DESCRIPTION = "Meet Cloud9, development-as-a-service for Javascripters and other developers" HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "GPLv3" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=4784c3bcff601fd8f9515f52a11e7018" PR = "r2" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=git" SRCREV = "08bae1d1cc2ba9f7f883a25afd07f0339a82fa8b" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" # Most of cloud9 is in git submodules that still need to be fetched. do_configure_prepend () { git submodule update --init --recursive } # There's nothing left to be compiled at this time. # node-o3-xml is the only compiled code module in here. # The repository has binaries for: # Linux ARM armv7 # Linux x86 32/64-bit # Sun Solaris 32-bit # Mac x86 32/64-bit # Windows x86 32-bit do_compile () { : } do_install () { install -m 0755 -d ${D}/usr/share/cloud9 ${D}${bindir} ${D}/var/lib/cloud9 rsync -r --exclude=".*" ${S}/* ${D}/usr/share/cloud9 for i in cygwin darwin linux32 linux64 sunos ; do rm -f ${D}/usr/share/cloud9/support/node-builds-v4/*$i* rm -f ${D}/usr/share/cloud9/support/jsdav/support/node-o3-xml-v4/lib/o3-xml/*$i* rm -f ${D}//usr/share/cloud9/support/gnu-builds/*$i* done touch ${D}${bindir}/cloud9 echo "#!/bin/sh" > ${D}${bindir}/cloud9 echo "node /usr/share/cloud9/bin/cloud9.js -l -w /var/lib/cloud9 -p 3000" >> ${D}${bindir}/cloud9 chmod 0755 ${D}${bindir}/cloud9 } FILES_${PN}-dbg += "/usr/share/cloud9/support/jsdav/support/node-o3-xml-v4/lib/o3-xml/.debug" RDEPENDS_${PN} = "nodejs gzip"