path: root/meta/classes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/classes')
28 files changed, 1747 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_app_generate_security_files.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_app_generate_security_files.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac21866de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_app_generate_security_files.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_app_generate_security_files
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every application that needs
+# to generate permission and role files from its appinfo.json.
+# This will happen implicitly, as all such applications will inherit from
+# webos_app, which inherits this class.
+# Keep this code in sync with that in appinstalld that does the same thing
+# until [DRD-4417] is implemented.
+inherit webos_system_bus
+def webos_app_generate_security_files_write_permission_file(d, app_info):
+ import os
+ import json
+ app_id = app_info["id"]
+ key = app_id + "-*"
+ type = app_info["type"]
+ permission = {}
+ if "requiredPermissions" in app_info:
+ permission[key] = app_info["requiredPermissions"]
+ else:
+ permission[key] = []
+ pub_bus = False
+ prv_bus = False
+ trust_level = app_info.get("trustLevel", "default")
+ if trust_level == "default":
+ pub_bus = True
+ elif trust_level == "trusted":
+ pub_bus = True
+ prv_bus = True
+ elif trust_level == "netcast":
+ # According to
+ # netcast level dosn't have access to public and private bus
+ pass
+ else:
+ bb.fatal("Unexpected trustLevel: " + trust_level)
+ if type == "web":
+ if "com.palm." in app_id or "com.webos." in app_id:
+ prv_bus = True
+ elif type == "qml":
+ prv_bus = True
+ pub_bus = True
+ if prv_bus:
+ permission[key].append("private")
+ pub_bus = True
+ if pub_bus:
+ permission[key].append("public")
+ dst_dir = d.getVar("D", True)
+ permissions_dir = d.getVar("webos_sysbus_permissionsdir", True)
+ permission_file = permissions_dir + "/" + app_id + ".app.json"
+ if not os.path.exists(dst_dir + permissions_dir):
+ os.makedirs(dst_dir + permissions_dir)
+ with open(dst_dir + permission_file, "w") as f:
+ json.dump(permission, f, indent=4)
+ f.write("\n")
+ return permission_file
+def webos_app_generate_security_files_write_role_file(d, app_info):
+ import os
+ import json
+ app_id = app_info["id"]
+ role = {}
+ role["appId"] = app_id
+ role["type"] = "regular"
+ role["allowedNames"] = [app_id + "-*"]
+ role["permissions"] = [{"service": app_id + "-*", "outbound": ["*"] }]
+ dst_dir = d.getVar("D", True)
+ roles_dir = d.getVar("webos_sysbus_rolesdir", True)
+ role_file = roles_dir + "/" + app_id + ".app.json"
+ if not os.path.exists(dst_dir + roles_dir):
+ os.makedirs(dst_dir + roles_dir)
+ with open(dst_dir + role_file, "w") as f:
+ json.dump(role, f, indent=4)
+ f.write("\n")
+ return role_file
+def webos_app_generate_security_files_get_immediate_subdirectories(root):
+ import os
+ return [name for name in os.listdir(root)
+ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, name))]
+def webos_app_generate_security_files_comment_remover(text):
+ import re
+ def replacer(match):
+ s =
+ return "" if s.startswith('/') else s
+ pattern = re.compile(r'//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"',
+ )
+ return re.sub(pattern, replacer, text)
+def webos_app_generate_security_files_read_json(file):
+ """ Read a JSON file with comments: //, /**/ """
+ import json
+ with open(file, "r") as f:
+ content =
+ content = webos_app_generate_security_files_comment_remover(content)
+ return json.loads(content)
+fakeroot python do_configure_security() {
+ import json
+ import os.path
+ return
+ dst_dir = d.getVar("D", True)
+ app_dir = dst_dir + d.getVar("webos_applicationsdir", True)
+ # ignore component that isn't app
+ if not os.path.exists(app_dir):
+ return
+ roles_dir = dst_dir + d.getVar("webos_sysbus_rolesdir", True)
+ pub_roles_dir = dst_dir + d.getVar("webos_sysbus_pubrolesdir", True)
+ prv_roles_dir = dst_dir + d.getVar("webos_sysbus_prvrolesdir", True)
+ apps = webos_app_generate_security_files_get_immediate_subdirectories(app_dir)
+ pkg_name = d.getVar("PN", True)
+ for app in apps:
+ app_info_file = app_dir + "/" + app + "/appinfo.json"
+ # ignore app that doesn't have appinfo.json
+ if not os.path.exists(app_info_file):
+ continue
+ # ignore app that already has role file
+ role_file = roles_dir + "/" + app + ".role.json"
+ if os.path.exists(role_file):
+ continue
+ # ignore app that already has public role file
+ pub_role_file = pub_roles_dir + "/" + app + ".json"
+ if os.path.exists(pub_role_file):
+ continue
+ # ignore app that already has private role file
+ prv_role_file = prv_roles_dir + "/" + app + ".json"
+ if os.path.exists(prv_role_file):
+ continue
+ app_info = webos_app_generate_security_files_read_json(app_info_file)
+ type = app_info["type"]
+ if type in ["qml", "web"]:
+ role_file = webos_app_generate_security_files_write_role_file(d, app_info)
+ permission_file = webos_app_generate_security_files_write_permission_file(d, app_info)
+addtask configure_security after do_install before do_package
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_arch_indep.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_arch_indep.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6d450ca65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_arch_indep.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2014 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_arch_indep
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component that is CPU
+# architecture independent.
+inherit allarch
+python () {
+ if'webos_machine_dep', d) or'webos_machine_impl_dep', d):
+ pa = d.getVar('PACKAGE_ARCH', True)
+ if pa == "all":
+ pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
+ bb.error("%s: You should inherit webos_machine_dep or webos_machine_impl_dep _after_ webos_arch_indep to set PACKAGE_ARCH to MACHINE_ARCH" % pn)
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_autotools.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_autotools.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..feb81f920a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_autotools.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_autotools
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component that uses
+# autotools for configuration.
+inherit autotools
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_cmake.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_cmake.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa94626f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_cmake.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2015 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_cmake
+# This class is to be inherited by every recipe in meta-webos whose component
+# uses CMake. It adds a dependency on cmake-modules-webos-native, which will be
+# extraneous until the component is converted, but who cares?
+# Expects that webos_submissions or webos_enhanced_submissions will also be
+# inherited (for WEBOS_COMPONENT_VERSION).
+# Extra variable is needed to be able to inhibit this dependency in case
+# we have some recipe which can reuse this bbclass but without this dependency.
+WEBOS_CMAKE_DEPENDS = "cmake-modules-webos-native"
+inherit cmake
+inherit webos_filesystem_paths
+WEBOS_TARGET_CORE_OS ?= "rockhopper"
+# XXX Should error if WEBOS_COMPONENT_VERSION is unset
+ if'webos_core_os_dep', d) and not'native', d) else \
+ '' \
+# XXX Add webos_kernel_dep() to webOS.cmake that adds WEBOS_TARGET_KERNEL_HEADERS to the search path
+ if'webos_kernel_dep', d) and not'native', d) else \
+ '' \
+EXTRA_OECMAKE_KERNEL_HEADERS[vardepsexclude] = "${@ \
+ '' \
+ if'webos_kernel_dep', d) and not'native', d) else \
+ if'webos_machine_dep', d) and not'native', d) else \
+ '' \
+# If SOC_FAMILY is empty, don't add -DWEBOS_TARGET_SOC_FAMILY.
+ if'webos_soc_family_dep', d) and not'native', d) and (d.getVar('SOC_FAMILY', True) or '') != '' else \
+ '' \
+ if'webos_machine_impl_dep', d) and not'native', d) else \
+ '' \
+ if'webos_machine_variant_dep', d) and not'native', d) else \
+ '' \
+# If DISTRO is unset, don't add -DWEBOS_TARGET_DISTRO. If it is set, always pass
+# it, even for -native components.
+ if'webos_distro_dep', d) and (d.getVar('DISTRO', True) or '') != '' else \
+ '' \
+ if'webos_distro_variant_dep', d) and not'native', d) else \
+ '' \
+# This information is always useful to have around
+# Fixup in case CMake files don't recognize the new value i586 for
+do_generate_toolchain_file_append() {
+ sed '/CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR/ s/i586/i686/' -i ${WORKDIR}/toolchain.cmake
+# Record how cmake was invoked
+do_configure_append() {
+ # Keep in sync with how cmake_do_configure() invokes cmake
+ echo $(which cmake) \
+ ${S} \
+ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${WORKDIR}/toolchain.cmake \
+ -Wno-dev > ${WORKDIR}/cmake.status
+# Used in webOS.cmake _webos_set_from_env
+export webos_bootdir
+export webos_browserpluginsdir
+export webos_defaultconfdir
+export webos_execstatedir
+export webos_firmwaredir
+export webos_homedir
+export webos_logdir
+export webos_mediadir
+export webos_mntdir
+export webos_pkgconfigdir
+export webos_preservedtmpdir
+export webos_qtpluginsdir
+export webos_runtimeinfodir
+export webos_srcdir
+export webos_udevscriptsdir
+export webos_upstartconfdir
+export webos_prefix
+export webos_localstatedir
+export webos_sysconfdir
+export webos_accttemplatesdir
+export webos_applicationsdir
+export webos_frameworksdir
+export webos_keysdir
+export webos_pluginsdir
+export webos_servicesdir
+export webos_soundsdir
+export webos_sysmgrdir
+export webos_db8datadir
+export webos_filecachedir
+export webos_preferencesdir
+export webos_sysbus_pubservicesdir
+export webos_sysbus_prvservicesdir
+export webos_sysbus_pubrolesdir
+export webos_sysbus_prvrolesdir
+export webos_sysbus_dynpubservicesdir
+export webos_sysbus_dynprvservicesdir
+export webos_sysbus_dynpubrolesdir
+export webos_sysbus_dynprvrolesdir
+export webos_sysbus_devpubservicesdir
+export webos_sysbus_devprvservicesdir
+export webos_sysbus_devpubrolesdir
+export webos_sysbus_devprvrolesdir
+export webos_sysmgr_datadir
+export webos_sysmgr_localstatedir
+export webos_cryptofsdir
+export webos_browserstoragedir
+export webos_downloadeddir
+export webos_downloadeddir
+export webos_downloaded_applicationsdir
+export webos_downloaded_applicationsdir
+export webos_downloaded_frameworksdir
+export webos_downloaded_pluginsdir
+export webos_downloaded_servicesdir
+export webos_persistentstoragedir
+export webos_db8mediadir
+export webos_mountablestoragedir
+export webos_mountablestoragedir
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_component.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_component.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e29bdf46d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_component.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_component
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component developed by
+# Palm that has had any do_*() task code required for its standalone Ubuntu desktop
+# build to work moved to be in its CMakeLists/Makefile and is able to support
+# having the filesystem layout rooted at /opt/webos.
+inherit webos_fs_layout
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_configure_manifest.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_configure_manifest.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2278f9c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_configure_manifest.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 LG Electronics, Inc.
+inherit webos_filesystem_paths
+def webos_configure_manifest_template():
+ manifest = {}
+ manifest["id"] = ""
+ manifest["version"] = "1.0.0"
+ return manifest
+def webos_configure_manifest_warn(d, message):
+ pn = d.getVar("BPN", True)
+ bb.warn("webos_configure_manifest: warning in package: %s, with message: %s" % (pn, message))
+def webos_configure_manifest_lookup_files_by_ext(d, dir_var, ext):
+ ret = []
+ dst = d.getVar("D", True)
+ rel_dir = d.getVar(dir_var, True)
+ abs_dir = dst + rel_dir
+ if not os.path.exists(abs_dir):
+ return ret
+ for f in os.listdir(abs_dir):
+ if f.endswith(ext):
+ ret.append(os.path.join(rel_dir, f))
+ return sorted(ret)
+def webos_configure_manifest_lookup_file_by_name(d, dir_name, srv_name):
+ dst = d.getVar("D", True)
+ rel_dir = d.getVar(dir_name, True)
+ abs_dir = dst + rel_dir
+ if not os.path.exists(abs_dir):
+ return None
+ for f in os.listdir(abs_dir):
+ if srv_name in f:
+ return os.path.join(rel_dir, f)
+ return None
+def webos_configure_manifest_find_file_by_name_or_pn(d, dirpath, name, ext):
+ f = webos_configure_manifest_lookup_file_by_name(d, dirpath, name + ext)
+ return f
+def webos_configure_manifest_service(d):
+ import os.path
+ dirs = [ "webos_sysbus_servicedir", "webos_sysbus_pubservicesdir", "webos_sysbus_prvservicesdir" ]
+ def generate_manifests(d, dirpath):
+ found_srvs = webos_configure_manifest_lookup_files_by_ext(d, dirpath, ".service")
+ manifests = []
+ for srv in found_srvs:
+ srv_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(srv))[0]
+ manifest = webos_configure_manifest_template()
+ manifest["id"] = srv_name
+ manifest["serviceFiles"] = [srv]
+ role = None
+ if "pub" in dirpath:
+ role = webos_configure_manifest_find_file_by_name_or_pn(d, "webos_sysbus_pubrolesdir", srv_name, ".role.json")
+ if role: manifest["roleFilesPub"] = [role]
+ elif "prv" in dirpath:
+ role = webos_configure_manifest_find_file_by_name_or_pn(d, "webos_sysbus_prvrolesdir", srv_name, ".role.json")
+ if role: manifest["roleFilesPrv"] = [role]
+ else:
+ role = webos_configure_manifest_find_file_by_name_or_pn(d, "webos_sysbus_rolesdir", srv_name, ".role.json")
+ if role: manifest["roleFiles"] = [role]
+ provides = webos_configure_manifest_find_file_by_name_or_pn(d, "webos_sysbus_apipermissionsdir", srv_name, ".api.json")
+ if provides: manifest["apiPermissionFiles"] = [provides]
+ requires = webos_configure_manifest_find_file_by_name_or_pn(d, "webos_sysbus_permissionsdir", srv_name, ".perm.json")
+ if requires: manifest["clientPermissionFiles"] = [requires]
+ if role:
+ manifests.append(manifest)
+ else:
+ webos_configure_manifest_warn(d, "Can not distinguish role file for service %s" % srv_name)
+ return manifests
+ manifests = generate_manifests(d, dirs[0])
+ if len(manifests) != 0:
+ return manifests
+ manifests_pub = generate_manifests(d, dirs[1]) # public directory
+ manifests_prv = generate_manifests(d, dirs[2]) # private direcotry
+ # merge public and private to one manifest
+ manifests = []
+ # some packages don't provide both files
+ for manifest_pub in manifests_pub:
+ manifest = webos_configure_manifest_template()
+ manifest["id"] = manifest_pub["id"]
+ if "serviceFiles" in manifest_pub:
+ manifest["serviceFiles"] = manifest_pub["serviceFiles"]
+ if "roleFilesPub" in manifest_pub:
+ manifest["roleFilesPub"] = manifest_pub["roleFilesPub"]
+ manifests.append(manifest)
+ for manifest_prv in manifests_prv:
+ manifest = None
+ for manifest in manifests:
+ if manifest["id"] == manifest_prv["id"]:
+ break
+ if manifest is None:
+ # There is not any public manifest, generate new
+ manifest = webos_configure_manifest_template()
+ manifest["id"] = manifest_prv["id"]
+ manifests.append(manifest)
+ if "serviceFiles" in manifest_prv:
+ if "serviceFiles" in manifest:
+ manifest["serviceFiles"].extend(manifest_prv["serviceFiles"])
+ else:
+ manifest["serviceFiles"] = manifest_prv["serviceFiles"]
+ if "roleFilesPrv" in manifest_prv:
+ manifest["roleFilesPrv"] = manifest_prv["roleFilesPrv"]
+ return manifests
+def webos_configure_manifest_comment_remover(text):
+ import re
+ def replacer(match):
+ s =
+ return "" if s.startswith('/') else s
+ pattern = re.compile(r'//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
+ return re.sub(pattern, replacer, text)
+def webos_configure_manifest_application_from_appinfo(d, app_info_file):
+ import json
+ import os.path
+ manifest = webos_configure_manifest_template()
+ with open(app_info_file, "r") as f:
+ app_info = json.loads(webos_configure_manifest_comment_remover(
+ def is_valid_version(version):
+ """
+ This function checks that string is valid version string
+ according to
+ """
+ import re
+ pattern = re.compile("^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"
+ "(?:-([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?"
+ "(?:\+([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?$")
+ return re.match(pattern, version)
+ manifest["id"] = app_info["id"]
+ manifest["version"] = app_info["version"]
+ if not is_valid_version(manifest["version"]):
+ webos_configure_manifest_warn(d, "Incompatible version string found in %s" % app_info_file)
+ dst = d.getVar("D", True)
+ # Possible behaviuors:
+ # 1. There is native or native_builtin type
+ # 1.1. The role is merged to service file
+ # 1.2. The role is installed in place
+ # 2. There is not native or native_builtin type, role files are generated by webos_app_configure_security
+ if "native" in app_info["type"]:
+ def warn_mismatch(d, dirpath):
+ files = webos_configure_manifest_lookup_files_by_ext(d, dirpath, ".json")
+ if len(files) == 0:
+ return False
+ webos_configure_manifest_warn(d, "Can not determinate role file for application %s" % manifest["id"])
+ webos_configure_manifest_warn(d, "Possible name mismatch required %s but found %s"
+ % (manifest["id"], ', '.join(files)))
+ return True
+ role_file = webos_configure_manifest_find_file_by_name_or_pn(d, "webos_sysbus_rolesdir", app_info["id"], ".json")
+ if role_file:
+ manifest["roleFile"] = [role_file]
+ provides = webos_configure_manifest_find_file_by_name_or_pn(d, "webos_sysbus_apipermissionsdir", app_info["id"], ".json")
+ if provides: manifest["apiPermissionFiles"]= [provides]
+ requires = webos_configure_manifest_find_file_by_name_or_pn(d, "webos_sysbus_permissionsdir", app_info["id"], ".json")
+ if requires: manifest["clientPermissionFiles"] = [requires]
+ return manifest
+ if warn_mismatch(d, "webos_sysbus_rolesdir"):
+ return None
+ role_file_pub = webos_configure_manifest_find_file_by_name_or_pn(d, "webos_sysbus_pubrolesdir", app_info["id"], ".json")
+ role_file_prv = webos_configure_manifest_find_file_by_name_or_pn(d, "webos_sysbus_prvrolesdir", app_info["id"], ".json")
+ if not role_file_pub and not role_file_prv:
+ warn_mismatch(d, "webos_sysbus_pubrolesdir")
+ warn_mismatch(d, "webos_sysbus_prvrolesdir")
+ return None
+ if role_file_pub: manifest["roleFilesPub"] = [role_file_pub]
+ if role_file_prv: manifest["roleFilesPrv"] = [role_file_prv]
+ else:
+ role_dir_rel = d.getVar("webos_sysbus_rolesdir", True)
+ role_file = os.path.join(role_dir_rel, manifest["id"] + ".app.json")
+ if not os.path.exists(dst + role_file):
+ webos_configure_manifest_warn(d, "Can not determinate role file for application %s" % manifest["id"])
+ return None
+ perm_dir = d.getVar("webos_sysbus_permissionsdir", True)
+ perm_file = os.path.join(perm_dir, manifest["id"] + ".app.json")
+ if not os.path.exists(dst + perm_file):
+ webos_configure_manifest_warn(d, "Can not determinate client permissions file for application %s" % manifest["id"])
+ return None
+ manifest["roleFiles"] = [role_file]
+ manifest["clientPermissionFiles"] = [perm_file]
+ return manifest
+def webos_configure_manifest_application(d):
+ import os
+ manifests = []
+ def get_immediate_subdirectories(root):
+ return [name for name in os.listdir(root)
+ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, name))]
+ dst = d.getVar("D", True)
+ app_dir = dst + d.getVar("webos_applicationsdir", True)
+ if not os.path.exists(app_dir):
+ return manifests
+ apps_dir = get_immediate_subdirectories(app_dir)
+ if len(apps_dir) == 0:
+ webos_configure_manifest_warn(d, "There aren't any app in application dir")
+ for app in apps_dir:
+ app_info_file = os.path.join(app_dir, os.path.join(app, 'appinfo.json'))
+ if not os.path.exists(app_info_file):
+ # ignore application template
+ if app_dir == d.getVar("BPN", True) and len(apps_dir) != 1:
+ webos_configure_manifest_warn(d, "There is no application info for %s" % app)
+ continue
+ manifest = webos_configure_manifest_application_from_appinfo(d, app_info_file)
+ if not manifest is None:
+ manifests.append(manifest)
+ return manifests
+def webos_configure_manifest_package(d):
+ import os
+ pn = d.getVar("BPN", True)
+ manifest = webos_configure_manifest_template()
+ manifest["id"] = pn
+ role = webos_configure_manifest_lookup_files_by_ext(d, "webos_sysbus_rolesdir", ".json")
+ if role: manifest["roleFiles"] = role
+ role_pub = webos_configure_manifest_lookup_files_by_ext(d, "webos_sysbus_pubrolesdir", ".json")
+ if role_pub: manifest["roleFilesPub"] = role_pub
+ role_prv = webos_configure_manifest_lookup_files_by_ext(d, "webos_sysbus_prvrolesdir", ".json")
+ if role_prv: manifest["roleFilesPrv"] = role_prv
+ srv = []
+ srv.extend(webos_configure_manifest_lookup_files_by_ext(d, "webos_sysbus_servicedir", ".service"))
+ srv.extend(webos_configure_manifest_lookup_files_by_ext(d, "webos_sysbus_pubservicesdir", ".service"))
+ srv.extend(webos_configure_manifest_lookup_files_by_ext(d, "webos_sysbus_prvservicesdir", ".service"))
+ if srv: manifest["serviceFiles"] = srv
+ provides = webos_configure_manifest_lookup_files_by_ext(d, "webos_sysbus_apipermissionsdir", ".json")
+ if provides: manifest["apiPermissionFiles"] = provides
+ requires = webos_configure_manifest_lookup_files_by_ext(d, "webos_sysbus_permissionsdir", ".json")
+ if requires: manifest["clientPermissionFiles"] = requires
+ return [manifest]
+fakeroot python do_configure_manifest() {
+ import os, json
+ manifests = []
+ manifest_type = d.getVar("WEBOS_SYSTEM_BUS_MANIFEST_TYPE", True)
+ if manifest_type == "SERVICE":
+ manifests.extend(webos_configure_manifest_service(d))
+ elif manifest_type == "APPLICATION":
+ manifests.extend(webos_configure_manifest_application(d))
+ elif manifest_type == "PACKAGE":
+ manifests.extend(webos_configure_manifest_package(d))
+ elif manifest_type == "PASS":
+ return
+ else:
+ webos_configure_manifest_warn(d, "Unrecognized manifest type %s" % manifest_type)
+ if len(manifests) == 0:
+ webos_configure_manifest_warn(d, "No manifests were configured")
+ return
+ man_dir = d.getVar("D", True) + d.getVar("webos_sysbus_manifestsdir", True)
+ if not os.path.exists(man_dir):
+ os.makedirs(man_dir)
+ for manifest in manifests:
+ name = os.path.join(man_dir, manifest["id"] + ".manifest.json")
+ with open(name, "w+") as f:
+ json.dump(manifest, f, indent = 4, sort_keys = False)
+ f.write("\n")
+addtask configure_manifest after do_install do_configure_security before do_package
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_core_os_dep.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_core_os_dep.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a48ab09c5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_core_os_dep.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_core_os_dep
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component is dependent
+# on the core OS at build time.
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_daemon.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_daemon.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..412393f76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_daemon.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_daemon
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component that installs
+# a daemon.
+# We expect all daemons will use pkgconfig when building.
+inherit webos_pkgconfig
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_distro_dep.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_distro_dep.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9952655d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_distro_dep.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_distro_dep
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component that depends
+# on DISTRO at build time.
+# Append this to EXTRA_OEMAKE to allow your makefile be DISTRO-dependent:
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_distro_variant_dep.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_distro_variant_dep.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0222708b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_distro_variant_dep.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2018 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_distro_variant_dep
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component that depends
+# When different from the default ("normal"), WEBOS_TARGET_DISTRO_VARIANT is
+# set in MACHINE.conf and WEBOS_DISTRO_NAME_SUFFIX is set in
+# distro/include/<DISTRO>-<WEBOS_TARGET_DISTRO_VARIANT>.inc .
+# Inheriting this class arranges for two overrides to be added that are selected
+# ahead of "<DISTRO>":
+# - "distrovariant-<WEBOS_TARGET_DISTRO_VARIANT>", which is meant to be used when
+# an override applies to all DISTRO-s that have a particular variant.
+# - "<DISTRO>-<WEBOS_TARGET_DISTRO_VARIANT>", which is meant to be used when an
+# override applies to a particular DISTRO with that variant.
+# "distrovariant-<WEBOS_TARGET_DISTRO_VARIANT>" is selected ahead of
+# Append this to EXTRA_OEMAKE to allow your makefile be distro variant-dependent:
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_enhanced_submissions.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_enhanced_submissions.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4ad2b856d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_enhanced_submissions.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2018 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_enhanced_submissions
+# Parse a WEBOS_VERSION in the following format:
+# <component-version>-<enhanced-submission>
+# where <enhanced-submission> is of the form:
+# <submission>_<40-character-SHA-1>[;branch=<branch>]
+# The default tag name is the webOS convention for submission tags, i.e.,
+# they are of the form:
+# submissions/<decimal-integer> (default branch: "master")
+# or, when the submission is from some permanent branch:
+# submissions/<name>.<decimal-integer> (default branch: "@<name>")
+# where <decimal-integer> does not contain leading zeros.
+# <name> is the branch name without leading '@' and can have following forms:
+# <decimal-integer> when the branch was created from submissions/<decimal-integer>.
+# <decimal-integer>.<codename> when the branch was also created from
+# submissions/<decimal-integer> tag, but for some specific <codename> release.
+# <decimal-integer>.<codename>.<decimal-integer> is used for multiple levels of
+# branched submissions, e.g. NN.<codename>.MM.PP is PP-th submission along the
+# @NN.<codename>.MM branch.
+# The default branch name value can be overriden by "branch" parameter in WEBOS_VERSION
+# or by setting WEBOS_GIT_PARAM_BRANCH.
+# The default tag name can be overriden by setting WEBOS_GIT_PARAM_TAG.
+# WEBOS_SUBMISSION '0' has special meaning to disable check
+# that selected SHA-1 is matching with submissions tag
+# There is limited support for recipes with multiple git repositories in SRC_URI.
+# Exactly one of them needs to have empty 'name' parameter or 'name' parameter with
+# value 'main' and this one will get SRCREV set and verified by this bbclass.
+inherit webos_submissions
+def webos_enhsub_get_srcrev(d, webos_v):
+ webos_srcrev = webos_version_get_srcrev(webos_v)
+ webos_submission = d.getVar('WEBOS_SUBMISSION', True)
+ # submission 0 means that we're using:
+ # a) AUTOREV
+ # b) SHA-1 possibly not included in any tag or branch
+ # c) something else (like reference to a Gerrit review)
+ #
+ # a) and b) should be set in SRCREV
+ # c) should be set in WEBOS_GIT_PARAM_TAG with WEBOS_GIT_TAG enabled and let git ls-remote resolve it
+ # Another way to handle c) is to override WEBOS_GIT_TAG directly with ";tag=<ref>"
+ if webos_submission == '0':
+ # return only valid SRCREV or "AUTOINC", otherwise "INVALID"
+ if webos_srcrev == "AUTOINC" or not (len(webos_srcrev) != 40 or (False in [c in "abcdef0123456789" for c in webos_srcrev])):
+ return webos_srcrev
+ else:
+ return "INVALID"
+ if webos_srcrev == None or len(webos_srcrev) != 40 or (False in [c in "abcdef0123456789" for c in webos_srcrev]):
+ file = d.getVar('FILE', True)
+ webos_git_repo_tag = d.getVar('WEBOS_GIT_REPO_TAG', True) or "submissions/%s" % webos_submission
+ bb.fatal(("%s: WEBOS_VERSION needs to end with _<SHA-1> where " +
+ "<SHA-1> is the 40-character identifier of '%s' tag")
+ % (file, webos_git_repo_tag))
+ # only valid SRCREVs at this point
+ return webos_srcrev
+def webos_enhsub_get_tag(d, webos_v):
+ webos_submission = d.getVar('WEBOS_SUBMISSION', True)
+ webos_git_repo_tag = d.getVar('WEBOS_GIT_REPO_TAG', True) or "submissions/%s" % webos_submission
+ return webos_git_repo_tag
+# Set WEBOS_SRCREV to value from WEBOS_VERSION.
+WEBOS_SRCREV = "${@webos_enhsub_get_srcrev(d, '${WEBOS_VERSION}')}"
+# we don't include SRCPV in PV, so we have to manually include SRCREVs in do_fetch vardeps
+do_fetch[vardeps] += "SRCREV_main SRCREV"
+# append WEBOS_PV_SUFFIX to PV when you're using 0 as WEBOS_SUBMISSION to make it clear which SHA-1 was built
+# srcrev is mandatory and enough, don't put tag= in SRC_URI
+# to reenable you need to set WEBOS_GIT_TAG to ";tag=${WEBOS_GIT_PARAM_TAG}"
+WEBOS_GIT_PARAM_TAG = "${@webos_enhsub_get_tag(d, '${WEBOS_VERSION}')}"
+WEBOS_GIT_PARAM_BRANCH = "${@webos_version_get_branch('${WEBOS_VERSION}')}"
+# When SRCREV isn't SHA-1 show error
+do_fetch[prefuncs] += "webos_enhsub_srcrev_sanity_check"
+# '0' in 'webos_submission' is used with AUTOREV or SHA-1 without matching tag
+# show non-fatal ERROR to make sure that it's not accidentally merged in master
+python webos_enhsub_srcrev_sanity_check() {
+ srcrev = d.getVar('SRCREV', True)
+ webos_submission = d.getVar('WEBOS_SUBMISSION', True)
+ if webos_submission == '0':
+ webos_version = d.getVar('WEBOS_VERSION', True)
+ pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
+ file = d.getVar('FILE', True)
+ msg = "WEBOS_VERSION '%s' for recipe '%s' (file '%s') contains submission 0, which indicates using AUTOREV or SHA-1 without matching tag and cannot be used in official builds." % (webos_version, pn, file)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-autorev-error", msg, d)
+ elif (len(srcrev) != 40 or (False in [c in "abcdef0123456789" for c in srcrev])):
+ file = d.getVar('FILE', True)
+ bb.error("%s: SRCREV needs to contain 40-character SHA1" % file)
+# When both SRCREV and WEBOS_SUBMISSION are defined check that they correspond
+# This only compares tag and SHA-1 in local checkout (without using git ls-remote)
+# This check is executed only when do_fetch is executed, that means that if someone
+# moves the tag in remote repository, we won't notice it until do_fetch is re-executed.
+do_unpack[postfuncs] += "submission_sanity_check"
+python submission_sanity_check() {
+ def webos_enhsub_remote_update(d, u, pn, checkout):
+ """ Runs git remote update to fetch newly added tags or updated branches in case one of the checks fails
+ It runs git remote update twice, first in DL_DIR (e.g. downloads/git2/
+ then in actuall checkout in WORKDIR, because we're already in do_unpack task and sanity checks are
+ executed in WORKDIR.
+ This isn't as efficient as the implementation in newer bitbake, because PREMIRROR tarballs aren't
+ recreated after this git remote update, so local builds will fetch the tarball and also run own
+ git remote update until PREMIRROR tarball is updated by fetching even newer SRCREV.
+ """
+ bb.debug(2, "Running git remote update for pn '%s', checkout '%s'" % (pn, checkout))
+ fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([u], d)
+ localpath = fetcher.localpath(u)
+ bb.warn("Fetcher accessing the network, because sanity check failed %s, %s" % (u, localpath))
+ cmd = "cd %s && git remote update" % (localpath)
+ try:
+ output = bb.fetch.runfetchcmd(cmd, d, quiet=True)
+ except bb.fetch2.FetchError:
+ msg = "Unable to update '%s' checkout for recipe '%s'" % (localpath, pn)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ # and the same in WORKDIR
+ cmd = "cd %s && git remote update" % (checkout)
+ try:
+ output = bb.fetch.runfetchcmd(cmd, d, quiet=True)
+ except bb.fetch2.FetchError:
+ msg = "Unable to update '%s' checkout for recipe '%s'" % (checkout, pn)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ def webos_enhsub_tag_sanity_check(d, fetcher, u, pn, tag_param, rev, webos_git_repo_tag, checkout, file, first=True):
+ """ Checks that tag:
+ 1) exists
+ 2) is annotated (not lightweight)
+ 3) uniq
+ 4) matches with selected SRCREV
+ """
+ bb.debug(2, "sanity check for tag in pn '%s', tag_param '%s', rev '%s', webos_git_repo_tag '%s', checkout '%s'" % (pn, tag_param, rev, webos_git_repo_tag, checkout))
+ cmd = "cd %s && git tag -l 2>/dev/null | grep '^%s$' | wc -l" % (checkout, webos_git_repo_tag)
+ tag_exists = bb.fetch.runfetchcmd(cmd, d).strip()
+ if tag_exists != "1":
+ if first:
+ webos_enhsub_remote_update(d, u, pn, checkout)
+ webos_enhsub_tag_sanity_check(d, fetcher, u, pn, tag_param, rev, webos_git_repo_tag, checkout, file, False)
+ return
+ else:
+ localpath = fetcher.localpath(u)
+ msg = "The tag '%s' for recipe '%s' (file '%s') doesn't exist in local checkout of SHA-1 '%s'. It's possible that the tag already exists in a remote repository, but your local checkout (or checkout downloaded as a tarball from PREMIRROR) contains the requested SHA-1 without a tag assigned to it (this cannot happen with annotated tags, because they have their own SHA-1 which either exists or not). Please update your checkout in %s by executing git fetch --tags and run again." % (webos_git_repo_tag, pn, file, rev, localpath)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ return
+ # for annotated tags there are 2 SHA-1s and we don't care which one is used (same source)
+ # $ git show-ref -d --tags 0.5
+ # 70fb05fd340ab342c5132dc8bfa174dbe6c9d330 refs/tags/0.5
+ # 215f9c884d0139c93feea940d255dc3575678218 refs/tags/0.5^{}
+ # prefix with 'refs/tags/' so that partial tags aren't matched, e.g. librolegen:
+ # $ git show-ref -d --tags 18
+ # cbedc69733f65cd2f498787a621c014e219d38ab refs/tags/submissions/18
+ # 9040954a24115b05219e7dd459dcf91ad05cc739 refs/tags/submissions/18^{}
+ # $ git show-ref -d --tags refs/tags/18
+ # <nothing>
+ cmd = "cd %s && git show-ref -d --tags refs/tags/%s" % (checkout, webos_git_repo_tag)
+ tag_srcrevs = bb.fetch.runfetchcmd(cmd, d).strip().split('\n')
+ found_srcrev = False
+ if len(tag_srcrevs) > 2:
+ msg = "The reference refs/tags/%s is matching more than 2 entries for recipe '%s' (file '%s'):\n%s" % (webos_git_repo_tag, pn, file, '\n'.join(tag_srcrevs))
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ if len(tag_srcrevs) == 1:
+ if first:
+ webos_enhsub_remote_update(d, u, pn, checkout)
+ webos_enhsub_tag_sanity_check(d, fetcher, u, pn, tag_param, rev, webos_git_repo_tag, checkout, file, False)
+ return
+ else:
+ msg = "The tag '%s' for recipe '%s' (file '%s') is lightweight tag, please use annotated tag in next submission" % (webos_git_repo_tag, pn, file)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ for tag_srcrev in tag_srcrevs:
+ (sha, name) = tag_srcrev.split()
+ if sha == rev:
+ found_srcrev = True
+ if tag_srcrev != tag_srcrevs[0] or tag_srcrev.find("^{}") == len(tag_srcrev) - 3:
+ msg = "The tag '%s' for recipe '%s' (file '%s') is annotated, but WEBOS_VERSION '%s' is using SHA-1 of last commit included, not of the tag itself '%s'" % (webos_git_repo_tag, pn, file, webos_version, tag_srcrevs[0].split()[0])
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ if not found_srcrev:
+ if first:
+ webos_enhsub_remote_update(d, u, pn, checkout)
+ webos_enhsub_tag_sanity_check(d, fetcher, u, pn, tag_param, rev, webos_git_repo_tag, checkout, file, False)
+ return
+ else:
+ if len(tag_srcrevs) < 1:
+ msg = "The SHA-1 '%s' defined in WEBOS_VERSION for recipe '%s' (file '%s') doesn't match with tag '%s', tag couldn't be found in refs/tags/" % (rev, pn, file, webos_git_repo_tag)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ elif len(tag_srcrevs) == 1:
+ msg = "The SHA-1 '%s' defined in WEBOS_VERSION for recipe '%s' (file '%s') doesn't match with tag '%s', which is seen as SHA-1 '%s'" % (rev, pn, file, webos_git_repo_tag, tag_srcrevs[0].split()[0])
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ else:
+ msg = "The SHA-1 '%s' defined in WEBOS_VERSION for recipe '%s' (file '%s') doesn't match with tag '%s', which is seen as SHA-1s:\n%s" % (rev, pn, file, webos_git_repo_tag, '\n'.join(tag_srcrevs))
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ def webos_enhsub_branch_sanity_check(d, u, fetcher, branch_in_webos_version, branch_in_src_uri, pn, file, checkout, rev, first=True):
+ """ Checks that selected SRCREV is included in selected branch
+ duplicates bitbake's git fetcher functionality added in
+ """
+ bb.debug(2, "sanity check for branch in pn '%s', branch_in_webos_version '%s', branch_in_src_uri '%s', rev '%s', checkout '%s'" % (pn, branch_in_webos_version, branch_in_src_uri, rev, checkout))
+ if branch_in_src_uri != branch_in_webos_version:
+ msg = "Branch is set in WEBOS_VERSION '%s' for recipe '%s' (file '%s') as well as in SRC_URI '%s' and they don't match" % (branch_in_webos_version, pn, file, branch_in_src_uri)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ cmd = "cd %s && git branch -a --contains %s --list origin/%s 2> /dev/null | wc -l" % (checkout, rev, branch_in_webos_version)
+ try:
+ output = bb.fetch.runfetchcmd(cmd, d, quiet=True)
+ except bb.fetch2.FetchError:
+ msg = "Unable to check if SHA-1 '%s' defined in WEBOS_VERSION for recipe '%s' (file '%s') is included in branch '%s'" % (rev, pn, file, branch)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ if len(output.split()) > 1:
+ msg = "Unable to check if SHA-1 '%s' defined in WEBOS_VERSION for recipe '%s' (file '%s') is included in branch '%s', unexpected output from '%s': '%s'" % (rev, pn, file, branch_in_webos_version, cmd, output)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ if output.split()[0] == "0":
+ if first:
+ webos_enhsub_remote_update(d, u, pn, checkout)
+ webos_enhsub_branch_sanity_check(d, u, fetcher, branch_in_webos_version, branch_in_src_uri, pn, file, checkout, rev, False)
+ return
+ else:
+ msg = "Revision '%s' defined in WEBOS_VERSION for recipe '%s' (file '%s') isn't included in branch '%s'" % (rev, pn, file, branch_in_webos_version)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ src_uri = (d.getVar('SRC_URI', True) or "").split()
+ if len(src_uri) == 0:
+ return
+ externalsrc = d.getVar('EXTERNALSRC', True) or ""
+ if len(externalsrc) != 0:
+ return
+ found_first = False
+ workdir = d.getVar('WORKDIR', True)
+ pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
+ file = d.getVar('FILE', True)
+ fetcher = bb.fetch.Fetch(src_uri, d)
+ urldata = fetcher.ud
+ autoinc_templ = 'AUTOINC+'
+ for u in urldata:
+ tag_param = urldata[u].parm['tag'] if 'tag' in urldata[u].parm else None
+ name_param = urldata[u].parm['name'] if 'name' in urldata[u].parm else 'main'
+ if urldata[u].type == 'git' and name_param == 'main':
+ if found_first:
+ msg = "webos_enhanced_submission bbclass has limited support for recipes with multiple git repos in SRC_URI. They have to have different 'name' parameter and the one which points to repository with submissions tag should have 'name=main'. Recipe '%s' (file '%s') has multiple git repos with 'main' name or without names" % (pn, file)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-warning", msg, d)
+ break
+ found_first = True
+ destsuffix_param = urldata[u].parm['destsuffix'] if 'destsuffix' in urldata[u].parm else 'git'
+ webos_version = d.getVar('WEBOS_VERSION', True)
+ srcrev = d.getVar('SRCREV', True)
+ name = urldata[u].parm['name'] if 'name' in urldata[u].parm else 'default'
+ try:
+ rev = urldata[u].method.sortable_revision(urldata[u], d, name)
+ except TypeError:
+ # support old bitbake versions
+ rev = urldata[u].method.sortable_revision(u, urldata[u], d, name)
+ # Clean this up when we next bump bitbake version
+ if type(rev) != str:
+ autoinc, rev = rev
+ elif rev.startswith(autoinc_templ):
+ rev = rev[len(autoinc_templ):]
+ webos_git_repo_tag = d.getVar('WEBOS_GIT_REPO_TAG', True)
+ webos_submission = d.getVar('WEBOS_SUBMISSION', True)
+ default_webos_git_repo_tag = "submissions/%s" % webos_submission
+ if not srcrev:
+ # Recipe needs to have SRCREV set one way or another
+ # it could be in WEBOS_VERSION, from AUTOREV or by explicit SRCREV assignment
+ msg = "Recipe '%s' (file '%s') doesn't contain SRCREV" % (pn, file)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ if not webos_git_repo_tag:
+ webos_git_repo_tag = default_webos_git_repo_tag
+ elif webos_git_repo_tag == default_webos_git_repo_tag:
+ msg = "Don't set WEBOS_GIT_REPO_TAG when the component is using default scheme 'submissions/${WEBOS_SUBMISSION}' in recipe '%s' (file '%s')" % (pn, file)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-error", msg, d)
+ checkout = "%s/%s" % (workdir, destsuffix_param)
+ # '0' in 'webos_submission' is used with AUTOREV -> so don't check AUTOREV against submissions/0 tag
+ if webos_submission != '0' and webos_git_repo_tag and rev:
+ webos_enhsub_tag_sanity_check(d, fetcher, u, pn, tag_param, rev, webos_git_repo_tag, checkout, file)
+ if not 'nobranch' in urldata[u].parm or urldata[u].parm['nobranch'] != "1":
+ branch_in_src_uri = urldata[u].parm['branch'] if 'branch' in urldata[u].parm else 'master'
+ branch_in_webos_version = d.getVar('WEBOS_GIT_PARAM_BRANCH', True)
+ webos_enhsub_branch_sanity_check(d, u, fetcher, branch_in_webos_version, branch_in_src_uri, pn, file, checkout, rev)
+ if not found_first:
+ msg = "Recipe '%s' (file '%s') doesn't have git repository without 'name' parameter or with 'name=main' in SRC_URI, webos_enhanced_submission bbclass shouldn't be inherited here (it has nothing to do)" % (pn, file)
+ package_qa_handle_error("webos-enh-sub-warning", msg, d)
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_filesystem_paths.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_filesystem_paths.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8865f5b08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_filesystem_paths.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2018 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# Variables invented by webOS for standard locations
+webos_bootdir = "${base_prefix}/boot"
+webos_browserpluginsdir = "${libdir}/BrowserPlugins"
+webos_defaultconfdir = "${sysconfdir}/default"
+webos_execstatedir = "${localstatedir}/lib"
+webos_fontsdir = "${datadir}/fonts"
+webos_homedir = "${base_prefix}/home"
+webos_firmwaredir = "${base_libdir}/firmware"
+webos_logdir = "${localstatedir}/log"
+webos_mediadir = "${base_prefix}/media"
+webos_mntdir = "${base_prefix}/mnt"
+# Discourage use of ${libdir}/pkgconfig by not providing a variable for it.
+webos_pkgconfigdir = "${datadir}/pkgconfig"
+webos_preservedtmpdir = "${localstatedir}/tmp"
+# Having a Qt plugins directory is standard, but the value used by webOS OSE isn't.
+webos_qtpluginsdir = "${libdir}/qt5/plugins"
+webos_runtimeinfodir = "${localstatedir}/run"
+webos_srcdir = "${prefix}/src"
+webos_udevscriptsdir = "${base_libdir}/udev"
+webos_upstartconfdir = "${sysconfdir}/event.d"
+# Variables for webOS additions to the filesystem hierarchy
+# Increment this every time values for the variables below change. But
+# don't increment if merely adding a new variable for an existing location.
+webos_prefix = "${prefix}/palm"
+webos_localstatedir = "${localstatedir}/palm"
+webos_sysconfdir = "${sysconfdir}/palm"
+# The /palm/ subdirectories have been deliberately left as literals.
+webos_accttemplatesdir = "${prefix}/palm/public/accounts"
+# This is the location of webOS applications, both JS and native. There is a
+# subdirectory tree for each application that is named using its complete name.
+webos_applicationsdir = "${prefix}/palm/applications"
+webos_frameworksdir = "${prefix}/palm/frameworks"
+webos_keysdir = "${prefix}/palm/data"
+# This is the location of the pre-installed catalog apps IPKs
+webos_picapkgdir = "${webos_mntdir}/pica"
+# This is the location of webOS application plugins. There is a subdirectory for
+# each application that is named using the final field of its complete name.
+webos_pluginsdir = "${prefix}/palm/plugins"
+# This is the location of the trees for JS services; the files for native (dynamic)
+# services are located under sbindir, libdir, etc. as if they were Linux daemons.
+webos_servicesdir = "${prefix}/palm/services"
+webos_smartkeydatadir = "${prefix}/palm/smartkey"
+webos_soundsdir = "${prefix}/palm/sounds"
+webos_sysmgrdir = "${prefix}/palm/sysmgr"
+# Note that everything under localstatedir is erased by a NYX_SYSTEM_ERASE_VAR
+# erasure.
+webos_db8datadir = "${localstatedir}/db"
+webos_filecachedir = "${localstatedir}/file-cache"
+webos_preferencesdir = "${localstatedir}/preferences"
+webos_sysbus_prefix = "${datadir}"
+webos_sysbus_datadir = "${webos_sysbus_prefix}/luna-service2"
+webos_sysbus_dyndatadir = "${localstatedir}/luna-service2"
+webos_sysbus_devdatadir = "${localstatedir}/luna-service2-dev"
+webos_sysbus_apipermissionsdir = "${webos_sysbus_datadir}/api-permissions.d"
+webos_sysbus_dynapipermissionsdir = "${webos_sysbus_dyndatadir}/api-permissions.d"
+webos_sysbus_devapipermissionsdir = "${webos_sysbus_devdatadir}/api-permissions.d"
+webos_sysbus_containersdir = "${webos_sysbus_datadir}/containers.d"
+webos_sysbus_permissionsdir = "${webos_sysbus_datadir}/client-permissions.d"
+webos_sysbus_dynpermissionsdir = "${webos_sysbus_dyndatadir}/client-permissions.d"
+webos_sysbus_devpermissionsdir = "${webos_sysbus_devdatadir}/client-permissions.d"
+webos_sysbus_rolesdir = "${webos_sysbus_datadir}/roles.d"
+webos_sysbus_dynrolesdir = "${webos_sysbus_dyndatadir}/roles.d"
+webos_sysbus_devrolesdir = "${webos_sysbus_devdatadir}/roles.d"
+webos_sysbus_servicedir = "${webos_sysbus_datadir}/services.d"
+webos_sysbus_dynservicedir = "${webos_sysbus_dyndatadir}/services.d"
+webos_sysbus_devservicesdir = "${webos_sysbus_devdatadir}/services.d"
+webos_sysbus_manifestsdir = "${webos_sysbus_datadir}/manifests.d"
+webos_sysbus_dynmanifestsdir = "${webos_sysbus_dyndatadir}/manifests.d"
+webos_sysbus_devmanifestsdir = "${webos_sysbus_devdatadir}/manifests.d"
+webos_sysbus_groupsdir = "${webos_sysbus_datadir}/groups.d"
+# Legacy sysbus locations
+webos_sysbus_pubservicesdir = "${webos_sysbus_prefix}/dbus-1/services"
+webos_sysbus_prvservicesdir = "${webos_sysbus_prefix}/dbus-1/system-services"
+webos_sysbus_pubrolesdir = "${webos_sysbus_prefix}/ls2/roles/pub"
+webos_sysbus_prvrolesdir = "${webos_sysbus_prefix}/ls2/roles/prv"
+webos_sysbus_dynpubservicesdir = "${localstatedir}/palm/ls2/services/pub"
+webos_sysbus_dynprvservicesdir = "${localstatedir}/palm/ls2/services/prv"
+webos_sysbus_dynpubrolesdir = "${localstatedir}/palm/ls2/roles/pub"
+webos_sysbus_dynprvrolesdir = "${localstatedir}/palm/ls2/roles/prv"
+webos_sysbus_devpubservicesdir = "${localstatedir}/palm/ls2-dev/services/pub"
+webos_sysbus_devprvservicesdir = "${localstatedir}/palm/ls2-dev/services/prv"
+webos_sysbus_devpubrolesdir = "${localstatedir}/palm/ls2-dev/roles/pub"
+webos_sysbus_devprvrolesdir = "${localstatedir}/palm/ls2-dev/roles/prv"
+webos_sysmgr_datadir = "${libdir}/luna"
+webos_sysmgr_localstatedir = "${localstatedir}/luna"
+webos_cryptofsdir = "${webos_mediadir}/cryptofs"
+# Everything under this tree is erased by a NYX_SYSTEM_ERASE_VAR erasure.
+webos_browserstoragedir = "${webos_cryptofsdir}/.browser"
+# This is the tree for components downloaded from the app catalog; everything
+# under this tree is erased by a NYX_SYSTEM_ERASE_VAR erasure.
+webos_downloadeddir = "${webos_cryptofsdir}/apps"
+# The old name for webos_downloadeddir
+webos_appstoragedir = "${webos_downloadeddir}"
+webos_downloaded_applicationsdir = "${webos_downloadeddir}/usr/palm/applications"
+# The old name for webos_downloaded_applicationsdir
+webos_installedappsdir = "${webos_downloaded_applicationsdir}"
+webos_downloaded_frameworksdir = "${webos_downloadeddir}/usr/palm/frameworks"
+webos_downloaded_pluginsdir = "${webos_downloadeddir}/usr/palm/plugins"
+webos_downloaded_servicesdir = "${webos_downloadeddir}/usr/palm/services"
+# The specs for webos_execstatedir apply to this location with the additional
+# constraint that everything under this tree persists a NYX_SYSTEM_ERASE_VAR
+# erasure. It is only deleted by a NYX_SYSTEM_ERASE_ALL erasure.
+webos_persistentstoragedir = "${webos_cryptofsdir}/data"
+# db8 database use this directory to store mediadb database.
+# mediadb database store results of fileindexer and contain information
+# about media files. Potentially this db can be big
+webos_db8mediadir = "${webos_persistentstoragedir}/db8/mediadb"
+# On devices that support it, this tree is externally mountable as (USB) mass
+# storage. Applications that want their data to be visible in this manner should
+# store them here instead of under webos_persistentstoragedir. This tree is
+webos_mountablestoragedir = "${webos_mediadir}/internal"
+# The old name for webos_mountablestoragedir
+webos_localstoragedir = "${webos_mountablestoragedir}"
+# This is the root of the tree that is accessible to developers who log into a
+# device with ssh when it is in developer mode. It is where their side-loaded
+# (webOS and native) apps will be installed for debugging. Everything
+# under this tree is erased by a NYX_SYSTEM_ERASE_DEVELOPER erasure.
+webos_developerdir = "${webos_mediadir}/developer"
+# Unit test executables and other test scripts or executables are installed,
+# if at all, under ${webos_testsdir}/${PN}
+webos_testsdir = "/opt/webos/tests"
+# This tree contains subdirectories of various types of customization data
+webos_customizationdir = "${prefix}/palm/customization"
+# This directory is shared by the emulator for network mounting by its host OS
+webos_emulatorshareddir = "${webos_mediadir}/shared"
+# The presence of this file indicates that First Use has been completed.
+webos_firstusesentinelfile = "${webos_sysmgr_localstatedir}/preferences/ran-firstuse"
+# Note that everything under localstatedir is erased by a NYX_SYSTEM_ERASE_VAR erasure.
+webos_crashddir = "${webos_logdir}/crashd"
+# Path to file which indicate failure to init settingsservice
+webos_settingsservice_errorsentinelfile = "${webos_localstatedir}/settingsservice_critical_error"
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_fs_layout.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_fs_layout.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d38e4bdc12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_fs_layout.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_fs_layout
+# This class alters the filesystem layout to be root under /opt/webos. It is
+# intended that this only be inherited by webos_component, webos_upstream_from_repo,
+# and webos_upstream_with_patches.
+# XXX Not ready to activate this
+#export base_prefix = "/opt/webos"
+#export prefix = "/opt/webos/usr"
+#export sysconfdir = "/opt/webos/etc"
+#export localstatedir = "/opt/webos/var"
+#export servicedir = "/opt/webos/srv"
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_library.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_library.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17df3d99ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_library.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_library
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component that installs a
+# library.
+# We expect all libraries will use pkgconfig when building and will install
+# pkgconfig (.pc) files.
+inherit webos_pkgconfig
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_lttng.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_lttng.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b984135224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_lttng.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_lttng
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for any component that
+# uses LTTng tracing.
+# Each recipe is responsible for setting a compilation flag to enable
+# its own LTTng tracepoints based on the value of WEBOS_LTTNG_ENABLED.
+# LTTng is disabled by default. To enable, add:
+# to your webos-local.conf or the location of your choice.
+# Only enable LTTng for target components
+WEBOS_LTTNG_ENABLED_class-native = "0"
+WEBOS_LTTNG_ENABLED_class-nativesdk = "0"
+# Use _append so that WEBOS_LTTNG_ENABLED is evaluated during finalization so that the overrides effectual.
+DEPENDS_append = "${@ ' lttng-ust' if '${WEBOS_LTTNG_ENABLED}' == '1' else ''}"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}_append = "${@ ' lttng-tools lttng-modules babeltrace' if '${WEBOS_LTTNG_ENABLED}' == '1' else ''}"
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_machine_dep.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_machine_dep.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edb5e47fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_machine_dep.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2016 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_machine_dep
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component that depends
+# on MACHINE at build time.
+# Uncomment to allow all PACKAGE_ARCH-s variants to be built in the same tree.
+# (Note that the OE 2011.03 bitbake.conf defines WORKDIR to effectively prepend
+# there are separate subdirectories instead of suffixes.)
+# WORKDIR_append = "-${PACKAGE_ARCH}"
+# Append this to EXTRA_OEMAKE to allow your makefile be MACHINE-dependent:
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_machine_impl_dep.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_machine_impl_dep.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45017332de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_machine_impl_dep.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_machine_impl_dep
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component that depends
+# on the "machine implementation" at build time.
+# If there are MACHINE-s with different "machine implementations" but with the
+# same TUNE_PKGARCH, they will have the same package name unless PACKAGE_ARCH
+# is set to MACHINE_ARCH. XXX Is there a better way to handle this?
+# Allow the use of WEBOS_TARGET_MACHINE_IMPL overrides. It's checked after
+# what's set by the machine architecture .inc file, which is checked after
+# MACHINE. WEBOS_EXTRA_MACHINEOVERRIDES is deliberately assigned to and not
+# appended to or prepended to so that the order of inherit statements will not
+# affect the order of what's in MACHINEOVERRIDES.
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_pkgconfig.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_pkgconfig.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c408fc9a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_pkgconfig.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_pkgconfig
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component that uses
+# pkgconfig when building or installs a pkgconfig (.pc) file. This usually
+# happens implicitly by inheriting from webos_library, webos_program,
+# or webos_daemon.
+inherit pkgconfig
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_pmlog_config.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_pmlog_config.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4e282afb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_pmlog_config.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_pmlog_config
+# This class is to be inherited by pmloglib and pmlogdaemon recipes
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_prerelease_dep.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_prerelease_dep.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59d4af3659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_prerelease_dep.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_prerelease_dep
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component that depends
+# on WEBOS_DISTRO_PRERELEASE value at build time.
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_program.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_program.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7320047f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_program.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_program
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component that installs
+# a console program.
+# We expect all programs will use pkgconfig when building.
+inherit webos_pkgconfig
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_public_repo.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_public_repo.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cd3597fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_public_repo.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2018 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_public_repo
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component that has (or
+# will have) a public webOS OSE repo.
+# The default repo name is the "base" component name (no -native, etc.)
+# Default is empty but webos_enhanced_submissions.bbclass will always set the value
+WEBOSOSE_GIT_REPO ?= "git://"
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_qmake5.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_qmake5.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38165a181f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_qmake5.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 LG Electronics, Inc.
+inherit qmake5
+inherit webos_filesystem_paths
+# These are used in the luna-sysmgr recipe
+# This is used in the webappmanager recipes
+# Set webOS specific locations for .pr* files to access
+# Used by mkspecs/features/webos-variables.prf
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_BINS=${bindir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_LIBS=${libdir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_HEADERS=${includedir}/ \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_QTPLUGINSDIR=${webos_qtpluginsdir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_WEBOS_APPLICATIONSDIR=${webos_applicationsdir} \
+ WEBOS_PREFERENCESDIR=${webos_preferencesdir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_ROOT=${base_prefix} \
+# webos-variables.prf is using default value of ${prefix}, but here we use ${OE_QMAKE_PATH_PREFIX}
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_SYSBUS_DATADIR=${sysbus_datadir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_UPSTARTCONFDIR=${webos_upstartconfdir} \
+# webos-variables.prf is using default value of webos_sysbus_servicesdir
+# but the rest of the system is using singular servicedir
+# webosSet(WEBOS_INSTALL_SYSBUS_SERVICESDIR, $$(webos_sysbus_servicesdir), $$WEBOS_INSTALL_SYSBUS_DATADIR/services.d)
+# meta-webos/classes/webos_filesystem_paths.bbclass:webos_sysbus_servicedir = "${webos_sysbus_datadir}/services.d"
+# Set both here from webos_sysbus_servicedir until PLAT-9971 is fixed
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_SYSBUS_SERVICEDIR=${webos_sysbus_servicedir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_SYSBUS_SERVICESDIR=${webos_sysbus_servicedir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_SYSBUS_PUBSERVICESDIR=${webos_sysbus_pubservicesdir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_SYSBUS_PRVSERVICESDIR=${webos_sysbus_prvservicesdir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_SYSBUS_ROLESDIR=${webos_sysbus_rolesdir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_SYSBUS_PUBROLESDIR=${webos_sysbus_pubrolesdir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_SYSBUS_PRVROLESDIR=${webos_sysbus_prvrolesdir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_SYSBUS_APIDIR=${webos_sysbus_apipermissionsdir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_SYSBUS_PERMDIR=${webos_sysbus_permissionsdir} \
+ WEBOS_INSTALL_SYSBUS_GROUPDIR=${webos_sysbus_groupsdir} \
+# this value is exported in do_configure, so that project file can select MACHINE_NAME
+# this value is defined only for make through EXTRA_OEMAKE
+# add only when WEBOS_QMAKE_MACHINE is defined (by default it equals MACHINE)
+EXPORT_WEBOS_QMAKE_MACHINE += "${@ 'export MACHINE=${WEBOS_QMAKE_MACHINE}' if d.getVar('WEBOS_QMAKE_MACHINE', True) != '' and'webos_machine_dep', d) and not'native', d) else '' }"
+# add only when WEBOS_QMAKE_TARGET is defined (by default it's empty)
+EXPORT_WEBOS_QMAKE_TARGET = "${@ 'MACHINE=${WEBOS_QMAKE_TARGET}' if d.getVar('WEBOS_QMAKE_TARGET', True) != '' and'webos_machine_dep', d) and not'native', d) else '' }"
+# Add the the native tool in the paths as some project require rcc
+# to be available
+do_configure_prepend() {
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_qmllint.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_qmllint.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e19305e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_qmllint.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# QML syntax verifier
+DEPENDS_append = " qtdeclarative-native libxml2-native"
+inherit qmake5_paths
+do_compile_prepend () {
+ bbnote "Verify QML syntax(step 1): .qml or .js files stored as qresource"
+ find ${S} -type f -name "*.qrc" | while read qrc; do
+ local _dirname_=$(dirname $qrc)
+ ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/xmllint --xpath '//RCC/qresource/file' $qrc | sed 's/<file>//g' | sed 's/<\/file>/\n/g' | grep -E "*.qml$|*.js$" | while read file; do
+ if [ -f "$_dirname_/$file" ]; then
+ bbnote "Inspecting $_dirname_/$file"
+ ${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${OE_QMAKE_PATH_QT_BINS}/qmllint "$_dirname_/$file"
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ bbnote "Done verifying QML syntax(step 1), no errors detected"
+do_install_append () {
+ bbnote "Verify QML syntax(step 2): .qml or .js files to be installed"
+ find ${D} -type f -name "*.qml" -o -name "*.js" | while read file; do
+ bbnote "Inspecting $file"
+ done
+ bbnote "Done verifying QML syntax(step 2), no errors detected"
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_submissions.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_submissions.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a77c54aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_submissions.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_submissions
+# Parse a WEBOS_VERSION in the following format:
+# <component-version>-<submission>
+inherit webos_version
+# When WEBOS_VERSION isn't defined show error
+do_fetch[prefuncs] += "webos_submissions_version_sanity_check"
+python webos_submissions_version_sanity_check() {
+ webos_version = d.getVar('WEBOS_VERSION', True)
+ webos_component_version = d.getVar('WEBOS_COMPONENT_VERSION', True)
+ pv = d.getVar('PV', True)
+ file = d.getVar('FILE', True)
+ src_uri = d.getVar('SRC_URI', True)
+ if not webos_version or webos_version == '0':
+ bb.fatal("%s: WEBOS_VERSION needs to be defined for recipes inheriting webos_submissions or webos_enhanced_submissions" % file)
+ if not webos_component_version or webos_component_version == '0':
+ bb.fatal("%s: WEBOS_VERSION needs contain WEBOS_COMPONENT_VERSION different from '0'" % file)
+ if not pv or pv == '0':
+ bb.fatal("%s: WEBOS_VERSION needs contain PV different from '0'" % file)
+ if src_uri.find('git://') != -1 and not'webos_enhanced_submissions', d):
+ bb.fatal("%s: inherit webos_enhanced_submissions when the recipe uses git:// in SRC_URI" % file)
+PV = "${@webos_version_get_pv('${WEBOS_VERSION}')}"
+WEBOS_COMPONENT_VERSION = "${@webos_version_get_component_version('${WEBOS_VERSION}')}"
+WEBOS_SUBMISSION = "${@webos_version_get_submission('${WEBOS_VERSION}')}"
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_system_bus.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_system_bus.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cfca3f559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_system_bus.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2018 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_system_bus
+# This class is to be inherited by the recipe for every component that offers
+# Luna System Bus services.
+# Variables that control this bbclass's behavior:
+# - The location of the system bus files to be installed. Defaults to
+# ${S}/service. Set to "" to skip.
+# - If "1", all do_*() tasks or additions to them defined in this bbclass are
+# skipped.
+inherit webos_configure_manifest
+inherit webos_filesystem_paths
+webos_system_bus_install_files () {
+ local _LS_PRV_DIR="${D}$1" # destination directory for private hub files
+ local _LS_PUB_DIR="${D}$2" # destination directory for public hub files
+ local _LS_PRV_FILE="$3" # match string for private hub files
+ local _LS_PUB_FILE="$4" # match string for public hub files
+ local _LS_TREE="$5" # tree under which to search for the files
+ local i
+ _LS_PUB=`find $_LS_TREE -name "$_LS_PUB_FILE"`
+ _LS_PRV=`find $_LS_TREE -name "$_LS_PRV_FILE"`
+ if [ ${#_LS_PUB[@]} -ne 0 ]; then
+ install -d $_LS_PUB_DIR
+ fi
+ for i in $_LS_PUB; do
+ _LS_PUB_DEST=`basename $i .pub`
+ install -v -m 0644 $i $_LS_PUB_DIR/$_LS_PUB_DEST
+ done
+ if [ ${#_LS_PRV[@]} -ne 0 ]; then
+ install -d $_LS_PRV_DIR
+ fi
+ for i in $_LS_PRV; do
+ _LS_PRV_DEST=`basename $i .prv`
+ install -v -m 0644 $i $_LS_PRV_DIR/$_LS_PRV_DEST
+ done
+# - Can't assume our current directory is still ${S}
+# - Default to the pre webOS OSE location (because it's intended everything in
+# webOS OSE is not require installation by the recipe).
+do_install_append () {
+ # Only want WEBOS_SYSTEM_BUS_SKIP_DO_TASKS to be expanded by bitbake => single quotes
+ if [ '${WEBOS_SYSTEM_BUS_SKIP_DO_TASKS}' != 1 ]; then
+ if [ -n "$tree" -a -d "$tree" ]; then
+ webos_system_bus_install_files ${webos_sysbus_prvservicesdir} ${webos_sysbus_pubservicesdir} "*.service.prv" "*" "$tree"
+ webos_system_bus_install_files ${webos_sysbus_prvrolesdir} ${webos_sysbus_pubrolesdir} "*.json.prv" "*" "$tree"
+ # If the files don't have .prv/.pub suffixes, then the same file is meant to be used for both (and there's no suffix to be removed)
+ webos_system_bus_install_files ${webos_sysbus_prvservicesdir} ${webos_sysbus_pubservicesdir} "*.service" "*.service" "$tree"
+ webos_system_bus_install_files ${webos_sysbus_prvrolesdir} ${webos_sysbus_pubrolesdir} "*.json" "*.json" "$tree"
+ bbwarn "$pkgname: Installing roles and services files from bitbake is deprecated - use cmake, qmake, etc."
+ fi
+ fi
+ ${webos_sysbus_prvservicesdir} \
+ ${webos_sysbus_pubservicesdir} \
+ ${webos_sysbus_prvrolesdir} \
+ ${webos_sysbus_pubrolesdir} \
+ ${webos_sysbus_rolesdir} \
+ ${webos_sysbus_servicedir} \
+ ${webos_sysbus_permissionsdir} \
+ ${webos_sysbus_apipermissionsdir} \
+ ${webos_sysbus_groupsdir} \
+ ${webos_sysbus_manifestsdir} \
+sysroot_stage_dirs_append() {
+ # $to is 2nd parameter passed to sysroot_stage_dir, e.g. ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR} passed from sysroot_stage_all
+ rm -rf $to$dir
+ done
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_test_provider.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_test_provider.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1223d50af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_test_provider.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2018 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_test_provider
+# This class is to be inherited by every recipe whose component is able to build
+# and install unit- or other test scripts based on the build variables
+# For components which also inherit from the webos_cmake bbclass, it adds the
+# following defines to their CMake command lines.
+# so either one will cause tests to be built.
+# Bring in the ptest functionality and packages etc.
+inherit ptest
+inherit webos_filesystem_paths
+# (Weakly) set default values for both control variables to ensure they are defined
+# As the tests are placed in their own package, which may or may not be included in
+# a particular image, set the default so that they are always built (i.e. available
+# for inclusion).
+WEBOS_CONFIG_BUILD_TESTS[type] = "boolean"
+# Pass the control variableis into CMake (will have no effect if component does not use CMake)
+# Ensure tests are installed if they are in the correct place
+FILES_${PN}-ptest += "${webos_testsdir}/${BPN}"
+# Bring in the g-lib test runner, as something is bound to use it
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest += "glib-2.0-utils"
+# Also, add an RDEPENDS on ptest-runner - saves adding it to a packagegroup
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest += "ptest-runner"
diff --git a/meta/classes/webos_version.bbclass b/meta/classes/webos_version.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c19ea7cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/webos_version.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 LG Electronics, Inc.
+# webos_version
+# Functions to parse the fields of a WEBOS_VERSION, which have the following format:
+# <component-version>-<submission>[_<40-character-revision-hash>[;branch=<branch>]]
+# PV is the first underscore-separated field in WEBOS_VERSION,
+# i.e., it includes the submission. If there is no WEBOS_VERSION
+# setting, '0' will be returned.
+def webos_version_get_pv(wv):
+ if not wv:
+ return '0'
+ split_wv = wv.split(';branch=')
+ return split_wv[0].split('_')[0]
+# The component version is PV with the last hyphen-separated field
+# removed; i.e., it does not include the submission.
+def webos_version_get_component_version(wv):
+ pv = webos_version_get_pv(wv)
+ split_pv = pv.split('-')
+ if len(split_pv) == 1:
+ # If there's no submission, then the component version can't
+ # contain a hyphen
+ return split_pv[0]
+ return "-".join(split_pv[:-1])
+# The submission is the last hyphen-separated field in PV.
+# If there is no hyphen in PV setting, '0' will be returned.
+def webos_version_get_submission(wv):
+ pv = webos_version_get_pv(wv)
+ split_pv = pv.split('-')
+ if len(split_pv) == 1:
+ # If there no hyphen, that means there's no submission
+ return '0'
+ return split_pv[-1]
+# The revision-hash (SRCREV) is the second underscore-separated field in
+# WEBOS_VERSION. Returns "INVALID" if the field is absent.
+def webos_version_get_srcrev(wv):
+ split_wv = wv.split(';branch=')
+ split_wv = split_wv[0].split('_')
+ if len(split_wv) == 1:
+ return "INVALID" # this is default SRCREV value from bitbake.conf
+ return split_wv[1]
+# The branch is optional parameter, last in WEBOS_VERSION after ;branch=
+# when not specified it will use @<name> when WEBOS_VERSION is in
+# <name>.NN format (contains at least one dot) and "master" in all other cases.
+def webos_version_get_branch(wv):
+ split_wv = wv.split(';branch=')
+ if len(split_wv) == 1:
+ submission = webos_version_get_submission(wv)
+ # Assume <name>.NN format (NN is submission number, @<name> is branch name)
+ split_submission = submission.rsplit('.', 1)
+ if len(split_submission) > 1:
+ return "@%s" % (split_submission[0])
+ else:
+ # otherwise it's simply a submission along the master branch
+ return "master"
+ return split_wv[1]