apply(self, kstimezone):
+ self._check_sysconfig()
+ tz = kstimezone.timezone or "America/New_York"
+ utc = str(kstimezone.isUtc)
+ f = open(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/clock"), "w+")
+ f.write("ZONE=\"" + tz + "\"\n")
+ f.write("UTC=" + utc + "\n")
+ f.close()
+ tz_source = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/%s" % (tz)
+ tz_dest = "/etc/localtime"
+ try:
+ cpcmd = fs.find_binary_inchroot('cp', self.instroot)
+ if cpcmd:
+ self.call([cpcmd, "-f", tz_source, tz_dest])
+ else:
+ cpcmd = fs.find_binary_path('cp')
+ subprocess.call([cpcmd, "-f",
+ self.path(tz_source),
+ self.path(tz_dest)])
+ except (IOError, OSError), (errno, msg):
+ raise errors.KsError("Timezone setting error: %s" % msg)
+class AuthConfig(KickstartConfig):
+ """A class to apply a kickstart authconfig configuration to a system."""
+ @apply_wrapper
+ def apply(self, ksauthconfig):
+ auth = ksauthconfig.authconfig or "--useshadow --enablemd5"
+ args = ["/usr/share/authconfig/authconfig.py", "--update", "--nostart"]
+ self.call(args + auth.split())
+class FirewallConfig(KickstartConfig):
+ """A class to apply a kickstart firewall configuration to a system."""
+ @apply_wrapper
+ def apply(self, ksfirewall):
+ #
+ # FIXME: should handle the rest of the options
+ #
+ if not os.path.exists(self.path("/usr/sbin/lokkit")):
+ return
+ if ksfirewall.enabled:
+ status = "--enabled"
+ else:
+ status = "--disabled"
+ self.call(["/usr/sbin/lokkit",
+ "-f", "--quiet", "--nostart", status])
+class RootPasswordConfig(KickstartConfig):
+ """A class to apply a kickstart root password configuration to a system."""
+ def unset(self):
+ self.call(["/usr/bin/passwd", "-d", "root"])
+ def set_encrypted(self, password):
+ self.call(["/usr/sbin/usermod", "-p", password, "root"])
+ def set_unencrypted(self, password):
+ for p in ("/bin/echo", "/usr/sbin/chpasswd"):
+ if not os.path.exists("%s/%s" %(self.instroot, p)):
+ raise errors.KsError("Unable to set unencrypted password due "
+ "to lack of %s" % p)
+ p1 = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/echo", "root:%s" %password],
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ preexec_fn = self.chroot)
+ p2 = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/sbin/chpasswd", "-m"],
+ stdin = p1.stdout,
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ preexec_fn = self.chroot)
+ p2.communicate()
+ @apply_wrapper
+ def apply(self, ksrootpw):
+ if ksrootpw.isCrypted:
+ self.set_encrypted(ksrootpw.password)
+ elif ksrootpw.password != "":
+ self.set_unencrypted(ksrootpw.password)
+ else:
+ self.unset()
+class UserConfig(KickstartConfig):
+ def set_empty_passwd(self, user):
+ self.call(["/usr/bin/passwd", "-d", user])
+ def set_encrypted_passwd(self, user, password):
+ self.call(["/usr/sbin/usermod", "-p", "%s" % password, user])
+ def set_unencrypted_passwd(self, user, password):
+ for p in ("/bin/echo", "/usr/sbin/chpasswd"):
+ if not os.path.exists("%s/%s" %(self.instroot, p)):
+ raise errors.KsError("Unable to set unencrypted password due "
+ "to lack of %s" % p)
+ p1 = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/echo", "%s:%s" %(user, password)],
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ preexec_fn = self.chroot)
+ p2 = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/sbin/chpasswd", "-m"],
+ stdin = p1.stdout,
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ preexec_fn = self.chroot)
+ p2.communicate()
+ def addUser(self, userconfig):
+ args = [ "/usr/sbin/useradd" ]
+ if userconfig.groups:
+ args += [ "--groups", string.join(userconfig.groups, ",") ]
+ if userconfig.name:
+ args += [ "-m"]
+ args += [ "-d", "/home/%s" % userconfig.name ]
+ args.append(userconfig.name)
+ try:
+ dev_null = os.open("/dev/null", os.O_WRONLY)
+ msger.debug('adding user with %s' % args)
+ subprocess.call(args,
+ stdout = dev_null,
+ stderr = dev_null,
+ preexec_fn = self.chroot)
+ os.close(dev_null)
+ except:
+ msger.warning('Cannot add user using "useradd"')
+ if userconfig.password not in (None, ""):
+ if userconfig.isCrypted:
+ self.set_encrypted_passwd(userconfig.name,
+ userconfig.password)
+ else:
+ self.set_unencrypted_passwd(userconfig.name,
+ userconfig.password)
+ else:
+ self.set_empty_passwd(userconfig.name)
+ else:
+ raise errors.KsError("Invalid kickstart command: %s" \
+ % userconfig.__str__())
+ @apply_wrapper
+ def apply(self, user):
+ for userconfig in user.userList:
+ self.addUser(userconfig)
+class ServicesConfig(KickstartConfig):
+ """A class to apply a kickstart services configuration to a system."""
+ @apply_wrapper
+ def apply(self, ksservices):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.path("/sbin/chkconfig")):
+ return
+ for s in ksservices.enabled:
+ self.call(["/sbin/chkconfig", s, "on"])
+ for s in ksservices.disabled:
+ self.call(["/sbin/chkconfig", s, "off"])
+class XConfig(KickstartConfig):
+ """A class to apply a kickstart X configuration to a system."""
+ @apply_wrapper
+ def apply(self, ksxconfig):
+ if ksxconfig.startX and os.path.exists(self.path("/etc/inittab")):
+ f = open(self.path("/etc/inittab"), "rw+")
+ buf = f.read()
+ buf = buf.replace("id:3:initdefault", "id:5:initdefault")
+ f.seek(0)
+ f.write(buf)
+ f.close()
+ if ksxconfig.defaultdesktop:
+ self._check_sysconfig()
+ f = open(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/desktop"), "w")
+ f.write("DESKTOP="+ksxconfig.defaultdesktop+"\n")
+ f.close()
+class DesktopConfig(KickstartConfig):
+ """A class to apply a kickstart desktop configuration to a system."""
+ @apply_wrapper
+ def apply(self, ksdesktop):
+ if ksdesktop.defaultdesktop:
+ self._check_sysconfig()
+ f = open(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/desktop"), "w")
+ f.write("DESKTOP="+ksdesktop.defaultdesktop+"\n")
+ f.close()
+ if os.path.exists(self.path("/etc/gdm/custom.conf")):
+ f = open(self.path("/etc/skel/.dmrc"), "w")
+ f.write("[Desktop]\n")
+ f.write("Session="+ksdesktop.defaultdesktop.lower()+"\n")
+ f.close()
+ if ksdesktop.session:
+ if os.path.exists(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/uxlaunch")):
+ f = open(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/uxlaunch"), "a+")
+ f.write("session="+ksdesktop.session.lower()+"\n")
+ f.close()
+ if ksdesktop.autologinuser:
+ self._check_sysconfig()
+ f = open(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/desktop"), "a+")
+ f.write("AUTOLOGIN_USER=" + ksdesktop.autologinuser + "\n")
+ f.close()
+ if os.path.exists(self.path("/etc/gdm/custom.conf")):
+ f = open(self.path("/etc/gdm/custom.conf"), "w")
+ f.write("[daemon]\n")
+ f.write("AutomaticLoginEnable=true\n")
+ f.write("AutomaticLogin=" + ksdesktop.autologinuser + "\n")
+ f.close()
+class MoblinRepoConfig(KickstartConfig):
+ """A class to apply a kickstart desktop configuration to a system."""
+ def __create_repo_section(self, repo, type, fd):
+ baseurl = None
+ mirrorlist = None
+ reposuffix = {"base":"", "debuginfo":"-debuginfo", "source":"-source"}
+ reponame = repo.name + reposuffix[type]
+ if type == "base":
+ if repo.baseurl:
+ baseurl = repo.baseurl
+ if repo.mirrorlist:
+ mirrorlist = repo.mirrorlist
+ elif type == "debuginfo":
+ if repo.baseurl:
+ if repo.baseurl.endswith("/"):
+ baseurl = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(repo.baseurl))
+ else:
+ baseurl = os.path.dirname(repo.baseurl)
+ baseurl += "/debug"
+ if repo.mirrorlist:
+ variant = repo.mirrorlist[repo.mirrorlist.find("$"):]
+ mirrorlist = repo.mirrorlist[0:repo.mirrorlist.find("$")]
+ mirrorlist += "debug" + "-" + variant
+ elif type == "source":
+ if repo.baseurl:
+ if repo.baseurl.endswith("/"):
+ baseurl = os.path.dirname(
+ os.path.dirname(
+ os.path.dirname(repo.baseurl)))
+ else:
+ baseurl = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(repo.baseurl))
+ baseurl += "/source"
+ if repo.mirrorlist:
+ variant = repo.mirrorlist[repo.mirrorlist.find("$"):]
+ mirrorlist = repo.mirrorlist[0:repo.mirrorlist.find("$")]
+ mirrorlist += "source" + "-" + variant
+ fd.write("[" + reponame + "]\n")
+ fd.write("name=" + reponame + "\n")
+ fd.write("failovermethod=priority\n")
+ if baseurl:
+ auth_url = re.compile(AUTH_URL_PTN)
+ m = auth_url.match(baseurl)
+ if m:
+ baseurl = "%s://%s" % (m.group('scheme'), m.group('url'))
+ fd.write("baseurl=" + baseurl + "\n")
+ if mirrorlist:
+ fd.write("mirrorlist=" + mirrorlist + "\n")
+ """ Skip saving proxy settings """
+ #if repo.proxy:
+ # fd.write("proxy=" + repo.proxy + "\n")
+ #if repo.proxy_username:
+ # fd.write("proxy_username=" + repo.proxy_username + "\n")
+ #if repo.proxy_password:
+ # fd.write("proxy_password=" + repo.proxy_password + "\n")
+ if repo.gpgkey:
+ fd.write("gpgkey=" + repo.gpgkey + "\n")
+ fd.write("gpgcheck=1\n")
+ else:
+ fd.write("gpgcheck=0\n")
+ if type == "source" or type == "debuginfo" or repo.disable:
+ fd.write("enabled=0\n")
+ else:
+ fd.write("enabled=1\n")
+ fd.write("\n")
+ def __create_repo_file(self, repo, repodir):
+ fs.makedirs(self.path(repodir))
+ f = open(self.path(repodir + "/" + repo.name + ".repo"), "w")
+ self.__create_repo_section(repo, "base", f)
+ if repo.debuginfo:
+ self.__create_repo_section(repo, "debuginfo", f)
+ if repo.source:
+ self.__create_repo_section(repo, "source", f)
+ f.close()
+ @apply_wrapper
+ def apply(self, ksrepo, repodata, repourl):
+ for repo in ksrepo.repoList:
+ if repo.name in repourl:
+ repo.baseurl = repourl[repo.name]
+ if repo.save:
+ #self.__create_repo_file(repo, "/etc/yum.repos.d")
+ self.__create_repo_file(repo, "/etc/zypp/repos.d")
+ """ Import repo gpg keys """
+ if repodata:
+ for repo in repodata:
+ if repo['repokey']:
+ runner.quiet(['rpm',
+ "--root=%s" % self.instroot,
+ "--import",
+ repo['repokey']])
+class RPMMacroConfig(KickstartConfig):
+ """A class to apply the specified rpm macros to the filesystem"""
+ @apply_wrapper
+ def apply(self, ks):
+ if not ks:
+ return
+ if not os.path.exists(self.path("/etc/rpm")):
+ os.mkdir(self.path("/etc/rpm"))
+ f = open(self.path("/etc/rpm/macros.imgcreate"), "w+")
+ if exclude_docs(ks):
+ f.write("%_excludedocs 1\n")
+ f.write("%__file_context_path %{nil}\n")
+ if inst_langs(ks) != None:
+ f.write("%_install_langs ")
+ f.write(inst_langs(ks))
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.close()
+class NetworkConfig(KickstartConfig):
+ """A class to apply a kickstart network configuration to a system."""
+ def write_ifcfg(self, network):
+ p = self.path("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + network.device)
+ f = file(p, "w+")
+ os.chmod(p, 0644)
+ f.write("DEVICE=%s\n" % network.device)
+ f.write("BOOTPROTO=%s\n" % network.bootProto)
+ if network.bootProto.lower() == "static":
+ if network.ip:
+ f.write("IPADDR=%s\n" % network.ip)
+ if network.netmask:
+ f.write("NETMASK=%s\n" % network.netmask)
+ if network.onboot:
+ f.write("ONBOOT=on\n")
+ else:
+ f.write("ONBOOT=off\n")
+ if network.essid:
+ f.write("ESSID=%s\n" % network.essid)
+ if network.ethtool:
+ if network.ethtool.find("autoneg") == -1:
+ network.ethtool = "autoneg off " + network.ethtool
+ f.write("ETHTOOL_OPTS=%s\n" % network.ethtool)
+ if network.bootProto.lower() == "dhcp":
+ if network.hostname:
+ f.write("DHCP_HOSTNAME=%s\n" % network.hostname)
+ if network.dhcpclass:
+ f.write("DHCP_CLASSID=%s\n" % network.dhcpclass)
+ if network.mtu:
+ f.write("MTU=%s\n" % network.mtu)
+ f.close()
+ def write_wepkey(self, network):
+ if not network.wepkey:
+ return
+ p = self.path("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/keys-" + network.device)
+ f = file(p, "w+")
+ os.chmod(p, 0600)
+ f.write("KEY=%s\n" % network.wepkey)
+ f.close()
+ def write_sysconfig(self, useipv6, hostname, gateway):
+ path = self.path("/etc/sysconfig/network")
+ f = file(path, "w+")
+ os.chmod(path, 0644)
+ f.write("NETWORKING=yes\n")
+ if useipv6:
+ f.write("NETWORKING_IPV6=yes\n")
+ else:
+ f.write("NETWORKING_IPV6=no\n")
+ if hostname:
+ f.write("HOSTNAME=%s\n" % hostname)
+ else:
+ f.write("HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain\n")
+ if gateway:
+ f.write("GATEWAY=%s\n" % gateway)
+ f.close()
+ def write_hosts(self, hostname):
+ localline = ""
+ if hostname and hostname != "localhost.localdomain":
+ localline += hostname + " "
+ l = hostname.split(".")
+ if len(l) > 1:
+ localline += l[0] + " "
+ localline += "localhost.localdomain localhost"
+ path = self.path("/etc/hosts")
+ f = file(path, "w+")
+ os.chmod(path, 0644)
+ f.write("\t\t%s\n" % localline)
+ f.write("::1\t\tlocalhost6.localdomain6 localhost6\n")
+ f.close()
+ def write_resolv(self, nodns, nameservers):
+ if nodns or not nameservers:
+ return
+ path = self.path("/etc/resolv.conf")
+ f = file(path, "w+")
+ os.chmod(path, 0644)
+ for ns in (nameservers):
+ if ns:
+ f.write("nameserver %s\n" % ns)
+ f.close()
+ @apply_wrapper
+ def apply(self, ksnet):
+ fs.makedirs(self.path("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts"))
+ useipv6 = False
+ nodns = False
+ hostname = None
+ gateway = None
+ nameservers = None
+ for network in ksnet.network:
+ if not network.device:
+ raise errors.KsError("No --device specified with "
+ "network kickstart command")
+ if (network.onboot and network.bootProto.lower() != "dhcp" and
+ not (network.ip and network.netmask)):
+ raise errors.KsError("No IP address and/or netmask "
+ "specified with static "
+ "configuration for '%s'" %
+ network.device)
+ self.write_ifcfg(network)
+ self.write_wepkey(network)
+ if network.ipv6:
+ useipv6 = True
+ if network.nodns:
+ nodns = True
+ if network.hostname:
+ hostname = network.hostname
+ if network.gateway:
+ gateway = network.gateway
+ if network.nameserver:
+ nameservers = network.nameserver.split(",")
+ self.write_sysconfig(useipv6, hostname, gateway)
+ self.write_hosts(hostname)
+ self.write_resolv(nodns, nameservers)
+def use_installerfw(ks, feature):
+ """ Check if the installer framework has to be used for a feature
+ "feature". """
+ features = ks.handler.installerfw.features
+ if features:
+ if feature in features or "all" in features:
+ return True
+ return False
+def get_image_size(ks, default = None):
+ __size = 0
+ for p in ks.handler.partition.partitions:
+ if p.mountpoint == "/" and p.size:
+ __size = p.size
+ if __size > 0:
+ return int(__size) * 1024L * 1024L
+ else:
+ return default
+def get_image_fstype(ks, default = None):
+ for p in ks.handler.partition.partitions:
+ if p.mountpoint == "/" and p.fstype:
+ return p.fstype
+ return default
+def get_image_fsopts(ks, default = None):
+ for p in ks.handler.partition.partitions:
+ if p.mountpoint == "/" and p.fsopts:
+ return p.fsopts
+ return default
+def get_modules(ks):
+ devices = []
+ if isinstance(ks.handler.device, kscommands.device.FC3_Device):
+ devices.append(ks.handler.device)
+ else:
+ devices.extend(ks.handler.device.deviceList)
+ modules = []
+ for device in devices:
+ if not device.moduleName:
+ continue
+ modules.extend(device.moduleName.split(":"))
+ return modules
+def get_timeout(ks, default = None):
+ if not hasattr(ks.handler.bootloader, "timeout"):
+ return default
+ if ks.handler.bootloader.timeout is None:
+ return default
+ return int(ks.handler.bootloader.timeout)
+def get_kernel_args(ks, default = "ro rd.live.image"):
+ if not hasattr(ks.handler.bootloader, "appendLine"):
+ return default
+ if ks.handler.bootloader.appendLine is None:
+ return default
+ return "%s %s" %(default, ks.handler.bootloader.appendLine)
+def get_menu_args(ks, default = ""):
+ if not hasattr(ks.handler.bootloader, "menus"):
+ return default
+ if ks.handler.bootloader.menus in (None, ""):
+ return default
+ return "%s" % ks.handler.bootloader.menus
+def get_default_kernel(ks, default = None):
+ if not hasattr(ks.handler.bootloader, "default"):
+ return default
+ if not ks.handler.bootloader.default:
+ return default
+ return ks.handler.bootloader.default
+def get_repos(ks, repo_urls=None):
+ repos = {}
+ for repo in ks.handler.repo.repoList:
+ inc = []
+ if hasattr(repo, "includepkgs"):
+ inc.extend(repo.includepkgs)
+ exc = []
+ if hasattr(repo, "excludepkgs"):
+ exc.extend(repo.excludepkgs)
+ baseurl = repo.baseurl
+ mirrorlist = repo.mirrorlist
+ if repo_urls and repo.name in repo_urls:
+ baseurl = repo_urls[repo.name]
+ mirrorlist = None
+ if repos.has_key(repo.name):
+ msger.warning("Overriding already specified repo %s" %(repo.name,))
+ proxy = None
+ if hasattr(repo, "proxy"):
+ proxy = repo.proxy
+ proxy_username = None
+ if hasattr(repo, "proxy_username"):
+ proxy_username = repo.proxy_username
+ proxy_password = None
+ if hasattr(repo, "proxy_password"):
+ proxy_password = repo.proxy_password
+ if hasattr(repo, "debuginfo"):
+ debuginfo = repo.debuginfo
+ if hasattr(repo, "source"):
+ source = repo.source
+ if hasattr(repo, "gpgkey"):
+ gpgkey = repo.gpgkey
+ if hasattr(repo, "disable"):
+ disable = repo.disable
+ ssl_verify = True
+ if hasattr(repo, "ssl_verify"):
+ ssl_verify = repo.ssl_verify == "yes"
+ nocache = False
+ if hasattr(repo, "nocache"):
+ nocache = repo.nocache
+ cost = None
+ if hasattr(repo, "cost"):
+ cost = repo.cost
+ priority = None
+ if hasattr(repo, "priority"):
+ priority = repo.priority
+ repos[repo.name] = (repo.name, baseurl, mirrorlist, inc, exc,
+ proxy, proxy_username, proxy_password, debuginfo,
+ source, gpgkey, disable, ssl_verify, nocache,
+ cost, priority)
+ return repos.values()
+def convert_method_to_repo(ks):
+ try:
+ ks.handler.repo.methodToRepo()
+ except (AttributeError, kserrors.KickstartError):
+ pass
+def get_attachment(ks, required=()):
+ return ks.handler.attachment.packageList + list(required)
+def get_pre_packages(ks, required=()):
+ return ks.handler.prepackages.packageList + list(required)
+def get_packages(ks, required=()):
+ return ks.handler.packages.packageList + list(required)
+def get_groups(ks, required=()):
+ return ks.handler.packages.groupList + list(required)
+def get_excluded(ks, required=()):
+ return ks.handler.packages.excludedList + list(required)
+def get_partitions(ks):
+ return ks.handler.partition.partitions
+def ignore_missing(ks):
+ return ks.handler.packages.handleMissing == ksconstants.KS_MISSING_IGNORE
+def exclude_docs(ks):
+ return ks.handler.packages.excludeDocs
+def inst_langs(ks):
+ if hasattr(ks.handler.packages, "instLange"):
+ return ks.handler.packages.instLange
+ elif hasattr(ks.handler.packages, "instLangs"):
+ return ks.handler.packages.instLangs
+ return ""
+def get_post_scripts(ks):
+ scripts = []
+ for s in ks.handler.scripts:
+ if s.type != ksparser.KS_SCRIPT_POST:
+ continue
+ scripts.append(s)
+ return scripts
+def add_repo(ks, repostr):
+ args = repostr.split()
+ repoobj = ks.handler.repo.parse(args[1:])
+ if repoobj and repoobj not in ks.handler.repo.repoList:
+ ks.handler.repo.repoList.append(repoobj)
+def remove_all_repos(ks):
+ while len(ks.handler.repo.repoList) != 0:
+ del ks.handler.repo.repoList[0]
+def remove_duplicate_repos(ks):
+ i = 0
+ j = i + 1
+ while True:
+ if len(ks.handler.repo.repoList) < 2:
+ break
+ if i >= len(ks.handler.repo.repoList) - 1:
+ break
+ name = ks.handler.repo.repoList[i].name
+ baseurl = ks.handler.repo.repoList[i].baseurl
+ if j < len(ks.handler.repo.repoList):
+ if (ks.handler.repo.repoList[j].name == name or \
+ ks.handler.repo.repoList[j].baseurl == baseurl):
+ del ks.handler.repo.repoList[j]
+ else:
+ j += 1
+ if j >= len(ks.handler.repo.repoList):
+ i += 1
+ j = i + 1
+ else:
+ i += 1
+ j = i + 1
+def resolve_groups(creatoropts, repometadata):
+ iszypp = False
+ if 'zypp' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']:
+ iszypp = True
+ ks = creatoropts['ks']
+ for repo in repometadata:
+ """ Mustn't replace group with package list if repo is ready for the
+ corresponding package manager.
+ """
+ if iszypp and repo["patterns"]:
+ continue
+ if not iszypp and repo["comps"]:
+ continue
+ # But we also must handle such cases, use zypp but repo only has comps,
+ # use yum but repo only has patterns, use zypp but use_comps is true,
+ # use yum but use_comps is false.
+ groupfile = None
+ if iszypp and repo["comps"]:
+ groupfile = repo["comps"]
+ get_pkglist_handler = misc.get_pkglist_in_comps
+ if not iszypp and repo["patterns"]:
+ groupfile = repo["patterns"]
+ get_pkglist_handler = misc.get_pkglist_in_patterns
+ if groupfile:
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ if i >= len(ks.handler.packages.groupList):
+ break
+ pkglist = get_pkglist_handler(
+ ks.handler.packages.groupList[i].name,
+ groupfile)
+ if pkglist:
+ del ks.handler.packages.groupList[i]
+ for pkg in pkglist:
+ if pkg not in ks.handler.packages.packageList:
+ ks.handler.packages.packageList.append(pkg)
+ else:
+ i = i + 1