path: root/meta-webserver/recipes-httpd/apache2/apache2_2.4.6.bb
diff options
authorPaul Eggleton <paul.eggleton@linux.intel.com>2013-08-19 14:45:55 +0100
committerPaul Eggleton <paul.eggleton@linux.intel.com>2013-08-27 16:39:31 +0100
commite25a025f9ed15f37c114e84484df3d77d392c09a (patch)
treefedba4f58018fbaedf21b604a60d1546adc24b55 /meta-webserver/recipes-httpd/apache2/apache2_2.4.6.bb
parentb7a91f226ac6f6138a0d975117d37488886b9f38 (diff)
apache2: update to 2.4.6
Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <paul.eggleton@linux.intel.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-webserver/recipes-httpd/apache2/apache2_2.4.6.bb')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta-webserver/recipes-httpd/apache2/apache2_2.4.6.bb b/meta-webserver/recipes-httpd/apache2/apache2_2.4.6.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f230f94070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-webserver/recipes-httpd/apache2/apache2_2.4.6.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "The Apache HTTP Server is a powerful, efficient, and \
+extensible web server."
+SUMMARY = "Apache HTTP Server"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://httpd.apache.org/"
+DEPENDS = "libtool-native apache2-native openssl expat pcre apr apr-util"
+SECTION = "net"
+LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"
+SRC_URI = "http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/httpd-${PV}.tar.bz2 \
+ file://server-makefile.patch \
+ file://httpd-2.4.1-corelimit.patch \
+ file://httpd-2.4.4-export.patch \
+ file://httpd-2.4.1-selinux.patch \
+ file://httpd-2.4.4-r1332643.patch \
+ file://apache-configure_perlbin.patch \
+ file://replace-lynx-to-curl-in-apachectl-script.patch \
+ file://apache-ssl-ltmain-rpath.patch \
+ file://httpd-2.4.3-fix-race-issue-of-dir-install.patch \
+ file://init"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=eff226ae95d0516d6210ed77dfdf2dcc"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "ea5e361ca37b8d7853404419dd502efe"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "dc9f3625ebc08bea55eeb0d16e71fba656f252e6cd0aa244ee7806dc3b022fea"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/httpd-${PV}"
+inherit autotools update-rc.d
+CFLAGS_append = " -DPATH_MAX=4096"
+CFLAGS_prepend = "-I${STAGING_INCDIR}/openssl "
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-ssl \
+ --with-ssl=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/.. \
+ --with-expat=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/.. \
+ --with-apr=${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS}/apr-1-config \
+ --with-apr-util=${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS}/apu-1-config \
+ --enable-info \
+ --enable-rewrite \
+ --with-dbm=sdbm \
+ --with-berkeley-db=no \
+ --localstatedir=/var/${BPN} \
+ --with-gdbm=no \
+ --with-ndbm=no \
+ --includedir=${includedir}/${BPN} \
+ --datadir=${datadir}/${BPN} \
+ --sysconfdir=${sysconfdir}/${BPN} \
+ --libexecdir=${libdir}/${BPN}/modules \
+ ap_cv_void_ptr_lt_long=no \
+ --enable-mpms-shared \
+ ac_cv_have_threadsafe_pollset=no"
+do_install_append() {
+ install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/init.d
+ cat ${WORKDIR}/init | \
+ sed -e 's,/usr/sbin/,${sbindir}/,g' \
+ -e 's,/usr/bin/,${bindir}/,g' \
+ -e 's,/usr/lib,${libdir}/,g' \
+ -e 's,/etc/,${sysconfdir}/,g' \
+ -e 's,/usr/,${prefix}/,g' > ${D}/${sysconfdir}/init.d/${BPN}
+ chmod 755 ${D}/${sysconfdir}/init.d/${BPN}
+ # remove the goofy original files...
+ rm -rf ${D}/${sysconfdir}/${BPN}/original
+ # Expat should be found in the staging area via DEPENDS...
+ rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/libexpat.*
+ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/${BPN}/conf.d
+ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/${BPN}/modules.d
+ # Ensure configuration file pulls in conf.d and modules.d
+ printf "\nIncludeOptional ${sysconfdir}/${BPN}/conf.d/*.conf" >> ${D}/${sysconfdir}/${BPN}/httpd.conf
+ printf "\nIncludeOptional ${sysconfdir}/${BPN}/modules.d/*.conf\n\n" >> ${D}/${sysconfdir}/${BPN}/httpd.conf
+ # match with that is in init script
+ printf "\nPidFile /run/httpd.pid" >> ${D}/${sysconfdir}/${BPN}/httpd.conf
+SYSROOT_PREPROCESS_FUNCS += "apache_sysroot_preprocess"
+apache_sysroot_preprocess () {
+ install -d ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${bindir_crossscripts}/
+ install -m 755 ${D}${bindir}/apxs ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${bindir_crossscripts}/
+ sed -i 's!my $installbuilddir = .*!my $installbuilddir = "${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/${datadir}/${BPN}/build";!' ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${bindir_crossscripts}/apxs
+ sed -i 's!my $libtool = .*!my $libtool = "${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS}/${TARGET_PREFIX}libtool";!' ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${bindir_crossscripts}/apxs
+ sed -i 's!^APR_CONFIG = .*!APR_CONFIG = ${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS}/apr-1-config!' ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${datadir}/${BPN}/build/config_vars.mk
+ sed -i 's!^APU_CONFIG = .*!APU_CONFIG = ${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS}/apu-1-config!' ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${datadir}/${BPN}/build/config_vars.mk
+ sed -i 's!^includedir = .*!includedir = ${STAGING_INCDIR}/apache2!' ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${datadir}/${BPN}/build/config_vars.mk
+# implications - used by update-rc.d scripts
+INITSCRIPT_NAME = "apache2"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "defaults 91 20"
+LEAD_SONAME = "libapr-1.so.0"
+PACKAGES = "${PN}-doc ${PN}-dev ${PN}-dbg ${PN}"
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/${BPN}/httpd.conf \
+ ${sysconfdir}/${BPN}/magic \
+ ${sysconfdir}/${BPN}/mime.types \
+ ${sysconfdir}/init.d/${BPN} "
+# we override here rather than append so that .so links are
+# included in the runtime package rather than here (-dev)
+# and to get build, icons, error into the -dev package
+FILES_${PN}-dev = "${datadir}/${BPN}/build \
+ ${datadir}/${BPN}/icons \
+ ${datadir}/${BPN}/error \
+ ${bindir}/apr-config ${bindir}/apu-config \
+ ${libdir}/apr*.exp \
+ ${includedir}/${BPN} \
+ ${libdir}/*.la \
+ ${libdir}/*.a"
+# manual to manual
+FILES_${PN}-doc += " ${datadir}/${BPN}/manual"
+# override this too - here is the default, less datadir
+FILES_${PN} = "${bindir} ${sbindir} ${libexecdir} ${libdir}/lib*.so.* ${sysconfdir} \
+ ${sharedstatedir} ${localstatedir} /bin /sbin /lib/*.so* \
+ ${libdir}/${BPN}"
+# we want htdocs and cgi-bin to go with the binary
+FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/${BPN}/htdocs ${datadir}/${BPN}/cgi-bin"
+#make sure the lone .so links also get wrapped in the base package
+FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/lib*.so ${libdir}/pkgconfig/*"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/${BPN}/modules/.debug"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "openssl libgcc"