path: root/meta-selftest/README
diff options
authorAlexander Kanavin <alexander.kanavin@linux.intel.com>2017-08-07 14:45:02 +0300
committerRichard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>2017-08-11 00:08:31 +0100
commit6fdd09358089acbb1b3bf00d3f10e91a8a34fe1c (patch)
tree370853fcbd1c423517a0082fefe88886feb442ea /meta-selftest/README
parente545ebf7b0381a0cdb30807708b92fe7da2434f7 (diff)
babeltrace: update to 1.5.3
Signed-off-by: Alexander Kanavin <alexander.kanavin@linux.intel.com> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton@intel.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-selftest/README')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
ref='#n148'>148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365
# This class integrates real-time license scanning, generation of SPDX standard
# output and verifiying license info during the building process.
# It is a combination of efforts from the OE-Core, SPDX and Fossology projects.
# For more information on FOSSology:
#   http://www.fossology.org
# For more information on FOSSologySPDX commandline:
#   https://github.com/spdx-tools/fossology-spdx/wiki/Fossology-SPDX-Web-API
# For more information on SPDX:
#   http://www.spdx.org

# SPDX file will be output to the path which is defined as[SPDX_MANIFEST_DIR] 
# in ./meta/conf/licenses.conf.

SPDXSSTATEDIR = "${WORKDIR}/spdx_sstate_dir"

# If ${S} isn't actually the top-level source directory, set SPDX_S to point at
# the real top-level directory.
SPDX_S ?= "${S}"

python do_spdx () {
    import os, sys
    import json, shutil

    info = {} 
    info['workdir'] = d.getVar('WORKDIR', True)
    info['sourcedir'] = d.getVar('SPDX_S', True)
    info['pn'] = d.getVar('PN', True)
    info['pv'] = d.getVar('PV', True)
    info['spdx_version'] = d.getVar('SPDX_VERSION', True)
    info['data_license'] = d.getVar('DATA_LICENSE', True)

    sstatedir = d.getVar('SPDXSSTATEDIR', True)
    sstatefile = os.path.join(sstatedir, info['pn'] + info['pv'] + ".spdx")

    manifest_dir = d.getVar('SPDX_MANIFEST_DIR', True)
    info['outfile'] = os.path.join(manifest_dir, info['pn'] + ".spdx" )

    info['spdx_temp_dir'] = d.getVar('SPDX_TEMP_DIR', True)
    info['tar_file'] = os.path.join(info['workdir'], info['pn'] + ".tar.gz" )

    # Make sure important dirs exist
    except OSError as e:
        bb.error("SPDX: Could not set up required directories: " + str(e))

    ## get everything from cache.  use it to decide if 
    ## something needs to be rerun 
    cur_ver_code = get_ver_code(info['sourcedir'])
    cache_cur = False
    if os.path.exists(sstatefile):
        ## cache for this package exists. read it in
        cached_spdx = get_cached_spdx(sstatefile)

        if cached_spdx['PackageVerificationCode'] == cur_ver_code:
            bb.warn("SPDX: Verification code for " + info['pn']
                  + "is same as cache's. do nothing")
            cache_cur = True
            local_file_info = setup_foss_scan(info, True, cached_spdx['Files'])
        local_file_info = setup_foss_scan(info, False, None)

    if cache_cur:
        spdx_file_info = cached_spdx['Files']
        foss_package_info = cached_spdx['Package']
        foss_license_info = cached_spdx['Licenses']
        ## setup fossology command
        foss_server = d.getVar('FOSS_SERVER', True)
        foss_flags = d.getVar('FOSS_WGET_FLAGS', True)
        foss_full_spdx = d.getVar('FOSS_FULL_SPDX', True) == "true" or False
        foss_command = "wget %s --post-file=%s %s"\
            % (foss_flags, info['tar_file'], foss_server)
        foss_result = run_fossology(foss_command, foss_full_spdx)
        if foss_result is not None:
            (foss_package_info, foss_file_info, foss_license_info) = foss_result
            spdx_file_info = create_spdx_doc(local_file_info, foss_file_info)
            ## write to cache
            write_cached_spdx(sstatefile, cur_ver_code, foss_package_info,
                              spdx_file_info, foss_license_info)
            bb.error("SPDX: Could not communicate with FOSSology server. Command was: " + foss_command)
    ## Get document and package level information
    spdx_header_info = get_header_info(info, cur_ver_code, foss_package_info)
    create_manifest(info, spdx_header_info, spdx_file_info, foss_license_info)

    ## clean up the temp stuff
    shutil.rmtree(info['spdx_temp_dir'], ignore_errors=True)
    if os.path.exists(info['tar_file']):
addtask spdx after do_patch before do_configure

def create_manifest(info, header, files, licenses):
    import codecs
    with codecs.open(info['outfile'], mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        # Write header
        f.write(header + '\n')

        # Write file data
        for chksum, block in files.iteritems():
            f.write("FileName: " + block['FileName'] + '\n')
            for key, value in block.iteritems():
                if not key == 'FileName':
                    f.write(key + ": " + value + '\n')

        # Write license data
        for id, block in licenses.iteritems():
            f.write("LicenseID: " + id + '\n')
            for key, value in block.iteritems():
                f.write(key + ": " + value + '\n')

def get_cached_spdx(sstatefile):
    import json
    import codecs
    cached_spdx_info = {}
    with codecs.open(sstatefile, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            cached_spdx_info = json.load(f)
        except ValueError as e:
            cached_spdx_info = None
    return cached_spdx_info

def write_cached_spdx(sstatefile, ver_code, package_info, files, license_info):
    import json
    import codecs
    spdx_doc = {}
    spdx_doc['PackageVerificationCode'] = ver_code
    spdx_doc['Files'] = {}
    spdx_doc['Files'] = files
    spdx_doc['Package'] = {}
    spdx_doc['Package'] = package_info
    spdx_doc['Licenses'] = {}
    spdx_doc['Licenses'] = license_info
    with codecs.open(sstatefile, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f:

def setup_foss_scan(info, cache, cached_files):
    import errno, shutil
    import tarfile
    file_info = {}
    cache_dict = {}

    for f_dir, f in list_files(info['sourcedir']):
        full_path = os.path.join(f_dir, f)
        abs_path = os.path.join(info['sourcedir'], full_path)
        dest_dir = os.path.join(info['spdx_temp_dir'], f_dir)
        dest_path = os.path.join(info['spdx_temp_dir'], full_path)

        checksum = hash_file(abs_path)
        if not checksum is None:
            file_info[checksum] = {}
            ## retain cache information if it exists
            if cache and checksum in cached_files:
                file_info[checksum] = cached_files[checksum]
            ## have the file included in what's sent to the FOSSology server
                file_info[checksum]['FileName'] = full_path
                    shutil.copyfile(abs_path, dest_path)
                except OSError as e:
                    bb.warn("SPDX: mkdirhier failed: " + str(e))
                except shutil.Error as e:
                    bb.warn("SPDX: copyfile failed: " + str(e))
                except IOError as e:
                    bb.warn("SPDX: copyfile failed: " + str(e))
            bb.warn("SPDX: Could not get checksum for file: " + f)
    with tarfile.open(info['tar_file'], "w:gz") as tar:
        tar.add(info['spdx_temp_dir'], arcname=os.path.basename(info['spdx_temp_dir']))
    return file_info

def remove_file(file_name):
    except OSError as e:

def list_files(dir):
    for root, subFolders, files in os.walk(dir):
        for f in files:
            rel_root = os.path.relpath(root, dir)
            yield rel_root, f

def hash_file(file_name):
        with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
            data_string = f.read()
            sha1 = hash_string(data_string)
            return sha1
        return None

def hash_string(data):
    import hashlib
    sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
    return sha1.hexdigest()

def run_fossology(foss_command, full_spdx):
    import string, re
    import subprocess
    p = subprocess.Popen(foss_command.split(),
        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    foss_output, foss_error = p.communicate()
    if p.returncode != 0:
        return None

    foss_output = unicode(foss_output, "utf-8")
    foss_output = string.replace(foss_output, '\r', '')

    # Package info
    package_info = {}
    if full_spdx:
        # All mandatory, only one occurrence
        package_info['PackageCopyrightText'] = re.findall('PackageCopyrightText: (.*?</text>)', foss_output, re.S)[0]
        package_info['PackageLicenseDeclared'] = re.findall('PackageLicenseDeclared: (.*)', foss_output)[0]
        package_info['PackageLicenseConcluded'] = re.findall('PackageLicenseConcluded: (.*)', foss_output)[0]
        # These may be more than one
        package_info['PackageLicenseInfoFromFiles'] = re.findall('PackageLicenseInfoFromFiles: (.*)', foss_output)
        package_info['PackageCopyrightText'] = "<text>" + DEFAULT + "</text>"
        package_info['PackageLicenseDeclared'] = DEFAULT
        package_info['PackageLicenseConcluded'] = DEFAULT
        package_info['PackageLicenseInfoFromFiles'] = []

    # File info
    file_info = {}
    records = []
    # FileName is also in PackageFileName, so we match on FileType as well.
    records = re.findall('FileName:.*?FileType:.*?</text>', foss_output, re.S)
    for rec in records:
        chksum = re.findall('FileChecksum: SHA1: (.*)\n', rec)[0]
        file_info[chksum] = {}
        file_info[chksum]['FileCopyrightText'] = re.findall('FileCopyrightText: '
            + '(.*?</text>)', rec, re.S )[0]
        fields = ['FileName', 'FileType', 'LicenseConcluded', 'LicenseInfoInFile']
        for field in fields:
            file_info[chksum][field] = re.findall(field + ': (.*)', rec)[0]

    # Licenses
    license_info = {}
    licenses = []
    licenses = re.findall('LicenseID:.*?LicenseName:.*?\n', foss_output, re.S)
    for lic in licenses:
        license_id = re.findall('LicenseID: (.*)\n', lic)[0]
        license_info[license_id] = {}
        license_info[license_id]['ExtractedText'] = re.findall('ExtractedText: (.*?</text>)', lic, re.S)[0]
        license_info[license_id]['LicenseName'] = re.findall('LicenseName: (.*)', lic)[0]

    return (package_info, file_info, license_info)

def create_spdx_doc(file_info, scanned_files):
    import json
    ## push foss changes back into cache
    for chksum, lic_info in scanned_files.iteritems():
        if chksum in file_info:
            file_info[chksum]['FileType'] = lic_info['FileType']
            file_info[chksum]['FileChecksum: SHA1'] = chksum
            file_info[chksum]['LicenseInfoInFile'] = lic_info['LicenseInfoInFile']
            file_info[chksum]['LicenseConcluded'] = lic_info['LicenseConcluded']
            file_info[chksum]['FileCopyrightText'] = lic_info['FileCopyrightText']
            bb.warn("SPDX: " + lic_info['FileName'] + " : " + chksum
                + " : is not in the local file info: "
                + json.dumps(lic_info, indent=1))
    return file_info

def get_ver_code(dirname):
    chksums = []
    for f_dir, f in list_files(dirname):
        hash = hash_file(os.path.join(dirname, f_dir, f))
        if not hash is None:
            bb.warn("SPDX: Could not hash file: " + path)
    ver_code_string = ''.join(chksums).lower()
    ver_code = hash_string(ver_code_string)
    return ver_code

def get_header_info(info, spdx_verification_code, package_info):
        Put together the header SPDX information.
        Eventually this needs to become a lot less
        of a hardcoded thing.
    from datetime import datetime
    import os
    head = []

    package_checksum = hash_file(info['tar_file'])
    if package_checksum is None:
        package_checksum = DEFAULT

    ## document level information
    head.append("## SPDX Document Information")
    head.append("SPDXVersion: " + info['spdx_version'])
    head.append("DataLicense: " + info['data_license'])
    head.append("DocumentComment: <text>SPDX for "
        + info['pn'] + " version " + info['pv'] + "</text>")

    ## Creator information
    ## Note that this does not give time in UTC.
    now = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
    head.append("## Creation Information")
    ## Tools are supposed to have a version, but FOSSology+SPDX provides none.
    head.append("Creator: Tool: FOSSology+SPDX")
    head.append("Created: " + now)
    head.append("CreatorComment: <text>UNO</text>")

    ## package level information
    head.append("## Package Information")
    head.append("PackageName: " + info['pn'])
    head.append("PackageVersion: " + info['pv'])
    head.append("PackageFileName: " + os.path.basename(info['tar_file']))
    head.append("PackageSupplier: Person:" + DEFAULT)
    head.append("PackageDownloadLocation: " + DEFAULT)
    head.append("PackageSummary: <text></text>")
    head.append("PackageOriginator: Person:" + DEFAULT)
    head.append("PackageChecksum: SHA1: " + package_checksum)
    head.append("PackageVerificationCode: " + spdx_verification_code)
    head.append("PackageDescription: <text>" + info['pn']
        + " version " + info['pv'] + "</text>")
    head.append("PackageCopyrightText: "
        + package_info['PackageCopyrightText'])
    head.append("PackageLicenseDeclared: "
        + package_info['PackageLicenseDeclared'])
    head.append("PackageLicenseConcluded: "
        + package_info['PackageLicenseConcluded'])

    for licref in package_info['PackageLicenseInfoFromFiles']:
        head.append("PackageLicenseInfoFromFiles: " + licref)
    ## header for file level
    head.append("## File Information")

    return '\n'.join(head)