path: root/tools/node_modules/nodemailer/node_modules/simplesmtp/README.md
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+# simplesmtp
+This is a module to easily create custom SMTP servers and clients - use SMTP as a first class protocol in Node.JS!
+[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/andris9/simplesmtp.png)](http://travis-ci.org/andris9/simplesmtp)
+## Support simplesmtp development
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+## SMTP Server
+### Usage
+Create a new SMTP server instance with
+ var smtp = simplesmtp.createServer([options]);
+And start listening on selected port
+ smtp.listen(25, [function(err){}]);
+SMTP options can include the following:
+ * **name** - the hostname of the server, will be used for informational messages
+ * **debug** - if set to true, print out messages about the connection
+ * **timeout** - client timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 60 000 (60 sec.)
+ * **secureConnection** - start a server on secure connection
+ * **SMTPBanner** - greeting banner that is sent to the client on connection
+ * **requireAuthentication** - if set to true, require that the client must authenticate itself
+ * **enableAuthentication** - if set to true, client may authenticate itself but don't have to (as opposed to `requireAuthentication` that explicitly requires clients to authenticate themselves)
+ * **validateSender** - if set to true, emit `'validateSender'` with `envelope`, `email` and `callback` when the client enters `MAIL FROM:<address>`
+ * **validateRecipients** - if set to true, emit `'validateRecipient'` with `envelope`, `email` and `callback` when the client enters `RCPT TO:<address>`
+ * **maxSize** - maximum size of an e-mail in bytes (currently informational only)
+ * **credentials** - TLS credentials (`{key:'', cert:'', ca:['']}`) for the server
+ * **authMethods** - allowed authentication methods, defaults to `["PLAIN", "LOGIN"]`
+ * **disableEHLO** - if set to true, support HELO command only
+ * **ignoreTLS** - if set to true, allow client do not use STARTTLS
+### Example
+ var simplesmtp = require("simplesmtp"),
+ fs = require("fs");
+ var smtp = simplesmtp.createServer();
+ smtp.listen(25);
+ smtp.on("startData", function(envelope){
+ console.log("Message from:", envelope.from);
+ console.log("Message to:", envelope.to);
+ envelope.saveStream = fs.createWriteStream("/tmp/message.txt");
+ });
+ smtp.on("data", function(envelope, chunk){
+ envelope.saveStream.write(chunk);
+ });
+ smtp.on("dataReady", function(envelope, callback){
+ envelope.saveStream.end();
+ console.log("Incoming message saved to /tmp/message.txt");
+ callback(null, "ABC1"); // ABC1 is the queue id to be advertised to the client
+ // callback(new Error("That was clearly a spam!"));
+ });
+### Events
+ * **startData** *(envelope)* - DATA stream is opened by the client (`envelope` is an object with `from`, `to`, `host` and `remoteAddress` properties)
+ * **data** *(envelope, chunk)* - e-mail data chunk is passed from the client
+ * **dataReady** *(envelope, callback)* - client is finished passing e-mail data, `callback` returns the queue id to the client
+ * **authorizeUser** *(envelope, username, password, callback)* - will be emitted if `requireAuthentication` option is set to true. `callback` has two parameters *(err, success)* where `success` is Boolean and should be true, if user is authenticated successfully
+ * **validateSender** *(envelope, email, callback)* - will be emitted if `validateSender` option is set to true
+ * **validateRecipient** *(envelope, email, callback)* - will be emitted it `validataRecipients` option is set to true
+ * **close** *(envelope)* - emitted when the connection to client is closed
+## SMTP Client
+### Usage
+SMTP client can be created with `simplesmptp.connect(port[,host][, options])`
+ * **port** is the port to connect to
+ * **host** is the hostname to connect to (defaults to "localhost")
+ * **options** is an optional options object (see below)
+### Connection options
+The following connection options can be used with `simplesmtp.connect`:
+ * **secureConnection** - use SSL
+ * **name** - the name of the client server
+ * **auth** - authentication object `{user:"...", pass:"..."}` or `{XOAuthToken:"base64data"}`
+ * **ignoreTLS** - ignore server support for STARTTLS
+ * **debug** - output client and server messages to console
+ * **instanceId** - unique instance id for debugging (will be output console with the messages)
+### Connection events
+Once a connection is set up the following events can be listened to:
+ * **'idle'** - the connection to the SMTP server has been successfully set up and the client is waiting for an envelope
+ * **'message'** - the envelope is passed successfully to the server and a message stream can be started
+ * **'ready'** `(success)` - the message was sent
+ * **'rcptFailed'** `(addresses)` - not all recipients were accepted (invalid addresses are included as an array)
+ * **'error'** `(err)` - An error occurred. The connection is closed and an 'end' event is emitted shortly
+ * **'end'** - connection to the client is closed
+### Sending an envelope
+When an `'idle'` event is emitted, an envelope object can be sent to the server.
+This includes a string `from` and an array of strings `to` property.
+Envelope can be sent with `client.useEnvelope(envelope)`
+ // run only once as 'idle' is emitted again after message delivery
+ client.once("idle", function(){
+ client.useEnvelope({
+ from: "me@example.com",
+ to: ["receiver1@example.com", "receiver2@example.com"]
+ });
+ });
+The `to` part of the envelope includes **all** recipients from `To:`, `Cc:` and `Bcc:` fields.
+If setting the envelope up fails, an error is emitted. If only some (not all)
+recipients are not accepted, the mail can still be sent but an `rcptFailed`
+event is emitted.
+ client.on("rcptFailed", function(addresses){
+ console.log("The following addresses were rejected: ", addresses);
+ });
+If the envelope is set up correctly a `'message'` event is emitted.
+### Sending a message
+When `'message'` event is emitted, it is possible to send mail. To do this
+you can pipe directly a message source (for example an .eml file) to the client
+or alternatively you can send the message with `client.write` calls (you also
+need to call `client.end()` once the message is completed.
+If you are piping a stream to the client, do not leave the `'end'` event out,
+this is needed to complete the message sequence by the client.
+ client.on("message", function(){
+ fs.createReadStream("test.eml").pipe(client);
+ });
+Once the message is delivered a `'ready'` event is emitted. The event has an
+parameter which indicates if the message was transmitted( (true) or not (false)
+and another which includes the last received data from the server.
+ client.on("ready", function(success, response){
+ if(success){
+ console.log("The message was transmitted successfully with "+response);
+ }
+ });
+**simplesmtp** supports [XOAUTH](https://developers.google.com/google-apps/gmail/oauth_protocol) authentication.
+To use this feature you can set `XOAuthToken` param as an `auth` option
+ var mailOptions = {
+ ...,
+ auth:{
+ XOAuthToken: "R0VUIGh0dHBzOi8vbWFpbC5nb29...."
+ }
+ }
+Alternatively it is also possible to use XOAuthToken generators (supported by Nodemailer) - this
+needs to be an object with a mandatory method `generate` that takes a callback function for
+generating a XOAUTH token string. This is better for generating tokens only when needed -
+there is no need to calculate unique token for every e-mail request, since a lot of these
+might share the same connection and thus the cleint needs not to re-authenticate itself
+with another token.
+ var XOGen = {
+ token: "abc",
+ generate: function(callback){
+ if(1 != 1){
+ return callback(new Error("Tokens can't be generated in strange environments"));
+ }
+ callback(null, new Buffer(this.token, "utf-8").toString("base64"));
+ }
+ }
+ var mailOptions = {
+ ...,
+ auth:{
+ XOAuthToken: XOGen
+ }
+ }
+### Error types
+Emitted errors include the reason for failing in the `name` property
+ * **UnknowAuthError** - the client tried to authenticate but the method was not supported
+ * **AuthError** - the username/password used were rejected
+ * **TLSError** - STARTTLS failed
+ * **SenderError** - the sender e-mail address was rejected
+ * **RecipientError** - all recipients were rejected (if only some of the recipients are rejected, a `'rcptFailed'` event is raised instead
+There's also an additional property in the error object called `data` that includes
+the last response received from the server (if available for the current error type).
+### About reusing the connection
+You can reuse the same connection several times but you can't send a mail
+through the same connection concurrently. So if you catch and `'idle'` event
+lock the connection to a message process and unlock after `'ready'`.
+On `'error'` events you should reschedule the message and on `'end'` events
+you should recreate the connection.
+### Closing the client
+By default the client tries to keep the connection up. If you want to close it,
+run `client.quit()` - this sends a `QUIT` command to the server and closes the
+ client.quit();
+## SMTP Client Connection pool
+**simplesmtp** has the option for connection pooling if you want to reuse a bulk
+of connections.
+### Usage
+Create a connection pool of SMTP clients with
+ simplesmtp.createClientPool(port[,host][, options])
+ * **port** is the port to connect to
+ * **host** is the hostname to connect to (defaults to "localhost")
+ * **options** is an optional options object (see below)
+### Connection options
+The following connection options can be used with `simplesmtp.connect`:
+ * **secureConnection** - use SSL
+ * **name** - the name of the client server
+ * **auth** - authentication object `{user:"...", pass:"..."}` or `{XOAuthToken:"base64data"}`
+ * **ignoreTLS** - ignore server support for STARTTLS
+ * **debug** - output client and server messages to console
+ * **maxConnections** - how many connections to keep in the pool (defaults to 5)
+### Send an e-mail
+E-mails can be sent through the pool with
+ pool.sendMail(mail[, callback])
+ * **mail** is a [MailComposer](/andris9/mailcomposer) compatible object
+ * **callback** `(error, responseObj)` - is the callback function to run after the message is delivered or an error occured. `responseObj` may include `failedRecipients` which is an array with e-mail addresses that were rejected and `message` which is the last response from the server.
+### Errors
+In addition to SMTP client errors another error name is used
+ * **DeliveryError** - used if the message was not accepted by the SMTP server
+## License