path: root/scripts/oe-build-perf-report
diff options
authorMarkus Lehtonen <>2017-03-31 17:07:29 +0300
committerRichard Purdie <>2017-04-01 08:20:26 +0100
commit3b25404f0f99b72f222bdca815929be1cf1cee35 (patch)
tree1a0fe13f829e1b5474d018e1a81c77de50b1fc0d /scripts/oe-build-perf-report
parentb007eb12a80d81c2aa498941961df3f2899ece7e (diff)
scripts: add oe-build-perf-report script
A new tool for pretty-printing build perf test results stored in a Git repository. The scripts is able to produce either simple plaintext report showing the difference between two commits, or, an html report that also displays trendcharts of the test results. The script uses Jinja2 templates for generating HTML reports so it requires python3-jinja2 to be installed on the system. [YOCTO #10931] Signed-off-by: Markus Lehtonen <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/oe-build-perf-report')
1 files changed, 531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/oe-build-perf-report b/scripts/oe-build-perf-report
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..39766135c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/oe-build-perf-report
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+# Examine build performance test results
+# Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+# more details.
+import argparse
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
+from operator import attrgetter
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+# Import oe libs
+scripts_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(scripts_path, 'lib'))
+import scriptpath
+from build_perf import print_table
+from import (metadata_xml_to_json, results_xml_to_json,
+ aggregate_data, aggregate_metadata, measurement_stats)
+from build_perf import html
+from oeqa.utils.git import GitRepo
+# Setup logging
+logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
+log = logging.getLogger('oe-build-perf-report')
+# Container class for tester revisions
+TestedRev = namedtuple('TestedRev', 'commit commit_number tags')
+def get_test_runs(repo, tag_name, **kwargs):
+ """Get a sorted list of test runs, matching given pattern"""
+ # First, get field names from the tag name pattern
+ field_names = [ for m in re.finditer(r'{(\w+)}', tag_name)]
+ undef_fields = [f for f in field_names if f not in kwargs.keys()]
+ # Fields for formatting tag name pattern
+ str_fields = dict([(f, '*') for f in field_names])
+ str_fields.update(kwargs)
+ # Get a list of all matching tags
+ tag_pattern = tag_name.format(**str_fields)
+ tags = repo.run_cmd(['tag', '-l', tag_pattern]).splitlines()
+ log.debug("Found %d tags matching pattern '%s'", len(tags), tag_pattern)
+ # Parse undefined fields from tag names
+ str_fields = dict([(f, r'(?P<{}>[\w\-.]+)'.format(f)) for f in field_names])
+ str_fields['commit'] = '(?P<commit>[0-9a-f]{7,40})'
+ str_fields['commit_number'] = '(?P<commit_number>[0-9]{1,7})'
+ str_fields['tag_number'] = '(?P<tag_number>[0-9]{1,5})'
+ str_fields.update(kwargs)
+ tag_re = re.compile(tag_name.format(**str_fields))
+ # Parse fields from tags
+ revs = []
+ for tag in tags:
+ m = tag_re.match(tag)
+ groups = m.groupdict()
+ revs.append([groups[f] for f in undef_fields] + [tag])
+ # Return field names and a sorted list of revs
+ return undef_fields, sorted(revs)
+def list_test_revs(repo, tag_name, **kwargs):
+ """Get list of all tested revisions"""
+ fields, revs = get_test_runs(repo, tag_name, **kwargs)
+ ignore_fields = ['tag_number']
+ print_fields = [i for i, f in enumerate(fields) if f not in ignore_fields]
+ # Sort revs
+ rows = [[fields[i].upper() for i in print_fields] + ['TEST RUNS']]
+ prev = [''] * len(revs)
+ for rev in revs:
+ # Only use fields that we want to print
+ rev = [rev[i] for i in print_fields]
+ if rev != prev:
+ new_row = [''] * len(print_fields) + [1]
+ for i in print_fields:
+ if rev[i] != prev[i]:
+ break
+ new_row[i:-1] = rev[i:]
+ rows.append(new_row)
+ else:
+ rows[-1][-1] += 1
+ prev = rev
+ print_table(rows)
+def get_test_revs(repo, tag_name, **kwargs):
+ """Get list of all tested revisions"""
+ fields, runs = get_test_runs(repo, tag_name, **kwargs)
+ revs = {}
+ commit_i = fields.index('commit')
+ commit_num_i = fields.index('commit_number')
+ for run in runs:
+ commit = run[commit_i]
+ commit_num = run[commit_num_i]
+ tag = run[-1]
+ if not commit in revs:
+ revs[commit] = TestedRev(commit, commit_num, [tag])
+ else:
+ assert commit_num == revs[commit].commit_number, "Commit numbers do not match"
+ revs[commit].tags.append(tag)
+ # Return in sorted table
+ revs = sorted(revs.values(), key=attrgetter('commit_number'))
+ log.debug("Found %d tested revisions:\n %s", len(revs),
+ "\n ".join(['{} ({})'.format(rev.commit_number, rev.commit) for rev in revs]))
+ return revs
+def rev_find(revs, attr, val):
+ """Search from a list of TestedRev"""
+ for i, rev in enumerate(revs):
+ if getattr(rev, attr) == val:
+ return i
+ raise ValueError("Unable to find '{}' value '{}'".format(attr, val))
+def is_xml_format(repo, commit):
+ """Check if the commit contains xml (or json) data"""
+ if repo.rev_parse(commit + ':results.xml'):
+ log.debug("Detected report in xml format in %s", commit)
+ return True
+ else:
+ log.debug("No xml report in %s, assuming json formatted results", commit)
+ return False
+def read_results(repo, tags, xml=True):
+ """Read result files from repo"""
+ def parse_xml_stream(data):
+ """Parse multiple concatenated XML objects"""
+ objs = []
+ xml_d = ""
+ for line in data.splitlines():
+ if xml_d and line.startswith('<?xml version='):
+ objs.append(ET.fromstring(xml_d))
+ xml_d = line
+ else:
+ xml_d += line
+ objs.append(ET.fromstring(xml_d))
+ return objs
+ def parse_json_stream(data):
+ """Parse multiple concatenated JSON objects"""
+ objs = []
+ json_d = ""
+ for line in data.splitlines():
+ if line == '}{':
+ json_d += '}'
+ objs.append(json.loads(json_d, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict))
+ json_d = '{'
+ else:
+ json_d += line
+ objs.append(json.loads(json_d, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict))
+ return objs
+ num_revs = len(tags)
+ # Optimize by reading all data with one git command
+ log.debug("Loading raw result data from %d tags, %s...", num_revs, tags[0])
+ if xml:
+ git_objs = [tag + ':metadata.xml' for tag in tags] + [tag + ':results.xml' for tag in tags]
+ data = parse_xml_stream(repo.run_cmd(['show'] + git_objs + ['--']))
+ return ([metadata_xml_to_json(e) for e in data[0:num_revs]],
+ [results_xml_to_json(e) for e in data[num_revs:]])
+ else:
+ git_objs = [tag + ':metadata.json' for tag in tags] + [tag + ':results.json' for tag in tags]
+ data = parse_json_stream(repo.run_cmd(['show'] + git_objs + ['--']))
+ return data[0:num_revs], data[num_revs:]
+def get_data_item(data, key):
+ """Nested getitem lookup"""
+ for k in key.split('.'):
+ data = data[k]
+ return data
+def metadata_diff(metadata_l, metadata_r):
+ """Prepare a metadata diff for printing"""
+ keys = [('Hostname', 'hostname', 'hostname'),
+ ('Branch', 'branch', 'layers.meta.branch'),
+ ('Commit number', 'commit_num', 'layers.meta.commit_count'),
+ ('Commit', 'commit', 'layers.meta.commit'),
+ ('Number of test runs', 'testrun_count', 'testrun_count')
+ ]
+ def _metadata_diff(key):
+ """Diff metadata from two test reports"""
+ try:
+ val1 = get_data_item(metadata_l, key)
+ except KeyError:
+ val1 = '(N/A)'
+ try:
+ val2 = get_data_item(metadata_r, key)
+ except KeyError:
+ val2 = '(N/A)'
+ return val1, val2
+ metadata = OrderedDict()
+ for title, key, key_json in keys:
+ value_l, value_r = _metadata_diff(key_json)
+ metadata[key] = {'title': title,
+ 'value_old': value_l,
+ 'value': value_r}
+ return metadata
+def print_diff_report(metadata_l, data_l, metadata_r, data_r):
+ """Print differences between two data sets"""
+ # First, print general metadata
+ print("\nTEST METADATA:\n==============")
+ meta_diff = metadata_diff(metadata_l, metadata_r)
+ rows = []
+ row_fmt = ['{:{wid}} ', '{:<{wid}} ', '{:<{wid}}']
+ for key, val in meta_diff.items():
+ # Shorten commit hashes
+ if key == 'commit':
+ rows.append([val['title'] + ':', val['value'][:20], val['value_old'][:20]])
+ else:
+ rows.append([val['title'] + ':', val['value'], val['value_old']])
+ print_table(rows, row_fmt)
+ # Print test results
+ print("\nTEST RESULTS:\n=============")
+ tests = list(data_l['tests'].keys())
+ # Append tests that are only present in 'right' set
+ tests += [t for t in list(data_r['tests'].keys()) if t not in tests]
+ # Prepare data to be printed
+ rows = []
+ row_fmt = ['{:8}', '{:{wid}}', '{:{wid}}', ' {:>{wid}}', ' {:{wid}} ', '{:{wid}}',
+ ' {:>{wid}}', ' {:>{wid}}']
+ num_cols = len(row_fmt)
+ for test in tests:
+ test_l = data_l['tests'][test] if test in data_l['tests'] else None
+ test_r = data_r['tests'][test] if test in data_r['tests'] else None
+ pref = ' '
+ if test_l is None:
+ pref = '+'
+ elif test_r is None:
+ pref = '-'
+ descr = test_l['description'] if test_l else test_r['description']
+ heading = "{} {}: {}".format(pref, test, descr)
+ rows.append([heading])
+ # Generate the list of measurements
+ meas_l = test_l['measurements'] if test_l else {}
+ meas_r = test_r['measurements'] if test_r else {}
+ measurements = list(meas_l.keys())
+ measurements += [m for m in list(meas_r.keys()) if m not in measurements]
+ for meas in measurements:
+ m_pref = ' '
+ if meas in meas_l:
+ stats_l = measurement_stats(meas_l[meas], 'l.')
+ else:
+ stats_l = measurement_stats(None, 'l.')
+ m_pref = '+'
+ if meas in meas_r:
+ stats_r = measurement_stats(meas_r[meas], 'r.')
+ else:
+ stats_r = measurement_stats(None, 'r.')
+ m_pref = '-'
+ stats = stats_l.copy()
+ stats.update(stats_r)
+ absdiff = stats['val_cls'](stats['r.mean'] - stats['l.mean'])
+ reldiff = "{:+.1f} %".format(absdiff * 100 / stats['l.mean'])
+ if stats['r.mean'] > stats['l.mean']:
+ absdiff = '+' + str(absdiff)
+ else:
+ absdiff = str(absdiff)
+ rows.append(['', m_pref, stats['name'] + ' ' + stats['quantity'],
+ str(stats['l.mean']), '->', str(stats['r.mean']),
+ absdiff, reldiff])
+ rows.append([''] * num_cols)
+ print_table(rows, row_fmt)
+ print()
+def print_html_report(data, id_comp):
+ """Print report in html format"""
+ # Handle metadata
+ metadata = {'branch': {'title': 'Branch', 'value': 'master'},
+ 'hostname': {'title': 'Hostname', 'value': 'foobar'},
+ 'commit': {'title': 'Commit', 'value': '1234'}
+ }
+ metadata = metadata_diff(data[id_comp][0], data[-1][0])
+ # Generate list of tests
+ tests = []
+ for test in data[-1][1]['tests'].keys():
+ test_r = data[-1][1]['tests'][test]
+ new_test = {'name': test_r['name'],
+ 'description': test_r['description'],
+ 'status': test_r['status'],
+ 'measurements': [],
+ 'err_type': test_r.get('err_type'),
+ }
+ # Limit length of err output shown
+ if 'message' in test_r:
+ lines = test_r['message'].splitlines()
+ if len(lines) > 20:
+ new_test['message'] = '...\n' + '\n'.join(lines[-20:])
+ else:
+ new_test['message'] = test_r['message']
+ # Generate the list of measurements
+ for meas in test_r['measurements'].keys():
+ meas_r = test_r['measurements'][meas]
+ meas_type = 'time' if meas_r['type'] == 'sysres' else 'size'
+ new_meas = {'name': meas_r['name'],
+ 'legend': meas_r['legend'],
+ 'description': meas_r['name'] + ' ' + meas_type,
+ }
+ samples = []
+ # Run through all revisions in our data
+ for meta, test_data in data:
+ if (not test in test_data['tests'] or
+ not meas in test_data['tests'][test]['measurements']):
+ samples.append(measurement_stats(None))
+ continue
+ test_i = test_data['tests'][test]
+ meas_i = test_i['measurements'][meas]
+ commit_num = get_data_item(meta, 'layers.meta.commit_count')
+ samples.append(measurement_stats(meas_i))
+ samples[-1]['commit_num'] = commit_num
+ absdiff = samples[-1]['val_cls'](samples[-1]['mean'] - samples[id_comp]['mean'])
+ new_meas['absdiff'] = absdiff
+ new_meas['absdiff_str'] = str(absdiff) if absdiff < 0 else '+' + str(absdiff)
+ new_meas['reldiff'] = "{:+.1f} %".format(absdiff * 100 / samples[id_comp]['mean'])
+ new_meas['samples'] = samples
+ new_meas['value'] = samples[-1]
+ new_meas['value_type'] = samples[-1]['val_cls']
+ new_test['measurements'].append(new_meas)
+ tests.append(new_test)
+ # Chart options
+ chart_opts = {'haxis': {'min': get_data_item(data[0][0], 'layers.meta.commit_count'),
+ 'max': get_data_item(data[0][0], 'layers.meta.commit_count')}
+ }
+ print(html.template.render(metadata=metadata, test_data=tests, chart_opts=chart_opts))
+def auto_args(repo, args):
+ """Guess arguments, if not defined by the user"""
+ # Get the latest commit in the repo
+ log.debug("Guessing arguments from the latest commit")
+ msg = repo.run_cmd(['log', '-1', '--all', '--format=%b'])
+ for line in msg.splitlines():
+ split = line.split(':', 1)
+ if len(split) != 2:
+ continue
+ key = split[0]
+ val = split[1].strip()
+ if key == 'hostname':
+ log.debug("Using hostname %s", val)
+ args.hostname = val
+ elif key == 'branch':
+ log.debug("Using branch %s", val)
+ args.branch = val
+def parse_args(argv):
+ """Parse command line arguments"""
+ description = """
+Examine build performance test results from a Git repository"""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
+ description=description)
+ parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', action='store_true',
+ help="Verbose logging")
+ parser.add_argument('--repo', '-r', required=True,
+ help="Results repository (local git clone)")
+ parser.add_argument('--list', '-l', action='store_true',
+ help="List available test runs")
+ parser.add_argument('--html', action='store_true',
+ help="Generate report in html format")
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('Tag and revision')
+ group.add_argument('--tag-name', '-t',
+ default='{hostname}/{branch}/{machine}/{commit_number}-g{commit}/{tag_number}',
+ help="Tag name (pattern) for finding results")
+ group.add_argument('--hostname', '-H')
+ group.add_argument('--branch', '-B', default='master')
+ group.add_argument('--machine', default='qemux86')
+ group.add_argument('--history-length', default=25, type=int,
+ help="Number of tested revisions to plot in html report")
+ group.add_argument('--commit',
+ help="Revision to search for")
+ group.add_argument('--commit-number',
+ help="Revision number to search for, redundant if "
+ "--commit is specified")
+ group.add_argument('--commit2',
+ help="Revision to compare with")
+ group.add_argument('--commit-number2',
+ help="Revision number to compare with, redundant if "
+ "--commit2 is specified")
+ return parser.parse_args(argv)
+def main(argv=None):
+ """Script entry point"""
+ args = parse_args(argv)
+ if args.debug:
+ log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ repo = GitRepo(args.repo)
+ if args.list:
+ list_test_revs(repo, args.tag_name)
+ return 0
+ # Determine hostname which to use
+ if not args.hostname:
+ auto_args(repo, args)
+ revs = get_test_revs(repo, args.tag_name, hostname=args.hostname,
+ branch=args.branch, machine=args.machine)
+ if len(revs) < 2:
+ log.error("%d tester revisions found, unable to generate report",
+ len(revs))
+ return 1
+ # Pick revisions
+ if args.commit:
+ if args.commit_number:
+ log.warning("Ignoring --commit-number as --commit was specified")
+ index1 = rev_find(revs, 'commit', args.commit)
+ elif args.commit_number:
+ index1 = rev_find(revs, 'commit_number', args.commit_number)
+ else:
+ index1 = len(revs) - 1
+ if args.commit2:
+ if args.commit_number2:
+ log.warning("Ignoring --commit-number2 as --commit2 was specified")
+ index2 = rev_find(revs, 'commit', args.commit2)
+ elif args.commit_number2:
+ index2 = rev_find(revs, 'commit_number', args.commit_number2)
+ else:
+ if index1 > 0:
+ index2 = index1 - 1
+ else:
+ log.error("Unable to determine the other commit, use "
+ "--commit2 or --commit-number2 to specify it")
+ return 1
+ index_l = min(index1, index2)
+ index_r = max(index1, index2)
+ rev_l = revs[index_l]
+ rev_r = revs[index_r]
+ log.debug("Using 'left' revision %s (%s), %s test runs:\n %s",
+ rev_l.commit_number, rev_l.commit, len(rev_l.tags),
+ '\n '.join(rev_l.tags))
+ log.debug("Using 'right' revision %s (%s), %s test runs:\n %s",
+ rev_r.commit_number, rev_r.commit, len(rev_r.tags),
+ '\n '.join(rev_r.tags))
+ # Check report format used in the repo (assume all reports in the same fmt)
+ xml = is_xml_format(repo, revs[index_r].tags[-1])
+ if args.html:
+ index_0 = max(0, index_r - args.history_length)
+ rev_range = range(index_0, index_r + 1)
+ else:
+ # We do not need range of commits for text report (no graphs)
+ index_0 = index_l
+ rev_range = (index_l, index_r)
+ # Read raw data
+ log.debug("Reading %d revisions, starting from %s (%s)",
+ len(rev_range), revs[index_0].commit_number, revs[index_0].commit)
+ raw_data = [read_results(repo, revs[i].tags, xml) for i in rev_range]
+ data = []
+ for raw_m, raw_d in raw_data:
+ data.append((aggregate_metadata(raw_m), aggregate_data(raw_d)))
+ # Re-map list indexes to the new table starting from index 0
+ index_r = index_r - index_0
+ index_l = index_l - index_0
+ # Print report
+ if not args.html:
+ print_diff_report(data[index_l][0], data[index_l][1],
+ data[index_r][0], data[index_r][1])
+ else:
+ print_html_report(data, index_l)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())