path: root/meta-python
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-12-27python-django: update to version 1.11.8Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-pytest-runner: update to version 3.0Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-werkzeug: update to version 0.13Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-pysocks: update to version 1.6.8Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-automat: fix build dependencies to avoid download during do_compileDerek Straka
2017-12-27python-twisted: avoid downloading build dependenciesMark Asselstine
2017-12-27python-pyopenssl: update to version 17.5.0Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-aws-iot-device-sdk-python: update to version 1.3.1Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-ipaddress: update to version 1.0.19Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-pylint: update to version 1.8.1Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-webencodings: update RDEPENDS to include jsonDerek Straka
2017-12-27python-html5lib: update to version 1.0.1Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-pycparser: update RDEPENDS to add plyDerek Straka
2017-12-27python-pymisp: update to version 2.4.84Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-pytest: update to version 3.3.1Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-pluggy: add initial recipe for version 0.6.0Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-cryptography-vectors: update to version 2.1.4Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-cryptography: update to version 2.1.4Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-attr: update to version 0.3.1Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-asn1crypto: update to version 0.24.0Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-simplejson: update to version 3.13.2Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-pandas: update to version 0.21.1Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-psutil: update to version 5.4.2Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-astroid: update to version 1.6.0Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-pymongo: update to version 3.6.0Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-pexpect: update to version 4.3.1Derek Straka
2017-12-27python-flask-login: update to version 0.4.1Derek Straka
2017-12-26python3-blinker: new recipeBill Randle
2017-12-26python-blinker: move core recipe code to .inc fileBill Randle
2017-12-22python-pyroute2: uprev to v0.4.21 (from 0.3.22)Mark Asselstine
2017-12-22python[3]-flask-xstatic: new recipesBill Randle
2017-12-22python[3]-xstatic-font-awesome: new recipesBill Randle
2017-12-22python[3]-xstatic: new recipesBill Randle
2017-12-22python[3]-flask-babel: new recipesBill Randle
2017-12-22python[3]-speaklater: new recipesBill Randle
2017-12-22python[3]-flask-user: new recipesBill Randle
2017-12-22python[3]-flask-mail: new recipesBill Randle
2017-12-22python[3]-flask-script: new recipesBill Randle
2017-12-22python[3]-flask-uploads: new recipesBill Randle
2017-12-22python[3]-flask-nav: new recipesBill Randle
2017-12-22python[3]-fask-migrate: new recipesBill Randle
2017-12-22python[3]-alembic: new recipesBill Randle
2017-12-22python[3]-editor: new recipesBill Randle
2017-12-22python3-wtforms: new recipeBill Randle
2017-12-22python-wtforms: move core of recipe to a .inc fileBill Randle
2017-12-22python3-visitor: new recipeBill Randle
2017-12-22python-visitor: move core of recipe to a .inc fileBill Randle
2017-12-22python3-flask-wtf: new recipeBill Randle
2017-12-22python-flask-wtf: move core of recipe to a .inc fileBill Randle
2017-12-22python3-flask-sqlalchemy: new recipeBill Randle