path: root/bitbake/lib
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1 files changed, 28 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/buildinfohelper.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/buildinfohelper.py
index e96e93440e..43a1411fa0 100644
--- a/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/buildinfohelper.py
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/buildinfohelper.py
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ from orm.models import Project, CustomImagePackage
from orm.models import signal_runbuilds
from bldcontrol.models import BuildEnvironment, BuildRequest
+from bldcontrol.models import BRLayer
+from bldcontrol import bbcontroller
from bb.msg import BBLogFormatter as formatter
from django.db import models
@@ -436,48 +438,33 @@ class ORMWrapper(object):
br_id, be_id = brbe.split(":")
- # find layer by checkout path;
- from bldcontrol import bbcontroller
- bc = bbcontroller.getBuildEnvironmentController(pk = be_id)
- # we might have a race condition here, as the project layers may change between the build trigger and the actual build execution
- # but we can only match on the layer name, so the worst thing can happen is a mis-identification of the layer, not a total failure
- # note that this is different
- buildrequest = BuildRequest.objects.get(pk = br_id)
- for brl in buildrequest.brlayer_set.all():
- if brl.local_source_dir:
- localdirname = os.path.join(brl.local_source_dir,
- brl.dirpath)
- else:
- localdirname = os.path.join(bc.getGitCloneDirectory(brl.giturl, brl.commit), brl.dirpath)
- # we get a relative path, unless running in HEAD mode where the path is absolute
- if not localdirname.startswith("/"):
- localdirname = os.path.join(bc.be.sourcedir, localdirname)
- #logger.debug(1, "Localdirname %s lcal_path %s" % (localdirname, layer_information['local_path']))
- if localdirname.startswith(layer_information['local_path']):
- # If the build request came from toaster this field
- # should contain the information from the layer_version
- # That created this build request.
- if brl.layer_version:
- return brl.layer_version
- # This might be a local layer (i.e. no git info) so try
- # matching local_source_dir
- if brl.local_source_dir and brl.local_source_dir == layer_information["local_path"]:
- return brl.layer_version
- # we matched the BRLayer, but we need the layer_version that generated this BR; reverse of the Project.schedule_build()
- #logger.debug(1, "Matched %s to BRlayer %s" % (pformat(layer_information["local_path"]), localdirname))
- for pl in buildrequest.project.projectlayer_set.filter(layercommit__layer__name = brl.name):
- if pl.layercommit.layer.vcs_url == brl.giturl :
- layer = pl.layercommit.layer
- layer.save()
- return layer
- raise NotExisting("Unidentified layer %s" % pformat(layer_information))
+ # Find the layer version by matching the layer event information
+ # against the metadata we have in Toaster
+ try:
+ br_layer = BRLayer.objects.get(req=br_id,
+ name=layer_information['name'])
+ return br_layer.layer_version
+ except (BRLayer.MultipleObjectsReturned, BRLayer.DoesNotExist):
+ # There are multiple of the same layer name or the name
+ # hasn't been determined by the toaster.bbclass layer
+ # so let's filter by the local_path
+ bc = bbcontroller.getBuildEnvironmentController(pk=be_id)
+ for br_layer in BRLayer.objects.filter(req=br_id):
+ if br_layer.giturl and \
+ layer_information['local_path'].endswith(
+ bc.getGitCloneDirectory(br_layer.giturl,
+ br_layer.commit)):
+ return br_layer.layer_version
+ if br_layer.local_source_dir == \
+ layer_information['local_path']:
+ return br_layer.layer_version
+ # We've reached the end of our search and couldn't find the layer
+ # we can continue but some data may be missing
+ raise NotExisting("Unidentified layer %s" %
+ pformat(layer_information))
def save_target_file_information(self, build_obj, target_obj, filedata):
assert isinstance(build_obj, Build)