SUMMARY = "mongodb" LICENSE = "AGPL-3.0 & Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://GNU-AGPL-3.0.txt;md5=73f1eb20517c55bf9493b7dd6e480788 \ file://APACHE-2.0.txt;md5=3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57" DEPENDS = "openssl libpcre libpcap zlib" inherit scons PV = "3.3.0+git${SRCPV}" SRCREV = "aacd231be0626a204cb40908afdf62c4b67bb0ad" SRC_URI = "git://;branch=master \ file://0001-Tell-scons-to-use-build-settings-from-environment-va.patch \ " S = "${WORKDIR}/git" # Wiredtiger supports only 64-bit platforms PACKAGECONFIG_x86-64 ??= "tcmalloc wiredtiger" PACKAGECONFIG_aarch64 ??= "tcmalloc wiredtiger" PACKAGECONFIG ??= "tcmalloc" # gperftools compilation fails for arm below v7 because of missing support of # dmb operation. So we use system-allocator instead of tcmalloc PACKAGECONFIG_remove_armv6 = "tcmalloc" #std::current_exception is undefined for arm < v6 COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_armv4 = "(!.*armv4).*" COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_armv5 = "(!.*armv5).*" COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_mips64 = "(!.*mips64).*" COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_powerpc = "(!.*ppc).*" PACKAGECONFIG[tcmalloc] = "--use-system-tcmalloc,--allocator=system,gperftools," PACKAGECONFIG[wiredtiger] = "--wiredtiger=on,--wiredtiger=off,," EXTRA_OESCONS = "--prefix=${D}${prefix} \ LIBPATH=${STAGING_LIBDIR} \ LINKFLAGS='${LDFLAGS}' \ CXXFLAGS='${CXXFLAGS}' \ TARGET_ARCH=${TARGET_ARCH} \ --ssl \ --disable-warnings-as-errors \ --use-system-pcre \ --use-system-zlib \ --js-engine=none \ --nostrip \ ${PACKAGECONFIG_CONFARGS} \ mongod mongos" scons_do_compile() { ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/scons ${PARALLEL_MAKE} ${EXTRA_OESCONS} || \ die "scons build execution failed." } scons_do_install() { ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/scons install ${EXTRA_OESCONS}|| \ die "scons install execution failed." }