diff options
1 files changed, 411 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/buildstats-diff b/scripts/buildstats-diff
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8ee2aaf626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/buildstats-diff
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+# Script for comparing buildstats from two different builds
+# Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+# more details.
+import argparse
+import glob
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from collections import namedtuple
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
+from operator import attrgetter
+# Setup logging
+log = logging.getLogger()
+class TimeZone(tzinfo):
+ """Simple fixed-offset tzinfo"""
+ def __init__(self, seconds, name):
+ self._offset = timedelta(seconds=seconds)
+ self._name = name
+ def utcoffset(self, dt):
+ return self._offset
+ def tzname(self, dt):
+ return self._name
+ def dst(self, dt):
+ return None
+TIMEZONES = {'UTC': TimeZone(0, 'UTC'),
+ 'EET': TimeZone(7200, 'EET'),
+ 'EEST': TimeZone(10800, 'EEST')}
+taskdiff_fields = ('pkg', 'pkg_op', 'task', 'task_op', 'cputime1', 'cputime2',
+ 'absdiff', 'reldiff')
+TaskDiff = namedtuple('TaskDiff', ' '.join(taskdiff_fields))
+def to_datetime_obj(obj):
+ """Helper for getting timestamps in datetime format"""
+ if isinstance(obj, datetime):
+ return obj
+ else:
+ return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(obj).replace(tzinfo=TIMEZONES['UTC'])
+def read_buildstats_file(buildstat_file):
+ """Convert buildstat text file into dict/json"""
+ bs_json = {'iostat': {},
+ 'rusage': {},
+ 'child_rusage': {}}
+ log.debug("Reading task buildstats from %s", buildstat_file)
+ with open(buildstat_file) as fobj:
+ for line in fobj.readlines():
+ key, val = line.split(':', 1)
+ val = val.strip()
+ if key == 'Started':
+ start_time = to_datetime_obj(float(val))
+ bs_json['start_time'] = start_time
+ elif key == 'Ended':
+ end_time = to_datetime_obj(float(val))
+ elif key.startswith('IO '):
+ split = key.split()
+ bs_json['iostat'][split[1]] = int(val)
+ elif key.find('rusage') >= 0:
+ split = key.split()
+ ru_key = split[-1]
+ if ru_key in ('ru_stime', 'ru_utime'):
+ val = float(val)
+ else:
+ val = int(val)
+ ru_type = 'rusage' if split[0] == 'rusage' else \
+ 'child_rusage'
+ bs_json[ru_type][ru_key] = val
+ elif key == 'Status':
+ bs_json['status'] = val
+ bs_json['elapsed_time'] = end_time - start_time
+ return bs_json
+def read_buildstats_dir(bs_dir):
+ """Read buildstats directory"""
+ def split_nevr(nevr):
+ """Split name and version information from recipe "nevr" string"""
+ n_e_v, revision = nevr.rsplit('-', 1)
+ match = re.match(r'^(?P<name>\S+)-((?P<epoch>[0-9]{1,5})_)?(?P<version>[0-9]\S*)$',
+ n_e_v)
+ if not match:
+ # If we're not able to parse a version starting with a number, just
+ # take the part after last dash
+ match = re.match(r'^(?P<name>\S+)-((?P<epoch>[0-9]{1,5})_)?(?P<version>[^-]+)$',
+ n_e_v)
+ name ='name')
+ version ='version')
+ epoch ='epoch')
+ return name, epoch, version, revision
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bs_dir, 'build_stats')):
+ top_dir = bs_dir
+ else:
+ subdirs = sorted(glob.glob(bs_dir + '/*'))
+ if len(subdirs) > 1:
+ log.warning("Multiple buildstats found, using the first one")
+ top_dir = subdirs[0]
+ log.debug("Reading buildstats directory %s", top_dir)
+ subdirs = os.listdir(top_dir)
+ # Handle "old" style directory structure
+ if len(subdirs) == 1 and re.match('^20[0-9]{12}$', subdirs[0]):
+ top_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, subdirs[0])
+ subdirs = os.listdir(top_dir)
+ buildstats = {}
+ for dirname in subdirs:
+ recipe_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, dirname)
+ if not os.path.isdir(recipe_dir):
+ continue
+ name, epoch, version, revision = split_nevr(dirname)
+ recipe_bs = {'nevr': dirname,
+ 'name': name,
+ 'epoch': epoch,
+ 'version': version,
+ 'revision': revision,
+ 'tasks': {}}
+ for task in os.listdir(recipe_dir):
+ recipe_bs['tasks'][task] = read_buildstats_file(
+ os.path.join(recipe_dir, task))
+ if name in buildstats:
+ log.error("Cannot handle multiple versions of the same package (%s)",
+ name)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ buildstats[name] = recipe_bs
+ return buildstats
+def read_buildstats_json(path):
+ """Read buildstats from JSON file"""
+ buildstats = {}
+ with open(path) as fobj:
+ bs_json = json.load(fobj)
+ for recipe_bs in bs_json:
+ if recipe_bs['name'] in buildstats:
+ log.error("Cannot handle multiple versions of the same package (%s)",
+ recipe_bs['name'])
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if recipe_bs['epoch'] is None:
+ recipe_bs['nevr'] = "{}-{}-{}".format(recipe_bs['name'], recipe_bs['version'], recipe_bs['revision'])
+ else:
+ recipe_bs['nevr'] = "{}-{}_{}-{}".format(recipe_bs['name'], recipe_bs['epoch'], recipe_bs['version'], recipe_bs['revision'])
+ buildstats[recipe_bs['name']] = recipe_bs
+ return buildstats
+def read_buildstats(path):
+ """Read buildstats"""
+ if os.path.isfile(path):
+ return read_buildstats_json(path)
+ else:
+ return read_buildstats_dir(path)
+def print_ver_diff(bs1, bs2):
+ """Print package version differences"""
+ pkgs1 = set(bs1.keys())
+ pkgs2 = set(bs2.keys())
+ new_pkgs = pkgs2 - pkgs1
+ deleted_pkgs = pkgs1 - pkgs2
+ echanged = []
+ vchanged = []
+ rchanged = []
+ unchanged = []
+ common_pkgs = pkgs2.intersection(pkgs1)
+ if common_pkgs:
+ for pkg in common_pkgs:
+ if bs1[pkg]['epoch'] != bs2[pkg]['epoch']:
+ echanged.append(pkg)
+ elif bs1[pkg]['version'] != bs2[pkg]['version']:
+ vchanged.append(pkg)
+ elif bs1[pkg]['revision'] != bs2[pkg]['revision']:
+ rchanged.append(pkg)
+ else:
+ unchanged.append(pkg)
+ maxlen = max([len(pkg) for pkg in pkgs1.union(pkgs2)])
+ fmt_str = " {:{maxlen}} ({})"
+# if unchanged:
+# print("-------------------")
+# maxlen = max([len(pkg) for pkg in unchanged])
+# for pkg in sorted(unchanged):
+# print(fmt_str.format(pkg, bs2[pkg]['nevr'], maxlen=maxlen))
+ if new_pkgs:
+ print("\nNEW PACKAGES:")
+ print("-------------")
+ for pkg in sorted(new_pkgs):
+ print(fmt_str.format(pkg, bs2[pkg]['nevr'], maxlen=maxlen))
+ if deleted_pkgs:
+ print("\nDELETED PACKAGES:")
+ print("-----------------")
+ for pkg in sorted(deleted_pkgs):
+ print(fmt_str.format(pkg, bs1[pkg]['nevr'], maxlen=maxlen))
+ fmt_str = " {0:{maxlen}} {1:<20} ({2})"
+ if rchanged:
+ print("\nREVISION CHANGED:")
+ print("-----------------")
+ for pkg in sorted(rchanged):
+ field1 = "{} -> {}".format(pkg, bs1[pkg]['revision'], bs2[pkg]['revision'])
+ field2 = "{} -> {}".format(bs1[pkg]['nevr'], bs2[pkg]['nevr'])
+ print(fmt_str.format(pkg, field1, field2, maxlen=maxlen))
+ if vchanged:
+ print("\nVERSION CHANGED:")
+ print("----------------")
+ for pkg in sorted(vchanged):
+ field1 = "{} -> {}".format(bs1[pkg]['version'], bs2[pkg]['version'])
+ field2 = "{} -> {}".format(bs1[pkg]['nevr'], bs2[pkg]['nevr'])
+ print(fmt_str.format(pkg, field1, field2, maxlen=maxlen))
+ if echanged:
+ print("\nEPOCH CHANGED:")
+ print("--------------")
+ for pkg in sorted(echanged):
+ field1 = "{} -> {}".format(pkg, bs1[pkg]['epoch'], bs2[pkg]['epoch'])
+ field2 = "{} -> {}".format(bs1[pkg]['nevr'], bs2[pkg]['nevr'])
+ print(fmt_str.format(pkg, field1, field2, maxlen=maxlen))
+def task_time(task):
+ """Calculate sum of user and system time taken by a task"""
+ cputime = task['rusage']['ru_stime'] + task['rusage']['ru_utime'] + \
+ task['child_rusage']['ru_stime'] + task['child_rusage']['ru_utime']
+ return cputime
+def print_task_diff(bs1, bs2, min_cputime=0, min_timediff=0, sort_by=('absdiff',)):
+ """Diff task execution times"""
+ tasks_diff = []
+ pkg_maxlen = 0
+ task_maxlen = 0
+ pkgs = set(bs1.keys()).union(set(bs2.keys()))
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ if len(pkg) > pkg_maxlen:
+ pkg_maxlen = len(pkg)
+ tasks1 = bs1[pkg]['tasks'] if pkg in bs1 else {}
+ tasks2 = bs2[pkg]['tasks'] if pkg in bs2 else {}
+ if not tasks1:
+ pkg_op = '+ '
+ elif not tasks2:
+ pkg_op = '- '
+ else:
+ pkg_op = ' '
+ for task in set(tasks1.keys()).union(set(tasks2.keys())):
+ if len(task) > task_maxlen:
+ task_maxlen = len(task)
+ t1 = task_time(bs1[pkg]['tasks'][task]) if task in tasks1 else 0
+ t2 = task_time(bs2[pkg]['tasks'][task]) if task in tasks2 else 0
+ task_op = ' '
+ if t1 == 0:
+ reldiff = float('inf')
+ task_op = '+ '
+ else:
+ reldiff = 100 * (t2 - t1) / t1
+ if t2 == 0:
+ task_op = '- '
+ tasks_diff.append(TaskDiff(pkg, pkg_op, task, task_op, t1, t2, t2-t1, reldiff))
+ if min_cputime:
+ print("Ignoring tasks shorter than {}s".format(min_cputime))
+ if min_timediff:
+ print("Ignoring time differences shorter than {}s".format(min_timediff))
+ print()
+ print(" {:{pkg_maxlen}} {:{task_maxlen}} {:>8} {:>10} {:>10} {}".format(
+ pkg_maxlen=pkg_maxlen, task_maxlen=task_maxlen))
+ # Sort our list
+ for field in reversed(sort_by):
+ if field.startswith('-'):
+ field = field[1:]
+ reverse = True
+ else:
+ reverse = False
+ tasks_diff = sorted(tasks_diff, key=attrgetter(field), reverse=reverse)
+ for diff in tasks_diff:
+ cputime = max(diff.cputime1, diff.cputime2)
+ if cputime > min_cputime:
+ if abs(diff.absdiff) > min_timediff:
+ task_prefix = diff.task_op if diff.pkg_op == ' ' else ' '
+ print("{}{:{pkg_maxlen}} {}{:{task_maxlen}} {:+7.1f}s {:+9.1f}% {:9.1f}s -> {:.1f}s".format(
+ diff.pkg_op, diff.pkg, task_prefix, diff.task, diff.absdiff, diff.reldiff, diff.cputime1, diff.cputime2,
+ pkg_maxlen=pkg_maxlen, task_maxlen=task_maxlen))
+ else:
+ log.debug("Filtering out %s (difference of %0.1fs)", task, diff.absdiff)
+ else:
+ log.debug("Filtering out %s (%0.1fs)", task, cputime)
+def print_timediff_summary(bs1, bs2):
+ """Print summary of the timediffs"""
+ def total_cputime(buildstats):
+ sum = 0.0
+ for recipe_data in buildstats.values():
+ for task_data in recipe_data['tasks'].values():
+ sum += task_time(task_data)
+ return sum
+ def hms_time(secs):
+ """Get time in human-readable HH:MM:SS format"""
+ h = int(secs / 3600)
+ m = int((secs % 3600) / 60)
+ s = secs % 60
+ if h == 0:
+ return "{:02d}:{:04.1f}".format(m, s)
+ else:
+ return "{:d}:{:02d}:{:04.1f}".format(h, m, s)
+ total1 = total_cputime(bs1)
+ total2 = total_cputime(bs2)
+ print("\nCumulative CPU Time:")
+ print (" {:+.1f}s {:+.1f}% {} ({:.1f}s) -> {} ({:.1f}s)".format(
+ total2 - total1, 100 * (total2-total1) / total1,
+ hms_time(total1), total1, hms_time(total2), total2))
+def parse_args(argv):
+ """Parse cmdline arguments"""
+ description="""
+Script for comparing buildstats of two separate builds."""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
+ description=description)
+ parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', action='store_true',
+ help="Verbose logging")
+ parser.add_argument('--ver-diff', action='store_true',
+ help="Show package version differences and exit")
+ parser.add_argument('--min-time', default=3.0, type=float,
+ help="Filter out tasks shorter than MIN_TIME seconds")
+ parser.add_argument('--min-timediff', default=1.0, type=float,
+ help="Filter out tasks whose difference in cputime is "
+ "less that MIN_TIMEDIFF seconds")
+ parser.add_argument('--sort-by', default='absdiff',
+ help="Comma-separated list of field sort order. "
+ "Prepend the field name with '-' for reversed sort. "
+ "Available fields are: {}".format(', '.join(taskdiff_fields)))
+ parser.add_argument('buildstats1', metavar='BUILDSTATS1', help="'Left' buildstat")
+ parser.add_argument('buildstats2', metavar='BUILDSTATS2', help="'Right' buildstat")
+ return parser.parse_args(argv)
+def main(argv=None):
+ """Script entry point"""
+ args = parse_args(argv)
+ if args.debug:
+ log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ # Validate sort fields
+ sort_by = []
+ for field in args.sort_by.split(','):
+ if field.lstrip('-') not in taskdiff_fields:
+ log.error("Invalid sort field '%s' (must be one of: %s)" %
+ (field, ', '.join(taskdiff_fields)))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ sort_by.append(field)
+ bs1 = read_buildstats(args.buildstats1)
+ bs2 = read_buildstats(args.buildstats2)
+ if args.ver_diff:
+ print_ver_diff(bs1, bs2)
+ else:
+ print_task_diff(bs1, bs2, args.min_time, args.min_timediff, sort_by)
+ print_timediff_summary(bs1, bs2)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())