path: root/meta/classes/kernel-module-split.bbclass
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Diffstat (limited to 'meta/classes/kernel-module-split.bbclass')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/kernel-module-split.bbclass b/meta/classes/kernel-module-split.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index ed42d2b19d..0000000000
--- a/meta/classes/kernel-module-split.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-pkg_postinst_modules () {
-if [ -z "$D" ]; then
- depmod -a ${KERNEL_VERSION}
- # image.bbclass will call depmodwrapper after everything is installed,
- # no need to do it here as well
- :
-pkg_postrm_modules () {
-if [ -z "$D" ]; then
- depmod -a ${KERNEL_VERSION}
- depmodwrapper -a -b $D ${KERNEL_VERSION}
-autoload_postinst_fragment() {
-if [ x"$D" = "x" ]; then
- modprobe %s || true
-do_install_append() {
- install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/modules-load.d/ ${D}${sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/
-PACKAGESPLITFUNCS_prepend = "split_kernel_module_packages "
-KERNEL_MODULES_META_PACKAGE ?= "kernel-modules"
-python split_kernel_module_packages () {
- import re
- modinfoexp = re.compile("([^=]+)=(.*)")
- kerverrexp = re.compile('^(.*-hh.*)[\.\+].*$')
- depmodpat0 = re.compile("^(.*\.k?o):..*$")
- depmodpat1 = re.compile("^(.*\.k?o):\s*(.*\.k?o)\s*$")
- depmodpat2 = re.compile("^(.*\.k?o):\s*(.*\.k?o)\s*\\\$")
- depmodpat3 = re.compile("^\t(.*\.k?o)\s*\\\$")
- depmodpat4 = re.compile("^\t(.*\.k?o)\s*$")
- def extract_modinfo(file):
- import tempfile, subprocess
- tempfile.tempdir = d.getVar("WORKDIR", True)
- tf = tempfile.mkstemp()
- tmpfile = tf[1]
- cmd = "%sobjcopy -j .modinfo -O binary %s %s" % (d.getVar("HOST_PREFIX", True) or "", file, tmpfile)
-, shell=True)
- f = open(tmpfile)
- l ="\000")
- f.close()
- os.close(tf[0])
- os.unlink(tmpfile)
- vals = {}
- for i in l:
- m = modinfoexp.match(i)
- if not m:
- continue
- vals[] =
- return vals
- def parse_depmod():
- dvar = d.getVar('PKGD', True)
- kernelver = d.getVar('KERNEL_VERSION', True)
- kernelver_stripped = kernelver
- m = kerverrexp.match(kernelver)
- if m:
- kernelver_stripped =
- staging_kernel_dir = d.getVar("STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR", True)
- system_map_file = "%s/boot/" % (dvar, kernelver)
- if not os.path.exists(system_map_file):
- system_map_file = "%s/" % (staging_kernel_dir, kernelver)
- if not os.path.exists(system_map_file):
- bb.fatal(" does not exist in '%s/boot' nor STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR '%s'" % (kernelver, dvar, staging_kernel_dir))
- cmd = "depmod -n -a -b %s -F %s %s" % (dvar, system_map_file, kernelver_stripped)
- f = os.popen(cmd, 'r')
- deps = {}
- line = f.readline()
- while line:
- if not depmodpat0.match(line):
- line = f.readline()
- continue
- m1 = depmodpat1.match(line)
- if m1:
- deps[] =
- else:
- m2 = depmodpat2.match(line)
- if m2:
- deps[] =
- line = f.readline()
- m3 = depmodpat3.match(line)
- while m3:
- deps[].extend(
- line = f.readline()
- m3 = depmodpat3.match(line)
- m4 = depmodpat4.match(line)
- deps[].extend(
- line = f.readline()
- f.close()
- return deps
- def get_dependencies(file, pattern, format):
- # file no longer includes PKGD
- file = file.replace(d.getVar('PKGD', True) or '', '', 1)
- # instead is prefixed with /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}
- file = file.replace("/lib/modules/%s/" % d.getVar('KERNEL_VERSION', True) or '', '', 1)
- if file in module_deps:
- dependencies = []
- for i in module_deps[file]:
- m = re.match(pattern, os.path.basename(i))
- if not m:
- continue
- on = legitimize_package_name(
- dependency_pkg = format % on
- dependencies.append(dependency_pkg)
- return dependencies
- return []
- def frob_metadata(file, pkg, pattern, format, basename):
- vals = extract_modinfo(file)
- dvar = d.getVar('PKGD', True)
- # If autoloading is requested, output /etc/modules-load.d/<name>.conf and append
- # appropriate modprobe commands to the postinst
- autoloadlist = (d.getVar("KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD", True) or "").split()
- autoload = d.getVar('module_autoload_%s' % basename, True)
- if autoload and autoload == basename:
- bb.warn("module_autoload_%s was replaced by KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD for cases where basename == module name, please drop it" % basename)
- if autoload and basename not in autoloadlist:
- bb.warn("module_autoload_%s is defined but '%s' isn't included in KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD, please add it there" % (basename, basename))
- if basename in autoloadlist:
- name = '%s/etc/modules-load.d/%s.conf' % (dvar, basename)
- f = open(name, 'w')
- if autoload:
- for m in autoload.split():
- f.write('%s\n' % m)
- else:
- f.write('%s\n' % basename)
- f.close()
- postinst = d.getVar('pkg_postinst_%s' % pkg, True)
- if not postinst:
- bb.fatal("pkg_postinst_%s not defined" % pkg)
- postinst += d.getVar('autoload_postinst_fragment', True) % (autoload or basename)
- d.setVar('pkg_postinst_%s' % pkg, postinst)
- # Write out any modconf fragment
- modconflist = (d.getVar("KERNEL_MODULE_PROBECONF", True) or "").split()
- modconf = d.getVar('module_conf_%s' % basename, True)
- if modconf and basename in modconflist:
- name = '%s/etc/modprobe.d/%s.conf' % (dvar, basename)
- f = open(name, 'w')
- f.write("%s\n" % modconf)
- f.close()
- elif modconf:
- bb.error("Please ensure module %s is listed in KERNEL_MODULE_PROBECONF since module_conf_%s is set" % (basename, basename))
- files = d.getVar('FILES_%s' % pkg, True)
- files = "%s /etc/modules-load.d/%s.conf /etc/modprobe.d/%s.conf" % (files, basename, basename)
- d.setVar('FILES_%s' % pkg, files)
- if "description" in vals:
- old_desc = d.getVar('DESCRIPTION_' + pkg, True) or ""
- d.setVar('DESCRIPTION_' + pkg, old_desc + "; " + vals["description"])
- rdepends = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions2(d.getVar('RDEPENDS_' + pkg, True) or "")
- for dep in get_dependencies(file, pattern, format):
- if not dep in rdepends:
- rdepends[dep] = []
- d.setVar('RDEPENDS_' + pkg, bb.utils.join_deps(rdepends, commasep=False))
- # Avoid automatic -dev recommendations for modules ending with -dev.
- d.setVarFlag('RRECOMMENDS_' + pkg, 'nodeprrecs', 1)
- module_deps = parse_depmod()
- module_regex = '^(.*)\.k?o$'
- module_pattern_prefix = d.getVar('KERNEL_MODULE_PACKAGE_PREFIX', True)
- module_pattern = module_pattern_prefix + 'kernel-module-%s'
- postinst = d.getVar('pkg_postinst_modules', True)
- postrm = d.getVar('pkg_postrm_modules', True)
- modules = do_split_packages(d, root='/lib/modules', file_regex=module_regex, output_pattern=module_pattern, description='%s kernel module', postinst=postinst, postrm=postrm, recursive=True, hook=frob_metadata, extra_depends='kernel-%s' % (d.getVar("KERNEL_VERSION", True)))
- if modules:
- metapkg = d.getVar('KERNEL_MODULES_META_PACKAGE', True)
- d.appendVar('RDEPENDS_' + metapkg, ' '+' '.join(modules))
- # If modules-load.d and modprobe.d are empty at this point, remove them to
- # avoid warnings. removedirs only raises an OSError if an empty
- # directory cannot be removed.
- dvar = d.getVar('PKGD', True)
- for dir in ["%s/etc/modprobe.d" % (dvar), "%s/etc/modules-load.d" % (dvar), "%s/etc" % (dvar)]:
- if len(os.listdir(dir)) == 0:
- os.rmdir(dir)
-do_package[vardeps] += '${@" ".join(map(lambda s: "module_conf_" + s, (d.getVar("KERNEL_MODULE_PROBECONF", True) or "").split()))}'