path: root/meta
diff options
authorRichard Purdie <rpurdie@linux.intel.com>2010-08-04 11:34:18 +0100
committerRichard Purdie <rpurdie@linux.intel.com>2010-08-19 20:06:25 +0100
commitc7a80295702a65c4bd528accbb4bb6f9998505f5 (patch)
treee6afb04f1cb850460e10b47fb15ce007a1ba5d5b /meta
parent787c1cf81195e97dda5fdab3a0a5d8bda97f6770 (diff)
Start sstate
Add pre clean hook Add sstate_installpkg sstate: Tie all pieces together with a setscene function Use pythonic functions rather than os.system() Implement sstate_clean function package_ipk: clean shared state in prestate packaged-staging2: implement fetching packages from mirror Copy add staging_fetch() from packaged-staging.bbclass packaged-staging2: make the output slightly friendlier packaged-staging2: handle directories in the shared state Add directories to the manifest when installing and remove them if empty when cleaning. Move most of the sstate code into the class itself removing the need for heavy boilderplate packaged-staging2: Programatically ensure directories are last in the manifest packaged-staging2: add cleanall packaged-staging2.bbclass: Connect in cleanall function to do_clean We want to ensure that directories appear at the end of the manifest so that when we test to see if they should be deleted any contents added by the task will have been removed first. pstage2: Use oe.path.copytree packaged-staging2: support lockfiles and plaindirs Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <rpurdie@linux.intel.com> Signed-off-by: Joshua Lock <josh@linux.intel.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta')
2 files changed, 298 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/packaged-staging2.bbclass b/meta/classes/packaged-staging2.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6476257fc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/packaged-staging2.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+PSTAGE2_MANIFESTS = "${TMPDIR}/pstagelogs"
+PSTAGE2_PKGPN = "${@bb.data.expand('staging-${PN}-${MULTIMACH_ARCH}${TARGET_VENDOR}-${TARGET_OS}', d).replace('_', '-')}"
+PSTAGE2_SCAN_CMD ?= "find ${PSTAGE2_BUILDDIR} \( -name "*.la" -o -name "*-config" \) -type f"
+python () {
+ if bb.data.inherits_class('native', d):
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_PKGARCH', bb.data.getVar('BUILD_ARCH', d), d)
+ elif bb.data.inherits_class('cross', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('crosssdk', d):
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_PKGARCH', bb.data.expand("${BUILD_ARCH}_${TARGET_ARCH}", d), d)
+ elif bb.data.inherits_class('nativesdk', d):
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_PKGARCH', bb.data.expand("${SDK_ARCH}", d), d)
+ elif bb.data.inherits_class('cross-canadian', d):
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_PKGARCH', bb.data.expand("${SDK_ARCH}_${TARGET_ARCH}", d), d)
+ # These classes encode staging paths into their scripts data so can only be
+ # reused if we manipulate the paths
+ if bb.data.inherits_class('native', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('cross', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('sdk', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('crosssdk', d):
+ scan_cmd = "grep -Irl ${STAGING_DIR} ${PSTAGE2_BUILDDIR}"
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_SCAN_CMD', scan_cmd, d)
+ for task in (bb.data.getVar('SSTATETASKS', d, True) or "").split():
+ funcs = bb.data.getVarFlag(task, 'prefuncs', d) or ""
+ funcs = "sstate_task_prefunc " + funcs
+ bb.data.setVarFlag(task, 'prefuncs', funcs, d)
+ funcs = bb.data.getVarFlag(task, 'postfuncs', d) or ""
+ funcs = "sstate_task_postfunc " + funcs
+ bb.data.setVarFlag(task, 'postfuncs', funcs, d)
+def sstate_init(name, d):
+ ss = {}
+ ss['name'] = name
+ ss['dirs'] = []
+ ss['plaindirs'] = []
+ ss['lockfiles'] = []
+ return ss
+def sstate_state_fromvars(d):
+ task = bb.data.getVar('BB_CURRENTTASK', d, True)
+ if not task:
+ bb.fatal("sstate code running without task context?!")
+ task = task.replace("_setscene", "")
+ name = bb.data.expand(bb.data.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-name', d), d)
+ inputs = (bb.data.expand(bb.data.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-inputdirs', d) or "", d)).split()
+ outputs = (bb.data.expand(bb.data.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-outputdirs', d) or "", d)).split()
+ plaindirs = (bb.data.expand(bb.data.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-plaindirs', d) or "", d)).split()
+ lockfiles = (bb.data.expand(bb.data.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-lockfile', d) or "", d)).split()
+ if not name or len(inputs) != len(outputs):
+ bb.fatal("sstate variables not setup correctly?!")
+ ss = sstate_init(name, d)
+ for i in range(len(inputs)):
+ sstate_add(ss, inputs[i], outputs[i], d)
+ ss['lockfiles'] = lockfiles
+ ss['plaindirs'] = plaindirs
+ return ss
+def sstate_add(ss, source, dest, d):
+ srcbase = os.path.basename(source)
+ ss['dirs'].append([srcbase, source, dest])
+ return ss
+def sstate_install(ss, d):
+ import oe.path
+ sharedfiles = []
+ shareddirs = []
+ bb.mkdirhier(bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE2_MANIFESTS}", d))
+ manifest = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE2_MANFILEPREFIX}.%s" % ss['name'], d)
+ if os.access(manifest, os.R_OK):
+ bb.fatal("Package already staged (%s)?!" % manifest)
+ locks = []
+ for lock in ss['lockfiles']:
+ locks.append(bb.utils.lockfile(lock))
+ for state in ss['dirs']:
+ oe.path.copytree(state[1], state[2])
+ for walkroot, dirs, files in os.walk(state[1]):
+ for file in files:
+ srcpath = os.path.join(walkroot, file)
+ dstpath = srcpath.replace(state[1], state[2])
+ bb.debug(2, "Staging %s to %s" % (srcpath, dstpath))
+ sharedfiles.append(dstpath)
+ for dir in dirs:
+ dir = os.path.join(state[2], dir)
+ if not dir.endswith("/"):
+ dir = dir + "/"
+ shareddirs.append(dir)
+ f = open(manifest, "w")
+ for file in sharedfiles:
+ f.write(file + "\n")
+ # We want to ensure that directories appear at the end of the manifest
+ # so that when we test to see if they should be deleted any contents
+ # added by the task will have been removed first.
+ for dir in shareddirs:
+ f.write(dir + "\n")
+ f.close()
+ for lock in locks:
+ bb.utils.unlockfile(lock)
+def sstate_installpkg(ss, d):
+ import oe.path
+ pstageinst = bb.data.expand("${WORKDIR}/pstage-install-%s/" % ss['name'], d)
+ pstagepkg = bb.data.getVar('PSTAGE2_PKG', d, True) + '_' + ss['name'] + ".tgz"
+ if not os.path.exists(pstagepkg):
+ pstaging_fetch(pstagepkg, d)
+ if not os.path.isfile(pstagepkg):
+ bb.note("Staging package %s does not exist" % pstagepkg)
+ return False
+ sstate_clean(ss, d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_INSTDIR', pstageinst, d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_PKG', pstagepkg, d)
+ bb.build.exec_func('sstate_unpack_package', d)
+ # Fixup hardcoded paths
+ fixmefn = pstageinst + "fixmepath"
+ if os.path.isfile(fixmefn):
+ staging = bb.data.getVar('STAGING_DIR', d, True)
+ fixmefd = open(fixmefn, "r")
+ fixmefiles = fixmefd.readlines()
+ fixmefd.close()
+ for file in fixmefiles:
+ os.system("sed -i -e s:FIXMESTAGINGDIR:%s:g %s" % (staging, pstageinst + file))
+ for state in ss['dirs']:
+ if os.path.exists(state[1]):
+ oe.path.remove(state[1])
+ oe.path.copytree(pstageinst + state[0], state[1])
+ sstate_install(ss, d)
+ for plain in ss['plaindirs']:
+ bb.mkdirhier(pstageinst + plain)
+ oe.path.copytree(pstageinst + plain, bb.data.getVar('WORKDIR', d, True) + plain)
+ return True
+def sstate_clean_manifest(manifest, d):
+ import oe.path
+ if not os.path.exists(manifest):
+ return
+ mfile = open(manifest)
+ entries = mfile.readlines()
+ mfile.close()
+ for entry in entries:
+ entry = entry.strip()
+ if entry.endswith("/"):
+ if os.path.exists(entry) and len(os.listdir(entry)) == 0:
+ os.rmdir(entry)
+ else:
+ oe.path.remove(entry)
+ oe.path.remove(manifest)
+def sstate_clean(ss, d):
+ manifest = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE2_MANFILEPREFIX}.%s" % ss['name'], d)
+ locks = []
+ for lock in ss['lockfiles']:
+ locks.append(bb.utils.lockfile(lock))
+ sstate_clean_manifest(manifest, d)
+ for lock in locks:
+ bb.utils.unlockfile(lock)
+python sstate_cleanall() {
+ import fnmatch
+ bb.note("Removing %s from staging" % bb.data.getVar('PN', d, True))
+ manifest_dir = bb.data.getVar('PSTAGE2_MANIFESTS', d, True)
+ manifest_pattern = bb.data.expand("manifest-${PN}.*", d)
+ for manifest in (os.listdir(manifest_dir)):
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(manifest, manifest_pattern):
+ sstate_clean_manifest(manifest_dir + "/" + manifest, d)
+do_clean[postfuncs] += "sstate_cleanall"
+do_clean[dirs] += "${PSTAGE2_MANIFESTS}"
+def sstate_package(ss, d):
+ import oe.path
+ pstagebuild = bb.data.expand("${WORKDIR}/pstage-build-%s/" % ss['name'], d)
+ pstagepkg = bb.data.getVar('PSTAGE2_PKG', d, True) + '_'+ ss['name'] + ".tgz"
+ bb.mkdirhier(pstagebuild)
+ bb.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(pstagepkg))
+ for state in ss['dirs']:
+ srcbase = state[0].rstrip("/").rsplit('/', 1)[0]
+ oe.path.copytree(state[1], pstagebuild + state[0])
+ for walkroot, dirs, files in os.walk(state[1]):
+ for file in files:
+ srcpath = os.path.join(walkroot, file)
+ dstpath = srcpath.replace(state[1], pstagebuild + state[0])
+ bb.debug(2, "Preparing %s for packaging at %s" % (srcpath, dstpath))
+ workdir = bb.data.getVar('WORKDIR', d, True)
+ for plain in ss['plaindirs']:
+ pdir = plain.replace(workdir, pstagebuild)
+ bb.mkdirhier(plain)
+ bb.mkdirhier(pdir)
+ oe.path.copytree(plain, pdir)
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_BUILDDIR', pstagebuild, d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_PKG', pstagepkg, d)
+ bb.build.exec_func('sstate_create_package', d)
+ return
+def pstaging_fetch(pstagepkg, d):
+ import bb.fetch
+ # only try and fetch if the user has configured a mirror
+ if bb.data.getVar('PSTAGE_MIRROR', d) != "":
+ # Copy the data object and override DL_DIR and SRC_URI
+ pd = d.createCopy()
+ dldir = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE_DIR}/${PSTAGE_PKGPATH}", pd)
+ mirror = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE_MIRROR}/${PSTAGE_PKGPATH}/", pd)
+ srcuri = mirror + os.path.basename(pstagepkg)
+ bb.data.setVar('DL_DIR', dldir, pd)
+ bb.data.setVar('SRC_URI', srcuri, pd)
+ # Try a fetch from the pstage mirror, if it fails just return and
+ # we will build the package
+ try:
+ bb.fetch.init([srcuri], pd)
+ bb.fetch.go(pd, [srcuri])
+ except:
+ return
+def sstate_setscene(d):
+ shared_state = sstate_state_fromvars(d)
+ accelerate = sstate_installpkg(shared_state, d)
+ if not accelerate:
+ raise bb.build.FuncFailed("No suitable staging package found")
+python sstate_task_prefunc () {
+ shared_state = sstate_state_fromvars(d)
+ sstate_clean(shared_state, d)
+python sstate_task_postfunc () {
+ shared_state = sstate_state_fromvars(d)
+ sstate_install(shared_state, d)
+ sstate_package(shared_state, d)
+# Shell function to generate a pstage package from a directory
+sstate_create_package () {
+ # Need to remove hardcoded paths and fix these when we install the
+ # staging packages.
+ for i in `${PSTAGE2_SCAN_CMD}` ; do \
+ echo $i | sed -e 's:${PSTAGE2_BUILDDIR}::' >> ${PSTAGE2_BUILDDIR}fixmepath
+ done
+ tar -cvzf ${PSTAGE2_PKG} *
+# Shell function to decompress and prepare a package for installation
+sstate_unpack_package () {
+ mkdir -p ${PSTAGE2_INSTDIR}
+ tar -xvzf ${PSTAGE2_PKG}
diff --git a/meta/conf/distro/poky.conf b/meta/conf/distro/poky.conf
index df07d04a90..d6d335e5a6 100644
--- a/meta/conf/distro/poky.conf
+++ b/meta/conf/distro/poky.conf
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ USER_CLASSES ?= ""
PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_ipk"
INHERIT_INSANE ?= "insane"
-INHERIT += "${PACKAGE_CLASSES} ${USER_CLASSES} debian poky devshell ${INHERIT_INSANE} packaged-staging"
+INHERIT += "${PACKAGE_CLASSES} ${USER_CLASSES} debian poky devshell ${INHERIT_INSANE} packaged-staging packaged-staging2"
# For some reason, this doesn't work
# TARGET_OS ?= "linux"
# TARGET_VENDOR ?= "-poky"