path: root/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass
diff options
authorRichard Purdie <rpurdie@linux.intel.com>2010-08-19 22:48:17 +0100
committerRichard Purdie <rpurdie@linux.intel.com>2010-08-19 22:48:17 +0100
commitf070ee959c8eb4d49f820ec46f22be221b46485a (patch)
tree2ec8c060e4c49e01009d8b281046b5519b0d6ee8 /meta/classes/sstate.bbclass
parent657188bfef94fd0e124fb6415051a83e99db7563 (diff)
Rename packaged-staging2 -> sstate and remove the old empty class
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <rpurdie@linux.intel.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/classes/sstate.bbclass')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass b/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6476257fc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+PSTAGE2_MANIFESTS = "${TMPDIR}/pstagelogs"
+PSTAGE2_PKGPN = "${@bb.data.expand('staging-${PN}-${MULTIMACH_ARCH}${TARGET_VENDOR}-${TARGET_OS}', d).replace('_', '-')}"
+PSTAGE2_SCAN_CMD ?= "find ${PSTAGE2_BUILDDIR} \( -name "*.la" -o -name "*-config" \) -type f"
+python () {
+ if bb.data.inherits_class('native', d):
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_PKGARCH', bb.data.getVar('BUILD_ARCH', d), d)
+ elif bb.data.inherits_class('cross', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('crosssdk', d):
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_PKGARCH', bb.data.expand("${BUILD_ARCH}_${TARGET_ARCH}", d), d)
+ elif bb.data.inherits_class('nativesdk', d):
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_PKGARCH', bb.data.expand("${SDK_ARCH}", d), d)
+ elif bb.data.inherits_class('cross-canadian', d):
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_PKGARCH', bb.data.expand("${SDK_ARCH}_${TARGET_ARCH}", d), d)
+ # These classes encode staging paths into their scripts data so can only be
+ # reused if we manipulate the paths
+ if bb.data.inherits_class('native', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('cross', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('sdk', d) or bb.data.inherits_class('crosssdk', d):
+ scan_cmd = "grep -Irl ${STAGING_DIR} ${PSTAGE2_BUILDDIR}"
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_SCAN_CMD', scan_cmd, d)
+ for task in (bb.data.getVar('SSTATETASKS', d, True) or "").split():
+ funcs = bb.data.getVarFlag(task, 'prefuncs', d) or ""
+ funcs = "sstate_task_prefunc " + funcs
+ bb.data.setVarFlag(task, 'prefuncs', funcs, d)
+ funcs = bb.data.getVarFlag(task, 'postfuncs', d) or ""
+ funcs = "sstate_task_postfunc " + funcs
+ bb.data.setVarFlag(task, 'postfuncs', funcs, d)
+def sstate_init(name, d):
+ ss = {}
+ ss['name'] = name
+ ss['dirs'] = []
+ ss['plaindirs'] = []
+ ss['lockfiles'] = []
+ return ss
+def sstate_state_fromvars(d):
+ task = bb.data.getVar('BB_CURRENTTASK', d, True)
+ if not task:
+ bb.fatal("sstate code running without task context?!")
+ task = task.replace("_setscene", "")
+ name = bb.data.expand(bb.data.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-name', d), d)
+ inputs = (bb.data.expand(bb.data.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-inputdirs', d) or "", d)).split()
+ outputs = (bb.data.expand(bb.data.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-outputdirs', d) or "", d)).split()
+ plaindirs = (bb.data.expand(bb.data.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-plaindirs', d) or "", d)).split()
+ lockfiles = (bb.data.expand(bb.data.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'sstate-lockfile', d) or "", d)).split()
+ if not name or len(inputs) != len(outputs):
+ bb.fatal("sstate variables not setup correctly?!")
+ ss = sstate_init(name, d)
+ for i in range(len(inputs)):
+ sstate_add(ss, inputs[i], outputs[i], d)
+ ss['lockfiles'] = lockfiles
+ ss['plaindirs'] = plaindirs
+ return ss
+def sstate_add(ss, source, dest, d):
+ srcbase = os.path.basename(source)
+ ss['dirs'].append([srcbase, source, dest])
+ return ss
+def sstate_install(ss, d):
+ import oe.path
+ sharedfiles = []
+ shareddirs = []
+ bb.mkdirhier(bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE2_MANIFESTS}", d))
+ manifest = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE2_MANFILEPREFIX}.%s" % ss['name'], d)
+ if os.access(manifest, os.R_OK):
+ bb.fatal("Package already staged (%s)?!" % manifest)
+ locks = []
+ for lock in ss['lockfiles']:
+ locks.append(bb.utils.lockfile(lock))
+ for state in ss['dirs']:
+ oe.path.copytree(state[1], state[2])
+ for walkroot, dirs, files in os.walk(state[1]):
+ for file in files:
+ srcpath = os.path.join(walkroot, file)
+ dstpath = srcpath.replace(state[1], state[2])
+ bb.debug(2, "Staging %s to %s" % (srcpath, dstpath))
+ sharedfiles.append(dstpath)
+ for dir in dirs:
+ dir = os.path.join(state[2], dir)
+ if not dir.endswith("/"):
+ dir = dir + "/"
+ shareddirs.append(dir)
+ f = open(manifest, "w")
+ for file in sharedfiles:
+ f.write(file + "\n")
+ # We want to ensure that directories appear at the end of the manifest
+ # so that when we test to see if they should be deleted any contents
+ # added by the task will have been removed first.
+ for dir in shareddirs:
+ f.write(dir + "\n")
+ f.close()
+ for lock in locks:
+ bb.utils.unlockfile(lock)
+def sstate_installpkg(ss, d):
+ import oe.path
+ pstageinst = bb.data.expand("${WORKDIR}/pstage-install-%s/" % ss['name'], d)
+ pstagepkg = bb.data.getVar('PSTAGE2_PKG', d, True) + '_' + ss['name'] + ".tgz"
+ if not os.path.exists(pstagepkg):
+ pstaging_fetch(pstagepkg, d)
+ if not os.path.isfile(pstagepkg):
+ bb.note("Staging package %s does not exist" % pstagepkg)
+ return False
+ sstate_clean(ss, d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_INSTDIR', pstageinst, d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_PKG', pstagepkg, d)
+ bb.build.exec_func('sstate_unpack_package', d)
+ # Fixup hardcoded paths
+ fixmefn = pstageinst + "fixmepath"
+ if os.path.isfile(fixmefn):
+ staging = bb.data.getVar('STAGING_DIR', d, True)
+ fixmefd = open(fixmefn, "r")
+ fixmefiles = fixmefd.readlines()
+ fixmefd.close()
+ for file in fixmefiles:
+ os.system("sed -i -e s:FIXMESTAGINGDIR:%s:g %s" % (staging, pstageinst + file))
+ for state in ss['dirs']:
+ if os.path.exists(state[1]):
+ oe.path.remove(state[1])
+ oe.path.copytree(pstageinst + state[0], state[1])
+ sstate_install(ss, d)
+ for plain in ss['plaindirs']:
+ bb.mkdirhier(pstageinst + plain)
+ oe.path.copytree(pstageinst + plain, bb.data.getVar('WORKDIR', d, True) + plain)
+ return True
+def sstate_clean_manifest(manifest, d):
+ import oe.path
+ if not os.path.exists(manifest):
+ return
+ mfile = open(manifest)
+ entries = mfile.readlines()
+ mfile.close()
+ for entry in entries:
+ entry = entry.strip()
+ if entry.endswith("/"):
+ if os.path.exists(entry) and len(os.listdir(entry)) == 0:
+ os.rmdir(entry)
+ else:
+ oe.path.remove(entry)
+ oe.path.remove(manifest)
+def sstate_clean(ss, d):
+ manifest = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE2_MANFILEPREFIX}.%s" % ss['name'], d)
+ locks = []
+ for lock in ss['lockfiles']:
+ locks.append(bb.utils.lockfile(lock))
+ sstate_clean_manifest(manifest, d)
+ for lock in locks:
+ bb.utils.unlockfile(lock)
+python sstate_cleanall() {
+ import fnmatch
+ bb.note("Removing %s from staging" % bb.data.getVar('PN', d, True))
+ manifest_dir = bb.data.getVar('PSTAGE2_MANIFESTS', d, True)
+ manifest_pattern = bb.data.expand("manifest-${PN}.*", d)
+ for manifest in (os.listdir(manifest_dir)):
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(manifest, manifest_pattern):
+ sstate_clean_manifest(manifest_dir + "/" + manifest, d)
+do_clean[postfuncs] += "sstate_cleanall"
+do_clean[dirs] += "${PSTAGE2_MANIFESTS}"
+def sstate_package(ss, d):
+ import oe.path
+ pstagebuild = bb.data.expand("${WORKDIR}/pstage-build-%s/" % ss['name'], d)
+ pstagepkg = bb.data.getVar('PSTAGE2_PKG', d, True) + '_'+ ss['name'] + ".tgz"
+ bb.mkdirhier(pstagebuild)
+ bb.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(pstagepkg))
+ for state in ss['dirs']:
+ srcbase = state[0].rstrip("/").rsplit('/', 1)[0]
+ oe.path.copytree(state[1], pstagebuild + state[0])
+ for walkroot, dirs, files in os.walk(state[1]):
+ for file in files:
+ srcpath = os.path.join(walkroot, file)
+ dstpath = srcpath.replace(state[1], pstagebuild + state[0])
+ bb.debug(2, "Preparing %s for packaging at %s" % (srcpath, dstpath))
+ workdir = bb.data.getVar('WORKDIR', d, True)
+ for plain in ss['plaindirs']:
+ pdir = plain.replace(workdir, pstagebuild)
+ bb.mkdirhier(plain)
+ bb.mkdirhier(pdir)
+ oe.path.copytree(plain, pdir)
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_BUILDDIR', pstagebuild, d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PSTAGE2_PKG', pstagepkg, d)
+ bb.build.exec_func('sstate_create_package', d)
+ return
+def pstaging_fetch(pstagepkg, d):
+ import bb.fetch
+ # only try and fetch if the user has configured a mirror
+ if bb.data.getVar('PSTAGE_MIRROR', d) != "":
+ # Copy the data object and override DL_DIR and SRC_URI
+ pd = d.createCopy()
+ dldir = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE_DIR}/${PSTAGE_PKGPATH}", pd)
+ mirror = bb.data.expand("${PSTAGE_MIRROR}/${PSTAGE_PKGPATH}/", pd)
+ srcuri = mirror + os.path.basename(pstagepkg)
+ bb.data.setVar('DL_DIR', dldir, pd)
+ bb.data.setVar('SRC_URI', srcuri, pd)
+ # Try a fetch from the pstage mirror, if it fails just return and
+ # we will build the package
+ try:
+ bb.fetch.init([srcuri], pd)
+ bb.fetch.go(pd, [srcuri])
+ except:
+ return
+def sstate_setscene(d):
+ shared_state = sstate_state_fromvars(d)
+ accelerate = sstate_installpkg(shared_state, d)
+ if not accelerate:
+ raise bb.build.FuncFailed("No suitable staging package found")
+python sstate_task_prefunc () {
+ shared_state = sstate_state_fromvars(d)
+ sstate_clean(shared_state, d)
+python sstate_task_postfunc () {
+ shared_state = sstate_state_fromvars(d)
+ sstate_install(shared_state, d)
+ sstate_package(shared_state, d)
+# Shell function to generate a pstage package from a directory
+sstate_create_package () {
+ # Need to remove hardcoded paths and fix these when we install the
+ # staging packages.
+ for i in `${PSTAGE2_SCAN_CMD}` ; do \
+ echo $i | sed -e 's:${PSTAGE2_BUILDDIR}::' >> ${PSTAGE2_BUILDDIR}fixmepath
+ done
+ tar -cvzf ${PSTAGE2_PKG} *
+# Shell function to decompress and prepare a package for installation
+sstate_unpack_package () {
+ mkdir -p ${PSTAGE2_INSTDIR}
+ tar -xvzf ${PSTAGE2_PKG}