SUMMARY = "Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2" DESCRIPTION = "future is the missing compatibility layer between Python 2 and \ Python 3. It allows you to use a single, clean Python 3.x-compatible codebase \ to support both Python 2 and Python 3 with minimal overhead." HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "MIT" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.txt;md5=a253924061f8ecc41ad7a2ba1560e8e7" SRC_URI[md5sum] = "e4579c836b9c025872efe230f6270349" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "b1bead90b70cf6ec3f0710ae53a525360fa360d306a86583adc6bf83a4db537d" PYPI_PACKAGE_HASH = "99abde815842bc6e97d5a7806ad51236630da14ca2f3b1fce94c0bb94d3d" inherit pypi setuptools RDEPENDS_${PN}_append_class-target = " python-misc" BBCLASSEXTEND = "native" PNBLACKLIST[python-future] ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('I_SWEAR_TO_MIGRATE_TO_PYTHON3', 'yes', '', 'python2 is out of support for long time, read and if you really have to temporarily use this, then set I_SWEAR_TO_MIGRATE_TO_PYTHON3 to "yes"', d)}"