LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57" SRC_URI = "\ git://;protocol=https;name=vk-gl-cts;nobranch=1 \ git://;protocol=https;destsuffix=git/external/amber/src;name=amber;branch=main \ git://;protocol=https;destsuffix=git/external/glslang/src;name=glslang \ git://;protocol=https;destsuffix=git/external/spirv-headers/src;name=spirv-headers \ git://;protocol=https;destsuffix=git/external/spirv-tools/src;name=spirv-tools \;subdir=git/external/renderdoc/src;name=renderdoc \ " S = "${WORKDIR}/git" SRCREV_FORMAT = "vk-gl-cts_amber_glslang_spirv-headers_spirv-tools" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" inherit pkgconfig cmake features_check ANY_OF_DISTRO_FEATURES += "opengl wayland" DEPENDS += "libpng zlib virtual/libgles2" SRC_URI += "file://0001-Workaround-for-GCC-11-uninit-variable-warnings-946.patch;patchdir=external/amber/src \ file://0001-Include-limits-header-for-numeric_limits.patch;patchdir=external/vulkancts \ file://0001-vulkancts.patch \ file://0001-use-library-sonames-for-linking.patch \ " SRC_URI:append:libc-musl = "\ file://fix-musl.patch \ " DEPENDS:append:libc-musl = " libexecinfo" SRC_URI:append:toolchain-clang = "\ file://fix-clang-private-operator.patch \ " # The best thing for the user to do is to not specify any of the following # PACKAGECONFIGs (i.e. leave it blank) which tells the project to do its own # probing and build what it thinks is appropriate. # However, if you want, you can specify one of the following PACKAGECONFIGs # to override this behaviour. PACKAGECONFIG ??= "" PACKAGECONFIG[surfaceless] = "-DDEQP_TARGET=surfaceless,,,,,wayland x11_egl x11_glx x11_egl_glx" PACKAGECONFIG[wayland] = "-DDEQP_TARGET=wayland,,wayland,,,surfaceless x11_egl x11_glx x11_egl_glx" PACKAGECONFIG[x11_egl] = "-DDEQP_TARGET=x11_egl,,virtual/libx11 virtual/egl,,,surfaceless wayland x11_glx x11_egl_glx" PACKAGECONFIG[x11_glx] = "-DDEQP_TARGET=x11_glx,,virtual/libx11,,,surfaceless wayland x11_egl x11_egl_glx" PACKAGECONFIG[x11_egl_glx] = "-DDEQP_TARGET=x11_glx,,virtual/libx11 virtual/egl,,,surfaceless wayland x11_egl x11_glx" python __anonymous() { # if the user doesn't specify any PACKAGECONFIG then the cts build system # is going to probe the sysroot to try to figure out what to build # in this case we try to guess whether the user is building for wayland # or x11 and add the required dependencies automatically distrofeatures = (d.getVar("DISTRO_FEATURES") or "") if not bb.utils.contains_any("PACKAGECONFIG", ["surfaceless", "wayland", "x11_egl", "x11_glx", "x11_egl_glx"], True, False, d): if "wayland" in distrofeatures: d.appendVar("DEPENDS", " wayland ") if "x11" in distrofeatures: d.appendVar("DEPENDS", " virtual/libx11 virtual/egl ") } CTSDIR = "/usr/lib/${BPN}" FILES:${PN} += "${CTSDIR}"