The OpenEmbedded build infrastructure now has a fairly sane event handling core. The following are the events which get fired at appropriate points during the build process: TaskStarted: TaskFailed: TaskSucceeded: The task status event classes have a 'task' attribute, which is simply a string containing the task to which this event applies. They also have a 'data' attribute, which contains the environment data of the package in question. PkgStarted: PkgSucceeded: PkgFailed: The package build status event classes are a bit higher level. That is, they reflect the overall build status of a given package as a whole, without the task level breakdown. The 'package' attribute is a string which contains the package which failed, in the usual form (i.e. content/glibc-2.3.1-r0). TODO: UnsatisfiedDep RecursiveDep MultipleProviders Add 'log' data to the task and package builds, which contains the stdout and stderr of the task/package which succeeded/failed, so that email notifications of failures can include the build log.