path: root/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/python/python-pyudev_0.16.1.bb
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Diffstat (limited to 'meta-oe/recipes-devtools/python/python-pyudev_0.16.1.bb')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/python/python-pyudev_0.16.1.bb b/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/python/python-pyudev_0.16.1.bb
index 741d037cc0..964b5f92b5 100644
--- a/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/python/python-pyudev_0.16.1.bb
+++ b/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/python/python-pyudev_0.16.1.bb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-DESCRIPTION = "A libudev binding"
+SUMMARY = "A libudev binding"
HOMEPAGE = "http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyudev"
SECTION = "devel/python"
n class="nc">BBProgress(progressbar.ProgressBar): def __init__(self, msg, maxval): self.msg = msg progressbar.ProgressBar.__init__(self, maxval, [self.msg + ": "] + widgets) class NonInteractiveProgress(object): fobj = sys.stdout def __init__(self, msg, maxval): self.msg = msg self.maxval = maxval def start(self): self.fobj.write("%s..." % self.msg) self.fobj.flush() return self def update(self, value): pass def finish(self): self.fobj.write("done.\n") self.fobj.flush() class BBLogFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Formatter which ensures that our 'plain' messages (logging.INFO + 1) are used as is""" def format(self, record): if record.levelno == logging.INFO + 1: return record.getMessage() else: return logging.Formatter.format(self, record) def init(server, eventHandler): # Get values of variables which control our output includelogs = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "BBINCLUDELOGS"]) loglines = server.runCommand(["getVariable", "BBINCLUDELOGS_LINES"]) helper = uihelper.BBUIHelper() # Set up logging to stdout in our usual format logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, "NOTE") logging.addLevelName(logging.CRITICAL, "ERROR") for level in xrange(logging.INFO - 1, logging.DEBUG + 1, -1): logging.addLevelName(level, logging.getLevelName(logging.INFO)) for level in xrange(logging.DEBUG - 1, 0, -1): logging.addLevelName(level, logging.getLevelName(logging.DEBUG)) console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) format = BBLogFormatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s") console.setFormatter(format) logger.addHandler(console) try: cmdline = server.runCommand(["getCmdLineAction"]) if not cmdline: return 1 ret = server.runCommand(cmdline) if ret != True: print("Couldn't get default commandline! %s" % ret) return 1 except xmlrpclib.Fault as x: print("XMLRPC Fault getting commandline:\n %s" % x) return 1 parseprogress = None interactive = os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) shutdown = 0 return_value = 0 while True: try: event = eventHandler.waitEvent(0.25) if event is None: continue helper.eventHandler(event) if isinstance(event, bb.runqueue.runQueueExitWait): if not shutdown: shutdown = 1 if shutdown and helper.needUpdate: activetasks, failedtasks = helper.getTasks() if activetasks: print("Waiting for %s active tasks to finish:" % len(activetasks)) for tasknum, task in enumerate(activetasks): print("%s: %s (pid %s)" % (tasknum, activetasks[task]["title"], task)) if isinstance(event, logging.LogRecord): logger.handle(event) continue if isinstance(event, bb.build.TaskFailed): return_value = 1 logfile = event.logfile if logfile and os.path.exists(logfile): print("ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: %s" % logfile) if 1 or includelogs: print("Log data follows:") f = open(logfile, "r") lines = [] while True: l = f.readline() if l == '': break l = l.rstrip() if loglines: lines.append(' | %s' % l) if len(lines) > int(loglines): lines.pop(0) else: print('| %s' % l) f.close() if lines: for line in lines: print(line) if isinstance(event, bb.build.TaskBase): logger.info(event._message) continue if isinstance(event, bb.event.ParseStarted): if interactive: progress = BBProgress else: progress = NonInteractiveProgress parseprogress = progress("Parsing recipes", event.total).start() continue if isinstance(event, bb.event.ParseProgress): parseprogress.update(event.current) continue if isinstance(event, bb.event.ParseCompleted): parseprogress.finish() print(("Parsing of %d .bb files complete (%d cached, %d parsed). %d targets, %d skipped, %d masked, %d errors." % ( event.total, event.cached, event.parsed, event.virtuals, event.skipped, event.masked, event.errors))) continue if isinstance(event, bb.command.CookerCommandCompleted): break if isinstance(event, bb.command.CookerCommandSetExitCode): return_value = event.exitcode continue if isinstance(event, bb.command.CookerCommandFailed): return_value = 1 logger.error("Command execution failed: %s" % event.error) break if isinstance(event, bb.cooker.CookerExit): break if isinstance(event, bb.event.MultipleProviders): logger.info("multiple providers are available for %s%s (%s)", event._is_runtime and "runtime " or "", event._item, ", ".join(event._candidates)) logger.info("consider defining a PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry to match %s", event._item) continue if isinstance(event, bb.event.NoProvider): if event._runtime: r = "R" else: r = "" if event._dependees: logger.error("Nothing %sPROVIDES '%s' (but %s %sDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)", r, event._item, ", ".join(event._dependees), r) else: logger.error("Nothing %sPROVIDES '%s'", r, event._item) continue # ignore if isinstance(event, (bb.event.BuildBase, bb.event.StampUpdate, bb.event.ConfigParsed, bb.event.RecipeParsed, bb.runqueue.runQueueEvent, bb.runqueue.runQueueExitWait)): continue logger.error("Unknown event: %s", event) except KeyboardInterrupt: if shutdown == 2: print("\nThird Keyboard Interrupt, exit.\n") break if shutdown == 1: print("\nSecond Keyboard Interrupt, stopping...\n") server.runCommand(["stateStop"]) if shutdown == 0: print("\nKeyboard Interrupt, closing down...\n") server.runCommand(["stateShutdown"]) shutdown = shutdown + 1 pass return return_value